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1 hour later…
@HovercraftFullOfEels now has an MRE -- should this be removed?
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Post 1: This does not look like spam
@CodyGray I'm not completely convinced... still looks a little fishy to me.
I could be wrong, though (which is why I ask).
I mean, yeah, it's a whole kettle of fish. But it isn't spam.
Good to know... probably good I asked before just flagging it then :)
Eh, I would have just disputed the flag.
Not sure why you're thinking it's spam. Because it's self-promotional? Not really. Apparently the poster is somehow connected to Microsoft, who has now released an SDK that they feel answers the question. I really don't think posting that as an answer counts as spam.
It's not a great answer either, though. It got flagged as NAA. I originally deleted it, but reconsidered and just converted it to a comment.
It doesn't directly answer the question, but it might be useful to someone else who wants to compose an answer.
3 hours later…
Morning, colleagues o7
ah the first of the day! So it begins :p
anyone has an idea how to deal with this? Politely comment on the attribution, fix formtting and leave t, or modflag?
@Adriaan Well done with both edit and comment
@SmokeDetector Can someone please explain me what this means? Blacklisted user? This particluar answer/comments looks good to me.
@AndrejsCainikovs when a post is caught by SD, the user is put onto a blacklist, and any time a post by that user pops up (in this case through a community bump), SD reports it here, so that we can check for plagiarism, vandalism,spam etc
@Adriaan Thanks! Here, since this post was edited in 2015, it popped because someone flagged it?
@AndrejsCainikovs see the big, yellow banner on the question
@Adriaan Uhmm... What banner?
@AndrejsCainikovs again: that big, yellow thing pasted on the question. Not the answer, the question. That sparked activity, making SD check all content on that page, including the reported answer
@Adriaan I also don't see a big yellow banner on the question. I do see "bumped by community user" in the timeline, but nothing visible on the main question page
@Adriaan Weird, there's literally no yellow things on that question. If you are talking about that gray block with lots of non ISO characters, then ok
ABCDEFG testing back at it again
I see this. If you see something different, then SE is probably testing different banners for different people again.
No - don't see that. It is marked in stackoverflow.com/posts/30993519/timeline though
@Adriaan it's currently in testing, I see the yellow banner on some posts and the new blue one on others^
@AndrejsCainikovs do you happen to have a banner at the top? That's what happened to close votes. Also: please add some text around that to prevent the one-box (like I did)
@AndrejsCainikovs yup, looks like a SE test. Whether they are testing to entirely remove the bumped-banner, or forgot to add it new style (in blue at the top) no clue
@Adriaan Yeah, weird. If that matters: I'm on Debian 9, Chrome.
Or perhaps the changes are being rolled out not for everyone at the same time
is this POB/Too Broad (would be NATO)
@rob Thanks
2 hours later…
1 message moved from SOCVR Request Graveyard, an in-chat question, which should not have been moved
^^ Should that Q be closed?
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica IMO yes, and don't tell rene
YES! I have always wanted to buy jet-fuel by the barrel! You don't see oil-spam that often
Pictures Adriaan being swarmed by cops and arrested after leaving an airfield with a barrel of jet fuel in the back of a pickup truck.
@SamuelLiew I'm on Firefox 70.0.1
@Makyen In this case I'd probably be OK with blocking scripts from the same domain. My issue is I don't want to prevent all scripts because so much of the web's functionality is built around JS so whole sites I visit will just not work. If there's no easy way to block a <script> element by way of ID like you can another HTML element, then so be it. Seems a little lacking, to me, but that's on uBO, not you :-)
@AnttiHaapala why is that voted so low? Because it's POB?
someone seems very determined to get revenge against some imagined slight. They've been casting a downvote on each of my Qs -- once per day over the last several days so far. Though it will likely be over soon as they're apparently too cowardly to cast downvotes on any of my answers and incur the -1 hit to their own rep, and they're almost out of Qs to downvote. Funnily enough I will still have more rep than I did when they started downvoting me because of the question upvote rep recalc :-D
damn, Tyler's finally on to me! I best go on to the next 10k+ user ..
