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@StephenKennedy Code has been added
@Makyen Do you think the question from the last SD report should be reopened? It has code now. Problem statement is a bit weak.
@StephenKennedy I'm not sure (this question assumed). It's often much easier to determine that a question does not meet the requirements, than to determine that it does meet the requirements. Personally, I wouldn't vote to reopen at this point. I actually VtC as "unclear", because it's not clear to me what the OP is asking.
I'm unsure if they are asking to debug code which they've now included, or use the code shown (or code they are asking for) to solve a problem in some other code. If it is debugging, it does not appear to have the complete actual error, which I'd expect to have some better indication of where exactly the error occurred in the code, nor does it have a description of what the code's expected to do, other than the implied "not produce an error" (which , IMO, isn't sufficient in this case).
@Makyen OK, thanks. I'm off to bed now, so I guess we'll let the reopen queue deal with it :) gn
night o/
3 hours later…
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
How are we supposed to deal with bad link only answers today ? There used to be a specific flag reason but it seems to be gone
(in this specific case it's spam, though)
very low quality should be okay
@double-beep probably need to close stackoverflow.com/questions/53940601/… as well
i need immediate respose..! — uda123 2 mins ago
Anyone's working now? :)
define work ...
Two things... Who's at work today? After the Christmas holidays. Who's currently working from home? All office work... I am at my empty office, no one's there except me! :(
* Work - includes people who have day job or freelancers who are doing some work. :)
Being here feels like work ... ;)
But no, I'm technically not working, as I can't bill these hours
anyone know if the "pattern language" in Lex/flex is RegEx? It looks very alike but I can't find anywhere "lex" and "regex" talked about together
I don't even know if this would be a good question on SO, so asking here
if anything I would ask on tex.se
tex.se?? The site about LaTeX??
I mean, lex or flex, which is often required by YACC or GNU bison
I would close your question as unclear ;)
@iBug Wikipedia says Lex uses RegEx, btw.
@iBug what you could do is try a regex pattern and ask why it doesn't work on SO
assuming it doesn't ...
@ErikvonAsmuth that looks like the answer I want, thanks
@rene usually isn't :) I'm confident with my regex skills, though still far behind Makyen's
yeah, making a regex is not my favorite task either.
regex is love. regex is life
and regex is smokey :)
Am I the only one who gets confused by tagging something flag-suspension while it is called a [flag-ban] and all guidance speaks of ban instead of suspension? Is flag suspension a mod thing? Or do mods simply hand out a flag ban?
@rene +1 confused too. You can raise that up.
The mod UI calls them bans, but they're only temporary and they're only ever automatically applied. We can't manually apply flag bans/suspensions
Okay, so "ban" would be the only word that makes sense for all users, including mods, when it comes to flag bans
Yep. Though the word ban is somewhat misleading... as they're not banned. However, it's used all over the place so not much we can do there
@Rob I've posted an MSO question
too broad
too retarded?
@rene Alright. Unless someone raises a counter argument in the next day or so, I'll rename it
@DimaRostopira oy, watch your language
I have got most of the secret hats! Meh, I didn't get the main hats at all! Not many... :(
@DimaRostopira off topic: this is about software use
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman you're just slacking ;)
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman Review this jquery duplicate please. .
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman thanks.
Who should I bribe to keep my "hat" ?
Just grab a random GIMP lying around. Gnu Image Manipulation Program.
Hi all! o/
@JohnDvorak It wouldn't break out of the frame
@DenysSéguret Photoshop?
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman eh? why the rollback :p
@SurajRao Not much difference. No improvement whatsoever.
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman this is a bad question but I don't see it as off topic. We have a lot of perfectly good questions related to the use of our editors
@DenysSéguret Which one?
The Sublime text PHP detection one
Anyone else think that's not off-topic?
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman code editors are on topic ...
Alright then... :)
It does seem no-mvce to me though
I agree OP should have first tried to reduce the code to the breaking point
I mean, we technically don't have the text that fails to be highlighted properly
or any editor config this might be dependent on
yes, this is a bad question, from a noob. He might be better welcomed, though.
Eh, given the number of views, that one is probably of lower priority.
