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2 hours later…
What is the point of serial down voting the Skeet stackoverflow.com/users/22656/jon-skeet?tab=reputation
I guess some people like a challenge.
(never you mind how I realized his rep was reducing. <whistles>)
Anyone know if there's a good rule of thumb about what to do with questions like this? stackoverflow.com/questions/50970319/…
Is today Sunday? That looks like a homework question. :P
It looks like they're just asking for pseudocode for this algorithm, so it's answerable. It's just really low quality.
But I could make up a reason if I wanted to close it. For example, they didn't actually ask a question, just gave us requirements, so I could close it as "unclear what you're asking". That problem could be solved by just editing it, though.
Seems TB to me
otherwise OT askin for tutorial
I guess the relevant discussion around this goes back to e.g. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/215596/…
and e.g. this answer meta.stackexchange.com/a/215694/244864 says we can use 'unclear' and 'too broad' in this sort of case
@Nkosi And yeah, that could work too.
\o Morning
Best. Title. Ever.
@techraf thats...a link to the user account. Is there a bug in the userscript? cc @Makyen
@SurajRao Thanks for the ping. Yeah, looks like we don't escape those, and should.
@Makyen Please remove the broken cv-pls
Title isn't clear for me: is that android question a *duplicate* of something? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41901908/contact-number-add-delete-get-in-android-app-using-contentobserver-dublicate
Plus code formatting is confusing comments with markdown...
@Cœur The title is just written that way. The post was never closed as a duplicate. There's nothing in the timeline to indicate any moderation has been done on the question. But, it will be deleted tomorrow by Roomba, so I wouldn't spend time on it, unless you're wanting to answer it.
@Makyen oh, I voted to close one split second before your message.
@Cœur oh well found a couple of copy sites googling the title :p
@SurajRao By the way, is there any connection between Barghav and Suraj Rao?
Nope... no relation.
Go to Meta if you want? Still It's NAA
@Shree (@techraf) No need to go to Meta. Someone just inappropriately edited the answer from the Low Quality Review Queue, so the system kicked it out of the queue (should have disputed, not declined, the flag). It just needs to be re-flagged as NAA (done). And a comment left for the person who edited, so they, hopefully, don't do that again, unless they can fix all of the problems with the post (done).
Ok @Makyen got it thanks. System kicked it out of the queue and flag declined ?
@Shree As I understand it, the flag should have been disputed. We'd have to verify with @techraf.
@Makyen You are right (@Shree)
Good Morning SOCVRistan \o
Hello, someone to work with me for some, mine, problems with FORUserBundle ???
@JordanGeorgiadis You're not going to find any code donors here
@JordanGeorgiadis This is probably the wrong room for whatever you're wanting to ask. I suggest looking at the list of rooms and finding one that fits what you're interested in (usually by programming language). This room concentrates on moderation by users of posts on Stack Overflow. So, if you know of a Stack Overflow Question that's off-topic and should be closed or deleted, or if you have a question about the review queues, etc., then this is a good room to discuss it.
Is that question on-topic?
@PraveenKumar Morning. Nuked
That's weird.
We should be really having a morning train... Don't we?
@PraveenKumar Sounds wrong, having a morning train in the afternoon....
@AndréKool If UTC says it's morning it's morning
having a morning train in the afternoon means it has had enough time to warm up and is less likely to pull a hammy
Just another manic Friday.
1 hour later…
fp feedback on autoflagged post: How to send a token with an AJAX request from jQuery MS (@ByteCommander @Makyen @Sconibulus)
> "you have to move over a bit, you are blocking our view on your monitor"
@rene Wasn't that commented somewhere on meta?
yeah, I don't want to blame anyone and protect the innocent
It is exactly my humor ... but yeah, don't try it ...
Yup, lets not make it more specific and let anyone who wants to find that comment search Meta for hours :P
@AndréKool Already searched. Can't find.
What's the meaning @rene?
@rene And whom are you telling that?
@PraveenKumar I said: search for hours. Not search for 3 min :P
@AndréKool Have better questions to close... Sorry...
is now being burninated Meta CW - Open Posts - CVQ
@PraveenKumar Don't feel sorry. It's completely up to you how you want to spend (or waste) your time :)
@AndréKool I'll choose to spend rather than waste... :D
@rene ^ Can sticky for burninate
@NathanOliver Afternoon
Question that makes utterly no sense becomes so famous is c community, Why does c = ++(a+b) give compilation error?, R U serious? why would you even try that???
