@Bergi that question wouldn't be easily found with that title. If anything, this one is better scoped and has better title. — BraiamNov 30 '16 at 13:12
I feel like you are being cynical without needing to.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica I tend to not flag as NAA unless they are not possibly an answer to any question due to how many mods use that criterion for approval or not
That wouldn't make sense; uBlock should either block elements on load due to matching a list, or it should block elements when I somehow select "choose elements to block"
it shouldn't block/delete elements on left click
and when I hit the delete key, it unhides everything, but I can keep doing the process over and over it seems
@Chipster it's a bit of a sliding scale but typically if it is active within the last week you should be fine, no questions asked. If it's older then it may depend.
@Braiam If you click the uBO shield icon, the modal that pops up has several options
You can click it and then when you click on elements on the page it deletes them
so you can see what the page looks like w/o them, or temporarily hide an annoying add or something
@TylerH Okay. Thanks. Then I guess I should bring up that this request, while otherwise probably valid, was last active 12 months ago and doesn't fit the requirements.
it's different from the element picker icon to the right (the eye dropper icon) that lets you select elements to permanently block by adding them to a filter list
I personally think that it might lean itself to being closed. It isn't a great question for SO. But it is probably on edge for the activity requirement.
@TylerH binned for rule 12 - no recent activity. If there's mitigating circumstances (e.g. being used to justify other bad content, etc.) please feel free to mention that additional context
@JohnDvorak We still need limits. This room can't handle the volume involved in just letting people dump whatever questions they want in here with a cv-pls. We just don't have the capacity of available close-votes from people who cast CVs on cv-pls requests which aren't their own.
The question is what those limits should be, in order to match request volume to our capacity to handle requests.
@Braiam Better, would be to begin discussion on the GitHub Issue, so that things that people want to bring up don't have to be looked into in just the 10 minutes available in the room meeting.
May I ask what the value of this question-only page being "merged" with an earlier page populated with answers? stackoverflow.com/q/11674312/2943403 I mean, it's not even a flagpost because with 1000 views -- no one is viewing it. I don't understand the relevance. I can't close it and can't delete it. It's just some weird dangling page.
@mickmackusa When it's merged, all of the answers which it used to have are moved to the question into which it was merged. So, any merged question should have no answers.
@M-- Yes, it looks like the question was asking for a Jenkins endpoint. The answer provided one. If you think it's the wrong one or won't work for the OP's use case then you can downvote it.
@Machavity So you know, it's the main SE WebSocket that was having problems, at least from what we were seeing. In my most recent testing a couple hours ago, it appeared that the problem was resolved (i.e. it went through 150+ tests without a failure, but I stopped it there).
Other WebSockets might also be having the problem, but I've assumed chat is on separate servers.
@Makyen Okay, but even if it is a well-intended concept, it seems like a poorly executed one. I mean the answer-less page is far less likely to be upvoted for its helpful-ness. Most researchers would be on that page for less than 5 seconds before jumping to the linked page. Poor Mr. Conde's page is doomed to be under-appreciated. If this is what becomes of Merged pages, I don't think I like it.
Frankly, I don't think Conde's page is adding any value to SO.
@mickmackusa Yeah, I'm not sure I'm happy with it either. I'd note that you get automatically forwarded to the dup-target if you're not a logged in user.