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@double-beep This question isn't "no MCVE". A MCVE is only required for debugging questions (homework questions must show an attempt). Debugging questions are "why isn't my code working the way I want?" or "fix my code for me". No other question types require code. A question that's asking for code isn't debugging. Thus, this can't be "no MCVE". OTOH, code usually greatly helps to narrow and clarify a question (i.e. without code, questions are often, but not always, "Too Broad" or "Unclear").
@double-beep Sorry. My message about a question being too old for a cv-pls (and my message about the Roomba) should have been in response to the request message I'm replying to here, not the one to which I ended up replying to. Those comments, and my comment about "no MCVE", also apply to this request.
@jww The last portion of this was unnecessary. In particular, we have a prohibition against using "cucumber" in request reasons.
Feel free to repost that request, but without the commentary.
@Makyen, Interesting... I did not know the word cucumber was banned...
@jww Just imagine what people do with cucumbers!?!?!? They make salads!!! Awkward!!
@Swordfish I put them on wraps
@jww It's banned from requests, because it's used in a way that's intended to be negative about users, rather than about post content. It's also restricted from use in the room when it explicitly or implicitly refers to specific users or specific small groups of users.
anyone heard that users get unlimited private repos for free on GH? (was US$7/mo)
@Makyen erh, what? Cucumber is a popular food in my area, despite not my favorite. Any background on this?
@iBug There's significant history. Cucumber was set as a euphemism for a banned term. The issue is that using "cucumber" as that euphemism has the intent to be derogatory. In SOCVR, its use is banned in requests and any other situations where it explicitly or implicitly is applied to specific users, or a small group of users (e.g. those who have answered a specific question, or small group of questions).
If you want to talk about actual cucumbers that you could eat, that's fine (or even if you just want to use them for decoration).
thanks Makyen, what is "fertilizer" in that context mean? I tried Googling "fertilizers for cucumbers" but seeing the results thinking no, I'm not an agriculturist.
@MikeM. That question has a pending edit
@iBug It was extending the allusion of using "cucumber". Basically, it was saying that people who knowingly answer off-topic/duplicate questions just for reputation were likely to answer that question.
@Vega Got it. Thanks.
Actually, looks like Makyen ninja'd me.
@Makyen and the next one comes up with carrots. What's the solution? Ban all vedgetables?
@Swordfish Spirit of the law I think might apply..
@Swordfish When we made the ban, we were clear that we were making it with "cucumber" just an example of derogatory content that's not permitted in requests. It was very specifically intended to be interpreted wrt. the spirit of the rule, as @Rob has said.
1 hour later…
Hello Everyone Good Morning
@SagarVasoya posting questions here is not acceptable, please remove the onebox
and if you are asking for help unrelated to getting your question closed as off-topic or whatever, it's not suitable for this room
@SagarVasoya as the comment you received on your question already indicates, people can't understand what specifically you need help with, and it is thus now accumulating downvotes as well as votes to close as unclear
in particular " but also not work in some device" needs to be clarified -- what doesn't work, on which devices, how does it fail?
apart from the English syntax
@SagarVasoya If you have an actual question about your question, we may answer it here. So far, you have not explained why you have posted this here. Given that you've posted a onebox about your question in 6 different rooms I consider all of these to be spam.
Is it just me, or is this a repost of this?
Q: I don't think we should block [ads], but let's talk about them

Ken Y-NLooking at the ads tag, it seems quite abused and often a meta-tag, but there seems valid usages like... well, I can't quite find one right now, but 192 watchers and 2.1k questions suggests people find it useful, although I doubt if anyone can be an expert in all the advert APIs, for instance. T...

Looks like the is full of off-topic fodder. Some of these tags are like zombies hiding in a dark room waiting to be discovered....
The CV Request Generator, v1.6.2, (GitHub) (install) and the alpha version of the Request Generator, v1.8.3.0, (GitHub) (install) have been updated to handle yesterday's change in SE's usercard HTML (i.e. no more doubled usernames in requests). Note: the alpha version of the Request Generator doesn't work with Greasemonkey 4.
@SmokeDetector That's deletable by OP right? Only a single, negative scoring answer on it.
