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1:26 AM
were asked hours ago to include actual code and not images of ^ and failed to do so.
2:22 AM
@SmokeDetector @HovercraftFullOfEels It's spammy - but there's self disclosure - I've flagged NAA and left a comment
1 hour later…
3:25 AM
^ spam sd k
2 hours later…
6:05 AM
@FireAlarm bad q.
@AshishAhuja Unrecognized command bad q.; did you mean say ...?
2 hours later…
7:38 AM
@EJoshuaS You may want to go through SmokeDetector for these
1 hour later…
8:58 AM
@Cœur From here it looks like you've edited these two 6-years-old dead posts (seen less than 300 times) for very little purpose. What happened?
matching duplicates
Yeah but why?
These things are years old and no one sees them. There's little point to spending any time curating those, particularly in SOCVR
ah ah, and that one is 8 years old ;)
hm this answer is irritating stackoverflow.com/questions/33242/… link to own product with no self disclosure
@Cœur new answers
9:08 AM
I downvoted the new answer
@YvetteColomb line 200 is most relevant there ... might be 201 as well. I lost count ...
@rene is it really necessary to post all the code?
I really doubt so but on Saturdays I don't bother to check
also my dad is visiting so i don't have a lot of time to hang around here
I scanned it - I'm dong some reviewing and will answer some questions, while I'm avoiding homework
@rene nice, enjoy - that is more important did I just say something else is more important than being here?
9:48 AM
@Cœur It's okay if they garnered new activity recently or if they are highly viewed, it's logical to curate them
It's my turn to break the no-one-box rule, like @Undo did it the last time:
The mod queue is empty. And it's all Andy's and Cody's fault.
is this queue as big as the close queue?
Quite bigger
wow! That's awesome
10:08 AM
so now mods can focus on emptying the close queue?
excellent idea
just had another idea, ban photobucket ...
ban any image host that has ads
@YvetteColomb I have to agree with that, but that means we should block imgur too
@Ferrybig ads, where?
10:20 AM
@YvetteColomb If you visit a normal imgur album (not a direct .png link) like this one, there are ads above the post, and sometimes even animated ads to the right of the image
@Ferrybig funny pic
12:31 PM
Spoon feed me...
I got caught up in a spoon cross fire.
I hear ya
Truly nasty business. When trying to point the OP in the right direction it seems things only get worse.
The first time I saw an emoji in the comments.
when one does not know what one does not know one tends to get aggressive when informed one knows nothing
so i suggest asking two. he might know
@Nkosi Three might know too.
can a RO please remove my last cls req pls chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38638470#38638470
12:39 PM
@Ron where?
@MartinJames 4 will open the door
This one has an emoji in the comments.
@YvetteColomb This thread is turning into a bingo session:)
Hmm.. bingo calls..
'Two and three, don't debug for free'
That's right. Debug for rep instead!
@MartinJames 3, 4 the Op wants more!
12:43 PM
@Ron it needs a comment clean up
Can people just stop the pile on here? One comment asking for more information is enough. Stop is with the unhelpful remarks — Yvette Colomb 1 min ago
@JohnDvorak That red stuff I take is chilli sauce, not blood!
5 and 6 spend time in the review queues for kicks.
@PraveenKumar remember when you used to get roused on for answering off topic questions? You've come so far - a real star :)
So emojis are allowed in the comments? Through markdown browser rendering magic?
12:47 PM
@YvetteColomb :D
@Nkosi 6, 7 - it's not coding heaven
Emojis are noise for SO IMHO.
5 and 8, that's just click-bait.
❤ emoji
8 and 9 code won't compile in time
12:50 PM
I don't know how the emojis work anyway. Are they unicode mapped, or just images?
@AlonEitan a little more clear stackoverflow.com/questions/45650061/…
@MartinJames Unicode includes emojis yep
@Kyll Orite:)
@YvetteColomb and then we are left with only 10 types of people in this room. Those who knew binary and those who fain ignorance.
Haha, true.
