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@PraveenKumarPurushothaman Well, how else will you stand out from the other 400-something Praveen Kumars on SO
4 hours later…
@Machavity Was that trolling? Or was it an actual question that didn't belong on the site?
@NileshRathod dupe request
@SurajRao didn't get you
There is already a request above yours to the same question
@SurajRao sorry my mistake i'll take care next time
meh you just got ninja'ed :p
@NileshRathod Another time, please include [tag:cv-pls] with the request to indicate that it's a request. The basic format is [tag:cv-pls] close reason https://stackoverflow.com/q/12345. This allows people to know that it's a request and scripts to see it. For more information, please see: How and why do I need to format my cv-pls (and other requests)?. I'd suggest reading the complete SOCVR FAQ.
Why this question is closed for the reason "not a real question"?
I am curious.
@Rick can you mention the complete url?
oh sorry
also avoid oneboxing
it is a broad question asking for an example or offsite resource. If it was asked now would probably closed as such
"Not a real question" was used to be used. Now the close reasons have changed
But predicate is just a valid concept in C++
So many upvotes for this question and people also replied.
@Rick The above conversation (above this message, but below the message this is replying to) is about What is predicate in C++? [closed], which was originally oneboxed.
@TimCastelijns Just this second, they set a bounty on it. Lovely.
this is one of the worst cases of people massively upvoting rubbish I've seen
@TimCastelijns Unfortunately, with a bounty there's nothing we regular users can do to close the post. If you feel strongly that the post should be closed, you can raise a custom moderator flag asking them to remove the bounty (and close the post). Once the bounty ends, feel free to re-post a request here. For now, I'm going to move this out, as there's nothing we can do to act on this request.
Rob fixed it
I'm too slow :-)
there was no bounty when I sent the cv-pls. Thanks anyway
you sure are
and good morning to you ... ;)
I saw the comment on meta about ending sentences with a smiley rene, it was a good tip ;)
And to you too. :-)
@TimCastelijns To be honest, I'm unsure how any of those answerers managed to see a question there. Reads to me like wordsoup
yeah "lib lib lib tool tool tool anyone have an idea" is not super clear
thanks for sweeping it up
@Rob how is life as a mod now that you have been at it for a while?
@Machavity Exactly! :D
@TimCastelijns Yeah, good. Mostly got the hang of it, I think. Still pretty interesting and enjoyable
alright well thanks for your efforts and good luck
would we class questions asking about entity relationship diagrams on-topic? more specifically, "what the arrow means?"
@WhatsThePoint Isn't the software engineering site used for that???
I'm not sure, I have never used SE
I felt none of the flag reasons covered the question except the a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error
@WhatsThePoint Puts on autistic glasses What about blatantly off-topic. An entity relationship design is not programming (in my current very limited view)
@AndréKool I initially looked at that, but I second guessed myself, as I could be linked to programming of some sort
@AndréKool It could be phrased as a programming question: I have this ERD with this arrow and I want to implement that in Java. I've added an collection in OrderLines so it can take Orders. Does that correctly reflect what is meant in the ERD? still wonky and maybe broad, low quality etc, but is on-topic.
@rene Hi boss.
Hi worker
Keepin it real.
What do you make of this one?
I retracted an off-site resource vote but now it seems too broad.
Title: requesting off-site resource ---- Question: Too Broad
And why the roll-back on that one?
It's "too", not "to"
"To broad or not to broad", that is the question :P
to much
crash course
morning all
sorry I've been away for a while, had a project I needed to focus on :)
normal service will now resume :)
1 hour later…
@VadimKotov Seems like a new SD reason for RPG, japanese sites
@SurajRao thanks, got it
@SurajRao Don't let smokey loose near anime.SE then
@MichaelDodd you can give input in CharcoalHQ
I am seeing this for the first time as well
Not sure which post prompted it
@SurajRao Sorry, forgot the smiley at the end, was meant to be a joke :)
:43044705 naa looks like cmd
:43044705 Nope, just copy-paste of terminal output
Seems like this question posted in the wrong place
I'd still argue NAA though, no idea how that even attempts to answer the question
it shows an error message
OP is obviously looking for a solution
@SurajRao @MichaelDodd Thank you!
Hello. I just voted to delete an answer in review, but now I regret my review vote. Is there something I can do? stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/20127602
@Cœur nope. You can cast an undelete vote if it gets deleted but that is about it
You can't retract a delete vote
@rene does it require 20k reputation to vote to undelete? I don't see this option normally on an answer
@Cœur why would you want to keep that answer?
You could ask us nicely to review as looks OK. I wouldn't cast the OK vote though.
