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I have 87 pending flags...
dang, my record is 30-some I think
@Dharman Thoughts on whether that is a class of problem caused by that "typo" and thus potentially helpful to future visitors? I don't know the framework.
@Dharman For what mainly?
@RyanM I don't know Java, but in general you are right. This kind of typos could be useful. I don't think this one is useful though. You can try to change my mind, but even if you think this is useful there is probably tens of duplicate for this already.
@Daniil Voting fraud
@Dharman Oh, how do you detect that?
You find people who got very much rep very quickly disproportionate to the amount of posts they have added to the site recently and then you check their reputation page. If you can see any sign that they could be in control of multiple accounts you flag.
@Dharman How do you find people who got very much rep very quickly disproportionate to the amount of posts they have added to the site recently?
I leave that as an exercise to the reader.
Best of luck in the election by the way @Dharman
SD reports come in, cv-pls reports go out...
@RyanM I will spread the word to ignore your flags...
@CodyGray they're artisanal flags! every one hand-crafted.
You jest, but that’s actually a thing. Some of our flags are raised by bot, never touched by human hands.
I do jest, but I was mostly thinking of the various community-run auto-flagging systems (my account isn't attached to any of those)
@Dharman If you have the space, can you edit a link to your questionnaire answers to your nomination post?
(Not urgent, by recommended and done by the other candidates. I know the character limit is right there, but you should be able to shorten the link to your Meta answer enough to get it to fit.)
Quick favor: can someone who has 10k look at this? I saw a link to it from another question, but I can't see the question itself to see if it's worth resurrecting or not.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica it's very broad and primarily opinion based. The entire question is "I've searched on the Internet for comparisons between F# and Haskell but haven't found anything really definitive. What are the primary differences and why would I want to choose one over the other?"
@Machavity Should the answer on that be flagged as VLQ, or is the question kind of asking for link-only answers?
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Actually...yeah. I’ve undeleted and applied a historical lock to that. Even though it’s clearly off-topic for SO, I think it has accumulated some useful and interesting responses, so I’d like to see those preserved, rather than destroyed or lost.
@Nick Thanks, I suspected as much but couldn't see it to be sure.
I’d be curious to know what all the mod candidates think about that particular question, whether it should be deleted or locked.
I'm getting close to 10k, I'm only 700 rep short at this point.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica How about your nomination? Getting close to that? ;-)
@CodyGray I think a historical lock is a good outcome for that post.
@Nick Ewww...
Historical locks are the worst solution to any problem.
@Nick Yeah, that and deletion are the only viable options. It’ll never get reopened or anything like that.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica it’s not link-only. Those “links” are the API endpoints that the question is asking for. So it’s not NAA.
@Braiam I wish I knew a better solution
wow, ten people on that delete vote.
@CodyGray Move it somewhere else where it isn't undesired.
Case in point: list of free programming books :D
I'm hereby announcing my area51 proposal: vagueopinionbasedprogrammingquestions.stackexchange.com
@RyanM The number of delete votes required changes according to the popularity of the question.
@Braiam Where might that be?
@CodyGray I know, I'm just impressed.
@CodyGray Well, in the case of the list of free books, a github repository.
Yeah, that would maybe work. Except for the broken link problem.
But that doesn’t work for opinion-based questions like these that have managed to accumulate interesting answers.
Nah, you just leave a comment telling people were to find it, and google does the rest :)
But then we have to leave the Q&A undeleted.
@CodyGray That's the thing, what is your objective?
@CodyGray Just the Q.
My objectives are (a) not throwing away the meaningful work others have done, (b) not breaking links, and (c) not making the Internet worse by destroying value just because our site’s standards have (reasonably and correctly) changed over the years.
a: the content is still accessible elsewhere, so not lost; b: links can and do change, it's not our responsibility to keep them from breaking until the end of times; c: see a.
If that were your objectives, we would have never deleted the list free of programming books
Just follow the actions we did back then, everything would be fine (just search "free programming books", it is the first result).
To be fair, I might not have deleted that
Not sure. Don’t really remember.
Luckily they include the link to the original question, just look at the timeline.