Morning o/
Morning all \o
First time in a very long time I've been in the office before 9am
and over the next week and a half I need to coax myself towards 7am starts...
Pfft, you're 18minutes late imo ;)
@MichaelDodd Good luck! :)
@double-beep Thanks, I'll need it. Out of necessity rather than choice, office move is imminent, and for me now involves travelling through roadworks that's already backed up by half a mile at 7.20am...
@MichaelDodd 20 minutes earlier then?
Ouch, I think I've got an office move coming up... I don't drive though and the new office might be a bit out of the way
@double-beep 2 and a half hours earlier, I'm normally here about half 9
I'm a night owl and so is my wife, so we compound each other's getting-up-early problems
Is this one better asked on another SE site? (Thinking webmasters.SE or wordpress.SE)
Surely this has got to be the same guy asking and answering to try and pump either his rep or his bit of software stackoverflow.com/questions/54088896
@RiggsFolly Not convinced, their other questions seem okay in comparison
@RiggsFolly Yes
@RiggsFolly Guy who created the linked github account has answered two of that OP's other questions
That's enough suspicion to raise a flag, I'll do so once I've got a few moments to write out a detailed description
Oohhh, well spotted
Yeah a fair bit of crossover between all 3 users, flag raised
Whoa, two accounts deleted and one suspended. The mods are not messing around.
Well, it's both spam + abusive sockpuppeting to hide the spam, seems only fair.
Ouch, did I instigate all that? Now I feel like a real fatherless son
@RiggsFolly I'm glad you clarified that lol
Oh lord I thought this was an audit
HIya \o
@NickA Suddenly realised how difficult it would be to be motherless :)
@tripleee what is the typo?
@RiggsFolly Nah it's all good, seems like a fair outcome IMO. The things people do for magical internet points.
@kvantour Well it is Typo or Cannot Reproduce
@RiggsFolly Loving the pro-tip ;P
@NickA Why thank you
@RiggsFolly Can I add your pro-tip to my autoReviewComments?
@kvantour Yes of course you can. Any time any comment
@NickA That new answer is spam IMO
@MichaelDodd Yes I agree
the accepted answer might be eligible too in fact
@tripleee This answer is also undisclosed self-promotion
@tripleee I would say "is" rather than "might be" ;)
Hit a real gold mine with that one
yeah, Smoke Detector delivers /-:
Awww, time to stop running my desktop SD for a bit, it's being told to back off
that's part of the normal flow I believe
It was only a 10s back off, gotta save some flags for the rest of the day though
ahh "The backoff field is only set when the API detects the request took an unusually long time to run.", it is all server side, the main client side throttle just seems to be the quota
I've got a question, can you possibly flag the same post twice?
Having 2 pending flags for the same post?
@IslamElshobokshy different types of flags yes, but only one red flag
so if you flag as spam you can't then flag for moderator attention, for example
@tripleee I see, thanks. Cuz I was able to flag a post as very low quality and unclear what you're asking and I was surprised that it worked :D
@double-beep That doesn't look MCVE to me. In fact, the original question had that error
@Machavity It was not so clear I think...
@Machavity why is mcve need?, maybe another SU question :D, but yeah it's fairly clear.
It's OT SU for me
@PetterFriberg Either way I'm unconvinced it needs a reopen. But you're right, it's more SU now
baah I'm voting to reopen just because user edited (unclear is not correct, seems fair to user trying to fix the question), but I'm also in for reclosing it as SU or dupe after
Fair enough. Would reclose as a dupe tho since it has an accepted answer
@PetterFriberg It was a bit unclear. phonegap/cordova was not the actual command. Generally it is good to include errors, but if you don't that's also not unclear in some cases.
Yeah I have favorite it, if it gets open I will suggest duplicate
I voted to reopen for that reason
me too
I guess I'll chip in then now that we're one off
And we're off on the dupe closure
maybe change Windows8 to just Windows on the target?
@PetterFriberg Or just remove it, it's tagged windows after all
yeah that works for me also, The answers seem to target Windows in general
@Machavity In cmd maybe? Command-line is more general I think...
