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1 hour later…
@Dharman Before you Meta post about it, I accidentally declined your VLQ flag on one of the answers here. I for some reason thought you were flagging the question, rather than a specific answer. (I don't know why I thought that, in retrospect, since you can't raise a VLQ flag on a question that is that old.) I still have not yet gotten used to the new moderator dashboard. :-( Sorry.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
We're trying to cut down on reason-as-commentary cv-pls (things like "Gimme Teh Codez"). Please use a standard close reason, unless there is a specific custom reason. For questions like that, where it is just a code request, you can use Too Broad. For the rare occasion where it is off topic, but a custom message is the best fit, use a nice closure reason.
How does one delete one's own post in here?
@Daedalus-ReinstateMonica Only within 2 minutes
I think if it passes out the time window, you have to flag
Else a RO has to delete it
Ahh, thanks.
Well, that says only serious issues, which I'm fairly certain my retracted close vote is not.
@Daedalus-ReinstateMonica link me to the message you want /dev/null-ed and it will be done.
@rene This is the message. Sorry on the late reply, got distracted elsewhere.
I'm debating if I need to add some guidance on requesting deletion of your own cv-pls-es in the FAQ
Instead of posting the same answer to multiple questions (with repeated poor formatting to boot) please nominate them as duplicates once you have enough reputation. — tripleee 8 secs ago
@tripleee I can't see that comment, was it deleted?
@Selaron Post deleted by mod. Only 10k user see that post / comment.
@Shree Thanks. Will check back in two years or later ;D And deleted comments in particular can be viewed by diamond mods <> only isn't it?
@Selaron Yep deleted comment only seen by diamond mod. But in that case post deleted not comment so 10k user able to see that.
Do certain close reasons holds more weight? E.g. that Laravel could be closed as POB on the "What's best" sentence, but overall, it felt more broad than POB. Does it really matter which reason it's closed under if the post has multiple reasons to be closed?
@treyBake Not for me. When it comes to off-topic reasons then yes, it is important which one I chose, but POB, unclear and TB hold the same weight for me.
@Dharman yeah I guess that makes sense, is off-topic more important to highlight vs TB/POB?
fp feedback on autoflagged post: Random Arithmetic Quiz Problems [MS]
Autoflagged FP: flagged by @SmokeDetector, @caffeineaddiction, @cullub
Sometimes yes. sometimes NO MCVE is more useful than too-broad and sometimes the opposite way around. The question might be unclear and asked on another site, so I would vote as unclear/TB rather than ask them to post it on another site.
@SmokeDetector Disagree with going NAA rather than rude on this one. Not even a hint of positive input, so for me that's R/A under "abuse of site"
@Dharman ok cool ty :)
And we're offline. Thanks for closing stuff today. Come back tomorrow for more closure madness
Stack Overflow is down.
We'll be right back after the break.
Did we close too much? Did we close Stack Overflow?
damn, we need a distraction..
Ladies and Gentleman, here's Conway Twitty
@treyBake His son was pretty famous too
@Machavity damn, didn't know that :p
How am I supposed to avoid working without SO???
and we're back
phew, that was close. I was almost productive
Does this Q look like it needs MCVE?
is that one not just straight up unclear? o,O (lack of Python)
weirdly... the answer (posted by q OP) points to that readthedocs thing .. same as that guy posting a few days back ..
in fact he works for them
@treyBake how do you know?
^ works for Quantum, which wrote the readthedocs thing
nice catch - I don't have a LinkedIn acct anymore so I can't see that page
I'll give credit to... I can't remember who found the other guy out :/
@TylerH Also his Github
Lotus Notes question with no programming content == general computing?
@JL2210 There should be a dupe somewhere for that, no? OP has a zero sized array
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica There's other issues with it.
@StephenKennedy If it is about tools used for programming it is still on-topic here.
@Dharman Indeed, but idk if Lotus Notes is considered a programming tool or not. Nm, I already closed the tab with a meh :). Thanks.
