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12:07 AM
@TylerH Plop Tyler! How's it going?
12:24 AM
@PaulStenne Going well, hope things are going well for you too!
1:41 AM
@TylerH Well it's kinda insane at the moment: almost 4am here, still coding. Been working non-stop for the past two weeks for a deadline this Wednesday.
@PaulStenne well, at least you are doign what you enjoy! (Coding)
Almost 4?! and I felt insane because it's almost 3 here...
@NickA Get to bed!
But I'm rewatching all of the new series of doctor who!
@TylerH It's web coding.
@NickA Ah, UK?
1:46 AM
Plop from a southerner place o/
Greetings fellow across the channel o/
\o from the EU (North)
Bah you call yourself north? I'm more north :P
@NickA You're EU (North North) :)
1:49 AM
@PaulStenne Good to see you. Happy belated birthday!
Reminds me of the lady I met from the Shetlands who talked about "going down to Scotland" occasionally (like it was a different country)
@StephenKennedy For now :)
@StephenKennedy Yes... I've heard that before too, I still find it strange
2:02 AM
@Makyen Plop Makyen! Great to see you as well. How are you?
@PaulStenne Pretty much normal. :-) You're up quite late (I assume it's not up early). How are things for you?
@Makyen Pretty good, currently fiddling around with the ImageMagick API
@PaulStenne Sounds cool. I hope you're having fun with it.
@PaulStenne Wait, wait, wait... are you using PHP?
3:14 AM
@Machavity I hope he doesn't answer just now, pretty sure it's 5:15am for him :P
Well, I think I'm gonna turn in then. Goodnight :)
3:29 AM
@Machavity Nope! Thankfully not, I'm not too fond of it.
@NickA Ah welp.
I'm on season 4 episode 12, I'd just finished episode 9 earlier...
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
8:56 AM
9:13 AM
This does not seem code related but uncertain what to close it as. stackoverflow.com/questions/56722404/…
ey @halfer o/ nice to see ya
@Nkosi Opinion based?
@Sami I am torn between that and Too Broad
Both are right to me
ok cool. ty
@Sami You too :)
9:37 AM
@Queen [javascript] dupes
10:33 AM
@PaulStenne you back?!? You throwable little rodent! Happy birthday
10:47 AM
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter I have to give the question kudos though for being well-researched and presented. I don't know that I'd be so hasty to close it.
10:57 AM
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter looks too broad indeed; won't software recs allow this kind of "What is the API I need" questions?
@Adriaan I don't know enough about software recs SE to answer that. :/
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
2:12 PM
@Matthew depends. If there's no closed-form formula, you might need a code approach.
@JohnDvorak Then the questions needs to be re-formulated to ask for a code solution and specify in which language else it risks being closed as Too-Broad.
It does ask for an algorithm. And no, algorithm questions don't need specific language.
@JohnDvorak I am still flagging those as too-broad.
How do you suggest to narrow down a question that asks for an algorithm?
Asking for code instead would make it broader and less useful
@JohnDvorak Would make more sense to narrow it down to a specific language or at least a set of languages. I don't have experience looking over questions that ask about algorithms, but I thought SO is a site to ask programming questions, not mathematical ones.
2:18 PM
It's an algorithm question. That's programming, not math.
Feel free to convince yourself that SO doesn't specialize itself in gimme-teh-codez/fix-mah-codez questions even though people love asking these because it's easier for said askers.
I didn't know the term algorithm is exclusive to programming.
@JohnDvorak What does this even mean? I don't remember saying anything even connected with this...
Eh, let's just forget it. This conversation is getting a bit too awkward for me, not looking for a fight.
@JohnDvorak Hey John, that's a bit spiky for this room IMO - please let's keep it friendly in here :-)
The construction of "feel free to convince yourself" is suggesting that people have an agenda or are deluding themselves in some fashion, and while that can happen in general, it is perhaps not an ideal way to communicate ideas, as readers may object to the tone prior to analysing the content.
3:35 PM
@Daedalus If you post acv-pls as a duplicate, it helps considerably if you indicate what question you think should be the dup-target. IMO, the best way to do that is to post a "Possible duplicate of" comment on the question, either by voting to close with that duplicate, or manually create the comment.
4:07 PM
@Makyen I'm wondering if we can have a fix on Magic Editor not to touch code blocks with backticks or ~~~lang-name. Currently, it makes the post a mess.
4:24 PM
@Makyen That's a great idea for extending the userscript.
@Matthew it's already 4.5k lines if I am correct
@double-beep /shrugs
Flagged the above answer as spam a moment ago.