For me that question is testament that removing content from SO is not inherently destructive, but instead liberating. I'm sure that on SO that list wouldn't thrive as it did on the github repository.
@Braiam That’s true. Good to know. But which came first? The move to GitHub or the deletion?
@CodyGray AFAIK, it was coordinated. The Q stayed up with a link to the repository for a while. In 2015 the internet archive says it was deleted, and the repo was up in 2014, so about 12 months of overlap.
Makes sense, yeah. Some coordination is required. That’s a far better outcome than a historical lock because the content can actually be edited and maintained. The problem is, finding a place to set it up, coordinating the move, getting people to maintain, etc. Easier said than done.
I wish our tag wikis didn’t suck, because then that’d be a better place for some of this stuff.
Sometimes, not even that is required. The list of json libraries was literally made obsolete by the json org listing libraries in their page :)
Well, the SO version was already obsolete, the nail in the coffin was that there was a viable alternative already.
Agreed. Listing links to versions, etc. in the tag wikis is basically useless.
It's also important to remember, SO has zero motivation on maintaining those questions. Telling people that it would be deleted, could stir motivation into someone interested in maintaining them.
When the historical lock was announced, it was sold as a temporary solution ("we would be very sad this content is deleted because our rules"). And we all know what happens with temporary solutions.
If I was given the opportunity to summit a list of 5 things to change of the SE tooling, one of them would be that all locks by default are self expiring by either removing the lock or removing the content locked.
@Braiam While I’m sure that’s true, I’m not the biggest fan of motivating by threats.
It's called carrot and stick. If the carrot doesn't work, you use the stick.
@Braiam Not sure if you are or have been a mod anywhere on the network, but when applying a lock, mods can choose the duration. For historical locks, permanent is the default. For others, time limits are the default. But you can pick any expiration date you want really. I just don’t see the point in expiring historical locks.
@CodyGray That's exactly my point: no lock should be "forever". Maximum 365 days.
The option shouldn't be there at all.
So what would be the purpose of a historical lock that expires? Seems like that whole category would be useless. And what would happen after expiration? It would unlock? Then what?
The sites are fluid and stuff changes all the time. Having the option of freezing garbage in time is incompatible with that principle.
Garbage has to be transformed into something useful for the site or removed.
@CodyGray Then the people that is there at that time has to take a decision on what to do. Kicking the can down the proverbial road forever doesn't solve anything.
Re the above question, what do you do when someone answers a question in a foreign language in English? I can't tell if the answer makes any sense...
Seems like most people recommend doing nothing.
@Nick You close the question.
@Makyen I have VTC, but should the answer be NAA since you can't tell if it's an answer or not?
Close the question, flag the answer. We don’t allow non-English content under any circumstances.
@Nick It looks like an attempt to answer, so it's not NAA.
@CodyGray What would you recommend flagging that answer as?
I don’t know. I’m on mobile. I can’t find the question or answer anymore.
Ah, that answer is in English, and it is an attempt to answer. Probably not flaggable. I’d downvote, though. The real solution is to delete the whole question.
@ChristopherMoore That doesn't need an MCVE. it's not a debugging question. We all know what realloc is; we don't need to see example code that calls realloc. That's just a waste of everyone's time. I strongly disagree that there is any basis on which to close that question, other than as a duplicate (which it is, and I've closed it as such).
@RyanM You knew just wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what they can do!
hahaha. I was tempted to scold them for that, but the info was all there so I decided not to.
@RyanM No, you still need to. See my comment as an example.
In the cases where all the info is there, scolding is the appropriate action. Otherwise, flag it for nuke deployment.
@CodyGray Can I use that comment (with edits for the situation, obviously)? It serves nicely.
@RyanM Yes, everything here is licensed under CC BY-SA. I'll give you permission to use it without attribution.
You may want to soften the wording a bit, since your comment doesn't (yet) come with a diamond attached. That's up to you. I do me.
Use without attribution was the bit I needed. Citing in canned comments is ...well, it'd be a mess ("as a wise moderator once said..."), and I'd hate to plagiarize :-)
Yeah, that would be a mess.
