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12:40 AM
You're missing a trick with your tag badges @Nkosi. You ought to have at least one more gold.
You lost me on that one.
wiki, for example: "It is useful to use this tag in conjunction with the project type tag e.g. [asp.net-mvc], [asp.net-webforms], or [asp.net-web-api]"
You have gold in the latter, therefore with judicious tagging you'd have gold in asp.net too but you only have silver
I didn't get where am I today without judicious tagging :)
oh now I see what you mean. I didn't go retagging in case it caused some issue with the mods
fires up meta
I am almost there anyway so shouldn't take long again to get it. Probably when I'm close to the mark I'll do some
@HovercraftFullOfEels Don't you mean "Min-Reprex" or whatever it's called now? :)
1 hour later…
What's the proper action if a gold badge holder unilaterally reopens their own post when the community marked it as a duplicate?
Custom-flag got declined
3:21 AM
The author is also part of the community. Not sure anything needs to be done about it?
They only get one vote anyway, so there's nothing stopping the question from being closed again
Seems like a misuse of the privilege to me, but I could be wrong
If they're blatantly re-opening terrible questions, then it would be. But in this case, they're simply using their vote. To be honest, if they hadn't re-opened it.. I probably would have
Especially given that the question was, in fact, a duplicate :)
I actually think that the question was an obvious duplicate (not to mention argumentative).
@Rob I actually would've felt a little better if you or another diamond or gold-badge holder had reopened it instead of the OP (even though I think that it's legitimately a dupe)... seems better from a process perspective rather than the OP using their badge to act unilaterally.
3:39 AM
I do get where you're coming from... and there are cases where gold badges can be abused. But... this isn't really one of those situations. Yes, they unilaterally re-opened their question. But they're trusted to do so. And again, they still only get one vote, so if the rest of the community really disagrees with it, it'll be closed again shortly
In defense of that position, I guess they are a high-rep user that generally shows good judgment.
3:58 AM
I put what I'm hoping is the last "batch" of questions into the queue (for awhile at least).
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
7:26 AM
@double-beep Why did you vote to reopen เด็กฝึกหัดอยากรู้? IMO, the question is unclear and, if debugging, lacks a MCVE. Unclear issues: A) non-English title; B) are they asking us to write the code or debug it? C) What text input are they talking about (code shown doesn't have any input, or a submit button for that matter). D) No HTML provided.
@Makyen missed the title. It wasn't edited and therefore not shown in revision tab in reopen queue. I usually check only the revision tab in the reopen queue because it helps me understand how the question was improved. Now, I am not sure how I also missed the title when editing the post. VTC'd as unclear.
7:49 AM
Morning all o/
"fixed grammar mistakes" - Actively causes grammar problems, why do I bother with the Suggested Edit queue any more...
@NickA So you can reject such edit suggestions. :-) Rejecting bad edits is quite useful. Obviously, in an ideal world a bad edit wouldn't be suggested, but that's not how it works. :-;
@double-beep needs a reject edit
8:07 AM
@SurajRao If you're going to reject the edit, then it would be good to edit into the question the code which the question OP posted as an "answer".
oh.. I didnt notice OP's answer. my bad.. Is editing in
1 hour later…
9:41 AM
@Shree Review what?
@NickA thanks. Edit :D
Oh is this the question that OP had added an answer containing their code instead of an edit?
Yep but valid question after edit .
Wanted to be sure, if code came from nowhere I would've been more tempted to roll it back and frown at the approvers of the edit :P
9:56 AM
nvm, no it's not
10:23 AM
@dippas all the link only stuff are dead..
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
2:22 PM
attaches to the sofa
points at scratching post
attaches to curtains
pours catnip over scratching post
pulls out the garden hose
Can't you cats just get along.....lol
2:29 PM
I imagine Pusheen and Bongo Cat would get on very well!
2:46 PM
is the SD reported question on topic?
@StephenKennedy no
@rene server/networking?