Because... it's probably a correct answer: the question owner lives in Iran, and Iran blocks some Android downloads.
@Cœur yes, that is a 2Ok privilege for answers (I assumed you already were at 20K)
And it's gone....
@Cœur you can custom mod flag it... ask for undeletion (incorrectly delete by LQP review queue)
@Cœur I gave it an edit, can you check if that makes sense? Let me know if you followed up on @PetterFriberg's advice.
@rene, I will not flag it, because it was a "community" deletion, not a "moderator" deletion, so it should be undeleted by "community" instead of being undeleted by a mod.
fair enough
@EdChum can you review above undel-pls request? You were one of the delete voters
@rene sure
@Cœur hmm, not entirely correct, the non 20K users are not allowed to delete "answer" from LQP queue, hence if it is an answer moderator should undelete it since it was incorrectly reviewed.. anyway 20K in SOCVR is probably enough.
What needs to get undeleted?
nvm, I see the request
Thank you rene, EdChum, Nkosi and Rob.
@EJoshuaS I'm not sure. I think it was trolling, but it wasn't worthy of a rude flag
How do you paste formatted source code into Power Point presentation? Surely there must a more elegant way than using the Notepad++ and the Npp feature. Formatting and colors, that is.
It's C++ language btw.
@Ron I have read that Npp is built in Notepad++ newer version.
@Enzokie Which one do you think I should use? Export to RTF or HTML?
Well not sure
You declare that oneProffesion variable but it is never initialized to a new value. — Pointy 7 mins ago
@PraveenKumarPurushothaman Heh, fair enough.
@TylerH Reasoned... :)
@Ron I'm guessing you've already looked at superuser.com/questions/85948/…
@TylerH Sure.
Looks at the link after lying he's already looked at it.
Haha, kidding. I did. Other than Notepad++ there seems to be nothing else.
And I don't have the VS at hand.
How about this one stackoverflow.com/questions/825353/… and maybe this one? medium.com/@daj/…
VS does seem to be able to fix the issue...
Appreciate it.
I recently downloaded VS Code, it is really a pretty neat text editor.
@Enzokie I confirm it :)
How should one reply to this? stackoverflow.com/questions/51045328/…
@JohnDvorak Maybe just don't reply (I just flagged those comments as no longer needed because OP already translated)
@JohnDvorak Meh. I don't think you need to. He suggested to go there because the user was not using English. Yes a turd in any language is still a turd but if the OP has a hard time with English they might get better help/better understand what they need to do to make the Q better
But, don't migrate crap
Nothing there about migrating, just a general "Look here instead"
reposting is implied
And? If they delete here and post there that is fine.
The point is the user is trying to get the OP help in a language they might better understand. In my book that is a good thing. We have the language sites for a reason.
But Dutch.so was closed on A51. I feel left out
@rene I'm more worried about A50 being closed. It's shut in one direction 20:00-0800 for road works and I have to take Anne to darts later:(
@MartinJames Meanwhile the A31 is a glorious drive on days like today. Lots of New Forest ponies and horses to look at too
..oh, you are all discussing jQuery Q. back to sl....zzzzzzzzzz
@MichaelDodd Oh great. I can look forward to JCB, scrapers, rollers and diversion cones:(
@MartinJames no problem, detours are arranged: lindus.nl/uploads/files/…
@rene lol, too many A50, like too much jQuery :)
I try to be helpful ...
@MartinJames Got a journey up north to see wider family soon enough, so I'll get my fair share on the M6
@rene Our A50 is a planned disaster. A dual cabbageway joining two major motorways, the designers failed to make it motorway-class and put in roundabouts. The one at Blythe Bridge is dangerous - it tightens up as you go round and has adverse camber. Every week, some truck trips and falls. Now, the roundabouts near us have to be replaced with flyovers because of the utterly predictable traffic levels:(
@SmokeDetector tla
@RezaAghaei on multiline messages the markdown doesn't get rendered
@SmokeDetector this is SPAM, the SPAM is just hidden in the "code" that has the <div element, there is no other answers or the question that references any URLs in divs. Report as SPAM.
Hmmm, thanks. I was trying to format it!
@RezaAghaei it was closed as too broad, which I still think it somewhat is but I casted a re-open vote to help it forward anyway.
@RezaAghaei none of these "reasons" is valid reason to reopen it. It is a "send me teh codez" in disguise as there is no actual attempt in the "code" provided. And you are the one with the "accepted" answer, you should disclose your interest in the question reopening as such. It is a perfect example of Too Broad and should stay closed.
so... trash pls
@RezaAghaei Not sure: 'don't know where to begin'. I would probably have just commented 'Search for COM automation Paint'
Even if we say it's "send me code", it doesn't mean it's too broad.