12:56 PM
@Nkosi not true - you have forgotten hex needs calculator - run out of fingers and toes <insert grumpy face emoji>
@Ron Really 🤔
@PraveenKumar Come again?
all this emoji talk is really no joke
@Nkosi There are 10 types of people on SO. Askers, answerers, close-voters, delete-voters, spam-hunters, editors, brutes - I mean mods, Shog9, flowers and SOCVR regulars
@Ron What? 😳 It's for real! 👌🏻
@Kyll Someone's gonna get a floral bath then. :D
12:58 PM
@PraveenKumar Ah, sorry, I am still on my first cup of coffee.
@Ron You mean ☕️?
@PraveenKumar Emojis ftw!
@Kyll You are reading out of bounds there thus invoking undefined behavior.
12:59 PM
can someone finish this question off pls stackoverflow.com/questions/45650148/…
put it out of it's misery
I really hope emojis don't take off on the site - it's bad enough having them on fb - painful
@YvetteColomb Chances are Cody will.
@Ron cody will what? avoid chat?
Plop @Petter
1:02 PM
@YvetteColomb Nuke the question.
@Kyll Blob Kyll!
@Ron ahhhh I thought you were talking about emojis LOLOLOL
@PetterFriberg anti-plop
@BaummitAugen eyes with no tree!! I've missed you!!
@YvetteColomb o/
Yeah, I managed to sleep during CET nights for a bit. =D
1:05 PM
what is not clear darling? — Reut Levy 1 min ago
I've been darlinged - is this what it feels like O>O (no emojis to see here)
@YvetteColomb That's different. I've been trolled, jerked, nazi'd but never darlinged.
@halfer you're a gem - thanks for that comment
@MartinJames me neither - I feel violated :D hahaha
1:12 PM
@YvetteColomb: no worries. The OP has gone off in a sulk, invalidating two answers (one good one).
Ah, I take it back - it was deleted by folks here.
@halfer lol
That was a highly premature deletion IMO - I spent some time outlining how they could improve the question.
I didn't like the pile on - I so desperately want to be a mod and just go delete delete delete on unhelpful comments
Either way, the deletion has wasted everyone's time.
Yes, I flagged a bunch of comments.
@halfer the op only needed to add in the classes they were using - so we could categorically say this is why it's not working
1:14 PM
Well, indeed.
Meh, the question was very bad, the answers mediocre to poor. Nothing of value lost there.
Except my time.
I need a break.
@halfer it's ok - we all go through this. Have a nice cuppa
@halfer the OP has edited it - while it's deleted
why do I feel like crying ?
1:17 PM
it's all your fault eye balls @BaummitAugen LOLOLOLOL I just love your name
Optimistic expectations are at fault. =D
Who deleted the question?
And thanks, glad people like it. :)
@Ron Martin James, Fred and I.
@Ron honestly it was a good move - the OP just edited it to make it worse.
Ah so.
1:21 PM
Sometimes, you just gotta cut the losses, this was going nowhere.
I agree.
I just got the talkative badge. Drinks are on me.
Which reminded me that I gave up booze more than a year ago...
@Ron I have a half cup - double short black late moccha cap with soy whole milk and skim. Decaf
@Ron hm that's a good idea goes to get a glass of wine it's 11.25pm Sat here and I'm in chat with you lot O>O
1:27 PM
I once went two days without coffee. Terrible headache, chest pain and what not.
@Ron Great - now you can work on giving up the weed and meth.
...oh, and caffeine..
Naaah, I was big in alcohol abuse and fighting in the pubs department back in the days. Those days are over now because I discovered C++.
@MartinJames Not gonna happen. XD
@Ron Now you can fight pedants on the internet instead. \o/ =D
1:32 PM
All that time wasted on alcohol when in fact I could have been exploring C++ idioms and the Standard C++ library instead.
@Ron Are you contributing to any big open source thingy?
1 hour later…
2:40 PM
@Ron Feels good, doesn't it:)
Let's face it, pushing a boulder up a hill is more fun than C++ standards..
@MartinJames Never tried pushing a boulder up a hill tbh.
Maybe that actually is fun?
@BaummitAugen Not if it rolls back down again just before you reach the top.
@MartinJames Dunno, don't see any fundamental difference from any other kind of exercise.
