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12:44 AM
@Makyen @eyllanesc a closed question where you voted discussed on meta : meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/378576/…
Any thoughts on how to close this: How to list directory size of all child directories? SU? U&L, Duplicate?
@jww I'd say U&L
@tink - Ack, thanks.
1:17 AM
@TemaniAfif Thanks. Looks like it's asking about why it's still listed as opinion based, rather than why it was closed for that in the first place.
1:28 AM
@TemaniAfif thanks for your notice
1 hour later…
2:44 AM
Is anyone aware of a Visual Studio-like chat room? I need to ask some lame questions about testing ARM64 Win32 app. The instructions here say to do remote debugging, which seems to imply real hardware. It does not discuss emulators (I assume Microsoft has them).
1 hour later…
Thanks Makyen. Please disassociate the question from my account. Thanks.
@jww Disassociation is something you will need to raise a custom mod-flag for, or use the contact us route to contact SE. Actually, I'd need to check on meta as to which method is most appropriate. There's nothing we can do about it in here.
Thanks Makyen. My bad. I thought you were a moderator.
I think mods can't disassociate posts, only SE can.
Makyen, How do I cast a delete vote on it? When I attempt to cast a vote "You cannot delete this question...".
4:37 AM
@jww If you as the OP could delete it, then you would be able to do so with just your own action. From what you've said, I assume that SE doesn't permit you to cast your normal delete-votes on your own posts. I don't know for sure, but that's what I'd guess based on the response you got.
@jww The main Meta for deleting is How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion?. For disassociation the Meta is: How do I remove my name from a post, in accordance with CC BY-SA 3.0?. Looks like it's only through "contact us", not through a mod-flag.
@iBug Yep. I should have double-checked prior to mentioning the possibility of mod-flagging.
@Makyen Mod-flagging is the wrong way to go for disassociation. This should be done through the "contact us" link.
4:56 AM
Thanks guys.
1 hour later…
6:15 AM
@dippas That question is a considerable distance away from being elegible for delete-voting. It needs to be closed and at score <=-3 for 20k+ deletion, or closed for > 2 days for 10k deletion. Because it's so far away from qualifying, a del-pls at this point is commonly seen as a request for down-votes, even if that's not what you intended. So, I'm going to move the request out. Feel free to re-post when the question qualifies for delete-votes, or, at least, almost qualifies.
In other words, we've, generally, let things slide at score = -2, due to a Meta that basically says that if someone feels that it should be deleted, then it almost certainly is something they would down-vote.
1 hour later…
7:34 AM
can any one help me on this stackoverflow.com/q/54049840/7666442
now i'm getting comments like You cannot use one single word to compare or make it as a duplicate. This is not at all fair and I will rise a complaint against it. You are doing this so often. There are many users better than you. I would suggest you to earn points by providing help rather marking question irreverently
@NileshRathod just flag for a mod. Involving us will only escalate stuff.
I don't think that's at a point where a mod flag is necessary. For the moment, anyway.
@NileshRathod I've left a comment there, and amended the duplicate list.
@NileshRathod Unfortunately, there really isn't much we can, or should, do. Once it's a conflict between users, it's time to start flagging for moderators. We really shouldn't jump on the bandwagon to have a bunch of people commenting on the question.
@MikeM. My message above is not intended to imply that your comment on the question was bad. I just don't think we should have multiple people (i.e. any more people) from here all make their own comments on the question.
7:57 AM
@Makyen I know. You were simply addressing Nilesh's comments. I already had that question open, however, as it's in one of my tags. I would've commented similarly in any case. I just pinged Nilesh here, since they brought it up.
8:41 AM
@MikeM. The last comment is (the one on the unnecessary answer that doesn't bring anything more than what the comment said).
@MatthieuBrucher Sorry, I don't really understand what you mean.
@MikeM. There was a comment from OP harassing Niles. (haven't checked if it's still there or not, I've flagged it).
@MikeM. thank you for the help and clarification
@Makyen thanks for the guidance , and also I'll take care for the next time
9:54 AM
@NileshRathod np. Thanks. It appears to have calmed down as of the last time I looked. Having another person talk, who the OP isn't negatively focused on, can help. Unfortunately, it tends to be that people jump on the bandwagon a bit too much. When multiple people participate, it can be quite a negative experience for the person on the other side. I'd just prefer to prevent that from happening, but we do want to help.
1 hour later…
11:03 AM
11:46 AM
Saw an interesting regex challenge
Match words where all characters are in a non-decreasing order, e.g. valid examples are abcdef, afgjlmqyz and abcccde (may repeat), invalid examples are ba, cdefhgijkl (hg in wrong order). All lowercase words
I haven't figured out how to do this in PCRE.