4:44 PM
stock photo gravatar is in support of that theory IMO
5:03 PM
@Adriaan: I voted too broad
I voted unclear
.... and your mileage may vary
put on hold for too many reasons
I guess the OP looking for tutorials here. Your opinion guys
@Adriaan: polishing the turd? That improves the question a whole lot :(
5:09 PM
@Adriaan FWIW, and in regards to Hovercraft's feedback, I frequently edit things that are off-topic. There is AFAIK no explicit restriction on editing things that will be closed (and we don't know if they will be deleted - many O/T things are not). Editing is, at least in theory, a good demonstration of what a good question looks like, even if the edit does not make it on-topic.
@Sami It's not a great question, but it's answerable, so I think I would leave that one be.
@HovercraftFullOfEels reject and edit; the suggested one was worse and would've pushed it into the reopen queue
@yivi this has a weird timestamp; see the other ones (cc @Makyen)
are you using SOX?
5:29 PM
@double-beep Yes.
@yivi this has been fixed. Try installing DEV v2.5.13
2 hours later…
7:08 PM
@cs95 cv:ed but edited now... I'm not sure anymore, since I can't judge that
@PetterFriberg it's still lacking an MCVE, and the data is present in images
ok thanks, I will not retract then
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman better with sd v
@PetterFriberg Sure...
But two people me and Baum reported it as k! 🤦🏻‍♂️
Baum went with v, that avoids blacklist
check the difference, tpu vs tp
@PetterFriberg Ohhh!!!
7:20 PM
When this happens next time, I'll unblacklist the user... :)
I should have kept the user blacklisted.
He has also vandalised his user page.
:), baah the indications are not to..
7:41 PM
@Matthew I don't really see a need to extend the userscript to post "Possible duplicate of" comments. Those are already automatically posted by SE if you either vote or flag to close. Posting a cv-pls for something which you have not V/FtC is quite rare.
Extending it would require having a UI that allowed users to add the duplicate target. Something fully functional along those lines would be significant work for a rare occurrence that people can relatively easily handle with a custom comment. There are already various userscripts that help with formatting a link in comments into [question title](url), which can help with manually creating such a comment.
@Makyen Gotcha, was just an idea :)
Anybody know how I can see a list of my proposed edits that were rejected?
@Matthew Profile, Activity tab, All actions, Suggestions
7:56 PM
@Matthew You should be able to see all of your edit suggestions from your profile, which will include both those that are accepted and rejected. I'm not aware of a page that just shows rejected.
@StephenKennedy +1
@Makyen +1, answer accepted
Also is there somewhere where I can see my ratio of accepted/rejected edits, similar to flags?
This reason is killing me: "This edit did not correct critical issues with the post - view the revision history to see what should have been changed."
Quite difficult to predict what those "critical issues" are...
@Matthew On any review e.g. stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/23346342 "Matthew had 241 edit suggestions approved, and 46 edit suggestions rejected"
@Matthew IIRC, this should indicate someone did a "Reject and edit", so you should be able to go to the post's edit history to see what they changed.
@StephenKennedy Oh it's hidden under the more button. Ugh... 20% rejected, is that bad?
@Makyen Yea I've seen that, great feature.
@Matthew Not great - "Stephen Kennedy had 229 edit suggestions approved, and 9 edit suggestions rejected"
probably far from terrible though
Did you get an edit ban?
8:04 PM
@StephenKennedy Okay, gonna work on it more seriously from now on.
@StephenKennedy Oh no... when does that happen?
@Matthew The important thing isn't that you don't get things "wrong"; it's that you learn from where things weren't correct.
@Matthew If you didn't get a ban you're not doing too badly. As for how a ban is issued, you can find the algorithm on meta iirc
@Makyen Good point, I just with there was a notification that informs when when my edit has been rejected. Like this I have to periodically check for the status.
@Matthew Yes, such a notification would be nice. Checking does require some diligence.
@Makyen Also can I edit my edits when they are pending, think a few more are gonna get rejected...
Like do they get added as new edits or are the edits edited?
8:08 PM
@Matthew I believe you can, yes. Give it a try.
@Matthew Yes, you can edit again. The additional changes are merged into one edit and reviewers see that.
@Makyen Nice, thanks
9:18 PM
@Nkosi Are you about and if so do you have a moment to help me with some C# moderation?
@StephenKennedy yep. what do you need?
@Nkosi These 2 are duplicates, and there may be more stackoverflow.com/questions/56639685/… stackoverflow.com/questions/56651472/… But I'm also puzzled about the advice being given as I've been using C# 8 with .NET Standard 2.0 in numerous projects
^ (NATO)
oops now seeing the other one
I'd bet a small amount there are others too
checking now
9:31 PM
as for the question being asked, I know Jon Skeet has a branch of Noda-Time which uses C# 8 and null reference types - I'll go see if he's targetting .NET
@Matthew my bad saw it late
he did :)
@Nkosi ... What?
No problem, carry on :)
carry on I missed the (NATO) on your last request. my bad.
