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@Ron thanks. I think it looks great. Maybe I'll add it on top of my face for a big, friendly facepalm
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος Yeah, I miss the snark. It's a good friend of the Grinch.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Haha.
The snark is still there, it's just most subtle. Like people changing their nicknames or avatar (I think me and Olaf know who did that)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Who? me?
Maybe more like "irreverence"
@toohonestforthissite now I need to post: can you please make your code a bit clearer, e.g. by indenting it, using proper spacing, and "unfolding" its individual steps a bit more?
it just doesn't feel like anything :(
@toohonestforthissite you kept the same avatar. That gave you away Mr Down at the Trolls.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre not the same kind of snark though
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος Or just VtC (flag until you have 3k rep) and don't comment at all. Expecially as sven strict-buisiness comments are received as unfriendly now.
@toohonestforthissite you'll generally be encouraged to "work with the user" and such, somebody's got to do the job
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος snark is mean. Irreverence isn't.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I never should have told you … back then the term "trolls" was just related to Tolkien & co.
@toohonestforthissite Internet never forgets. I won't bring that up again (that awful title wasn't your pick after all)
@toohonestforthissite yeah, 3k rep will take a long time, you'd be surprised at what kind of questions I'm interested into
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος To cite the Vorlons: That's a three sided sword: SE, the user and us curators. It's the asker who wants something, so it's his duty to provide the information. And a closed post can still be reopened. But recently I see an increasing number of accepted answers which either don't really address the problem, or are plain wrong (all or part). So, what does that tell us about the asker and his interest in the question?
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος IIRC, It took less than a year for me. But then I wouldn't post some of my early answers these days anymore, but CV the question.
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος I suggest you look into the if you want ... noise.
@toohonestforthissite that's normal: when you start on the site, you probably don't know what a duplicate is.
@toohonestforthissite rep-...oh right, [SE was the reason that] we stopped using that term a long time ago
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I can hear my heart pumping blood over there
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Oh, I'm honest enough to say it was mostly my idea. But the publisher accepted it for Germany (as I said, the international title was "Realm of the Trolls" - not that it was much better). Otoh, it was in good company with titles like "Mission Elevator", etc. Plus the title was my very least problem with that game.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre gnarf! biting into the table …must … not …snark … must keep … calm … … … Amaretto for evayone!
@SmokeDetector Spam. He's been doing that on other sites
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Well, I frequented the site years before I registered.
@toohonestforthissite I frequented the site long before registering, and maybe not even knowing that I frequented the same site. After a while I noticed that this site proposed the best answers, so I registered and started asking questions.
@toohonestforthissite a good game with a poor title gets a pass. A bad game with a poor title gets mocked for the bad quality and the title.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Well, I liked it's CPC pedecessor more, but DATT had some nice features. Main problem was the publisher insisted on using 32*32 pixel blocks instead of 16*16 which I prefered (and which had made the expereience much better). Argument was "it's a 32 bit system, so …" - that was one of my earliest personal collisions with marketing.
Hmm, I wonder if I should have a MCU weekend …
32 bit system = 32 bit blocks yeah right :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre The 68000 was not even a 32 bit system. And the graphic resolution was not much better than the CPC (actually it was mostly the same).
Moore law: screen sizes double every 18 months.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Only in horizontal direction. That#s why we need rippons and other horisontal toolboxes.
the 68000? you mean the Atari ST.
I'm familiar with 32x16 blocks (Gods, Magic Pockets). Good for platformers. Platforms are thin, but wide.
haha my meta post is beginning to take off: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/373140/… (started with 2 downvotes, as usual...)
from when did downvotes become invisible? I see only one...
someone retracted his/her. Nice (I slightly edited to mean that I'm okay with being nice/cautious with new contributors in comments)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Ahhh... no. It's much slower than that.
BTW: Do you mean # pixels or dimensions?
@Makyen you mean Moore's law? it was a joke of course :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre And the Amiga, yes. The blocks were too wide and too high. even 16*16 would have been a compromise; the editor used that size and it gave a fair overview for puzzles. But the 32*32 in-game was just too few blocks to create larger, more complex puzzles. Technically, the larger block size inhibited smooth horizontal scrolling as the CPU could not shift a 32 bit block fast enough and pre-rendered blocks would have used way too much RAM.
I know it's about CPU / memory whatever internal. But who needs 19000x10240 pixels? the flies?
With 16*16 blocks a mix of pre-rendering and shifting most likely would have been possible.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I was meaning screen size. I recognize the Moore's law permutation. You happened to hit on an old frustration.
@toohonestforthissite I'm with you on that one. Explain that to marketing...
@Jean-FrançoisFabre greedy people are $$$...
@Makyen I can't read you: my 14" CRT has just gone too fuzzy and the colors are off.