@TylerH Do note you can use the contact us to ask for a dev to look into it. They can see if you are actually being targeted by a single user.
@TylerH maybe it's @StephenKennedy retaliating against you keeping them under 10k ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@TylerH questions? if they were answers you could find yourself if you've got a suspect :P
just delete one of your answer and see their rep go up :P
and then undelete, and their rep goes down...
@treyBake shakes fist
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Yeah, I've contacted them a couple times in the past (though not ever for reversing serial downvoting). It's no big deal atm; all the questions are negatively scored anyway over time from past revenge downvotes. This is just the first time I've seen someone going through (4 so far) each of my questions day after day to do so
And I've still earned more rep from each of them (especially now with +10 per upvote) than I've lost
@AnttiHaapala lol, I might get a call from a moderator asking to stop playing willy nilly with my posts if I did that. But that's clever!
@TylerH down with 10k tyranny (until I join you guys :p)!
@treyBake hm, I thought you were closer to 10k! Time to get to work!
@TylerH haha I wish, the rep change got me to 5k - PHP is a tag more for closing than answering lately and unfortunately, PHP is the only language I could probably offer any kind of answer for haha
it does mean that there's hope one day that'll I'll be number 1 in the PHP tag :p
@TylerH well I guess I presented that evidence to Martijn and Joncle so...
@treyBake oof, that's quite the tag to be striving for #1 in
@TylerH yeah, it'll be a long ol' road
Just seen in the tag wiki that Sublime Text is listed as an IDE... is it overly-pedantic to move it to a "text-editors that are ok" section? xD
I have no idea why I tpu'ed there post from a week ago.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica I was confused at first, but apparently the "blacklisted for" link only pointed to their last post, not what they were originally listed for. That post is here
Well its all adjusted now.
@HovercraftFullOfEels If you will, please once again (:\ and thanks!) review the reopening of this question: stackoverflow.com/q/58732670/438154
@treyBake Getting a reply to auto-comment ("not really") did you get pinged for it?
@Dharman I didn't, I just so happened to revisit the post when I saw an edit haha
and now its been flagged as not an answer.
well it's out of the queue at least thanks to the edit/rollback
@TylerH Editing should only kick it out of the review queue if the edit is done from the blue "Edit" button in the review queue, or if the flag that got the answer into the queue was VLQ.
What's the appropriate action when we think someone took the wrong action when reviewing a post? take this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/58928090/… I left a comment, but should I mod-flag?
@Makyen I'm guessing the flag was VLQ, then. The review item mentioned 'no longer reviewable' after only 1 'recommend deletion' vote (and no others)
@M-- you can comment if you so desire, as has already been done, or if you notice a pattern/an egregious case, you can flag for moderator attention and explain. Mods do hand out the occasional manual ban in review queues for really bad reviewing.
@M-- Generally I look through their recent reviews and if I agree, then I just move on and chalk it up to the cat. If not, then I mod flag and let them know there are issues.
Ah, good. I guess its just typical that people (wrongly) vote to delete wrong answers in the VLQ queue.... (I see a few regulars in my reviews).
But in this case the reviewer was probably reviewing the post based on its then-contents of garbage, so there's nothing really to do here (I already flagged the auto-comment from review as No Longer Needed)
thank you both
Yeah, I was mostly concerned (since I can't see the votes) that it was flagged/voted because it was wrong, not because it was gibberish.
I responded in the comments as well for the reviewer's benefit in case they stop by
Why is it so hard for people to format dates in Java?
Pretty much the only Java questions I ever look at are the ones Sotirios posts in here, and still 50% of them are about an inability to correctly format dates. Might be an indication of an API problem...
Or a documentation problem.
@CodyGray It's not unique to Java. PHP just hides its problems better because we have date(), new DateTime(), and the Carbon extension to DateTime
@Machavity "PHP just hides its problems better" Don't lie to me.
PHP doesn't hide any of its problems.