@RezaAghaei I voted to close primarily because the OP didn't know how to implement the desired functionality and the posted code lacked a real attempt. I don't code primarily in c# but it doesn't affect my assessment of the question
@RezaAghaei IMHO that is too broad. It is very open ended. I'm not sure how many different ways you could solve the problem but there has to be more than a few.
@feelingunwelcome that is all true but How can I do x is on-topic and the question showed the code that was needed up to the point where the OP needed help. It is not too broad.
@NathanOliver Having different ways to implement something is not too broad
If we say this, most of questions is SO are too broad.
A lot of them are, they just don't get closed because enough people don't moderate.
oh but they are
I voted to reopen, I never liked too broad reason, but yeah I dislike that same person asking for reopen has answered the question, it's a conflict of interest.... better to just send it to the queue
I would have automatically reached for automation as a first attempt. Not sure how good the COM interface is with Paint, or if there is a free type library:(
@PetterFriberg it's against the FAQ, specifically
Funny thing now is the question and answer are getting downvoted!
@NathanOliver clicking button only has one option in the WinAPI. That the accepted answer uses a cumbersome wrapper is not the fault of the question.
@JohnDvorak It is but I let it go when it is someone that is not "regular". There is a lot to take in with the FAQ and we want people to come here and ask for reopen requests when they think something should be opened.
I'm OK with giving it the benefit of the doubt - voted to reopen.
@JohnDvorak since as far as I know the user is new here, so I will let it slide ;)
@NathanOliver I can agree with that. I'd agree with outright deleting the rule altogether even more.
@rene the code is boilerplate code, with this reasoning just about any "How can I do XXX" in the C tag can be provided with the most basic "Hello World!" implementation and qualify as an "attempt to solve". Standards are dropping by the day.
@JohnDvorak Me too but it's there to stop abuse.
@feelingunwelcome probably you don't know anything about Windows UI Automation.
@RezaAghaei That would imply "how to write a word-processor" to be on-topic, too. "To broad" is a reasonable close-reason for this question. But I could also offer "unclear", as OP does not state what he means by "where to begin" - begin with what?
@feeling compared to the good ole days where no proof of effort whatsoever was needed?
Anyone know if there's a good canonical Q&A for this sort of Java Scanner problem? I've found a bunch of smaller Q&As (like that linked one), but I'm having trouble finding one that looks more canonical.
@feelingunwelcome I disagree but I don't believe I''m going to convince you. I can live with that.
Who cares about attempt to solve... either the question is useful for others or is it not. The attempt to solve stuff often only creates mess (I do agree that with some research it easier to get upvotes)
@NathanOliver I've seen it cause quite a lot of drama in cases that weren't abuse, though
@RezaAghaei I'd be careful going ad hominem. That rarely ands well.
@RezaAghaei glad you can read minds as well as farm rep on off-topic questions. I see no reason to reopen other than the answer is the worst way to do it so a better way can be put in, but that still does not make it not too-broad it just means the OP does not know what a correct answer should look like.
Logical fallacies are bad at bitwise arithmetics, yes :P
lets move on... too much drama for a simple question on SO...
@rene me too!
@Radiodef taken care of
@JohnDvorak I'll add it to the room meeting agenda if you want
@NathanOliver Next one is in 6-8 weeks?
6 to 8 units of time
@feelingunwelcome Let's not make it personal. Good luck man :)
@JohnDvorak yeah I get it, but "better than before" argument is still a logical fallacy and not "as good as it should be". I guarantee you it is a dupe as well, but I care so little about Windo$e tech to try and clean up any of the related tags.
@RezaAghaei take your own advice then before you judge someone next time.
@Olaf Let's not make it personal. Good luck man :)
@PetterFriberg Nah, I just got the popcorn ready
@feelingunwelcome ah, no, you said that today's situation is more demanding of askers than it used to be. I'm directly contradicting that claim. That the current situation isn't good for site quality is separate from that.
@rene not trying to convince you either actually, just wanted to convey my reasoning for my opinion.
@JohnDvorak sorry I thought you were saying things were better than they used to be as an argument for that question being not too-broad.
I'm always conveying my reasoning. What I don't get is why nobody ever agrees with my opinion ....
go Rene go stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/20130592 //I'm not sure about that syntax...
@Olaf No matter where or how MS COM gets involved, a masssive wall of code/text gets generated:(
@rene because Internet ...
duplicate request
@rene I usually agree with you
@JohnDvorak first in wins!