Server fault isn't it?
it's a configuration for aws which :shrug:
2:53 PM
It's a .htaccess question. Those are on-topic
holding fire
there's a htaccess tag and it has 10s of thousands of questions in it, so I'll retract my vote
careful now
3:19 PM
Does this Q look too broad?
@Machavity I agree with Dave in the comments and am inclined to say yes
What to do for this suggested-edit? First two sentences are from web.archive.org/web/20170705231035/https://www.sitepoint.com/… but the last two sentences provide usage guidance.
@Cœur reject if there is any plagiarism
@Cœur That's because it's copied from the usage guidance
3:28 PM
@NickA which is copied from
Which is copied from ....
I can see where this is going...
Nah, it stops there
Although they are copied from the plain
3:30 PM
angular-material didn't exist before Angular 4 lol
so it actually went all the way back to the source.
angular-material -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> ???
Funny thing is they're all copied from
So we got the original on Stack Overflow in 2015: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/8654465
so maybe the sitepoint article is the one doing a copyvio and not the other way around
Perhaps if the somewhat promotional and not informative sentence "This project provides a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components based on the Material Design system." were to be edited out, what is left is so minor it doesn't matter where it came from?
(Tag wikis are full of copied content. I wouldn't waste too much energy on it.)
Has there been any DMCA takedown against a tag wiki? I'd wager it's quite the opposite.
3:42 PM
oh wait that's js
Oh no, they're telling people in our own words how awesome we are, we have to put a stop to that
Material is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design. Backed by open-source code, Material streamlines collaboration between designers and developers, and helps teams quickly build beautiful products.
that's their definition. The first sentence is fact.
The second is opinion.
The full text appears to have been on the Angular Material site at least by 2015-06-03, which is a month prior to it showing up on SO.
@JohnDvorak Posts certainly have, don't remember hearing about any tag wikis getting taken down for them though
4:04 PM
@Makyen Nice catch.
4:21 PM
@StephenKennedy Thanks for saving Journeyman Geek's meta post from .NET naming trouble yesterday :-)
@TylerH disaster averted. wipes brow. yw!
before I post to the wolves in meta, thought I'd run this idea by you cool peeps: Vote-to-accept/mark-as-accepted. It's essentially to combat those questions/answers out there that aren't accepted even though the OP has commented something like "this worked, thanks" etc.

There would be conditions to it, could be how the current voting system works (5 votes = action) or probably better, a flag to accept with the reason of "OP commented 'it works etc.' - marking as accepted" and then a mod (or gold tag user) can choose to decline/approve
@treyBake We'll get back to you in 6-8
@StephenKennedy Just in time for Microsoft to announce .NET Universal Core Everywhere 1 or... something
4:28 PM
@StephenKennedy thanks! Was about to call your Archer then and just seen you've changed your pp! mind. blown.
When you bite a big piece of chicken and it's actually a big piece of avocado
@TylerH .NET 5, already announced. But it isn't .NET vNext, it's .NET Core vNext, with the best bits of mono rolled in - but both runtimes will still exist. Don't shoot, I'm just the messenger.
@StephenKennedy yeah, I was just making a joke about them coming out with a new new version and renaming it something totally different
I'm excited for .NET 5
but I was under the impression it would totally replace .NET 4.x
@treyBake It's not the most rock-and-roll picture ever, granted. I did have long hair at one point but as you can see I've faced challenges in that area :)
4:32 PM
e.g you'd now have one and only one 'type' of .NET if you wanna run .NET 5+... (e.g. "just" .NET, not having to distinguish between .NET or .NET Core)
I'll try and dig out my "orange turban" (Machavity twin) pic at some point. That's a cooler one.
@treyBake I threw something like that up somewhere. E.g. let the community and/or moderators overrule the acceptance in extreme cases
like OP inactive for 1+ year, and 10+ community votes from people with a gold badge in the main tag,
@TylerH No, they just leave .NET to die I'm afraid. 4.8 is the last major release, and .NET Standard 2.0 is the last one to support all versions of .NET.