Just promise you think of me every time you use it :-)
hahaha. Sure, as long as I remember it was yours :-)
On the bright side, you guys mad it run!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!
@IanCampbell is that what the follow-up comments said? I didn't load them before they deleted it.
Indeed "it run!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!" was the follow up comment. Somehow that makes me happy, and I will now think of that every time I see a 🙏 reaction
That's because we didn't post an answer, so there was no place for the asker to click indicating they were washing their hands of us.
Another one of those non-existent RecyclerViews, which I recently learned about.
@CodyGray No, RecyclerViews are very real, it's RecyclerAdapters that don't exist
I see. You can recycle a view, but not an adapter.
What about a RecyclerAdapterView?
Or a RecyclerViewAdapter?
There is an AdapterView (mostly unrelated) and a RecyclerView.Adapter (very related)
(the latter is what people mean when they say RecyclerAdapter, but since every RecyclerView needs an adapter, there's no reasonable use-case for a separate tag...)
Not gonna lie, this API sounds terrible.
I've spent a nontrivial amount of my time the last few weeks trying to name the equivalent of RecyclerView for a new framework...
@CodyGray It is the kitchen sink of APIs, it has about 10 million features and people want it to do everything. The original Android View system was not really designed with composability in mind. Or fancy animations in a list. Or lots of other things. RecyclerView does all that and more, works within the rules of the View system, and fits it all into one god-component that does everything. This is, at times...suboptimal.
@RyanM Try to pick a name that actually describes what it does. I couldn't in a million years guess what a RecyclerView does.
We have some great slides on how much shorter it is in the new framework.
Ugh, god components
@CodyGray New name is LazyColumn/LazyRow (and derivatives). More obvious? :-)
@RyanM Why is it lazy?
It populates views from data as they're needed so that if you have a list of 100,000 items, your phone doesn't freeze for 10 seconds when it loads.
(this is also the "recycling" referred to by RecyclerView - except that recycling also re-uses the inflated Views, because that's more expensive in the View framework)
There are many, many questions on SO resulting from people not understanding that re-use...I should write a canonical.
I see. Well, lazy definitely makes more sense than recycler.
But let me ask you this: why is that behavior not the default? Why would you not default to lazy-loading and recycling, so that this doesn't even require a special name?
Couple reasons. 1) It's a different API shape. You can either list out every child (imagine HTML), or you can give a function that transforms a piece of data into the child corresponding to that data (there's not really a great way to do this in HTML). 2) Because you don't know the size of every item, it limits what you can do to some degree. So things like knowing exactly how far you've scrolled (for scrollbars, etc.) become a lot less straightforward.
@Makyen Why is it that the links to the transcript in your auto-generated "moved" messages never seem to be in a sensible place? You moved two of my messages (one deleted, one not) to the Graveyard, but when I click on the "24 messages" link to the transcript, I can't find my moved messages anywhere. Yet, if I actually enter the room, they're right there. What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to orient myself to find the recently moved messages.
We've actually toyed with this idea but have yet to figure out how it'd work reasonably. The problem is that we'd need a way to control execution within the function that defines the children in order to jump around to arbitrary children and execute that part, and that would be deep, confusing compiler magic.
(and we've already got compiler magic aplenty)
I'm not entirely sure I have enough context to understand what that means.
@CodyGray Speculation: it links to the first message moved.
@RyanM Sure, but...why aren't the subsequent messages listed right underneath?
The messages are sorted by date posted, not date moved into the channel.
@RyanM How can there be other messages in-between, though, when that's a gallery chat room?
And, why is it different when I join the room?
@CodyGray The framework is similar to React in that the children of a component are generated by executing a function, but you could kind of imagine the same is true of other layout frameworks. Imagine you want to give me a list of your children. If I want laziness to be default, you can't give me a list, because you have to eagerly create an entry in that list for every child. You can only give a function that produces a child for a given index.
So we default to (effectively) "give us a list" and allow users to opt-in to "give us a function".
@RyanM You know that doesn't help, right? I don't know anything about React, other than it involves JavaScript and web stuff.
But yes, that does make sense.
I know how lazy loading works. I've used it numerous times in Win32. Generally, when I use it, all the content is assumed to be the same size. You only lazy-load in something like a listbox/listview.