@StephenKennedy looks very project-manager-y to me (though I could be on the wrong site xD) - edit: ping'd wrong person (my bad)
I want to make a Lotus joke but I'm also on the wrong site
is it Avatar related? :p
no... automotive
Lotus is a flower
The White Lotus saddens
Informal Poll: would you guys/girls/attack helicopters consider a transfer speed (think syncing OneDrive/Dropbox/Google Drive files to your computer) of 8GB of data in 24 minutes at work to be: A) Acceptable B) Fast or C) Slow?
This is up or down?
that's 5.5mb a sec - which I'm used to (curse my internet speeds)
depends where you work - if you're stationed on the Pitcairn Islands I'd say "miraculous"
Also pretty good if you live in the mid-90s.
acceptable for a general office, slow for a tech company
@TylerH This is primarily opinion based. I vote to close.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica I think down, but feel free to clarify your opinion as both an up or down speed
It all depends on what is being transfered. If the files are moved sequentially in small batches and every batch has to be validated and encrypted/decrypted then the speed will go down no matter what.
If we are talking here about pure download speed this is mediocre speed.
Clarification -- it's not proper, normalized data syncing like a SQL database or some data service. It's work files of varying sizes from an individual or departmental "drive"
You pay a big penalty for lots of small files.
For down that is terrible. At home I get about a GB per minute. Anything less than 100Mb/s connection for down is too slow. For up, depends on what you need. If you upload a lot, then this is also unacceptable. I shoot for 100/100 or better at work.
I have got 70Mb/sec at home and I am entirely happy with it
At work I do not care about the download speed, because I do not have steam installed.
you get 70mb/sec o.o
@StephenKennedy Depends on the question (hard to say without seeing it)-- IBM Notes (née Lotus Notes) can be considered a programming tool for sure. But many people don't use it for programming. I would classify it the same as MS Word or a web browser: if you're asking how to do something that is programming-related, then it's on-topic. If it's just general use of the app, it's off-topic.
@treyBake yeah, the problem is that my ehternet driver is broken and I get blue screens if I max out the bandwidth
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica For context, I'm just trying to get some background for a meeting I'm having this afternoon with some folks in our marketing dept. One guy is asking for a better solution than OneDrive (one anecdote he provided was "I tried to sync an 8GB video archive (.raw files, some other related files) and it took 24 minutes").
I don't use OneDrive (or any regular file syncing service outside of TFS for code) really so didn't have any kind of comparable baseline
But I know if I were downloading a movie at home, being able to get an 8GB file in 24 minutes would be amazeballs
Do you know what your actual internet speed is?
but I don't have fiber like @NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica
@Dharman damn, I envy you, it takes me literally days to download any game that's bigger than a 1gb xD
FWIW I.m running a cable modem. 125Mb/s
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Yeah I work at a hospital so we have a dedicated fiber connection. It's stupid fast, one sec lemme pull the speedtest numbers
@treyBake I used to get 1 megabit if I was lucky. Now in the same village gigabit fibre is available - quite a big jump! I'm using 4G though, it's fast enough and only £20p/m for an unlimited data SIM.
oh wait I'm on WiFi at the moment
@StephenKennedy huh, what speeds do you get tethering?
This is my WiFi at work: 154.8 Mbps download 219.1 Mbps upload
@treyBake I have a 4G modem connected to a router (purchased before the fibre was installed in the area). I get up to 2 megabytes per second.
Netgear LB1110
@TylerH That's decent. With those speeds they should have been able to upload that file in about 12-15 minutes.
@StephenKennedy 2 is definitely better than one haha :p does switching router from bog standard help much?
@treyBake No, ADSL was one megaBIT tops, more often 512kbps. Going from ADSL to 4G has been (need more coffee) errr.... up to 40x better
@treyBake Router (more specifically the modem component) can make a difference on a dodgy ADSL line, yes
@StephenKennedy haha I read bit as byte xD maybe it's me that needs more coffee haha and hmm.. might look into some routers then, AFAIK Netgear are the forerunners?