@SurajRao why unclear? It's clear
1 hour later…
So... OP answers [his old own question](https://stackoverflow.com/q/19865062/263525) ... adresses to "OP" in the answer... includes a citation of the Bible... and finishes by thanking himself below his own answer...
Is that... normal ?
wait... why doesn't this link work?
Because you have an explicit linebreak in your message.
And this kills markdown formatting ?
This chat is so broken ^^
But let's forget the failed link. What about OP's behaviour ?
It's weird for sure.
Does not appear to be harmful to me though, so vOv
Shouldn't we remove citations and links to religious books ?
@DenysSéguret meh
Imo it's just noise, like any thank-you/messages directed to OP and probably should be removed
@TemaniAfif Any reason not to consider it spam? Isn't he trying to sell some watches?
I don't know...
@AndreyTyukin you are probably right, didn't pay attention to what the links contain, I never click on them so I thought its the site where he has issues.
flagged as spam
@TemaniAfif It says "emporio-armani-ar0389-silver-chronograph-mens-watch" in the link (as text). Even if the OP didn't have any bad intent, it still looks extremely spammy...
@AndreyTyukin it's a good spam then, because he made the effort to describe some technical CSS issues so didn't pay attention
could be just taking another question and replacing the links. Which could be automated.
a mod has closed it
^ let's delete it then
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
+16/-1, downvoter didn't offer a defense of the tag
@EJoshuaS ^that's last, then
1 hour later…
@Steve still doesn't seem worth reopening
@JohnDvorak Indeed, confusing statements still there but I have appreciated the effort to translate it. And with some insight I think it is possible to answer
@TylerH you'll save a lot with a credit card that doesn't work
Genius! Money saving tips
my verification code ends with 00 too. But it doesn't start with 0...
@Jean-FrançoisFabre what's it start with? :-P
damn the allowed number of links for new users who answer should be 0...
I could give it to you np, but that would then be public on the internet. I don't like the sound of that...
(note that you now have 9 tries instead of 1000 :))
@Jean-FrançoisFabre or instead of 999 in the case of booking.com :-P
@TylerH That's just idiotic
Especially seeing how you can pre-authorize a payment on a card and know instantly if it's fake or not
@MadaraUchiha See one of the answers - booking.com doesn't charge the card, it just forwards information to the hotels who don't charge until the day of the service
in other words, booking.com is lazy AF
@TylerH 1. The hotel can do it in that case, and 2. Booking.com should still do this, as an extra service to the hotels, it would save everyone much trouble
This is on the level of rejecting names containing apostrophes because you're afraid of SQL Injections.
Wrong solution to a real problem
@MadaraUchiha booking.com is Dutch and we're cheap ...
Charge the hotels extra for "customer validation service" then
And those who don't want it, it's their problem
They're statistically outright denying 0.1% of all potential clients out there, that's a lot of potential money to throw away on such a trivial thing
(And that figure is assuming 000 is the only one that gets denied, which doesn't look like the case)
@MadaraUchiha that drives the price up, which is not the goal.
@rene It's almost certainly worthwhile for the hotels
Since they get screening for fakes "magically" and they don't have to deal with it
It is called Booking.com, not AwesomeServiceWithYourBooking.com
@MadaraUchiha depends on what expedia and tripadvisor charge ...
@MadaraUchiha well it is probably the first time someone has been issued a card with a 000 security code
Workaround: get 2 credit cards
his bank is already issuing him a new card at no cost (which was an odd thing to specify; in the US, at least, if you get a new card it never costs anything regardless of the reason). Maybe the bank will blacklist 000 as a CVV/CVC value after this
I'm betting big banks like Chase and Bank of America already blacklist that value
@MadaraUchiha rejecting names with apostrophes is a very bad move, since the guys behind those names are probably rich/lords.
hopefully they have programmers wise enough to say "yeah that might be a problem for some dumb/lazy programmed system out there and I don't want it coming back on us. Just make the algorithm never generate that number"
From now on the only valid CVC value is 371. It's safe, and has been randomly generated.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre "I have randomly chosen the number 12"
2 hours later…

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