@double-beep I don't think most people know it as that, tho
I don't think there's any reason to be that explicit, windows is in the title, the tags and in the path environment variable
The question is done now!
Man, we should do that more often. This closing questions thing is cool
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I would love a dupe for that... something that you need to use \
@PetterFriberg something like (searched in 2 seconds :)) stackoverflow.com/questions/53162/… ? :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre >:( scowls
Yeah I would have voted for that :D, I don't really like typo when OP actually does not have understanding.
but PEP style guide discourages `\`.
@PetterFriberg "this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers" covers that I think
@Machavity Command prompt?
@PetterFriberg I stand corrected. The dupe I mentionned has both answers: with antislash and without
@NickA Yeah np, I'm just "picky" when it comes to typo and too broad.
@PetterFriberg problem is: what was considered a good question in 2012 can now be seen as a duplicate or even a typo, specially in python, which is very widely spread.
@double-beep Command Line 455k vs command prompt 83k
It's admitted that asking a very basic question on this language exposes you to downvotes & closure.
@Machavity Some users use for everything related to . is a "special" . But I think is synonym of . Checkout stackoverflow.com/tags/cmd/synonyms
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I agree, I will not argue it's just my definition of "typo", too me OP somehow need to have understanding that they actually messed up, like "Ooh crap yeah.. I forgot that"... that question instead OP seemed not to understand how line break in python works (which I also have no understanding about) :D
Maybe in retrospect the user shouldn't be punished like that.
You should just hammer it away...
yeah, SO needs badly the "too broad typo" => "hammer" VTC type feature... Well, let's wait 6 or 8 weeks more.
@double-beep It's a proposed synonym, but it's not a good one. cmd is just for Windows, but [command-prompt] covers Linux as well
@Machavity Really? Command prompt (executable name cmd.exe)…
@double-beep A command prompt is just a place where commands are prompted for or a prompt for a command itself... The fact that windows calls cmd "Command Prompt" is irrelevant
I downvoted the synonym. Two more votes and it goes away
Went away already...
Ah, so it did. Good. That wasn't a good proposal
31/100 flags used D:, this is slow going
@NickA New Year's Resolution to burn 100 a day?
@Machavity It wasn't... but now you mention it
I wish GitHub had rules like SO
@NickA Hep us flagging some NAA and your flags will be gone in a few hours :)
@Dima: you mean: close projects you don't like ?
No, I mean ban alternatively gifted people, who create issues'
@PetterFriberg I've got a C# app which scores answers for me to go and check out, like a private SD :)
@NickA scores answers based on what criteria?
@StephenKennedy contains long word, no code, contains ?, ends with ?, repeated symbols, one liner, length, starts with @mention, unregistered user, user rep
Just to get a quick glance at what may be bad, then I manually check stuff
Still need to handle blacklisted words, keywords etc.
@NickA A bit like Natty then
@StephenKennedy There may have been some influence >.>
except written in a superior language :)
I may have had a peek at the names of natty's filters while writing it, but it was some time ago
I couldn't bring myself to open a java file though :S bleugh
I took a Java class once, once...
Java and C++ both have new keyword. Therefore they're the same language.
Yeah, and JavaScript is just advanced Java
Therefore, JS is even more advanced than C++
Java is just Befunge with more verbosity
C++ is just assembly without the specific CPU opcodes and semicolons
Fortran is just INTERCAL
Fortran is soo seventies.
@SurajRao Is this (primarily) opinion based?
Brainf**k is a language written by Christopher Nolan
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I am not gonna learn it; be sure!
Fortran was the first language that I learned :D
First I learned was VB5...
Sinclair BASIC for me
I was like 10yo and said to my dad "I want to learn programming", we didn't had internet so he just gave me that book
And then I gave up coding for 4 years
I got my start programming a Ti-85 to do my math homework for me.
I believe it was a form a basic.
TI-BASIC funnily enough ;)
My first actual exposure to "programming" was scripting warcraft 3 maps in the world editor, but that's not really a language
@double-beep sure.. also could be request for offsite resource.. offtopic however you look at it
Huzzah! Github and githubusercontent is now unblocked for me at work
@NathanOliver Heh. I remember those. One guy I knew in Trig had written a video game on his so he could still look busy
no mcve
@SurajRao It seems that it is unclear. No question there.