@CodyGray You'd be amazed what it can hide, and by default too
C++ the biggest problem is people not knowing how to do arrays properly. It dwarfs C++ time questions by a considerable margin,
@Chipster Really? How hard can std::array be? The hardest part is remembering if the type argument or the length argument comes first.
It doesn't help that a perfectly fine C way to declare arrays is not good in C++.
@Machavity You just pointed me to that so I can go clean out a bunch of noisy comments :-(
@CodyGray The problem is no one uses those. They use C arrays, and they almost alsways do them wrong.
Dang, he's onto me
Why is that not a duplicate of the proposed?
Good point. It is now
Can merge if it is appropriate, since apparently people like one of those answers a lot.
As far as I can tell, the biggest problem in [my little corner of] javascript is people not understanding promises at all.
Yeah, nobody ever keeps their promises.
@CodyGray Well done on our recent race
@TylerH I've found Cody usually wins the race when he's on here. Sometimes I ask myself why I try closing questions in this room when he's on ;) (I know, cv-queue has lots of questions :D)
Is it a random decision if there is a "race condition" like that?
@CodyGray Yeah, probably wouldn't hurt. They are the same issue
Or is the timekeeping granularity really small?
@Das_Geek not sure what you mean but you can hover over the 'n time ago' text to see the UTC time stamp (I was 3 or 4 seconds ahead of Cody)
@Das_Geek I'll bet Tyler's hit first, but because Cody's is (by definition) binding, it went through anyways
@TylerH Didn't know about the hover feature, thanks. TIL :)
@Machavity It appears diamonds are so sharp they can cut through the very fabric of time itself...
Yeah, it's hidden well
You can hover over those timestamps anywhere in the site and see that UTC timestamp tooltip
Related: most people don't know the "last active" date at the top of a question is also a link that takes you to the post with said activity (until someone tells them... then they know)
Oh I am so gonna use this. That's neat
if you ever click the last active link and it just takes you to the top of the page again, then it means the last activity was on a deleted comment or post which you can't see.
Stop. I can only be so impressed
At 10k rep of course you can see deleted posts, but if you want to see deleted comments you'll have to become a moderator (or staff...)
oh OK, I won't tell you about the secret buttons then...
no wait
@SotiriosDelimanolis Not sure I'm adequately convinced that this is a duplicate. I only see 5 in the list there. Can you add a couple of more?
@TylerH I saw my screen flicker as I was submitting the edit, and I knew someone was about to out-race me.
The old 'glitch in the matrix' tell...
There’s way too much information to decode SO. You get used to it. I…I don’t even see the code. All I see is dupe, low-quality, naa...
@Das_Geek The decoder ring is simple. You just hover over everything, and then click on it.
@CodyGray Why I oughta ✊!!!!
@CodyGray You mean this decoder ring?
@Das_Geek We're still a few generations behind.
@CodyGray The inner machinations of SO are an enigma
@Das_Geek Which things do you still find confusing? I'm happy to help, if I can. I've been at this far too many years.
@CodyGray Oh sorry, I was making a bit of a joke. Since what you linked was the enigma decoder, and I combined that with a reference to a line from an old TV show
Yes, I got the joke. But I wasn't sure if there was some truth lying behind it as well.
Other than the seemingly blurry line between the "too broad" and "unclear what you're asking" flags, I think I grok the things I have privs to access
@Das_Geek the blurry line is only there because of the new verbiage on the flag modal
the old verbiage was way clearer
Ah, you'll be a veteran in no time, clamoring to have "not a real question" back as a close reason.
@CodyGray Where do programming languages come from, Uncle Cody?
@TylerH Even with the old verbiage, I think most of my "disputed" post flags were ones I flagged as "too broad" but put on hold as "unclear", or vice versa
@Machavity There was a disturbance in the Force, so Gandalf spoke out and said "You're a wizard, Harry". Thus, programming began.
It's something I guess you learn over time
Get a feel for it
@TylerH I have that quote on a shirt
that's disturbing (no pun intended :-P)
@Machavity That's a question for your Aunt Lovelace.