I have my 1366x768 laptop and need no more
@Jean-FrançoisFabre :-)
for a retrogamer like me, the good resolution is when you can still see the pixels :)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre It#s more like 1920000000*1080 or so. I'm still considering designing a mainboard for my old M90 notebook to keep using the 16:10 LCD and mid-aligned keyboard (no keypad). And no, I have no idea who can make use of this resolution.
nice, long, heavy battering ram ;-)
Yeah, for a computer screen, I significantly prefer 16:10 vs 16:9. 16:10 is hard to find at this point.
they're designing screen extensions for laptops. It's screens that you stick behind the main screen and that you can draw to the left (or right) to enhance resolution. Not sure if they come in multi-layers so you can do 1920000000*1080
is 16:10 more retro (closer to 4:3 than 16:9) ?
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος 1920*1200 is great on 17". I'm talking about a code-warrior book, not a manager 12" UHD accessoire. I'd be fine with the quad resolution, but that doesn't exist either. All you can get are those gamer suftboards with 16:9 and keypad. The latter results in you sitting not in the middle of the LCD, but left of it.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I have to admit that I really like good graphics. But I also like a good story and this combination is extremely rare these days. One of the best is still The Witcher (said that: I'm really expecting great things from "Cyberpunk 2077")
@Jean-FrançoisFabre IIRC they were built-in is some Lenovo notebooks. But it#s just not the same. I don't want an even wider screen, but a (slightly) higher. Imo 16:10 is the best res for most programming and ECAD work.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Just do the maths: is 16:10 closer to 16:12 than 16:9? ;-)
@toohonestforthissite I don't play modern games, even if they're more real than an movie.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre 16:10 was much more popular prior to the advent of HDTV. The economies of scale which using screens for the HDTV resolutions made 16:9 much more popular. In addition, due to the actual lower number of pixels, 16:9 is cheaper to manufacture (fewer defects) with the same size screen.
Combine that with most consumers having no clue as to what they are actually buying... If they're told it's HD, they usually don't know the difference between 720p and 1080p, let alone the plethora of other resolutions.
I'm using 1600x900 now. Is that the same as 16:9 ? :) anyway, you can change the resolution, but on LCD there's a "best pixel ratio" and it looks like crap if you don't respect it
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Well, The Witcher has not only great graphics, but also a great story. The quests are well interwoven and vasry quite a lot. NPCs range from funny to scary and the world is really alive, not that sterile like many other RPGs. Singular aspects are in various RPGs, but the combination is most rare.
@toohonestforthissite I agree. If I was only wanting to watch video, then 16:9 would be OK. If I'm wanting to do real work, I prefer 16:10. Even for video I would prefer 16:10, as the control display usually doesn't need to overlap the actual video.
From this aspect Fallout 4 was a major disappointment and from what I read, Fallout 76 will be the final fail.
s/usually doesn't need/never needs
@toohonestforthissite all epochs have great games (a few) and a lot of turds. HD or not.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Yes, you are almost always better off using the actual LCD resolution, or something that can be scaled by an integer multiplication.
I could still use only a 800x500 of my screen and disregard the rest. That'd make 16:10 all right.
resolution: it should be crystal clear, but not starting to make the screen bigger than your limits
@Makyen 16:10 Yeah, 16:10 is fine for a video in the hotel room, too. Maybe once I have a new notebook I can de-bone my old one with a nice ARM board. Should not be slower than the Core-Duo it currently has. Actually that would suffice, if I it just could handle more than 3.3GiB RAM.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Well, the point was to have more pixels. :-)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Definitively. I bought System Shoick from GoG some time ago, just fo my private archive. Started it just to check it runs and was lost for the rest of the day
System Shock? I read about that in retrogamer, they were very elogious.
Reminds me when I just wanted to watch "Breaking Bad" first season again, and ended up rewatching the whole 5 ones.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre That reminds me of this q of mine. Going deeper, one can argue that the second form isn't always the right one.
@toohonestforthissite While that could be interesting, it seems like a lot of work for the benefit. Surely, someone makes a 16:10 laptop. Although, I haven't checked for a long time.
@E_net4 tell that to toohonestforthissite :) hey 10k soon BTW
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος Size is not related to resolution. And the main problem is the resolution of your eyes. These days we sit much closer to the display than with the CRT watiching TV. For notebooks it's even closer, PC-work is somewhere in-between. So a higher res is indeed better, but just up to a certain value, of course. ca. 600dpi (high-end mobiles) is way above already and just drains the battery unnecessarily.
@E_net4 congrats for such a highly upvoted question in 2017 BTW
@toohonestforthissite size as in all of the pixels contribute to the visible output
a miniature 4K screen doesn't make sense, does it? ;-)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Yeah, I was impressed of its traffic myself. I don't even like Python that much. :s
@Jean-FrançoisFabre And yeah, I'm pretty close. Too bad I'm too busy downvoting answers writing my thesis to answer questions.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Huh? I thought you are a retro-gamer? And still don't know System Shock? Shame, I say, shame! youtu.be/_XKHb8828eE?t=73
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος Define "miniature"? And at which viewing distance? For a VR headset, it could be still insufficient. A TFT beamer has an even smaller display, but of course needs that res. For a mobile it depends on the application. Unfortunately the many pixels are not really used. My old Palm Centro had more information on its 320*320 (or less) screen than any current smartphone.