@MunimMunna Because it's well researched and useful for more than just the OP :P
(did downvote)
@MunimMunna lvaues, rvalues, xvalues, prvalues... its enough to make peoples heads spin which in C and C++ translates into up votes.
@JohnDvorak I would love the research if it were like, why does it gives compilation error rather than a run-time error, that's a research man, this is common sense :P
It was called research by one of the commenters :P
@NathanOliver You should go in there and give them a few pointers. Or references? Maybe just a pat on the back...
@JohnDvorak So stupid of me, I didn't get the joke when I read it first, lol
@MunimMunna I give it some props for being a sincere question. It's not the normal "Why fish no compile" crap, and there's a deeper lesson to be learned. Sometimes knowing why things don't work is as important as why they do
@Machavity true :)
@MunimMunna AFAIK it's valid in C++ and possibly other languages. (that does not explian why one wants to prefer it to simply adding 1 explicitly)
Morning all \o
Thanks @NathanOliver you saved me
was just waiting. lol
Just looking out for the cv-pls'ers ;)
much appreciated. :P
@NathanOliver Grrr...
Okay... I had a good trip anyway...
Not sure if my response is good:
But this is not opinion based, but fact based. I am searching something that is capable of do this. — Javier Green 1 min ago
I like particularily this response:
> But I never used the word "recommend."
Code-formatted emoticon instantly ruins the whole message :P
@JohnDvorak You mean like :D
@RiggsFolly Uhm, you answered the question you asked for CV?
@Machavity Yea, I eventually gave up and answered the question. But aside from that surley everyone here knows I am stupid by now
@RiggsFolly It's fine, just ping a RO to bin the CV so people don't vote
@Machavity :) Ok, just to prove it, WHAT?? Can you say that in english for us morons
Want me to move your cv request to the trash?
@Machavity I dont spend enough time here to understand the txt speak whats an RO?
Room Owner
anyone with italics in their name
@guru2171 Thanks :) Could you do that for me then please. Thanks
Well thats at least 2 things I have Learned today. Another good day!
yeah, just ping someone if you want to remove a cv request after your 2 minute edit window. We all have a one-click button on any message to move messages to other rooms (it's great!)
@RiggsFolly Ah, sorry. Yeah, they have a rule about it
@gunr2171 Cool. Oh the power :)
RO's have the power to move messages, place the room in timeout, and kick for 2 minutes....
that's it...
why do you guys even listen to us, we don't know
Should I upgrade my dashcam
But when gunr's router melts in the sun the site goes down the rules are more flexible. Just ask "What rules?" :P
did you get your footage moved out?
@Machavity Thanks. There is so much I dont know about the behind the scenes workings of SO
2 whole minutes without SOCVR! We fear punishment.
Well it's on the memory card so it wouldn't matter =w=
The cam I have is... functional.
It records, but it has no battery life even though one is included with it.
It runs out of power when unplulgged after 10 seconds :|
so viewing the footage requires me to have the car on and the camera powered.
Likely because this is cheap chinese camera
I've thought about buying one. Had to shell out a deductible after a lady moved over into me and the girl behind me said I hit that lady (she thought there was a yield there)
@gunr2171 The elephant and the rope.
@Compass no, because the up-link to the Chinese spy satellite needs lots of juice as well ...
People need to stop asking questions... I won't have any CVs left over for the burnination...
:questions start flowing in:
Left nav is now sticky cc @Makyen and anyone else with custom styles affecting the new left nav
@TylerH Thanks for the ping. Looks like Left-sidebar in the Topbar doesn't need any changes for this one. That script became significantly less complex once SE independently had the ability to put the sidebar in the topbar. The script currently co-opts SE's method of putting it in the topbar, so should be more immune to changes.
oh dear
Ahhh... saved. For a moment there, I thought I might be out of caffeine.
...until the next caffeine deprived hallucination
Can someone else try to repro this as well: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/369980/…
OK, so it is not a browser or user specific issues then, which I already found hard to believe ....
Not sure where the user that reported no repro looked at.
@rene Seems to work for me. [r] test', and other similar, eg. '[c] malloc' seem to return data as expected.
No repro for me though. I followed your link and Vega's, it just works
As commented on the post, perhaps caching and a different revision?
Hmm, we're on the wrong server then ...
OK, working here on Firefox 52.8.1 (32-bit). Bet it's Chrome..
The asker is in France as me
Search is working correctly for me in Firefox 52ESR. Not working in Chrome.
