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Hi! Is this question an example of a question that should be closed with the typo close reason? My comment solved the OP's problem.
@JeanneDark The thing you have to ask yourself is, would the answer to that question be useful to future readers (e.g., would others be likely to have the same problem and be helped by reading the answer)? It's a bit like trying to predict the future, but usually easier than it sounds. In this case, I think that is a good example of a question that should be closed for that reason. Or..
...it actually might make sense to spend a few minutes looking for a duplicate, since mixing up comparison and assignment is a common mistake, and there's probably already a Q&A about it explaining the difference.
I don't even know why I mash on the keyboard, I'll just leave it to you.
@CodyGray But it wouldn't be a useful duplicate with the that title. The title doesn't tell you much
@JeanneDark No, you're right. I don't mean that it should be left as a duplicate signpost. Just that closing it as a duplicate would be a faster way of getting it closed (gold badge holders can close a question as a dupe with a single vote; closing as a typo always takes 3 votes). Plus, if you hadn't already answered it in a comment, it would get the asker their answer faster.
Either way, that needs to be deleted, because it lacks lasting value. The only question is which close reason does it get as the first step to deletion.
(Closure is always the first step to deletion. We hope that closed questions will get edited and reopened, but it doesn't always happen. And anything that needs to be deleted will always get closed first, before the deletion happens.)
@CodyGray Thank you for your explanations! I learn a lot from them!
@JeanneDark That's the idea!
Is this java Question OK? Or should it explain what it's trying to do? It's not possible to run it, since there are references to stuff that's not included.
Ok then. Thanks :)
Yeah, I wanted to migrate that, but...I can't in it its current form.
Aside from CR's rules, you can't really know how to improve code when you don't have a spec, or at least *some *description of its intended function.
I thought that code review was for complete running code. So that I could take it, compile it and then run it.
@CodyGray Except at work, where you're just handed a task to make working code run better.. :D
@Scratte then ideally you should use the resources at your own work before asking :p
@Scratte It needs to work, yes. But it doesn't have to be a complete program... a single function is fine. You just need to define the inputs and expected outputs.
@JonClements You mean: Don't post it to Stack Overflow?
I've never once been handed working code at work. How nice that must be.
@CodyGray That's a nightmare!.. I keep getting those tasks, because I'm good a cleaning stuff up. It starts with a minor bug, but fixing that makes a bug somewhere else.. and the entire thing from 12 years ago with no spec needs to be rewritten.
Should this java Question be edited to include the error and input / output as text?
It that spam or not? Looks like spam to me but i'm not sure
nah, it doesn't seem like spam
probably just someone who doesn't know how the site works
OK, thanks :)
@S.S.Anne Nice to see you here :)
Thanks. It's been a while.
Yes. I wondered about what. But I'm happy you're back :)
I just had other stuff going on
@CodyGray I completely agree. It's basically rolling back the concepts for web design by 25 years. It, effectively, makes CSS into just a compression method for writing individual CSS properties in a style.
Is there a rule that Room Owners can't be moderators?
Not that I know of
I made room owners red and moderators blue. I guess I'll have to make you purple, if you win :)
When Makyen and I ran last year we discussed internally and no RO felt there was a conflict of interest
Ok. Thanks :) I just thought I saw something about it, so I was curious :)
Makyen is sure taking a lot of time with the nomination...
@Dharman I'm getting worried about that. I hope it's because it takes time to write short, precise answers :)
@Scratte and Dharman - me too, I have already nagged :=)
@halfer Was the reply: I'm thinking about it? :)
@Scratte No reply yet, I am expecting a corker in due course
I suspect it is still being crafted :=).
Corker: n. One that corks bottles, for example
At least that will be a different approach to moderating :D
When a moderator handles an NAA flag, does it say who the flagger was in any obvious way, or do they have to go look for it, if they want to know?
I'm pretty sure the user name is on the screen, but I have no idea how prominent it is.
@Scratte They always know. It's always Dharman.
@NathanOliver I was hoping for a screenshot :)
@AdrianMole I wish. They don't give me enough flags.
@Scratte It's about as prominent as it is on your own flag page.
Oh.. on my flag page it's tiny.. like I can't even see it's a ?!? If you mean the flag-summary page.
I should rename myself to "Helpful" in order to hypnotize of subconsciously suggest the action :D
Does this looks like an off-site resource?
@Machavity It's okay in my eyes
@Machavity I think it's OK as well
Thanks folks. I NAAed the NATO answer
Man, I can't believe I was like this a few months ago! stackoverflow.com/q/62813888/12708583
@10Rep You have age on your side. You learn fast. Others.. are slower :D
@10Rep There are certainly some comments there that should be flagged.