@treyBake Netgear is the 4G modem. It does it's job well. I'm not up to speed (no pun intended) on who makes the best ADSL kit these days.
@TylerH Is the machine they are uploading from (upload assumed from context provided later) connected via wired ethernet, WiFi, or ? What else was being done by the other people that were sharing the network at that time (i.e. just normal traffic, or was someone else also doing a large/moderate transfer)? How many people share the network connection (including share the WiFi, if they were connecting via WiFi)? If WiFi, how was their connection to the access point/router?
@StephenKennedy For me it is the opposite way around. ISPs give really bad routers, but they can still be used just as a modem. I bought a proper router and connected it to the modem with router functionality disabled and it works properly.
@TylerH Do you know if you have QoS rules in your routers to limit speeds? It might be something to look into to see if that was slowing the upload down. Could also be the disk drive of the machine being a limiter.
@StephenKennedy heh, ok will do some diggin' - ty :)
@treyBake If you really mean literally days to download > 1 GB then you might want to look at 4G. Check out the big telcos, unlimited data SIMs are a thing atm, and some of them also sell home 4G routers
Also, by an Ofcom ruling, they're not allowed to prevent you from putting a SIM intended for a phone into a modem (hence my SIM has unlimited calls and unlimited SMS too but it's only used for data)
@TylerH I have 100mb fiber at work. That's decent in most cases.
@StephenKennedy well, not literal days :p it's where it's so slow that I don't wait for downloads and just play something that's already installed - what I should do is play a single-player game whilst I download .. I may have just revolutionised my downloads without much change :o
move to my village and get fibre. yw.
@StephenKennedy In the US you can't get away with that. "Tethering" is almost always metered
@Makyen Wired
I think we're supposedly on fibre - feels like a lie xD it did double in speed recently, used to be on 4mb/s, think now it gets a whoppin' 7.9mb/s
@Makyen I don't know any other details about the network e.g. how many people per Access Point or what kind of traffic that subnet normally gets
@Machavity Thanks to the meddling EU, I can also use my phone and data in Europe with no extra charge. I was on SOCVR using tethering from the Netherlands last year :) shakes fist at the unelected bureaucrats
I think the guy who manages that stuff (certainly folks from that team) will be in the meeting though, so hopefully they can provide more info should that point come up
in PHP, yesterday, by DaveRandom
@ircmaxell brb, leaving the EU, give me like 15mins
lol. RO hat: onebox!
That's my one for the day :P
@Makyen there are at most 15 computers total on that subnet
@treyBake 8 megabit? on fibre? that must be fibre to the cabinet and the cabinet is some distance away
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Yeah I'm thinking it is a bit slow myself (I would guess at our speeds 8GB should take 5 mins, 10 mins tops). I also need to check if 1) he was using a Mac (and whether that could affect things) and 2) if he had a bandwidth limit set (which I think is the default for OneDrive)
The default in OD is no upload limit, unless you guys set one by default.
@Machavity That timescale is ridiculous. We'll be needing at least 20 minutes to negotiate the post-withdrawal trade agreements.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica ah that's good to know
I don't use it, though I was wise enough on my current computer to not try to uninstall it, having learned from my W7 computer that it is an act of excruciating pain to try and get OneDrive installed/working on a computer again after you try and remove it
@StephenKennedy imma have to find out - just went onto ISP page and there's a std package with 6-11mb/s dl speed, guessing we're on that and me mum's been mis-sold it as fibre :/
@treyBake Wait, she's on AT&T Uverse? (they do the same thing)
AT&T likes to tell people they are getting fiber, because their trunk is fiber. You have to read the fine print to see that you're still using the old copper to connect to that fiber so the speed still suck.
I don't know where you live, but I havent seen these speeds offers for the past 10 years. eir.ie/forlife/bundles/…
@Machavity yikes, for those prices too (had to Google)?!
@Dharman a lifetime fixed price :o that's insane, wish I lived in Ireland! haha
@Machavity I flashed LineageOS to my phone a while back and ever since I've had unrestricted tethering on AT&T. It's my only Internet source.