@CodyGray Unfortunately, those links have always been poor to terrible when moving multiple messages. My impression of them is that they always link to the oldest message which was moved. The rest of the messages which were moved can be anywhere in the transcript, slotted in wherever they fit based on the time they were posted. I'm not aware of an easy way to determine a list of the messages which were moved, other than
A) monitor the notifications which come into the room about moved messages, or B) go through the events, individually getting message histories to see when and if the message was moved and by whom.
Because people make mistakes from time to time, the Archiver script has a feature to re-select the messages you just moved, which then can be used to "undo" the move by moving them back to the original room, or to somewhere else. Currently that's implemented by just remembering the list of messages which were send for moving.
An interesting feature would be a "show what moved" capability where you could see what messages were just moved by anyone. That probably wouldn't be that difficult...
@CodyGray because they're there from previous moves, and the blocks of messages moved overlap. It's particularly bad because it moves old, expiring requests that are from a while back, and thus it's almost always a really old one that gets linked.
plus what Makyen said.
@Makyen Wouldn't help me. I don't have Archiver installed, and I would mostly want to use it on mobile anyway, where I can't install userscripts.
Ah, I see. So the oldest message moved was pretty old, older than messages that had been previously moved, which is why the link was way back in the transcript of the Graveyard. That makes sense.
this is R/A, right?
I...have a very hard time navigating the transcript anyway.
@RyanM Yes. As would be any answer whining about downvotes.
@CodyGray Depending on which mobile device you use, Firefox on Android can have extensions, and thus userscripts. There are also a reasonable number of userscripts which can be run without anything. For instance, you can set up a bookmarklet which will load FIRE and AIM in most browsers, including Chrome on mobile. That should be able to be done with a large number of userscripts (most that use @grant none).
@Makyen Safari on iPwn.
@CodyGray even polite whining? "Mayhaps the downvoters could explain their quarrels with my question such that I might improve it for the benefit of all?"
@RyanM As a comment, NLN. As an answer... well, if the flag went directly to me, R/A. If you want to guarantee other moderators won't decline it, go with VLQ/NAA.
@CodyGray I haven't tried it. If you can create a bookmarklet, then you can probably set one up to load userscripts on a click. That's not that great if you're opening an closing tabs, but for pages you're on for a while it can be quite helpful.
@Makyen How do you run these userscripts without a manager? On desktop, I'm given to understand that something like Tampermonkey is required.
Oh, I see. Bookmarklet. Yeah... that won't work for me. I'm all over the place, closing and reopening tabs, back and forth, etc.
Yeah, so I would gain in one column and lose in about 92 others.
If nothing else, the phone hardware is just worse, irrespective of the operating system. (Well, in general. I haven't tried the Google Pixel. I think I would like it, actually. But at this point, I'm just too invested in the Apple ecosystem to consider switching without a very good reason.)
I'm absolutely being a troll. If you're invested in the Apple ecosystem it's very difficult to leave, and doing it on just one computing device is going to make you sad.
@CodyGray For most userscripts, the userscript manager just handles knowing that you want it loaded on that page and loading it. Some userscript use expanded capabilities, which are a subset of what a browser extension can do, but is more than a webpage can do. Those you can't have function. However, most userscripts don't use any of those expanded capabilities and will function if just loaded.
There are two positives about the Apple ecosystem: (1) Apple has a far better privacy record than Google, and (2) Apple's ecosystem is vastly superior when it comes to vertical integration.
You are invested or you have invested ;)
The primary indicator of not using any of the expanded capabilities is that the userscript will say @grant none, or have no @grant line in the userscript header. If either of those is the case, the main thing that's required is just getting the JavaScript into the page. That can be done with DOM manipulation, which a bookmarklet can do.
@Vega Both. My investment was a long time ago. By my coworker's standards, my phone is "ancient". (I have an iPhone 6S.)
@Makyen What would be an example of those expanded capabilities? I think the only userscripts I've ever used have just consisted of JavaScript. Both JS to inject CSS, and JS to do other things, but still just JS. That doesn't seem like it would require any extended capabilities.