@Makyen lol - called it!
@Makyen WUT?
Strange. Never saw clients cause search issues. It's nearly always server-side
@rene Yep. Testing other browsers.
@ErikvonAsmuth Well, sure, I would go with that, usually, yes.
I've learned that pretty much every application leaks memory over the period of many weeks. :( Every couple of weeks, firefox has a process that goes out of control and consumes 1.5 GB of ram
And a lot of other things slowly consume more and more ram
Maybe you should finally upgrade from WinME to linux ...
I checked on Chrome 67.0..., FF 60.0.1, Safari 11.1.1. Neither works
My [Windows not-ME] deliverables do not leak!
@Vega OK, this is just too weird..
@Vega wait, for me it doesn't work only for chrome ... and I didn't switch networks or so.
@rene I'm on Ubuntu 16.04
We need to migrate Justin to Ask Ubuntu now
Lol. I'm just complaining
Chipotle is adding to their menu
Quesadillas, officially
I also love some audio driver for my Windows laptop. Every now and then, there's a couple "HD Audio Background Process"es which go out of control and each consume 30% of the CPU, doing nothing at all. I always have task manager open to close it whenever I see it
vibrates ecstatically at the thought of chocolate
@Compass As long as its not iced coffee. Friggin hipsters...
@Machavity If that's cooled down coffe with ice-cream: that's no hipster stuff. I know this since the 80ies. Not that the hipsters might have claimed this now as their own "invention". If that's true: darn hipsters …
I like iced chai tea lattes.
@Compass Now, that's what I call a hipster drink :-þ
@Compass can cats have chocolate
IIRC, they cannot metabolise it right, like dogs.
@MartinJames Cats and dogs metabolize it at the same rate as humans. They're just maybe 10% of our size so it becomes fatal much sooner
@Machavity Source?
i dont know
also if that is the case
my dog should be able to metabolize chocolate =w=
he heavy
100 lbs of pure destruction
OK, time for an experiment. I will get a big bar of chocolate and feed it to the enemy cats from next door.
@Compass Beats us. We have only 83 lbs of pure dysfunction:(
I have to note that feeding chocolate to dogs you don't own might be illegal.
@JohnDvorak Oh - I would only do it to cats.
That's also illegal
[OK, not really - I'll stick to hosing them off the fence:]
that, too
@JohnDvorak Chasing them with a rotary mower?
We are overrun with near-feral cats from next door.
@JohnDvorak I will leave the grassbox off.
You might be fine if you convince the jury that the feral cats count as pests. But then again they would count as your municiplaity's responsibility to exterminate, not yours.
@JohnDvorak Places like petmd.com/dog/chocolate-toxicity (all mention large dogs can take more than small dogs)
Also depending on where you live, if something is on your property you can kill it for any reason
@JohnDvorak Like they care about cats round the farms here:(
Apparently feeding 1lb of chocolate to a 100oz dog constitutes a medical emergency. Did I mix up pounds and ounces? Damn non-SI units are confusing...
@SmokeDetector HI, I'M ELIZA ?
one pound of chocolate would kill a lot of things
@SmokeDetector Looks OK for JavaScript. Maybe a couple little syntax issues..
@JohnDvorak What is that in commonly know units?
it would likely kill me because that's just a lot of chocolate
All I know that Poundland is a place where they beat you up with half-kilogram weights.
@Olaf 455g
@JohnDvorak AFAIK is chocolate poisonous to dogs, even a few gramms.
@MartinJames Tsk, yeah, would be to simple using units you don't ned a pocket calculator each time you deal with them …
Apparently feeding 0.035 oz of chocolate to your dog yields some pretty gram results...
@Olaf ikr. I'm fine with SI units, it's the murricans causing all the problems:(
@JohnDvorak I still have no ideaa how much 1 oz is.
28.3 grams according to Google
@Olaf One too many Australians.
@MartinJames Just wait until Brexit is complete. You will go back to shillings, pence, pounds and whatever ther was and all the other strange measures. Good thing is no one will understand you and you all will sound like expert sailors from Nelson's navy.
1 gram is 0.001 kg, BTW ;-)
@JohnDvorak So "ozu" is slang for gram?
@Olaf Not even the UK is stupid enough to go bac...... OK, moving to Germany.
@MartinJames Even our pound is easily convertible: exactly 500g. And the A/B/C paper sizes are plain brilliant.
I enjoy it here in Czechia. Like Germany, except better beer and less Merkel.