@TylerH OK. How the data is shared is really going to depend on how the network is set up (too many variables). You're really going to need your networking/infrastructure people in the meeting to get any meaningful information, other than that someone spent more time than they (and probably the company) would like waiting for an upload, which is already known.
Your base xfer speed of 93Mb/s ends up with about a best case total transfer time in the ballpark of 12–13 minutes for 8GB. Less than doubling that time really isn't that bad, assuming the connection is being shared by at least 15 machines.
@treyBake Lol. Sounds like you need to take charge of the household internet arrangements!
@StephenKennedy it would seem that way haha or just move out, but who's got the money for that? xD
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica My girlfriend had AT&T before I moved in, and they still had a basic cat5e cable running from the power pole. And there was water damage in the cable, too. Simply running a new coaxial line under Charter from the power pole and using cable like tripled the speeds she was pulling
@treyBake Yeah, AT&T is kinda tone deaf on pricing
@Makyen Yeah, while I think it is a little slow for our speeds, I also think "oh it took 24 minutes to sync this 8GB file" is not really a reason to complain. Like, go take a dump and then get some coffee, or something... watch a youtube video
We had our outside cable replaced a couple years ago as well. It was getting to the point where my internet couldn't maintain a connection in bad weather. New coax from the poll to the home and I haven't lost internet since.
then again, he also wants constant direct access to TBs of file storage (rather than, say, 1TB of drive space and several more TBs of long-term storage that can be called up upon request)
@TylerH True. Although, watching a YouTube video probably isn't a good idea if you're having a bandwidth issue. :-)
so, we'll have to have a chat of some kind with him likely culminating with either "no this isn't reasonable even for you Mr Marketing Man" or "OK, here's what this costs for the space and speeds you're wanting, let us know when you have it in the budget and we'll be happy to provide the service"
@Makyen heh, yeah, too bad YouTube stopped letting you buffer 100% of the video a long time ago. Really, really frustrating
There are addons of course that fix that, but I'm sure most people don't utilize them
What are the bandwidth issues that people are discussing here? Could I have a sumary?
@TylerH Yeah, I keep a profile available with an extension that allows YT downloads. It makes things much easier.
@Makyen I typically just use 3rd party sites for that as typically when I find a YT downloader extension it stops working after a while
Fast. Oh so fast. That's a GB per 3 minutes.
I know a site that shows up in google today for such a service is likely going to work (or it wouldn't be getting to the top of google still)
@JL2210 yeah, even today I'd love to have such speeds at home (though when I'm downloading such large files it's either Steam or stuff from filelocker websites...)
though at work it's much less impressive
@JL2210 Someone in an office complained that it took 24 minutes to upload 8GB to the cloud. The discussion moved on to what bandwidth you can get at home and office issues surrounding resources.
But I deal with 3Mbps a lot, so I guess I'm biased. If I'm lucky I can get 5. Usually it takes 10 minutes for me to transfer a gigabyte.
@TylerH That sounds slow. My job can sync 100GB+ in a hour or two. Of course, I think we have a considerable connection.
Oh, uplaod? Yeah, that's probably acceptable.
Be nice if I could actually work somewhere, though. Darn child labor laws...
Are you complaining that you are unable to work because of your age? If so, stop, my young friend, and enjoy your freedom and youthful vigor while you still can.
@JL2210 I would say enjoy it while you can. Make the most of it. You only get being a kid once, and you won't have this much time again until you retire.
"This convention states that a person under 18 cannot work in a facility that may jeopardize their safety, health, or morals" - best sentence I've read all day xD As soon as you're 18, feel free to take any work that jeopardises safety, health and morals!
Can agree to that^^ I started work way too early and as a result, lost out on almost all my teenage years :'(
Where do you people work? What do you do?
IT contractor.
@JL2210 I work at a hospital. I save lives.
web dev - the joke of the development world
(JK I work in the IT dept there; they don't let me near patients)
@TylerH Lol.