@Das_Geek Questions that would be better answered by writing a blog post, or sometimes even a whole book, are too broad. Unclear are for questions that are so discombobulated that you don't understand what the OP is saying, or have no clear question/problem statement.
@TylerH Disturbing that I have it? It was a regifted Christmas gift; still haven't found the person who gets it after me
The dirty little secret is that, in the vast majority of cases where you are considering to close, it really doesn't matter whether you choose "too broad" or "unclear".
@CodyGray Yeah that's why it's been a bit fuzzy for me. Obviously there are clear-cut cases, but there are so many which could go wither way
@TylerH It took me until just recent'y to figure out that the "x minutes ago" statement next to comments is actually also a permalink to that comment.
The big milestone for me will be 2k rep, so I can finally reject suggested edits on NAA-flagged posts
broadly unclear
That's scary to think about. Imagine sifting through that queue
@Das_Geek I hate to stomp on your dreams, but...that’s almost completely pointless. Just flag the posts as NAA, and when the post is deleted, the suggested edits will be deleted along with it.
@CodyGray What about the case where an edit is approved before the post is removed, changing it enough to make it look viable? Or does the flag queue show the timeline?
I have to use a script to give me a link to the post's /timeline page
@Das_Geek Reviewers should check the revision history. If an edit made the post into an answer then leave it.
still a bug ...
after 6 to 8 years
@Chipster yep
@rene Hmm. There may be a bug there, but I regularly delete NAAs with pending suggested edits, and it definitely deletes the suggested edit along with the post.
@Das_Geek The script isn't doing anything fancy. You can always add /revisions or /timeline to a post's URL in order to get those views.
@Das_Geek If an edit is approved before the post is removed, then yeah, the edit takes effect. However, the rep gain will be removed, because you can't earn rep for suggesting edits to deleted posts. These edits should not, of course, be approved unless they solve the "NAA" problem, but they sometimes are. Everything shows a timeline, but moderators don't generally pay any attention to the timeline. We only look at a post's current state.
It's a shame there is no link to timeline out of the box. There is so much useful information there. It shows you how many delete votes were cast and when if you are under 10k for example
The timeline view is confusing to me...
But I have most of that information available other places.
It also shows who and if the duplicate list was edited by gold hammers
As does the "/revisions" view.
Which I find much easier to read, for some reason. (Familiarity?)
@CodyGray Yeah, there's some weird magick with the URL, but the task itself is straightforward.
yes, but you don't get the revisions link sometimes either
@Dharman Yeah, you only get it when there are actually revisions to be shown.
@JL2210 What part of that is unclear to you? Seems clear to me, if in need of an edit.
@Dharman rather annoying, as it's the only existing link to the /revisions page
but there are a lot of annoying things about how revisions are handled
when a gold badger or moderator edits a dupe list, for example, to add additional dupe targets, the revision link doesn't update to show that info
@TylerH You mean that the revision link doesn't show if it was not already showing? Because that information is definitely included in the revision list.
@CodyGray That's exactly my point though. If someone else besides OP edits the post to make it look like an answer (even though OP was asking a question), and that edit goes through, then a reviewer doing less than their due diligence might deny the flag.
I have a user script that adds links to revisions and timelines but it broke once they started doing the new closure experiment.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Oh that's why my script went all borked
I didn't put the two together
They made a lot of HTML/CSS changes that borked a lot of user scripts
@CodyGray No, I mean the link text doesn't update on the normal question page (yes, it does still show in the /revision page). E.g. if you edit a dupe list on a closed question, whether the link "last edited by X" is already present or not, it doesn't show up or change (respectively) to show "last edited by Cody Gray".
And I think it ought to, since you edited the question (well, meta info about the question, technically)
@CodyGray: not hurrying you, but I have a mod report of a user who is picking a rollback fight with you. It's a few days old, so wonder if you might have missed it.
@Das_Geek Ah, I see. You’re talking about a superficial edit that might fool a reviewer. If only edits were the only things that fooled reviewers of low-quality posts. Incorrectly-reviewed posts can be flagged. Note explicitly that there was an incorrect review, which lets us handle both the post and the reviewers.
computer says no
@CodyGray Cool, didn't know about that process. It'll still be nice to have 2k and squash those before they need to be flagged again.