@SurajRao Spam seed
@MichaelDodd possible
@SurajRao Not flagging yet but keeping close watch
put on hold in 2 minutes, very welcoming SO xD
and 11 downvotes
Need more coffee
@tripleee I've flagged this as spam
@MichaelDodd brews a cup of Cappuccino for @MichaelDodd
That'll do :)
lol so that calculator had the same Z80 CPU as the Sinclair Spectrum :) but slightly less memory (28k vs 48k)
@DimaRostopira it's suspicious alright but we have no previous hits on this domain name
@DimaRostopira Doesn't meet the threshold for me, misguided but not malicious IMO
so benefit of doubt
I find it strange that even if you retract a red flag it gets handled...
@NathanOliver I downloaded a few games on my TI-84 Plus along with a couple friends in 9th grade, we'd get in trouble briefly for playing until the teacher realized it was always because we had finished our work
Wish I could have gotten a TI-Inspire, though...
@NickA sure it is! It's just quite primitive and abstracted up from another language
Busy day, I'm down to 5 votes
@TylerH Same here (about having some games) I also had a Ti-92. That was fun to play with. You could do 3d graphing
@MichaelDodd How many do you get?
@NickA 50 close votes
Oh, I thought you meant actual votes :P
@Vickel or a duplicate of this stackoverflow.com/q/32551291/8620333, even if the typo fixed the main issue remain
@TemaniAfif sure, good point, should I retract my CV and mark as duplicate?
@Vickel you cannot .. I myself voted to quickly ...
@TemaniAfif looks like Nick A CV'd as duplicate
And that's me out of CVs for the day
@MichaelDodd Ice Vote wall coming up!
Hmmm, I apparently have about 40 security updates to install after I uninstalled office 2016
@Machavity Put vote dispenser here!
I saw Nathan in TF2 the other night and hopped in. Was so retro playing Dustbowl again
It's been months since we rolled over servers...
I don't think we ever played together @Machavity
@PaulStenne We did, but it's been a while. You're in my Steam list as your alter ego
@Machavity Well, my brain can't process memories then
I don't get much time for gaming nowadays, been getting through A Link To The Past over Christmas
might actually complete it for the first time soon.
LttP is my second favourite zelda game, #1 being twilight princess, although I've just started going through breath of the wild
@NickA Twilight Princess was a fantastic game, I preferred the darker style to it (both visually and story-wise)
Rather predictably Ocarina is still my favourite, but TP is second. Haven't got a switch yet
@MichaelDodd Don't have my Wii/WiiU anymore unfortunately so will have to download dolphin and gamecube emulate it to go through it again
Honourable mention to Skyward Sword for the "I'm still your Zelda" scene
Skyward sword is one of the few that I've not played
@NickA If you have a Wii or WiiU you can buy it cheap in the online store
@Machavity Read my previous :P
Ah. sorry
I still love Ocarina as my fav. Majora's Mask was just... odd
Well, I still have the WiiU, power supply is busted though, may just get a new one, makes sense...
gamestops should sell old poewr supplies
for cheap
or amazon
@NickA I imagine they're not too expensive if you can find one at CEX
china makes them pretty cheap, probably $5
We don't have game stops over here :P, CEX however may have one
Amazon or Ebay
Wii Shop closes at the end of the month though so you'd need to sync your downloaded games fairly quick
Buying old hardware is super cheap. Bought a bunch of my PS2 goods that way.
@Compass The catch there is those tend to stop working after a while. Bought 2x of them for the WiiU pad and both lasted about a year. Finally found a USB cable could do the same thing
@MichaelDodd Switch is worth picking up btw, it's a great piece of kit, and the new super smash is a work of art
@double-beep Please don't "bump" CVs. One request is enough and we don't allow vote begging
@Machavity Beat me to it :(
Stack Overflow Hot Network Question is at 3 close votes.