@PetterFriberg yeah, that edit fixed the code. I applied an edit after the review was rejected
Thanks, it was a last reject one (mode:63), so that's why I bother ya.
question: for reviewing Suggested Edits, one of the reject reasons is:
This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability.
If a suggested edit is on a post that is CLEARLY off topic, and doesn't attempt to make it on-topic, is that a valid reject reason?
(the post has not been closed yet)
or does the phrase "more accessible" mean something else?
@gunr2171 I always reject edits on terrible questions as No Improvement. I'd close them as Don't polish turds or What were you thinking editing this?, but I'm trying to be more welcoming
yeah, that makes sense. thanks
@Machavity be careful with calling peoples questions "turds" do you not remember how me doing that got conflating into "calling the OP" a turd on meta and the week long shit storm that followed ( pun intended ). and this is sarcastic, keep calling them "turds" I know it did not stop me.
@gunr2171 yes reject it and communicate why to stop the editor from wasting peoples time reviewing such edits in the future.
Q: Should we auction off [ebay]?

pushkinI don't see how the ebay tag is on topic here. I don't think we should have tags for sites. The tag should be for an API that lets you talk to a site, and there is already an ebay-api tag. Should we burninate?

@MartinJames I belive you (almost) every nonsense about MS stuff. Everytime I had to deal with that and thought it couldn't be worse, I was proved wrong.
@feelingunwelcome Well, we're in good company at least
back from lunch
thanks for the link
yeah it's always fun when you have upper management telling you "be nice" and then middle management is saying things like "your question is a turd" and upper management doesn't clarify or enforce on that
Apparently there's a tag.
Time to get out the box and burn it?
@EJoshuaS does it pick-up good stuff?
@EJoshuaS Is it fork tinder?
A lot of them are "how do I imitate x feature from Tinder?" questions
@EJoshuaS I'm very certain there're more unseless tags than good ones. The whole tag-system needs a major overhaul imo. Starting with some kind of hierarchy like languiage->version, OS->version, problem-area (DB/driver/application/UI - just am example without any intention to be a proposal).
Is there even a Tinder developer API?
"social discovery application" lol nice wrong tag description
it is a hookup/dating app, ain't no social discovery going on
@TylerH is a fishing application also in the hookup category?
Wow, this and the follow-up describes the current climate on SO pefectly: dilbert.com/strip/2018-06-22
@Machavity Found it! Meta to new user: your question is a turd that cannot be polished (or: we need to Be Nice here too) the real entertainement is reviewing all the edits to the question!
@feelingunwelcome goes to make a [turd-polishing] tag on Meta BRB
I think we need a [gmtc] tag on the main site.
^ edit?
rene says yes
@EJoshuaS Don't we already ?
The Gospel Music Training Center?
what's gmtc?
I will allow homework if workwork is allowed as well ....
@gunr2171 'gimme teh codez'
@gunr2171 Basically, zero-effort requirements dumps
@rene heh, good question
VLQ: "This answer has severe formatting or content problems. This answer is unlikely to be salvageable through editing, and might need to be removed."
Often, link-only answers *would* be salvageable through editing, if someone knew enough about the material and cared to fix it. Does this mean they shouldn't be flagged as VLQ?
@CertainPerformance In what context?
I think link only answers CAN be flagged as both NAA and VLQ, but I feel that it's more appropriate to say it's NAA. Plus, aren't they handled in the same manor?
I posted the same request twice, sorry!
fixed that for you ...
Thank you, @rene
@gunr2171 IIRC Shog said in his apple/orange picture answer about it, that link-only "Your answer is in another castle" answers are not answers, but rather links to answers.
VLQ is reserved for things that are definitely answers, but of no value or that have severe problems
NAA is VLQ. Except when it's not. This has been brought to you by the letter S and the number 9.
Clear as mud
uh... what
That question is not deleted...
is it? I keep F5ing and ctrl+F5ing and it is still there, but when I go to the user's profile, it is not listed in "recent questions"
Which Q?
the one I just posted a cv-pls for
sorry, the unclosed request userscript marked it as deleted and 'hid' it immediately after I posted
but I checked and it is not deleted for me, even after refreshing
cc @Makyen a possible bug in the script?
not deleted
Interesting. It is not deleted, I was able to vote to close, but it does not show on the users profile either
it shows on the list of full questions in their activity tab
just not on the 'recent' ones in the profile tab
Ah. Yep. Seeing that now.