@TylerH I see what you’re saying. I’m not convinced meta edits should affect that. The revisions feature was obviously designed to show only edits to the text of the post, and I kinda like that. The /revisions page view just includes additional metadata.
Also if something needs to be reflagged you can ask other sobotics users to reflag
@halfer Yeah… almost 200 “other” mod flags pending currently. Haven’t gotten to them all yet. We are a bit backlogged. If it’s urgent, you have permission to link me here.
@Das_Geek If you want to waste your votes on crap
only 200... I thought that there would be more
@CodyGray Oh, I had one open for several days I had been wondering about with an exposed key in the post (which seemed relatively urgent). Sorry to hear you are backlogged. Should I link that one here?
For anyone that wants dedicated links to the timeline and revisions, you can use this user script: stackapps.com/questions/4148/view-post-timeline
it doest work as is since it broke after the last update but if you change var href = jThis.find ('a[class="js-share-link"]').attr ("href"); to var href = jThis.find ('a[class="js-share-link js-gps-track"]').attr ("href"); it will work.
@Dharman That’s just “other” flags, the grab-bag where the flagger can type anything they want into the textbox. Other flags are all categorized, and yes, there are more of those.
@CodyGray Thanks, it's not urgent
I'll just glare at them with my laser eyes
@robsiemb Exposed keys are the last thing I care about. Definitely not urgent. That’s the posters own stupid fault. It’s nice if you to look out for them, but...there’s only so much we can do.
ok. hopefully they have since changed the key :)
@CodyGray Fair enough. Guess I'll see what the queue is like when I get there
@robsiemb Get your laser eyes warmed up too :-p
@Das_Geek when you run for moderator? We have our own queue.
@CodyGray Lol no. I meant when I hit 2k. To get enough votes for full points in a mod election would take me 10 years at the rate I'm going
@Das_Geek Then I’m afraid you won’t get to see the mod flag queue any time soon. Why are you going at such a slow rate? ;-)
@CodyGray The link does change if you edit tags, which are meta information. My personal preference is for information presented to the user to be as accurate as possible. Now, I also would make those kinds of meta edits not bump the question...
@CodyGray And that's fine by me. Even if I did have the rep, I couldn't in good conscience apply for mod; for work, I'll be moving over to a development environment which is on an air-gapped network. No outside connections for me
@Das_Geek Miltary? This is why you’ve gotta mod on your phone, I guess.
@CodyGray Not military directly, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were one of our customers. I haven't been cleared yet. Phones have to go in a locker as soon as you enter the building.
Ah, wow. That’s intense. How do you copy-paste code from the Internet?
@CodyGray Sneakernet and paper
@CodyGray Through various loopholes and fudges, we have been able to get away with regularly downloading archives of SE sites, Wikipedia, and similar.
:-( Where there’s a will, there’s a way
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica And CDs. Lots and lots of CDs
I half hoped the answer would be, oh our security audits practices would never allow that sort of thing
Drives that touch a secure network stay on a secure network. Apparently, there's a wall of hard drives in the secure lab, waiting to be physically shredded
@CodyGray In theory yes. Practically, there's no way. There are limitations, of course. We don't have local admin privs on our dev machines, so we have to spin up VMs to do real work.
Why do you need admin privs? I’m on mobile, so I can’t go sneak around and see what tags you follow
And then there's restrictions about what work can be done on what machines, so most of the work is via jump server onto a vm that's in some closet somewhere
@CodyGray sudo apt install <package>?
/usr/local. Who needs more than a text editor and a C compiler?
@CodyGray The tags I follow aren't necessarily representative of the work I currently do. They have me switch around a bunch. My background is in C and embedded stuff, but they had me working on PHP and JS when I first got hired
I'm mostly active in [vim] :)
Ah, so you do know what a good text editor is
Have you ever read a title to a question and just thought, "Hmm, that already sounds like a disaster"?
