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I wonder why it does not add the file to the included files list.
And found compile_filename, which compiles then adds to include table.
It seems this functionality is all over the place in bespoke and slightly different ways. How annoying.
You are sure you need to add to the table, then compile?
i know everybody hates pass by ref, but i just want to say that is silly as hell that i can't pass expressions where pass by reference is expected
if from the calling side i don't care whether i see the changes, why does php insist that i should care
afaik pass by reference is used also with non empty variables, right?
like take this half filled array and add more stuff to it
if i don't care about seeing the result, why am i forced to get the stuff into a variable first?
stupid example
echo end($this->getArray())->foo();
or when i want to read an array that might have self referentiation but i don't know yet
like, i want to serialize whatever array, which might contain references to itself
anyway, just a random rant. nothing of i just wrote is important :B
i am actually touching pass by reference because this code i am using is insane
an expression is kinda by definition immediately discarded after its use, no?
basically every entry in an array this guy passes around is a reference
probably done like that in the attempt of simulating a mutable array
super insane
class MutArray {
public $data = [];

Instant mutable array
yeah, instead this:
all entries are pass by ref
Well good luck with that :D
I'm all in favour of deleting references from the language
i don't even know why they do that
Then again, I'm in favour of deleting backticks too but it seems most dont agree with me xD
i thought oh shit this thing is going to change unexpectedly
but it never does
backticks don't bother me
i just wanted to free ` for future unicode strings
i have never ever seen backticks used in real code
It happens.
Right, 2am, i should probably get up and do some work. Yay for body clocks being ruined by winter
i'd have expected to read, right 2am, it's time to go to bed
A programmer going to bed at 2am? What is this fanciful person of which you imagine?
there is no such thing
i woke up at 8pm
i'm way more messed up than you :B
Problem is I went to bed at 9pm, woke up at 1am, will work several hours, go back to bed, wake up at 9, go out, get back at 12, work some more etc
i am like that sometimes yeah
> the referenced object that the reference references
i actually managed to write that
also i am missing a "that"
3 hours later…
@LeviMorrison that is for executing the main script, which is not included
you have to update the table if what you are doing constitutes an include or require, if you want include or require to work properly within the script you are including ...
so if your extension is doing something like an autoload of a user code, you want to update the table, if your sapi needs a way to execute primary script, use the function ...
also, moin
With regard to the typed properties RFC, and the recent Union types RFC - if a superclass defines $foo as int|float, can a subclass of it legally re-define $foo to be just int or just float - or, does the opposite work - can a subclass widen the accepted types for a property?
@NikiC ping
I have an odd thing that I don't quite understand ...
I'm stopping a function that has travelled assign_dim, which allocated a new array, I expected to find this in live range, but the function has no live ranges ... what's going on ?
while(true) {
    $array[] = \mt_rand();
@Danack yes, wild beast is on the city streets ))
@Wes, passing arrays by ref if sometimes done for perceived performance gains.
@Stephen, properties have to be invariant (co-variant on read and contra-variant on write)
/me waves from Barcelona :)
hi friends, I need fix an issue.
Can anyone help?
lets hear it
I am having a json with array of values
While I am parsing and update the values, I am having an issue.
array values are not updating
may i ask for a small sample code
yes I am preparing it
Please wait
"production": {
"teammembers": {
"members": [
"id": 1,
"name": "1",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 2,
"name": "2",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 3,
"name": "3",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 4,
"name": "4",
"endtime": "2019-11-15 09:15:27",
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 5,
"name": "5",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 6,
"name": "6",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 7,
"name": "7",
"endtime": "2019-11-15 09:20:56",
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 8,
Sample data
your json is valid, i don't see why i shouldn't update
premptive @StatikStasis: no.
$memberid =4;

$teammembers = '
"production": {
"teammembers": {
"members": [
"id": 1,
"name": "1",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 2,
"name": "2",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 3,
"name": "3",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 4,
"name": "4",
"endtime": "2019-11-15 09:15:27",
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 5,
"name": "5",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 6,
"name": "6",
"endtime": 0,
"recoverTime": 0
"id": 7,
"name": "7",
"endtime": "2019-11-15 09:20:56",
I am changing the value of endtime to 0, once the current time passes endtime for a member.
For most of the time, It works fine.
But On very rare cases, endtime remains datetime and not set to 0.
@Danack need to think about that, first thing to do is to make sure psr7 and psr17 are bringing any benefit when written in C as PHP extension
Am I clear with my issue?
yes going through it
i think the issue is with how your checking the time
what are you using to check the time? and how?
$tm = json_decode($teammembers,true);
$members_array = $tm['production']['teammembers']['members'];