@CodyGray Yep, that's the big advantage of a userscript manager: it loads the scripts you want into the pages you want them in.
amusingly, that's the only iPhone I've ever used. To its credit, it was the nicest phone I'd ever used at the time, and I'm a diehard Android fan. The UI/UX annoyed me, though.
I switched back to Android after a month or so with it.
One thing that blew me away was the support experience. I had what turned out to be a bad SIM, despite it working in four different other phones, including three iPhones. An Apple tech spent well over half an hour working with me, in person, until it worked, and they even worked with Verizon to get a new SIM provisioned.
Yeah, what I understand is that everyone prefers what they're used to, and is annoyed every time they switch, no matter which platform it is. That was generally the case with the classic Mac vs. PC debate, too. Everyone would call the other platform "clunky", because although most things were similar, it was that very similarity that was actually the problem, because you were seduced into doing the slightly wrong thing, and then annoyed when it didn't respond like you expected/wanted it to.
Oh yeah, Apple's support is amazing.
They will go out of their way to support even hardware that is long out of warranty. It's so good it makes me want to give them my money.
I'm really sad there's no equivalent for Android, although being able to file bugs to the engineering team that makes the thing is a nice workaround ;-)
@CodyGray Common ones are being able to make cross-domain AJAX calls (e.g. our Request Generator uses that to be able to make calls to the chat domains which being in the main and meta site domains). Another common one is userscript storage, which allows for storing values which are accessible the the userscript regardless of the domain in which it's running. There's a list of the available userscript API functions/properties.
I've never needed software support from Apple, but I assume that's good, too. The issues I have that I can't fix myself are always hardware.
I don't know if it's because I've been an iPhone user since its very first release, but I've found very little about the UI/UX that has annoyed me. There are some things that I would rate as "imperfect", but that is a long way from the annoying category. The only thing right now that I can think of that I find actually annoying is that somewhere along the line (I think in the upgrade to iOS 10), I lost the ability to quickly delete emails from the lock screen.
Instead of being able to just swipe on the balloon to expose a delete button, I now have to force-press, which pops up a preview, at the bottom of which is a delete button. It doesn't sound so bad, but the UX is just awful. Because it's a preview, it doesn't load immediately, especially if I have a slow network connection. And after it loads, the position of the delete button changes. I hate moving targets.
Sometimes, I'll accidentally click the wrong button because the button I wanted and was aiming at jumped out of the way at the last second.
Going from Android's notification management to iOS (...11, I think) was a huuuuuge loss. I don't know how iOS users lived with a notification per email, or per chat message.
I am told iOS 12 (?) made major steps in that area
I don't understand why I should need to load the preview in order to delete. If I know just based on the sender and/or subject that I want to delete, I should be able to do that quickly and efficiently, without wasting time.
What's the current version of ASP.NET?
What is wrong with a notification per-message? I can't even imagine anything else.
> Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.7.3535.0
@Braiam You're in SOCVR, not Google ;-)
@CodyGray It changed name.
And MS versioning usually doesn't make sense.
Well, there's ASP.NET, and then there's ASP.NET Core. They have different versions.
Yeah, not even wikipedia references the versions.
Anything after the minor version number just doesn't matter. And really, even the minor version number shouldn't matter. If you have to care about version numbers, you're doing something wrong.
2 hours later…
A quick question: is socvr.org dead?
I didn't pay the rent
@kvantour Why is that off-topic for SO?
@Code Gray: its not about programming
Shell scripting is a type of programming
But this is not shell scripting. His script is fine. It is just about why cron does not handle it correctly, and that is more a configuration problem
Okay, fair enough
Questions about cron/crontab are always very questionable
Agreed. The question is, which side do they fall on? We don't want to migrate questions unless they are clearly off-topic here. Bash scripting isn't off-topic here.
Socvr.org is up but not accepting traffic from the internet. I'm looking at a lot of bells and whistles but none of them make sense to me for now. Give me 6 to 8 weeks to sort it out.
Guess what?
@rene Did you try turning it off and back on again?
Are you a candidate?
@rene did you keep the downtime to less than 6-8 hours?