@JohnDvorak lol, I could be persuaded, then:)
@JohnDvorak IOnly if you prefer Pilsener. And even about that I'm not sure :-P
I can drink Kozel. Staropramen would be better, but I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore.
@MartinJames I increase by good bread/-rolls and cold-cut/salami/etc.
I quite enjoy CZ beer. Brno is yet another place where gangs of roving engineers tried to kill me with alcohol:(
Slovakia has some amazing beer though
@JohnDvorak Not been. Will put on the list:)
I really want to try Guinness at one point, just because it's from Ireland and Ireland and Irish music are gorgeous.
@JohnDvorak Oh - been on the black stuff a few times. Many seem to say that it tastes better in Ireland but, to be honest, I think it travals well and seems the same to me just about eveywhere. It is casked/transported in sealed, pressurized barrels, (like lager beers), so there should be no problems.
...unless the EU runs out of CO2.
There's always a silver lining: 'Supplies of Heineken's John Smith's Extra Smooth and Amstel kegs have been hit by an industry-wide shortage of carbon dioxide.'
They could relabel it as spring water then :P
How can we be out of CO2? There is tons of it in the atmosphere.
@NathanOliver There's tons of it in engine exhausts but, apparently, it's normally derived as some by-product of other industrial processes, not distillation of air, hydrocarbon combustion or government meetings.
Well that's just silly. Beer is too important to not be carbonated.
@NathanOliver I can guarantee that all the bars in our Houses of Parliament will have strategic reserves of CO2.
lol. I would not be surprised
Luckily, the real ale wil be unaffected:)
dang, I'm getting slow. It took 52 seconds after posting before I could close an obvious dupe. This beer talk has me distracted ;)
@JohnDvorak Can't you get it in local supermarkets? We also have some pubs serving it. It's ok, but I actually prefer Köstritzer Schwarbier ("black beer") ove rit. Or a good dark Bock.
:43015432 If you had tasted it, you would know that John Smiths 'amber coloured water' is not to be classed as beer:(
@NathanOliver Not our fault if you get drunk reading about beer
Oh look - the CO2 is a by-product of the Haber process used to make ammonia for fertilizers and explosives. I just knew the Germans were to blame somewhere:)
@MartinJames Meh, I don't like those big company beer at all. Better a fine beer from a local brewery. After all they all get their hemp from a certain german region anyway.
@MartinJames can we scratch that last part out?
@Olaf JS is a truly disgusting beverage. If you see the JS sign outside a pub in Britain, just walk on.
@NathanOliver What?
@MartinJames DOesn't the abbreviation already say everything? …
@MartinJames Your last sentence might be considered rude. It's probably okay with the simely face but you never know.
@NathanOliver ?? Bulk nitrogen compoungs are fertilizers, explosives or dyes. That' just chemistry..
@NathanOliver I'm German and I don't feel offended. After all, know where it origins from :-P
@NathanOliver I doubt that the Germans in here will care much:) Some RO can delete it, if they wish.
@MartinJames I'm not worried about the regulars, but since this is a public room we invite everyone to join you have to keep that under consideration.
@NathanOliver Yeah - good point. I've already had some stick from rene, so I'll be more careful in future.
@NathanOliver Well, Haber was at a different time and that was indeed quite militarised. Not only in Germany, but ol' Kaiser Wilhelm II was indeed a fan of military. So ti's not really wrong considering in a historical review.
@MartinJames Does that mean I'm not allowed to joke about the English cuisine either? Oh, that will be hard.
@TylerH @MartinJames @Machavity @JohnDvorak @Compass Chocolate, actually theobromine, is, per kg, 5 times more deadly to cats than humans. For dogs, it's 3 times more deadly then for humans. This is based on the LD50 levels from a quick search.
@Olaf It's not but with all the PC bs going on the the make stack overflow nice again campaign you never know what will set people off now.
@Makyen How about guinea pigs? (Although I suppose the sugar and fat alone are deadly enough for them)
@Makyen Thanks for the Chocolate-Verification-pls
@Olaf English cuisine? You mean chicken tikka masala?
@MartinJames Morre Fish&Chips (the worse representatives of that kind) or mint-jelly, Lamb in mint-sauce, etc.
@Olaf I like my mint sauce with a bit of lamb added, (not too much meat, please:).
@NathanOliver Oh, well, all I can tell you are Germans are far from being that snowflakey - yet. But, well, as we follow all bad trends from teh US, I'm certain we will adopt it once the states already follow a new and potentially opposite trail.