@CodyGray Oh definitely. I guess I meant more for our local machines, which are all Windows. Shoulda just said "installing" and not the debian command :P
I’m an embedded guy at the moment, too. But you’re not going to get me to touch PHP or JS
@Chipster Every day I'm one the site.
@Chipster Hey, what are you complaining about? That’s how you know it’s a good title!
@CodyGray It was certainly interesting. PHP isn't terrible from what I saw (ignoring all the legacy nastiness). I like learning new things so it wasn't a bad experience. Though I'd hesitate to work on the particular project again.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Me too, I guess, now that I think about it. Or at least most days.
@CodyGray It's a good title if I think the question starts with a disaster?
@Das_Geek I’m allergic to web stuff
@CodyGray Of course, though it wasn't what I started with. But after working on a VM through 3 jumpservers, you really don't have much choice haha
@Chipster It’s a good title if it accurately describes the question
@CodyGray That's true I guess, assuming the problem is they are attempting the awful in the title.
It sets expectations. Not something I can complain about, really.
Hi folks. Just popped in here to see what sort of thing goes on in SO/SE chatrooms. So, can I ask a question? Even two or three at the same time? For folks who have a gold tag-badge, can they opt not to use the "binding" part of a VTC, or is that a fixed given?
@Adrian-ReinstateMonica The binding, unilateral close vote option for gold tag badges only applies to the Duplicate close reason, and no, they don't get the option of when it applies or not.
It doesn't apply, by the way, if the user adds the tag themselves to the question. I have a gold badge, for example. I can't unilaterally close a C++ question as a duplicate just by adding the tag to it, for example.
@TylerH Thanks! When I grow and (maybe) earn such a fierce weapon, I might sometimes be unsure, and just want to add a normal vote to the consensus - but for dupes that's probably not so important.
@Adrian-ReinstateMonica More generally, no privileges on this site allow you to opt-out. Moderators have binding votes. We cannot choose to cast a non-binding close or delete vote.
If you just want to suggest a duplicate, without actually voting, you can always just leave a comment. You should really only vote when you’re sure, regardless of the weight of your votes.
@Cody - That thought also occurred to me! Are mods allowed to have 'puppet' accounts so they can play ordinary, if they want to?
Anyone is allowed to have a second account, if they want. The rule is just that your accounts are not allowed to interact with each other in any way: no cross-voting, no asking/answering each other’s questions, no approving each other’s suggested edits, etc.
So...it can’t actually be a puppet. It’s just a second unrelated account.
... which you have put enough effort into to get privileges ...
There are mods who have managed to get 10k on second accounts. I don’t even have a second account. I can barely keep up with one.
Well, maybe not 10k. Maybe just 3k. I don’t recall.
@Adrian-ReinstateMonica See this Meta
I just encountered a circular duplicate and I was so confused for a second.
@Machavity Do you think it would be a good idea to change the target on this one, so it is no longer circling back to itself? stackoverflow.com/q/36492868/1839439
that's odd. It must be related to the old-style banner (inserted into the question body) getting auto converted to the new new style (blue banners). Normally circular duplicates are not possible.
If Machavity can't help, maybe Cody could
of course, one of them could probably just be deleted...
@Dharman Fixed. We do need to nuke one tho
@Machavity Thanks
Should this be closed as typo/unlikely to help since the error says you need 10.15 and the OP is on 10.14 and the answer is to upgrade?
Looks like you folks got it handled. I don’t remember if we’ve always blocked circular duplicates.
I for one, would appreciate the duplicate banner to say something like "This is a duplicate of X, but you may also want to know that the end of a 5-long duplicate chain is question Y" (especially on meta posts :)
@CodyGray That's interesting. I flagged a comment NLN here about a dupe, when I realized they were right. I hammered it and comment went away... but flag is still there
@robsiemb Closing as a duplicate of a duplicate is an anti-pattern… The close-voter is supposed to follow the chain themselves, and VTC as a dupe of the master question.
@CodyGray I certainly agree it is an anti-pattern :) Of course, even if the flagger follows the tags, chains can still result if something that is flagged as a dupe target is then flagged as a dupe itself of another question.