@Cœur Huh? I see 0
Ahh, a different question appeared after a refresh
@Compass Depends; it's actually often an inverted bell curve... once you get to 'vintage' it can become super expensive again, just ask @Loktar over in room 17
Oh, Hot question has now changed.
@Cœur what was it?
@Cœur It's toggling between the 2 for me every other refresh or so
WAT? Why is the Q POB? It has an actual answer to it from the developers.
@Cœur Ta
@NathanOliver IMO a question should be judged based on it's own merits, not the answers that it receives, and the question itself does encourage opinions
Meh. Looks fine to me even if there wasn't an answer. Is asking why arrays are zero indexed also POB?
@NathanOliver you may vote to re-open. but to me the question was like asking why Microsoft prefers 4 spaces instead of 1 tab.
@NathanOliver this and this seem to think so
(admittedly there are others that are open, including a C one)
I voted for reopen. It's not really POB as much as "Why does the language do this?", which has an objective answer
I like Tyler's "word of god" analogy there
To each their own then. I voted to reopen.
"To each their own then" - See opinions ;) jk
heh. suum cuique :D
I'm curious if an old post I found should be cv'd but I'm not confident, should I still post a cv-pls?
@Unihedron Recent activity?
meh post. it was about using VS Code and a new user posted with a plugin link. 2017
@Unihedron Basically, if it's old and there is no activity on or about the question which brings it to the attention of multiple people, then no, it should not have a cv-pls posted. However, the question you linked was "active" today, which makes it reasonable to post a cv-pls, if you feel it deserves it. Note that the "active" time listed on the question is just a commonly set indicator of activity which will bring it to the attention of people. There are other actions which also qualify,
that don't show as "active" on the question. For example, it might be mentioned somewhere, proposed as a duplicate target, etc. Another exemption is that it might be in a low-traffic tag. While there isn't an explicitly stated limit for how recent the activity needs to be, cv-pls requests should, generally, be for questions for which the community benefits from them being closed quickly. Please see #11 in the FAQ.
If anyone still has some CVs, don't forget about the music tag burnination going on -- there should still be some Qs in the CV Queue, and if not, there are still ~1000 unclosed questions with the tag that need to be cleaned up and retagged or CV'd!
"and if no one's seeing it - who cares?" <- this answered my question, lol
@TylerH There are currently 17 questions with close-votes. 16 of which have >=100 views, so the CV expire quickly (4 days instead of 14 days for <100 views).
@Machavity I borrowed that common term as it's used for sources in questions on movies.SE, scifi.SE, and RPG.SE
What is code fencing? When your code defends your honor to the death via swordfighting?
None of my code cares that much for me
@TylerH Code fencing is how you keep Python from getting into the Java
The good thing is that GitHub and other Markdown has long supported this, so it's confusing to new users when they try to use it on SO
@TylerH Nah, that's a code de-fence. :-)
1 hour later…
does anyone know if private repos at GitHub are supposed to prevent push from ppl who are not the owner or collaborator?
@StephenKennedy It should
I just created a repo in the browser using my personal account and then pushed some files to it. Then I did another push from my VM accidentally using my work ID, and it allowed it :/ AFAIK these accounts aren't linked
ugh @StephenKennedy - that doesn't sound right.
@tink I'm wondering if it was using my personal credentials but sending my work email address... but even if it was it seems like odd behaviour to allow the commit and attribute it to an account which isn't a collaborator
@StephenKennedy indeed ... I'll check in a sec if I can get to my works github repo using my private creds :)
@tink are you on windows?
Nope ... Linux workstation "eating my own dogfood" ;)
broken windows
@tink ok, my initial push was from Linux but the one with the work ID was using Tortoise Git on Windows. There's a checkbox to show which email address it is using, which I shall try to remember to tick in future :)
@tink eating your own dogfood you say. Are you a contributor? Are you... removes mask... Linus Torvalds?!
not enough swearing ... no, can't be Linus ...
Heh ... sorry - haven't used Windows in a bit over 25 years ;D ... and no, I'm not Linus, not even contributing to the kernel. I have submitted a few patches to the odd FOSS project, and consider myself an OSS advocat
@Makyen touché (pun intended)
@Shree Same case always, but I am a combatant :D
3 hours later…

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