$updated_members = array();
foreach($members_array as $i=>$member){
if($member['id'] == $memberid){
$et = $member['endtime'];
if($et <=time()){
$member['endtime'] = 0;
$updated_members[] = $member;
echo json_encode($updated_members);
try if(strtotime('2019-11-15 09:20:56') <= time()){//do this}
so it is like strtotime($et)<=time(). Am I right?
The real problem is, it happens very rarely. But my client is not accepting
@Gunaseelan yes that should work
Thank you. As far as I concern, I don't have any issues with the code.
guys is there any blog, twitter page, instagram page or whatever which contains "what's new in PHP" or "how is going about PHP" ..?
perfect .. thx
JetBrains do a regular round-up of links and news: blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/category/php-annotated-monthly
there is also php weekly newsletter
is there? o.O
@MarkR yeah phpweekly.com - its pretty good imho
good .. thx guys
oh ma gawd, it looks like it's from 2001 :|
I didn't try visiting that, may be nsfw
!!urban nsfw
!!wiki nsfw
Not safe for work (NSFW) is an Internet slang or shorthand used to mark URLs and hyperlinks which link to videos or websites pages that contain nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, violence or other potentially disturbing subject matter, which the viewer may not wish to be seen looking at in a public or formal environment, including a workplace, school or in a family setting. NSFW has particular relevance for people trying to make personal use of the Internet at workplaces or schools which have policies prohibiting access to sexual and graphic subject matter.The similar expression not safe for...
gotta love a mailto: link
@DaveRandom Oh .. porn thing will be published there ?
maybe, I'm not going to find out rn
it feels at least 40% more monday than normal ...
does "it" refer to "today" ?
@brzuchal I know I can't make a really strong argument for this, but unless you absolutely need a class, I would recommend going out of your way to not add any classes to PHP core. Extending and compositing behaviour through functions is so much easier long term than classes are.
Is there an example somewhere about how to use a FFI with the Travis-CI?
all ffi tests are running on php-src CI
devoir something for which a person is responsible; duty.
i find this a super interesting question, is php loosing out over node.js because you can't get a simple full installation of it from php.net and need to use third parties instead?