@Scratte Yup, but a few months ago, think. I was rude to people who closed my questions
@IanCampbell Don't worry, I flagged them all.
@10Rep Oh. Some people never learn to behave.. I'm happy for you :)
@10Rep I noticed a small inconsistency when you said "3 users agreed that this is indeed a duplicate". That's not what happened, but I don't advice you go and correct that :)
@Scratte Yeah. Bryan Oakley has dupe hammer. I figured that out a min later.
But still, a clear dupe
Ok :)
@tripleee What a fascinating post, I need to track down this question template that includes a table of contents.
@IanCampbell is that spam? It's asking a legitimate "server fault"-type question about a shady website, but shady developers have problems too. I deleted the link.
Obviously they're affiliated, but that's noted in the question.
I'm out of votes or I'd CV as off-topic.
I think it's spam. There's no other legitimate reason not to warn the reader that it could get them in trouble with their employer.
Well, I've solved that problem, at least, with my edit.
Yes, I very much appreciated it.
Let's at least get it closed, just in case
I really would prefer not to get an email from the hospital IS being like, "why are you visiting escort websites?"
"No really, there's a very good explanation!"
Yeah, no question about that. I added a scolding comment as well.
I think it's spam, and if not, it's almost certainly abusive. Either way, I'd be happy for a system-wide filter to prevent posts like that.
Can a moderator mark themselves as inactive? And then just not moderate for while?
Seems odd to step down then, what that's an option.
Well a break is supposed to be temporary. Stepping down is "permanent".
The recent spate of mods "stepping down" was more a 'political statement' than a mass need for rest.
Specifically, a statement that "If this is how SE, Inc. plans to handle these situations, then I'm gone, forever"
Some have come back, though.
@10Rep I like your cv-pls requests but I would like to remind you that you do not need to ask for each post to be closed in this room. Please use close-flags and let the review handle it too. If the review is not able to handle it then you can ask us here. Remember that we have limited time and limited flags.
@Dharman Ok. I'll keep that in mind. I'll post them here when I run out of flags.
Particularly at this time of the day. I have only 2 del votes left. Dharman is slacking.
I only have 9 flags left.
@10Rep I usually cast a close vote, wait for a day, check if it got closed, and if it didn't I bring it here.
Ok, I think I'll bring my unreviewed flags here.
@IanCampbell I have actually been really busy lately and I am exhausted today.
:O So.. today you will not be deleting everything? :D
@Dharman Just a joke, I fully support your delete everything mission. I can only imagine that running for mod is extremely taxing.
@IanCampbell That and obviously full time work
Honestly, I've been trying to catch up on the election chat, and I'm still on morning yesterday. I do not understand how other people can keep up :(
@Dharman What? You mean we have real jobs?
Yes, and someone wants to pay us. Absolute mad men
I'm not sure they want to pay us. It's more of enlightened self-interest
@IanCampbell Who says everyone has a job?
@Scratte Don't waste too much time. Just read the important bits. Some of it was totally boring
or when you are in the meeting read the chat on your phone
@Dharman I don't have good scanning eyes. I don't know if it's important unless I read it :)
Well, just look for my avatar, and I'm sure you can skip over that part at least.
lol! Or I can just check your chatprofile and just read that :)
@KenWhite Already closed.
@10Rep You can ask if you have a very good reason for it. This looks like an answer, so I am not sure why you would want us to delete it. If you think something is not an answer then please flag as NAA.
I already flagged as NAA.
Was it declined?
It's pending
It's too trivial: I know the user doesn't have enough rep, but it should be a comment.
Trivial answers are still answers. If you don't like the answer you can downvote it.
If you have flagged it then wait and see if a mod agrees with you and deletes it.
Ok then.
I don't see any reason to ask people in this room to take exceptional route for this answer.
@10Rep Your NAA flag for that answer was wrong. It's an attempt (although rather poor) to answer the question. I'd be willing to bet your flag will be declined.
@KenWhite What should I flag it as? VLQ?
VLQ and NAA is the same
This answer is not flaggable, that is the sad truth
From the descripttion of NAA flag: It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
We can only downvote
This should not be a comment, it tries to answer the question
Ok then. I'll retract my flag.
@10Rep It's not VLQ either, which is the same as NAA. That answer should not be flagged or deleted. If you think it's not a good answer, the appropriate action is to downvote it.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, per #29
@Makyen s/29/28/
@Makyen Are you busy? With say.. writing answers? :)
@Scratte I was currently investigating a re-occurrence of WebSocket issues on SE.
@Makyen Oh. That's not what I was hoping you were doing.. But yes, that "feature" seems to be back.

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