@StephenKennedy I'm not familiar at all with .NET Standard
It'll get bugfixes and maintenance releases ofc but that's it, the end of the road.
4:34 PM
@treyBake but if you think about it, that functionality is largely unneeded, because mods can already delete any accepted answer (though of course they're loathe to do it)
and 20k+ users can VTD accepted answers if the score is low enough, IIRC
the only thing not already possible is moving the check mark to another answer, which would essentially mean a re-definition of what the check mark is for... potentially breaking the check mark for the millions of accepted answers already
which is, of course, untenable to many people
@TylerH tl;dr If you have modern library code in .NET libraries, retarget to netstandard2.0. There's a good chance it will compile. Congratulations, your library can now be referenced from .NET ~4.7 and .NET Core 2+. (I've used conditional compilation and multitargetting in our core libs as we have a few dependencies which won't compile under Standard, such as System.Data.Linq)
@StephenKennedy Ah, so Standard is the name for the new version name post-".NET and .NET Core"?
All yalls with your .net standard. Esolangs don't have this issue!
@TylerH No, Standard is a set of APIs - a contract. By targetting netstandard2.0 you're saying "my code only uses APIs in .NET Standard 2.0 and therefore it can be referenced by any Framework which implements that standard". See my answer here, specifically the second diagram: stackoverflow.com/a/56719176/397817
@StephenKennedy ah, OK, I see what you mean then about not supporting Linq
ooh, pretty pictures
4:42 PM
@TylerH Linq is good to go. Linq to SQL, sadly not. It's been considered dead for years anyway, but it's a great tech for a C#/SQL Server shop. Easy to use, generates clean SQL, not terrible performance.
@StephenKennedy Heh, I'm far away from using Linq probably. Right now I'm discovering the DataTable entity and trying to figure out how to populate one via a SQL table
@TylerH use a DataAdapter ?
@rene use CSS?
5:04 PM
@NickA BTW: Did you raise a flag for all of that plagiarism?
5:38 PM
@StephenKennedy haha xD
@TylerH I more mean, exclusivly give this vote to answers where the OP commented saying it worked
5:54 PM
@Makyen I didn't no, all have been in place (except obviously the suggested edit Cœur brought up) for 8+ months, also wasn't sure of the original source, although it does sound a bit promotional
@rene That sounds promising. I'll let you know when I read about DataAdapters :-D
I think the only experience I have with DataTables is through an SDK one of our vendor's creates that exposes it's internal tables as DataTables, internally they have read only access to SQL so writing back edits into a table is a pain...
Cutting edge recommendation from Rene there :) [but it is best to know this stuff as a foundation]
@NickA We use DataSets to populate Crystal Reports (yuck)
Eww, I only ever deal with individual tables (or a bunch of DataTables in series, I don't need any sort of relationship between them) so don't use DataSets
@NickA You're not into relationships then? Is it a fear of commitment?
6:30 PM
@StephenKennedy DBA jokes, I love 'em
@StephenKennedy I used to be, but there was too much Access
6:48 PM
@NickA Don't want a rerun, then? I guess nobody likes a depressing sequel
We have an amazing DBA at work who knows the answer to any database-related question out there. We call her the Oracle.
Oh god, Shtahp
7:11 PM
@halfer This is why we can't have nice things.
Just came across a suggested edit where editor change 15 os into Os because the question was about big-O, that was all lol
7:29 PM
@NickA lol, I just came across, too
8:28 PM
@Nkosi Wot, u no like Dad jokes? :=)
@halfer Only a select few got that joke, where their experience with Oracle was not null
@Machavity Did you get a NullPointerException with everyone else?
@EJoshuaS Today is SQL joke day. Tomorrow is Java joke day
8:33 PM
@TylerH Does it need a userscript to remove it? :=p
@Machavity Otherwise I'd have to cv-pls the joke as the Nth NPE dupe :)
@halfer I removed it by blocking ##.js-product-notice.py8.s-notice__info.s-notice via uBlock Origin
@Machavity Too late to rollback. :<
C-sharpies, is there a canonical for error CS0103: The name does not exist in the current context? [because they lack a using statement]
Hi guys. I'm reviewing suggested edits, and came to notice another user approving too many bad edits. Should I open a flag, and if so, how?