Oops, took the thread from the end
@Vega hahaha ;)
Would this [anonymized, fake company name] profile be considered flaggably spammy if the user also posted a spam post linking to the same company?
salesman at FBIT

Provide genuine accessories for Initech phone models. Genuine, cheap, long-term warranty.

Website: www.foobarinitech.com
@RyanM I would say obviously so, to the point where I'm worried this is a trick question.
@rene Oh, that's fine, I'll be on holiday most of that time anyway :P
Just for the curious: this is what the dashboard shows: i.sstatic.net/banqx.png no idea what that means, except that if lines goes up it ain't good.
Why in the world would CPU and disk activity go up when network connectivity falls off a cliff?
@CodyGray I know SO gives profiles far more leeway than most other site content, including some amount of self-promotion, so I wanted to be sure. would that still be true if they had not posted other spam?
@CodyGray AskUbuntu (man, I like that joke)
@RyanM If a user hasn't posted anything, they effectively don't matter. You could flag them, and we'll probably destroy the account, but it's not really worth anyone's time. No one sits and browses through the user list, so they aren't going to come across this spam. However, the moment they post something that is even remotely spammy, they become a problem and need to be flagged.
Ah, I meant more if they posted good questions but their profile was spammy like that
Yeah, then that literally wouldn't matter.
I want to link to Welbog's profile as an example, but I guess that would be violating a rule.
I suspect you have inferred what user I meant...well, there's a pointless flag in the queue.
errr, wait, I can self-retract...done.
@RyanM I have not.
You mean you're not the only ninja moderator? shock
@CodyGray actually by just mentioning this particular username you might already have violated it ;-)
@RyanM Definitely not. Have you met Martijn? But... I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
@kvantour Shush, your name's not italic ;-p
I need your advice about a recent mod-flag of mine - I flagged a question on Jun 25 because I suspected that some user is involved in voting fraud. Since then it became clear that the user is using at least 2 more accounts to upvote their own questions/answer. My flag is still pending, not sure if it's going to age away or not - Should I submit a new flag with the new evidence?
TBF the rules don't mention simply saying a user's name :p simply posting multiple moderation requests for a specific user :) and providing an example of something ain't moderating
@AlonEitan Custom moderator flags never age away.
You can raise a new flag with new evidence if you want, but it's probably unnecessary. When a mod investigate the vote fraud mentioned by your original flag, they should almost certainly find any other sockpuppet accounts.
That's good to know :) So I'll just wait
Hmm. There are two more users not mentioned in your original flag that you think are involved?
No, just those two - But it's pretty clear (IMO of course) that they are being used for upvoting the main user posts
Oh, okay. Yeah. Definitely confirmed. You just had made it sound like there were more accounts involved, and I wasn't seeing those.
No No, just more posts
Oh yeah, then definitely no need to re-flag in cases like that.
Thank you :)
Handling now. This is fairly significant abuse. Good spotting.
I should have posted another answer like "How much time are you willing to spend lurking chat rooms for thing to moderate when you get bored of handling flags?" :)
@Scratte There's always plenty to moderate.
It was a joke :) But it may have given me a nice very downvoted post :D
We have upon occasional run out of flags.
A half-dozen moderators sitting there hitting "refresh" waiting for stuff to do...
@Scratte surely there are easier ways
I've curator-sniped myself now, these are a mess...
@RyanM That doesn't account for voting fraud and rude behaviour though
@Scratte Pretty sure that falls into the flags they're hypothetically bored of handling in that scenario :-p
@CodyGray Chat doesn't need actively refreshing, not even while lurking.. ?!?
@RyanM I'm not sure. I would suspect "Someone minused me.. it's not right. Please tell them to be nice" would be more boring then nuking accounts.
@Scratte I'm not sure what you mean. Chat doesn't need actively refreshing. I was referring to the moderator flag dashboard.
@CodyGray Oh.. I see. That makes sense :) I guess that makes my other message a "Oops"
Nice. A question is closed before I hit the close button.
@CodyGray now that the question is closed, is it okay for me to submit the triage outcome to the appropriate chat?