@TylerH Is that how you save their lifes? By not going near them?
Trey seems like the odd one out: he actually does development...
The rest of us are IT
I don't know what I am...
Does anyone have a job that mainly consists of C?
man, 4 audits this go-round on the CV Queue. -_-
@JL2210 Yes, I C myself sitting at a desk every day
@Chipster Hey, we're all developers here. We've developed a way to get paid to use the internet ;)
(I'm here all week)
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica True. Paid developers I mean...
Paid to write code...
@TylerH What constructs do you use at your job?
@Chipster it's fine, I get called IT anyway xD
people get so confused when I can't help them fix a printer
@JL2210 I am an "Applications Engineer" by title. I support off-the-shelf applications (typically ones that involve some programming or where technical knowledge helps), and also write web sites/web applications or desktop applications (either C#, ASP.NET, or PowerShell scripts).
what do you do about typographical errors that are self-answered but the post gets deleted by review? stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/24558696
@Unihedron Flag the question for closure as "no repro" or whatever that reason is called today
@treyBake Lol. That's what happens with people sometimes...
(or vote to close if you have 3k+ rep)
@TylerH well it's "It's caused by a typo or problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers." but the evidence is gone even though it was posted by the OP
@Unihedron not gone, just hidden to people with less than 10k rep
functionally gone
I've left a comment indicating as such
@Chipster yeah, hopefully one day I won't have that problem haha 'til then, I guess I best learn how to fix printers xD
OK thanks
eh, enough people will probably see it that have 10k rep or trust that that's the truth
If it causes enough of an issue, Meta or a moderator can get involved
alternatively, if you can see the review item, you can take a screenshot and include that in a comment in future cases
@treyBake Is that in your job description though, or people just ask anyway?
Does anyone here work with assembly code (and no, not physically assembling things)? I'm trying to figure out what I'm in for when/if I do get a job later on.
@CodyGray likes working with assembly, but I think he says he works with C++ normally.
@Chipster I noticed that. He has a really interesting fast strlen implementation on Code Review.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica I'd like to start with C++98. It's the oldest revision and most likely to be portable.
@JL2210 If you start with C++11, it's not so bad. It really depends on how far down the rabbit whole you want to go though.
Oops, accidentally edited instead of typing a new comment: @NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica I'd like to start with C++98. It's the oldest revision and most likely to be portable.
Start with 03 instead. 98 has a lot of defects that were fixed in 03.
Old comment: I'd like to learn C++, but it seems like a big change. Most of the basic features of Go were fairly easy to learn, so maybe C++ will be too.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica I thought the rule was start at C++17 and ridicule people who use older versions
@TylerH I'm being lenient today ;)
How is C++11 better then C++98?
Because 11 is an overflowed 98
It's categorized in reverse order
You would expect they got their versioning right by now
so is the versioning not consecutive? Just like Windows?
I ought to make a new chatroom so we don't have to talk about this stuff here.
So, for all the IT people, I have a funny story. We were moving stuff around in the office, and had to take down and set up a bunch of computers. My coworker (from not IT) decided to "help" and set one of them up. So I let her--I was busy with something else and she said she knew how.

So, later she calls me over and asks where one of the cords for one of the monitors was. That was odd, because she should have had them all already. So I go over and look, and long story short she plugged the HDMI port of one monitor into the HDMI port of another monitor. Then, since she was expecting a VGA c
@JL2210 Now days, C++11 is pretty portable. It should be able to be used on most modern systems, unless you're doing development on special hardware for some reason..
Ah, so C++ is not like C in that unless you write ANSI C89, it won't work everywhere?
tbf, daisy chaining monitors would be nice to have.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica It would, it's just like I would have never thought to do that.
@JL2210 No, its like C, it's just that unless you actually have to work with something old (legacy) there is no point in staying way back in the past.
Hmm, you're probably right. I'm guessing that more of C++ is supported on Windows than C is?