8:47 PM
@TylerH so what's new :p
@Marc.2377 Yes, that is something which is flaggable. Just pick one of the posts which has a bad edit on it (or any post really) and explain that you're flagging about review patterns and not just about that post
(so far as I know there's no way to flag a user or a review but no doubt I'll be corrected in 3... 2... 1... if wrong :))
@StephenKennedy No there isn't, the only way is flag one of yours or their (or any really) post with a link to the user or review
@Marc.2377 If you think there is a pattern of bad behavior, then yes you should flag. You can pick any post and raise a custom flag. Usually, it's better to pick one of the posts that was edited. Just be sure to link to at least examples of the reviews you feel are a problem. When I flag a post about something else other than the specific post, I make sure to state that in the first sentence and link to what I'm flagging about in that first sentence.
I see, thanks.
The user has approved 849 edits out of 932 total, which is > 91% of them
Morning all /o
8:54 PM
evening o/
and all examples I came across, are bad
hey o/
@Marc.2377 That feels a bit high, but it's also possible they just "Skip" the ones they might reject.
"and all examples I came across, are bad"
to be fair, I just found one good example. But nevertheless
8:57 PM
182/264 of my pages of suggested edit reviews are skipped and I got called out recently for rejecting too much >.<
@Makyen not quite, the 932 count is the total of approved, rejected and improved edits
@NickA Provided you're rejecting validly, do carry on. You're providing a valuable service.
I gotta agree
@NickA Is it 5k rep to review tag wiki edits? If so, you have a whole new world of Reject coming your way soon!
My reject ratio is currently 83.8%, getting close to my downvote/upvote ratio
@StephenKennedy Yes it is, I'm slowly getting there, 10rep a week from old posts
9:02 PM
(Yes it is 5k. They label the privilege "Approve tag wiki edits" - well, that doesn't match my experience. Watch out for copyvios - reviewers have been banned for missing those).
It's not labelled "Reject tag wiki edits"?
@NickA So if I downvote one of your posts every day....
Was it Samuel that wrote a userscript that lets you VtC from the H&I queue?
Got a link to it? couldn't find it in search
9:10 PM
Should be in starboard history?
@StephenKennedy and cv-pls'd above ;)
oh, there's a starboard history button there ;o
gtg; cya guys
@tink link?
bye @Marc.2377
@StephenKennedy How do I link to my own report? :) scroll up 15 min
9:12 PM
@StephenKennedy Found it, thanks
later @Marc.2377
@tink You posted the question which has the dupe target suggestion. I'm not seeing a cv-pls for the one I posted... If it's there you can get the link by clicking the space between your avatar and the message and you'll get a dropdown. on the dropdown is Permalink. Copy that and paste it in. Or: I could search the transcript but why should I do all the work?! :P
Oh, sorry ...
kicks Tink
@NickA As mentioned, for tag wiki and tag excerpt edit reviews, you are required to look for plagiarism. Approving plagiarism is considered grounds for a review ban. See: Stopping tag wiki plagiarism, Part II: Taking Action
9:16 PM
@Makyen Yeah, aware of that, I've seen the meta posts, are some of my favourite meta questions to go through, so will be keeping an eye open
2 hours later…
Is this one an extended comment rather than an answer?
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter Yes
11:34 PM
Hello everyone... can someone please tell me, would a software act faster and better if I just install it using .msi file? Or unzipping it and storing it on the hard disk and then using it from there is faster?
@FarazDurrani We don't really do software support. Maybe try Super User Root chat?
Thanks @Machavity
@FarazDurrani Also it could really depend on which piece of software you are talking about
11:57 PM
@RiggsFolly Thanks. I found what I was looking for.

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