@blackgreen Are you talking about submitting an incorrect Triage review to the "Bad Stack Overflow Reviews" room? Sure. You could have done that before it was closed, I think. That question was obviously off-topic.
You might also want to submit the review of the suggested edit, which did little more than add code formatting to things that weren't code.
Yes, the incorrect triage, to "Bad SO Reviews". Thanks. I'll do that
Can we delete all bash questions and restart. I have the feeling all interesting questions have been asked. It would be nice to see if we get the same level of questions now as we did in the past.
That's not how stuff works
@kvantour Vote for Dharman. I hear he'll delete everything.
@CodyGray generally I like to wait until the question actually gets closed, because it could be me who's wrong. If I'm wrong, I shouldn't post to "Bad SO Reviews". That's my reasoning
@CodyGray But can he delete sudo? :GWChadThinkEyes:
@Zoe sudo rm Dharman
Not sure about this one (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62768107/difference-between-typescript-javascript-angular-and-ionic)

It seems "too broad" to me. My flag was disputed.
No Markdown formatting in multi-line chat messages, unfortunately.
@blackgreen It seems lacking focus, I casted a vote
The answers though, make it more OB
How is it possible to post an answer to a question that was closed 2 hours ago?? (stackoverflow.com/questions/62788118/…)
@AlonEitan The check is client-side, not server side. You get a grace period something like 4 hours, maybe longer.
@AlonEitan caching. And/or start writing an answer/keep the Q open (unclosed) from before closure
Oh. That make sense then
Not really caching
If you keep the page open without an Internet connection, the "submit" button won't get disabled with the live updates. Or, if you hack the HTML to re-enable the "submit" button, you can still submit an answer to a closed question within something like 4 hours of closure.
I believe it's something like 24 hours, but not feeling like digging it up...
Yeah, I couldn't remember
It's at least 4. Something is 4.
I thought it's like 15 minutes :p
Nope, you were right. 4 hours
I think I was thinking of my reaction being that that's ridiculous, and apparently I inflated the actual number...
@RyanM \o/
Back in 2011, I could actually keep up with how everything worked here and all the changes that were made.
Wow, deleted already ^
So, as an educational exercise, what would be the best way to handle ultra-basic stuff like this. It's not really a typo, and I'm sure there are many that would post an answer. But should they? (PS: I'm not the downvoter.)
@Zoe hahahaha just perfect :D
@AdrianMole Find a duplicate. If there's no duplicate, answer it and make this the canonical.
Just because a question is basic doesn't mean it shouldn't be answered.
Never mind. I see. You're saying this is basically just a typo.
@AdrianMole in an ideal scenario, someone would take the answer in the comments. Even if the Q was closed you could solve it there with the OP. Also give some moral support, and tell him after 15 rep he can join the chat.
Still... find a duplicate.
@bad_coder Uh, no. That's not anywhere close to ideal. First, nobody should be answering questions in comments. Second, if a question it's closed, that's because it should not be answered on this site. You should not be attempting to backdoor in an answer by any means. Third, we don't want users to flood chat with their off-topic questions. That's not what chat is for. Fourth, it is not your or anyone else's job to provide moral support. This is a Q&A site.
@CodyGray I was going with a different dupe ... but yours is probably better.
@AdrianMole There is no limit! The more dupes the merrier! (Actually, there is a limit of 5. But we're not there yet. Keep 'em coming!)
I can't add dupes: I have neither Gold nor Carbon Diamond Hammer.
@AdrianMole You're in luck! Hammers made of very-old carbon are up for grabs.
But is it OK to add a comment (such as I did) and then close as a dupe?
@AdrianMole Yeah, that's fine.
... assuming that someday I will have one of those elemental hammers. :)
You should be earning that gold one soon, right?
250 votes to go. Won't be that soon.
Spanish-speakers' pronunciation of the "i" vowel can be problematical.
@AdrianMole Spanish pronunciation of pretty much any letter can be problematical, right?
Thi Thenor.
Low quality / over-broad question to boot
@Adriaan Can we get some tchoghs to go along with that ghoti?
@CodyGray what? :D
I don't do fish 'n' chips.
@E_net4likesmanythings That's like not doing apple pie. What's wrong with you?