3 hours later…
2:40 PM
@Makyen thanks.. been using violentmonkey for a while.. The performance is significantly better compared to tampermonkey so far.
1 hour later…
Is anyone with a C hammer around? If so, could you look at Print extended ASCII char in C, Linux and How to print special characters with simple C? Both appear to be duplicates of earlier questions. The earlier questions are cited.
5:32 PM
@iBug, Regarding your challenge, I don't believe it is possible. The DFA can track the state transitions but cannot handle the "0 or more" (or "1 or more") part. I believe that has always been a short coming of matching REs. It has been a long time since I had Automaton Theory so I may be incorrect.
5:49 PM
@jww Yep, realized later. I ended up enumerating sample inputs, lol
@iBuf, Yeah, there's probably some trap door to the challenge so that the instance problem in the challenge is not as hard as the general problem. But I'm not a RE guy so I probably cannot find it.
2 hours later…
7:44 PM
@jww Please review my edit and roll it back if I went too far
8:00 PM
@Stephen, I think it looks fine with the edit.
hmm something wrong when posting arabic words on SO
8:13 PM
Yeah, I just post an image of the code instead
That's even worse
@StephenKennedy I think it was probably good to remove the "Is it the intended behavior of Oreo?" question, but I wouldn't have changed the format from an ordered list to attempting to fit two questions into one sentence. [Note: from a grammar POV, the "sentence" was a run-on, which should be split into two sentences or reworded.] I've edited, including generalizing the question leaving the two previously existing questions as sub-questions.
@JohnDvorak I don't have another choice I'll be happy if have an advice for me :)
See the end of my answer
More wrong: quote block misuse
Even more wrong: "something wrong" is unclear ... and missing a verb
8:19 PM
@Makyen Ah, I like what you did there. Thanks.
What I meant is that it's wrong to use arabic in code in the first place
@JohnDvorak But that is for the RTL, I use arabic words to make it clear cause arabic is a RightToLeft
@StephenKennedy np. Thanks.
Anyway, thanks for the advice :)
8:38 PM
Hiya. Same question, diffrent users. Flag one or both for moderator attention?
I think one will guide the mode to the other one :)
but you can post also the link for the other post if you like
@PatrickArtner Custom mod-flag one with a link to the other. Vote-to-close as duplicate, if possible. If there are no answers, then a mod is required to close as duplicate. The mod can also check (to an extent) to see if it's the same person (or at least the same IP) posting both questions, or if it's different people (e.g. school assignment to multiple people).
10:12 PM
Went with typo, since input was not what he taught
10:48 PM
@wp78de If you are wanting us to look at it wrt. closing, then please edit your message and add [tag:cv-pls]
@Makyen thanks
@wp78de This links to a review. Please link to a question. You can edit using the menu accecesed by clicking on the arrow at the left of the post.
@Makyen Along with a valid close reason
@Makyen I see, thank you again!
@wp78de I've already marked it for cv-pls. I recommend getting the userscript in the future. Makes it a whole lot simpler
10:50 PM
@FrankerZ Yeah, but I was hoping to get the [tag:cv-pls] edited in the 2 minute limit.
Eh, you can just nuke them all. It's already been closed
@FrankerZ Thanks. I'll check it out.
@wp78de Userscript is here
@wp78de The basic format for requests is [tag:cv-pls] close reason https://stackoverflow.com/q/12345. Please see: How and why do I need to format my cv-pls (and other requests)?. I'd suggest that you read the rest of the SOCVR FAQ too.
Having requests be in the format we use helps people find the requests and act on them. It also makes it easier for our scripts to automatically identify when the request is fulfilled and move it out of the room, so people don't spend time on something that's complete.
@wp78de In the future, please provide a more detailed close-reason for your cv-pls requests. "Off-topic" is insufficient, as it covers many different close reasons. On SO, "off-topic" includes all of: General computing (Super User, but really anything that "doesn't belong here"); belongs on Server Fault; is a Resource request; No MCVE (debugging question which doesn't fulfill requirements); Typo/Not Reproducible; Migration (to a few different, but not all, sites); and Other: custom reason.
11:18 PM
@Makyen Are we allowed to refer to questions or answers as "low quality" in requests?
@EJoshuaS Generally it should be avoided, as it's an evaluation of the post. Instead try to (briefly) state an issue or two that the post has which makes it low quality. OTOH, if you really need to, "low quality", by itself, is a relatively benign description.

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