Or maybe this is a new predictive outcome feature of Makyen's script... neat :-)
I just added the last close vote, let's see if that fixes it
refreshing this chatroom still marks it as deleted for me
@TylerH That's what we get for using JavaScript
maybe it's just me, but https://stackoverflow.com/search?tab=newest&q=is%3aquestion is showing the most recently asked question as 30-something minutes ago
might be related, a database caching hiccup or something
don't usually visit that tab though, so I don't know what's normal
ok, dumb question. Do links to comments on main not onebox in chat?
@CertainPerformance hmm yeah that may be related
@gunr2171 they do
uh, we'll I must be copying wrong
don't lead with >
just paste the hyperlink and nothing else
Yeah, it looks like the site is broken
well I was going to say "that made my day", but now the moment is ruined :(
you broke chat
We'll have a meeting to discuss what to do
@CertainPerformance mods nor review queue cares if you flag VLQ or NAA, the main difference is in how the flag works. VLQ if OP edits is cleared (helpful) and you auto downvote the answer. This crazy behavior of the VLQ flag makes me always use NAA
Yeah now Jim's cv-pls is marked as deleted. Okay, @Makyen it is almost certainly a caching issue or issue with the API not updating
I have reported it to @stackstatus on the TwitFace
Too broad or just unclear what they exactly need?
@PetterFriberg both
@feelingunwelcome baah I hate the too broad reason and one day I will convince you ;), the only stuff that has sense is "is this stuff useful to some other poor soul"
This seems pretty sketchy: stackoverflow.com/a/51050361/1324. Link-only, to an unrelated site offering "support" while trying hard to look like it's a Netgear site. Account created today. Spam?
@TylerH Whatever it was it's working now. All the Qs were showing deleted and now they're showing votes again
@PaulRoub for sure custom mod flag will get it deleted
The problem with red flag is always presume good faith
So mods should kill that.
Needs one more 20k delete and it's gone
@PaulRoub that looks like spam to me
@gunr2171 URL is blacklisted. If he comes back he'll get thumped
@TylerH Unfortunately, the only way for the script to determine if something is deleted is to have an SE API request for information by the question's (or answer's) ID return a valid response, but with no information for that ID. There's no explicit response by the SE API to indicate something is deleted. Unfortunately, that means that if the SE API is not functioning properly (and returns an otherwise valid response), then the lack of data being returned must be interpreted as being deleted.
If it was showing only one post as deleted, not all of them, then it would have been that data was returned for other posts, just not that one, as all questions are requested in one SE API request (>1 if >100 questions) and a similar request for answers. For URLs where the type of post is indeterminate, it's requested as both, and both must return no data. Unfortunately, I wasn't around when this was happening (food), so I wasn't able to manually verify what the script was seeing as a response.
I create a motion to shift blame from myself to the SE API
@Machavity yeah, must've been the API taking a nap cc @Makyen
multiple requests from different people were being posted and instantly showing as deleted
@gunr2171 ooh yeah sometimes it even return deleted stuff stackapps.com/questions/6955
Yeah, every request showed as deleted. About 10 mins later it corrected. I suspect someone broke the API
That's what it sounds like. I would have liked to have double checked the requests to see if there was anything in the response which the script could be using to differentiate between no-data=deleted and no-data=internal API problem, but there's nothing documented which would. Were cv-pls requests from prior to the problem started still shown as not-deleted, or were they also shown as deleted? Alternately, was the request review, when refreshed, still showing some non-deleted requests?
I didn't open the CV list page, but everything in visible SOCVR was showing deleted eventually
just blame the API and have a beer instead
^ that
@Machavity Then I guess our job was done. :-)
@Makyen Yeah, rene thanked us all and went home. It was amazing. He'll be so disappointed when he finds out
@Makyen Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to any from before I noticed, sorry.
i need some help ...how can i write a vb.net application that can be used to determine the most played sports using A to denote Athletics,B to denote Swimming,F socker,B badminton and Q used to terminate tallying it should allow the users input the above letter with will be used by the program
wow that last answer! and I have had it for tonight
someone was able to answer such a question? impressive
@TylerH np. I'll double check the gross error handling, but there's not much we can do if the SE API's returning a correctly formatted response with no, or partial/inaccurate, data.
@TylerH it's not a question it's an answer to a unrealted question :), --^ too much for me, bed time cya later!
ahh, good night!
Hi all! o/
1 hour later…
Not sure about this: stackoverflow.com/q/51052211/758133 Sounds like a search for a numerical method that is more maths.se?
@MartinJames It's definitively not programming (and was over-tagged). I used a custom reason, though, because I'm not sure this is a good fit for maths.se . Plus I'm pretty sure this is an XY problem. But I'm not really interested in having this discussion with OP.
@RiggsFolly Has an edit
@Machavity Just a tag edit and I dont think it made it any better

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