@Nkosi Let's both agree to carry on :D
9:35 PM
Hurroh, morning all /o
don't forget to keep calm
It isn't mandatory, but it does help - especially as there's an RO who can't see deleted posts. What can I say, there weren't many applicants :)
9:35 PM
So ... where in the southern hemisphere are you, @Matthew ? :)
clarification: Adding "NATO" isn't mandatory. Keeping calm is :)
@tink Was about to ask you the same question... It's close to midnight here.
Heh. Monday morning, 9:37 ... take a wild guess ;)
You can't do the upside down wave if you're not south of the equator @Matthew!
9:37 PM
whips out a calculator
@StephenKennedy I thought it's the getting out of bed wave... because he always does it when he's saying "Good morning".
It kinda looks like a lazy stretch across the hip.
@StephenKennedy a new answer to one of the linked dupes stackoverflow.com/a/56727883/5233410
Hehe ... nuh, that's the antipodes greeting ;)
@Matthew lol... or he's falling out of bed as he waves
I'm in Nuzild :)
@tink I was thinking Wake Island.
I was close enough :D
9:41 PM
@Matthew heh.
Now I do like solitude, but that would be pushing it :D
The locals must be friendly though, there is only a 100 of them.
Besides the lack of real-life distractions would make you more productive on SO.
Wake Island is essentially just a military base isn't it?
@Nkosi My tag edit probably pushed it to the front page :) Anyway: One can definitely use C# 8 with Standard 2.0. I haven't tried with .NET - have you?
@StephenKennedy Given the age of the cited article it is possible things may have changed since then. Haven't played with it recently to be definitive
That may have been in alpha then
and from comments it looks like preview is in beta
Idk. The compiler comes with VS 2019 Preview. I don't acquire it seperately.
have you had updates since installing it?
I know they roll them out from time to time
9:53 PM
@Nkosi Oh yeah, very regularly. I get an update to the Preview version at approximately the same frequency as updates to RTM. (I'm on 16.1.3 and 16.2.0 Preview 2 atm)
10:08 PM
@Makyen I did post a comment on said question, but the OP deleted the duplicate target on that question. I forgot to delete my request here after I deleted my comment, since my comment on the question was no longer relevant.
@Daedalus np. Things happen. So, I should move the request out?
@Makyen If that is the correct action to take. I don't know if I should delete at this point or not.
@Daedalus Nobody other than moderators can delete or edit chat messages after 2 minutes. The only thing that can be done is that an RO can move it out of the room. It's no big deal to do so.
@Makyen Alright, thank you.
@Daedalus np. I'm happy to help anytime. Thanks for responding, so we could know what was going on.
Room question: this post has attracted two (apparently) good answers despite being, in my view, low effort and/or Too Broad. Should I VTC?
@halfer: yes, I would VTC
@HovercraftFullOfEels Ta very much, will do
@halfer It's hardly too broad imho - just look at the answers - and I don't see "low effort" as a close reason. I would prefer editing the question over closing it.
@StephenKennedy I tend to say "low effort" as a supplementary reason, with TB being the primary. But I shall respect all views that say it should remain open :-)
It also had requests for "links or how to get started", which I removed.
10:25 PM
@halfer I wouldn't vote to close, unless someone found a duplicate. Although I don't really know C#, the answers make it appear that the question is not too broad. It's a fairly typical "how to" question, which is a type of question which Stack Overflow desires (and are some of our best, most useful Q&A). It could probably use an edit.
@Makyen Alright, if two ROs are against, I don't mind my request being zapped.
Thanks for the feedback, both!
10:43 PM
@Nkosi Ah, thanks. I'm sure you're right, but I don't have the domain knowledge to verify. Do please post a cv-pls for that dup if you wish.
Ok I'll just hammer it, and move on.
Nice, ta
U can't touch this
@Nkosi Ice is back with a brand new invention
10:48 PM
@Nkosi You didn't hammer either of those C# 8 questions we discussed?
not yet still trying to make sure before I do
They are on my radar
I try my best to avoid being meta'ed at all costs.
11:05 PM
@StephenKennedy That one also has a lot of dupes but for previous version of VS. checking to see if one exists for core
fires up meta
ohhhz noooooz
/me gets some Meta Popcorn.
11:35 PM
somebody got sniped. :P @Matthew
@Nkosi Hm?
You and EJoshuaS posted same request. they just edged you out on the request.
no worries
I have a magic button that can take care of that
@Nkosi Oh I see, didn't notice it. Thanks for the heads up.
11:37 PM
@StephenKennedy Teach me your ways senpai!
@StephenKennedy I ended up going with offsite request since I couldn't get a definitive dupe.
@Matthew Magic button (c) Makyen. All rights reserved.
@Nkosi Aight, ty

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