It's never been an immediate consideration for me. Kinda bugged me that the docker images took a few days to catch up to the latest RCs, but that's about it.
Is reddit a Q/A website ? Or a social media like facebook?
None of the above. And all of the above.
apparently it focused to be a "web content rating"
By design, it's many different things
Just a few days till mine fails miserably \o/
I'm also heading to PHP Barcelona but will be there 'latish' tonight. Where are people meeting? The speakers hotel?
@Danack my flight is delayed and arrives at 19:50, should we pool then btw?
@DaveRandom Awe... =(
@StatikStasis * incoherent mutterings *
@kelunik HTTP/3
/me wonders how long it will be before "HTTP living standard" becomes a thing
@JoeWatkins Seems like this should get unified though, so the API is common. Seems totally weird that it's re-implemented ad-hoc in at least 4 places.
cough ext/soap HTTP client cough
@JoeWatkins @beberlei @Danack I've been busy and haven't actually scheduled a meeting for this week. Any preference for which day?
@Trowski no.
Also: does PHP even support TLS over UDP?
@LeviMorrison not sure it makes sense as nothing happened or? Also everyone in barclona until thursday
Lets say I have a webpage where people can input their starting location and upon Submit, It provides a Google Map with a Polyline and textual directions. Im thnking that it HAS TO be possible to create a link to send this data to their mobile Google Maps App
ISO: ANY Input
BTW All That is in Question Format
@DaveRandom uh yeah that should go away
Maybe I should ask (Since I dont even own a smart phone)
Could as many as possible take a look at the "Directions" offered here
@beberlei Enjoy Barcelona then, and update me with anything that comes from your in person meeting. If you need a specific discussion topic, I'll just drop the fact that calling a clock regularly is far more expensive than the zend_execute_ex is, so we need a proxy of time; maybe a posix timer that goes off routinely + the ticks count? /cc @JoeWatkins @Gordon @bwoebi @Danack
Revealed by clicking GMaps Icon
Im hoping as many as possible will provide mobile input on available features (ie: being able to use G Maps App)
Can you already access the given directions via G Maps App and if not, I welcome any input
on how I could implement such functionality
to what Ive already got
@Trowski tbf, I would like to see the QUIC part abstracted in C level extension and then be used as quic:// stream maybe
@Danack and @beberlei and @Derick and @NikiC I have work calls until 8pm. The wife and I will likely seek sustinence after, so definitely keep me in the loop
Who else will be in Barcelona?
like 5 million Spaniards
@beberlei I have started a couple of times but I just don't have the strength of resolve
1000+ line functions are a step too far
@DaveRandom Catalans..... :P
@ircmaxell brb, leaving the EU, give me like 15mins
@DaveRandom i would just delete all code and use stream wrappers, then see how many tests fail
Folks, do you know if it's possible to reconfigure PHP on travis (need --with-ffi flag to be set)? Or I need to start from scratch with my own PHP build?
@beberlei that was the basic concept, easier than done though :-P
@bwoebi TLS afaik needs to be negotiated over TCP, but I guess you can then use the same context over UDP.
how does tls over udp even work considering it's not a reliable transport?
@bwoebi Would that be possible? I thought there was a lot of stream meta that would need to be handled based on the TCP connection.
Hmm… nope, n/m, looks like it can exist separately. So yes, that definitely should be done in C and added to streams.
@PeeHaa By essentially re-implementing portions of TCP. Look up the QUIC protocol. Essentially it's a new transport-layer protocol.
My first question is moot, as I misunderstood how HTTP/3 used UDP.
@JoeWatkins live ranges are for temporaries, where are you expecting one here?
@Trowski for some reason I think that is funny
like, that could've stopped SCSS before it layed eggs
the first occurrence of :-webkit-any is in chrome 12 lol
so it's probably older than 9 years
@Trowski dtls is not tcp based? Anyway our classical openssl expects whole tls records, not bare tls messages
@PeeHaa look up dtls
@NikiC to add: live ranges must span at least one op in between, otherwise none is generated (i.e. the retval of mt_rand() is not going to create a live range as it's immediately used.) @JoeWatkins
@ircmaxell ping about yesterday FB SDK
Also @beberlei I didn't know you started hosting a podcast :o
@Trowski we maybe do not need a complete quic impl in php-src, but we do need support for dtls (datagram tls) in openssl
I don't want to see the crypto part handled in userland
@bwoebi Very much agreed. Looks like datagram tls would be the only necessary part right now.
@bwoebi Yeah, I realized that after asking that.
hi everyone
Q: How to avoid 504 Gateway Timeout with Laravel mass insert?

not a trollConnections can have 1,000 - 10,000 items passed to it. I keep getting a 504 when trying to hit this controller, I've changed it from individual Create to mass Insert (one query) but it still throws a 504 if connections are higher than 1000. How can I improve this code to not throw a 504? I don'...

I think you need to use workers with this kind of batch operations
@DaveRandom ping
@StatikStasis And the next big thing in TVs will be 3D! Oh… wait…
Anyone seen Jimbo? Thought he was going to be at barcelona.
+1 for the array_walk_recursive solution. Works fine. I use it for the $_POST and $_GET variable when magic quotes are disabled on the server. — Floris 13 hours ago
@Danack Nope. Sorry. Tried twitter?
@Trowski lol- something will eventually replace the cellphone... I don't know what it will be- but it could be something like this. At the moment I am not interested in it at all. I know they would want to record my eye movement to see what I am looking at. Also- you know there will be some fatality at some point because there was an ad error that covered the lens at an inopportune moment and causes an accident.
Yeah, no response which is a bit weird. I’m not imagining that he said he was going right?
@Trowski What is that... is that a peach?
@Danack I think I did see something like that
@StatikStasis Maybe… I dunno.
bloody drove to the store in the flipping snow to buy a humidifier earlier, and forgot to buy tea and holy crap I'm turning into a Brit
it has been nearly six months since I powered up my dev box
and I managed to forget my user password
keypass :-)
yeah, I have that... trying to sudo something
and for some reason I didn't store the password in my password manager, probably because I thought I'd remember it for some reason
@jayistoocommon where you to?

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