@rene It's based on the year it was released. So C++98 is named that because it was released around 1998, where C++11 was released around 2011. So C++11 is actually newer than C++98.
@Chipster (he knows)
rene was making a joke
Oh. I don't see him in the C++ tag a lot, so I didn't know he knows C++.
He probably doesn't know C++, but he probably knows how the versioning works
digs in closet
Got you. That's probably more than I could say about languages I don't know very well.
it's a common thing to have date-based values of two digits mean "the date of the current century", if it's happened already
I mean for a language that has an increment operator in the name the versioning should be incremented by 1 each time, right?
That's true. That's basically what Microsoft is doing now.
E.g. in Excel it knows if you type in 90 for a YY or YYYY date it marks it as 1990, but if you type in 17 it marks it as 2017.
@Dharman that's too simple, and easy to mess up when you have competing products that end up getting merged or replaced
So, I have a '00s-era book about the Borland C++ Builder... and that's it.
take .NET and .NET Core for example
.NET is on 4.x and .NET Core is on 3 I think. The next version is going to be .NET and .NET Core merged into one (and Core is "newer"). But if they made it .NET or .NET Core 4, then it'd be confusing "which one is newer?" stuff
so they are skipping and going with .NET 5
@Chipster I heard that 7 8 9. That's why I use Windows 7 if I use windows, which is... less than never.
Plus version #s start to lose their gravitas when you get up to 10 and above
@Chipster He's a sharp guy. Knows his C, and all
Make it .NET++
E.g. iPhone 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, is way less cool than "iPhone 4, iPhone 5" at least marketing-wise
Python does that I think, but I don't play with Python a lot anymore, so I don't know how hard it is to mix Python versions.
so they goto "X" and stuff
it's simplest just to use year revisions when you can (e.g. when you have 1 major release per year or less frequently)
I really hope GCC and Linux don't start using the crappy versioning scheme that Windows does.
the most modern implementation seems to be stuff like YYYY.minor version.build or something similar, like 2019.4.2983
@TylerH hey, I have two answers in the C++ tag, please don't under estimate me ;)
@rene And only one of them remotely consists of C++.
correct, I hoped nobody would notice ....
Created a new room for stuff that's not supposed to be here yet is anyway: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/202216/socvr-overflow. Name's SOCVR Overflow.
Oh, didn't see that.
No, we don't advertize that room enough
Blame the RO's
How to delete a room in Stack Overflow Chat
you can set it to gallery
and then wait for 14 days
it will auto delete
For context, that answer says "A young man aged 15 years his eyes a large black cream" by the user Kazem. It's in Arabic.
Either that or "Shab Umrah 15 Shades of Profit from Great Springs" by Kazim.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica nudge. Can you come into the Ministry of Silly Hats so we can discuss C++?
@rene mea culpa :-)
finished my first semester of my MBA.
@Compass Nice!
@Compass Very nice! You'll become a sociopath in no time :-P (hey, I can say this; I have a business degree)
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Is this now a game of "guess which wife of Henry the VIII"?
I've not heard of that
R&D is hard... Gimme teh codez ftw!
weird, can anyone else not see the "run snippet" button for this answer? stackoverflow.com/a/58825247/2756409 I can see it when I click "edit" but I can't see it from the normal viewing page
@TylerH Nope. I can't either.
Perhaps because it is negatively scored?
surely not
@TylerH Missing for me too (Firefox on Linux Mint)
@Chipster Also unclear, I couldn't make heads or tails of that
@halfer Also that. But since the comments seemed to help the OP, I would consider the question "resolved," but not in any way that is useful (e. g., question is unclear and there are no answers).
@TylerH I thought it was a vague reference to Sephiroth
I never played Kingdom Hearts so I wouldn't know
@TylerH Heh. Didn't know they had him in KH. He was the antagonist in FFVII
I know I was being a troll :-)
(though I've never played either KH or FF)
except I did play a bit of FF1 or 2 on my TI-84 Plus in high school
@TylerH The first time I tried loading this I did not see the "Run code snippet" button. It was fixed when I reloaded the page a few minutes later.