It's similar to the hunter/prey diagrams we had at school. Just that often the curves are offset by 180°
@MartinJames Or that one: youtu.be/asBo3JUWwDU?t=494
@Makyen If I got the numbers right, that means ca. 100g cocolate/kg (depending on sort, I suppose) would be the LD50 dose for humans. We'd rater die of sugar overdose before that gets into effect.
Anyway, Let's see what Stxy is up to …
I love it when I perform a google search for something and come upon an answer or question I have edited years ago
makes me remember how much I always forget
@Olaf I'd have to do the calculations. The amount of theobromine in chocolate varies significantly by, primarily, the darkness of the chocolate, because, surprise, dark chocolate has a higher percentage of cocoa than light/milk chocolate. Interestingly, theobromine is also a quite effective cough suppressant (a few times more effective than codeine). The numbers I recall, and have used to effectively suppress coughing, is that ~ 1oz (28g) of dark chocolate (e.g. 60%) works for about 4 hours.
@Olaf I'm not easily finding data for guinea pigs. I'd assume that it's toxic and just not provide them any. Actual levels could be anywhere in the range which other animals have demonstrated, or beyond. It's, obviously, something that varies significantly by species (a factor of 6–7 is shown in the few data-points I've seen).
@Makyen can you bin this request? Requester answered the Q
We talked to him earlier today about it so no need to reiterate with him
@Makyen "50-100 g cocoa (0.8-1.5 g theobromine)" -> a chocolate bar with 50% (varies from ca. 32 (light milk) to 99%) cacao has ca. 0.8g theobromine per 100g (a common weight). Ok, I was a bit inexact with 1g, but it's ok for a rough estimate. That would make ca. 100kg of said chocolate per kg body weight for LD50. So how much sugar and fat are that? Definitively way too much for any human pancreas.
@Olaf 1000mg/kg of theobromide is the lethal dose so that's probably 1:1 for baker's chocolate but something like 1/4th the necessary dose for milk chocolate
@Makyen I was kidding. alone the sugar and fat are toxic for them. The first will stimulate the bacteria, resulting in gasses. And that alone is lethal for them due to their very slow and special digestion system. Fat is also lethal in low dose already (remember they were "designed" to live from eating high-altitude grass only)
@TylerH Not sure what "baker's chocolate" is, I refered to 99% chocolate bars you can by in any good supermarket here for direct consume. If you mean couverture (coating), that has less cacao. Anyway, I'd appreciate if someone could verify my rough estimate. (and I'm not talking about +/-50% failure rate, that's already because the percentage of theobromine varies with the cacoa quality/age/growth/origin/etc.)
just leave me with my code, ill be happy forever
@Olaf Given the 200mg of theobromine in 1oz of dark chocolate that I've seen quoted multiple places, it would take 14.18 kg of that "dark" chocolate to reach the LD50 level for a 100kg (220lb) human. However, 200mg/oz theobromine for dark chocolate is significantly below what I calculate for what I'd consider dark chocolate, using % theobromine in cocao. OTOH, it matches the low end of the range for the %theobromine in cocoa (2–10%) and the US legal minimum of 35% cocoa in "dark" chocolate.
For something I'd consider dark chocolate (call it 60% cocao), if that cocao was at the high end of the range (10% theobromine), then only 1.65kg of that chocolate would be needed to reach the LD50 level in a 100kg human. Given the variability, there's easily a factor of 10 to 20 between the overall quantities required to reach the LD50 level, depending on the formulation of the chocolate and the %theobromine in the cocao. (I'd want to double check everything before relying upon it.)
@Makyen I actually referred to the data given in your second google result: blogs.plos.org/speakeasyscience/2012/02/14/… Your value of 14.xxkg is far below what I calculated. Maybe I shoudl check it myself, looks like no one is interested reading other people's code :-}
\o3 <-- how does the teapot salute go again?
1 hour later…
Did the Steam Summer Sale start and I just wasn't aware of it?
like 25 games on my wishlist are on sale
actually yes it looks like the summer sale actually did start lol
dang, the Division for $10, what a steal
@TylerH Clearly, they aren't doing a good job at marketing. They need to tell you that it's time for you to give them money. :-)
I picked up Mass Effect 1 and 2, along with Stronghold HD (nostalgia!) for about $10 total
good deal considering how loved ME1 and 2 are
Looking forward to playing them
But first I need to finish one or two completionist missions on Ghost Recon Wildlands...

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