@Machavity I can’t really see comment flags on mobile, but it does look like it’s still pending. That does seem weird. NLN flags on comments should auto-dismiss with either deletion of the comment or the post.
@robsiemb Yeah. Remember that users who aren’t logged in will be automatically redirected to the master question. They won’t see the dupe stub or the blue/yellow banner.
FWIW sometimes I don't go to the end as the intermediary is a better match to the OP's problem then the canonical.
Does that suggest that somewhere along the chain, one of those questions is not a duplicate, @NathanOliver?
Sometime almost but normally the issue is that the canonical is too generic, or there are answers on the intermediary that are better for the OP. If I can I try to point them to an example that has code that does what they need and that's not always in the canonical.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Sometimes, while there is a common problem, there is no good duplicates for it that explain the problem well enough.
Almost hit "reopen" intending to close.
I shouldn't have deleted it, sorry, it was by request
1 message moved from SOCVR /dev/null
@M-- I moved the wrong request. Do you need that one you linked to moved or no?
I need this one removed chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/41570?m=47892045#47892045 OP edited and added MCVE
@CodyGray Just FYI: the auto-redirect only happens if there are no answers on the duplicate question.
The FAQ says put smoke detector as a reason for close-voting. But that would only apply to questions. What are we supposed to do if Smoke Detector reports a bad answer?
Btw, talking about the report above ^, if you couldn't tell.
@Chipster That answer w/ link looks spammish to me, to be honest
It really looks like spam, but I haven't found a justification for it yet. User could be linking a website they want to get the RSS feed from, and it's very poorly worded
"Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Thank you," -- is almost always spam. "article"?
@HovercraftFullOfEels Well, I should say that obviously I should report spam if I feel it's actually spam. I'm more so asking about room standards. Should I do a del-pls request or something?
Yeah the text screamed spam, absolutely. I just didn't see a link to affiliate the poster with the site, nor previous hits for that site/user. More of an innocent-until-proven-guilty thing, I guess. Maybe that's naive of me
@Chipster I routinely include "(SD report)" in cv-pls request reasons on questions to which my attention is drawn as a result of SD reporting an answer on that question. Basically, such questions can often be magnets for spam posts. At a minimum, I would have never looked at the question if it wasn't for the SD report.
@Makyen I guess I should have been more clear: if SD is correct about a bad answer, should I notify the room somehow that the answer is bad? If so, how would I do that.
@Chipster If by 'bad' you mean 'spam', just flag and move on. The room is already aware due to the SD report. We certainly don't delete vote on spam answers as they need to be deleted as spam so that the correct penalty is applied.
The other action which takes place is feedback to the bot. You can read about that in the FAQ and by following the links provided.
/not Makyen
@StephenKennedy That makes sense. I'm more so talking about not-spam answers though.
ninja'd, but I was mostly done with this, and it has other links :-)
@Chipster That the post about which SD has posted a report is bad (i.e. is spam) is usually indicated by feedback to SD. You can use the AIM userscript to have feedback information shown in-line with the SD report.
The URRS (GitHub) (install) will also show the answer's score in-line, which can be an indicator. But, in general, we don't normally also post a flag-pls spam request for such posts. Although, you can do so, if you want, but it's largely redundant, unless the post is spam/R/A and is lingering on for a while without being deleted.
@Chipster If NAA or VLQ, one flag from you is enough to put the post into the Low Quality Posts queue and/or bring it to the attention of a mod, so again no further action is needed. I'm not sure what the recommended action is if you're out of flags though :)
...and if the answer is poor but not flaggable, downvote (if you want) and move on.
Okay, Thanks @Makyen and @StephenKennedy. So basically, SD posting it here is enough to "notify the room" so to speak. That makes sense.
@Makyen I thought I'd given you enough time and that you must have stepped away. That said, given my professional experience as a software developer I should know by now to always at least double my estimates when I'm asked how long a job will take :)
@Chipster yw
Aargh 2x "given" in the same message, and out of the edit window. Bangs head on desk

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