@CodyGray Whatever you call being "wrong" is just not being American nor British. ;)
Fish 'n chips can be good, but usually cheap white fish smattered in butter is used, with floppy, oil-soaked fries. So I tend to avoid it.
@E_net4likesmanythings I see. Well, enjoy your lutefisk, then?
@Adriaan So true.
@rene I liked your answer to undo.
@CodyGray I have no idea of what you are talking about now.
@E_net4likesmanythings I'm trying to pigeonhole you into a specific culture with an reductio ad absurdum based on stereotypical cultural dishes. Come on, keep up!
I should've known.
@CodyGray With that said, you probably meant bacalhau, but personally I don't fancy it much.
@E_net4likesmanythings bakkeljauw, omnomnom!
@E_net4likesmanythings The secret to learning how to appreciate bakkeljauw, is knowing hunger.
@E_net4likesmanythings Oh man. Never had that, but it looks very delicious.
@bad_coder Heck, you'll learn to appreciate any carpy food when you're starving. :)
Moar puns plz
@CodyGray Meh, the previous one was fishy.
@CodyGray it's prepped in over 1000 different ways...No one has ever tried all the variations.
Does anyone have an opinion about whether there are specific types of ads that should not be welcome on meta pages? This is a new feature (to me) that Cody has recently made me aware of.
@AdrianMole I don't think that's opinion-based. Tried to clarify the question with an edit.
Do ads need to be open-source/not-for-profit? Or is it open slather and see what gets upvoted?
@mickmackusa If I remember correctly, what we were talking about were the Community Events, which you, as a moderator, can configure for your site (joomla.stackexchange.com/admin/community-events). These will appear in the Community Bulletin, just like SO's current moderator election appears in ours right now.
@CodyGray So, could you give an objective answer? I thought for a while and did some searching, but couldn't really think of anything other than, "because that's the way it is."
There is also the , for example, the latest on SO. These have certain requirements, which are laid out in the solicitation question. But I don't know if other SE sites have these.
Apparently, there are also Community Promotion Ads, which other sites have, but SO doesn't. See here and here. I don't really know anything about these.
@AdrianMole I couldn't, no, because I don't know the answer. I couldn't find the answer, either, after a few minutes of searching. That's part of why I think it's an interesting question. I see what you were thinking, but I really don't think that the asker meant to solicit opinions. He's looking for actual reasons why the standards committee might have done it. A good answer would be someone from the standards committee who was there and remembers, or someone who found some document discussing
...it. Another acceptable answer would be, "There is no good technical reason for this. It was just a mistake/oversight on the part of the standards committee." That's still not opinion-based.
@CodyGray OK - you've swayed me. I was never 100% on "Opinion based" anyway. Vote retracted.
... but I won't copy/paste your follow-up comment (in here) as an answer! :)
Yeah, I mean, like I said, I know what you're concerned about.
I'll say this, it's something that should probably be watched to make sure there aren't a bunch of crap answers posted.
But molybdenum (or whatever) has given a decent answer.
@AdrianMole Oh, perfect! That's what I dared not hope for!
Quoting Bjarne is never really a bad thing.
"Why?" questions are a bit better than "why not?" questions, since they don't require engaging in counter-factuals.
@rene Can you please remove this cv-pls request?
@CodyGray By this, I mean "Why does the language not [yet] have feature x?" is almost never going to be an acceptable question. However, "Why does the language do x?" can work out quite well.
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null per request
Ta very much.
Yes, @CodyGray our last convo compelled me to have a look around our meta and the mod tools to see what features we were under-utilizing. Then I noticed that there was a lame attempt to use community-ads a few years ago. Are there any particular guidelines in addition to what is on a standard ads question that I should include as a "good" precaution?
@mickmackusa I'm really not sure. I don't think I'm the best person to ask. JNat is the one who coordinates these community ads on SO. Next time you see him in TL or some place, you might ask him. If all else fails, I'd just stick with common sense.
Since the point of the ads on SO is to solicit programmer participation, they're kind of going to require OSS.
If you have a different goal, you might not need to require OSS.
Maybe I'll pop a question onto StackModerators

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