@toohonestforthissite SystemShock never made its way to the Amiga or to the arcades. that's why
@toohonestforthissite the many pixels are only good for recording videos and taking snapshots :-(
Joshua seeded a bunch into . Toss a few CVs if you can please
@Jean-FrançoisFabre That#s certainly true. Ok, if you are just after the home-computers, you are indeed stuck with those true retro games. In fact, I missed most of the PC games of these days, because I just didn't have one. Now I see some of them are great, expecially RPGs and adventures.
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος I'd appreciate if you really think about what I wrote. You just can't say "this and that res is enough. The main criterion is the viewing distance, i.e. the way from the display to the eye. A typical LCOS display in a projector is just few cm in diameter, but as the image is presented on some m dia screen, an 8k resolution is reasonable.
yeah, the size is relative to what your eyes see, not such measurements
and...my eyes are wide-angled :)
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος All I can say is: with 1920*1020 on a 17.1" notebook pixels can be distinguished. So a higher res would be better. Nevertheless, I consider it sufficient. Though, if I have the choice, I'd indeed prefer the higher res. Problem is the aspect ratio, not the high res. Otoh, I'd consider 8k res on such a notebook a plain waste. Similar for a TV.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Neat. I'm a 90's DOS/PC games enthusiast myself.
And ym 40" UHD monitor is doing fine, I don't think I need 8k here either.
@toohonestforthissite I have first-hand experience; my phone is 1920x1080, 5.99'', but the resolution pays off
I can't distinguish pixels, and the snapshots I take are huge
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος Thats only partially correct. The center of clear view is much smaller, expecially the area you see colours in good res. The rest is just fakes by your brain. Read about it, it's fascinating and often ignored.
@toohonestforthissite the feel is more like the focus effect on pictures; brains are amazing, yeah
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος Oh, my 5.2 has the same res and I wouldn't want a lower one. But I also don't see need for a higher (or a larger screen; this once I can just operate one-handed with some training). Again: the higher the res, the higher the current consumption of the graphics system, starting with screen-refresh. That's just logical. It also reduces memory bandwidth for other processes in the SoC.
at least my battery can handle that quite nicely :-)
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος My point was not the brain, but the physical structure of the (human) eye. There are much less visual receptors slightly outside the middle of the eye. The wide side area is just to notice movement. Try this: sit next to someone watching a film while the other person seesaws a foot/leg just at the edge of your visual field. It drives you crazy. Reason is the evolutionary programming which forces you to draw attention to movement on the side; it could be something predating you.
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος You are aware this is nonsense, are you? :-)
I'm talking about the mAhs
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος They are irrelevant without the mV and the ms . Seriously: of course it drains your battery more to access quadruple the memory cells, process the data and transfer to the TFT in the same time. Not even talking about drawing four times the pixels. A most often ignored fact: the smaller pixels also let less light from the backlight through (or- for OLED have a smaller area than 1/4 the larger pixels of the lower res).
tbf, I would've liked being able to change the resolution of my phone, but, eh, I don't want to root it while under warranty :-)
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος You cannot change the resolution of a TFT. And the typical panels in a phonce can't display other than the native one. TFT-monitors also just filter the input for lower res signals, but still have to refresh all pixels (for other aspect ratios they just send black pixels)
@E_net4 I like 90's games but more on the Amiga. Well, some PC 2D games were neat ports or even better than amiga version.
@toohonestforthissite mine is an IPS
This filtering possibly costs even more energy than using the native res.
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος and a TFT! I didn't assume you have a STN.
just a little bit more detail
@ΈρικΚωνσταντόπουλος But unrelated. Even if it was a passive matrix (ie.e. non-TFT), everything I wrote was true.
@toohonestforthissite Thanks, I will re-raise and flag.
Would a RO please delete my "unclear or too broad" with the wonky cv-pl tag above? Thanks!
@halfer Done. Just FYI: All the scripts handle quite a variety of typos when recognizing requests. For cv-pls requests, most things that sort-of look like cv-pls will be picked up, as long as they have cv- in tag format and there's a link to an SO question. If it's not in tag format, then there's less allowance for typos. Thus, reposting wasn't actually needed in this case.
For things not in tag format the main issue is being shown in the review portion of the Unclosed Request Review script. Basically, it needs to be re-written to not rely on the SE chat search, which is basic, at best. My intent is to migrate the review display which I wrote for the archiver, but that hasn't happened yet.
@Makyen thanks, and thanks for the info
Hi all! o/
@BaummitAugen o/ Welcome. It's been a while.
@Makyen Good to know, thank you.
@Makyen Yeah, been kinda busy. Finishing my degree, getting a job, that kinda stuff. :)
@BaummitAugen hi baum, long time no see
@Vickel o/
@BaummitAugen Sounds like congratulations are in order, perhaps for both graduating and getting the job, or are you still in process?
@BaummitAugen So you've been experiencing a degree of separation? ;)
@Makyen Both worked out nicely, so thanks. =D
@Machavity lol yeah =D
@BaummitAugen Great! Congratulations!
Thank you!
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