@Chipster Turns out you were right. Posts with -3 or lower don't show the button
@Makyen because I upvoted the answer to see the button
bottom line: bad design
Wow, that is surprising. I wonder if they did it as a security feature.
@TylerH Hmmm... interesting. I double-checked and verified that -3 was the issue. I wasn't aware of that.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica Could be. That sounds like something they might do.
@TylerH That was just a lucky guess.
It would probably be a helpful security feature, if they had a note in the page that the <= -3 score was the reason there's no button. As it is, it's confusing.
@NathanOliver-ReinstateMonica yep, according to Haney
people were using it to run malicious stuff (or try to) or just draw inappropriate shapes/content on screen
@Makyen Yeah, I said as much to Haney in a comment
@Haney I think a better option would be a message saying it's disabled due to low score but with a button to run it anyway. Actually malicious posts should get deleted by flags before too long (average is probably 10 minutes or so). This doesn't put control of snippet running in the hands of users so much as the mob, writ large. — TylerH 16 mins ago
Woot. I chose poorly wisely \o/
I just realized that if I search for questions tagged "Linux" and "Networking" at the same time, I can find a lot of off topic questions in one place.
@Chipster if that is your strategy to find posts that can go then don't search for questions tagged "PHP" ...
@rene If you think that's bad, please, for the sake of your own health, don't look at
please call 911, I'm going to have a look
@rene I'm not sure what you mean.
You can just ignore wordpress* tags. It makes life so much better and enjoyable.
@Chipster That is fine, don't worry about PHP then.
@Dharman that is actually in my ignore list already
but so is C C++ Python and JavaScript
@rene Oh. Got you.
@Dharman Yet... nobody has commented on why that answer is harmful.
@CodyGray Added the comment.
That's better. Now, I can ask, why delete it? Isn't downvoting sufficient, especially with a comment, where it can serve an educational purpose?
Yeah, maybe you are right. I am not a fan of leaving completely wrong answers laying around. I see no reason to keep them, even for education purpose. But if there is any disagreement about my request, let's move it into the null bin. This is merely a request and if other people disagree with me it is ok.
I apologize if this question isn't directly on topic, but: What does the "question is very low quality" link in the Help & Improvement queue actually do? I had been roughly assuming it was what you do when there is a message that can only be fixed by the author editing, but its not clear. Additionally, the popup says "Really skip this question and flag it as low quality?" but I don't think anything ever actually shown up in my flags list when I have used it for that purpose...
I saw this but the answer there is more a diagnosis of 2 specific instances.
@Dharman I wasn't speaking as a moderator, so don't feel like you have to bin it. Asking for deletion is appropriate. I'm just not convinced it's necessary.
Thanks, also, I just found this which is marginally more helpful.
@CodyGray I mean this for any fellow SOCVR user. If anybody disagrees or questions by request, I do not mind that it is binned. Asking for help here is a privilege and without this room I would have to just move on anyway.
Then again: as pointed out by a comment, some moderators decline VLQ flags on questions that aren't in immediate need of deletion. Often times, flagging "needs to be closed" is more appropriate. I...don't even know if you can do that from H&I.
^ I'm glad that's cleared up as I wasn't sure what to say (Cody advising, not speaking as a moderator). In this case, you can ask me to bin it @Dharman, or it can stay unless other people object or until is actioned or expired.
@robsiemb You have an unusual definition of "helpful". :-)
@Dharman We have a rule to cover that and one objection doesn't trigger it
@CodyGray You can't flag from inside of H&I. Helpful in terms of "clearly it just throws it back to triage based on that diagram" -- assuming the diagram can be trusted.
The diagram is trustworthy. It's just...a mess.
@StephenKennedy Please bin it. There will be other bad answers in the future. Let's not dwell on this one.
@StephenKennedy That's the downside of having a diamond attached to your name and all chat posts rendered in blue. There's no way to just have an opinion. People always assume you know what you're talking about. Very dangerous.
With great diamond comes great responsibility

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