3:03 PM
@MartinJames C++ is a world of joy.
It rains in SE Europe. Finally.
3:18 PM
The flags don't seem to come in as quickly when you can stay on top of them
Indeed. I've seen some closed in less than 10 mins
This has happened before after elections. It'll probably creep back up eventually, but for now it's awesome
Well, I also imagine it's the slower time of year. Not as many students in class for Summer
That's also true.
3:35 PM
WOW, first class moderation ^ :p
we're bored :P
Go play outside, we'll fill the trash-can in the meanwhile
Feed us
CV queue awaits. ;P
On it
3:39 PM
Wowsers... we really need to reduce BR's caffeine intake...
Can't get him to sit still for more than 5 seconds!
Give him Ritalin
Mixed with vodka, right?
Vodka, whiskey, gin. You name it
They are making it an answer as they go
@AlonEitan Sounds like a good mix - we'll go with that... I'll try and leave some brandy for myself though :)
Not POB? ^
3:50 PM
@AlonEitan it can go both ways
I'm tempted to oblige
out of delete votes for the day
Me too
There is always tomorrow
Hover to the rescue
4:04 PM
Yeah, eel power!!
4:15 PM
Does the CVQ have keyboard shortcuts?
@BhargavRao there is a US for that (must be in SOCVR repo).
I have to go now; sorry! Someone should be able to help you out.
Nopes, will find that. Thanks for the headsup
5:03 PM
@BaummitAugen What do you think, dupe or not?
It walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.
@Ron It's Duck Duck Go?
Haha, possibly.
1 hour later…
6:17 PM
My my, since when is f****ng allowed in comments?
@HovercraftFullOfEels See the last comment in this one.
@Ron because we don't ban words, but systematic behavior
also, brainfuck
I see.
@Ron I guess you saw the movie
6:20 PM
Can't say that I have. Nor the programming language.
7:10 PM
Its 2 pages of cv-pls in the transcript, maybe do some close voting on current open requests first...
@BhargavRao do you have a script picking up custom mod flags indicating plagiarism, or did I just got lucky?
7:28 PM
@HovercraftFullOfEels you were "on the ball" on that plagiarizing earlier. Just "wow" huh?
@Fred-ii-: no chit. Scum bag
@BhargavRao then the community chose wisely :)
I hope he is blocked for good.
@HovercraftFullOfEels big time, you said it.
And that app is very interesting
7:29 PM
@Shadow The room is filled with plagiarism messages :D chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38641412#38641412
2 hours later…
9:46 PM
How the heck can a 1.3K user suggest something like that?, that's scary if he gets another 700rep.
@PetterFriberg I know. And I've flagged some of those in the past to the attention of a moderator, where they were all found as "helpful".
it almost seems like he is using some kind of script removing all spaces.
@Fred-ii- ok thanks, raised a mod flag, that edit does not seem like good faith!
@PetterFriberg welcome. It wasn't in good faith and mods need to inform them of it in order to not do it again.
10:09 PM
If anyone has time on their hands, I've tried to explain to this user that we want to help all future users rather than just one, and an answerer says they prefer to just help this one user! Would anyone like to chime in, for educational purposes? stackoverflow.com/a/45655191/472495
@halfer TBH, I rather not (chime in) but I did upvote your comment and left them something too in order to give them a slight nudge. I'm not a fan of "Try this" answers, and have flagged some answers before as being of "Very low quality" which were all declined. Those in my books, do qualify as being of "very low quality", meta posts or not.
@Fred-ii- Yeah, agree. I think in this case there is enough effort to justify not raising LQ, but urgh, I get frustrated when a reply is essentially "can't be bothered mate"
@halfer I know what you mean, believe you me. ;)
@halfer Plus, it seems that the OP doesn't seem to care, they seem to be the type who just "want dah codez". Feed a man for a day? Nah, I rather not.
wondering why that just got an upvote though. I doubt it was there when I visited it.
seems a lot of his answers are "Try this" also.
very very very low quality member
@halfer I have to admit that I have posted "Try this"* answers before (with explanations), but this was only after having a long comment thread happening where there didn't seem to have any light in sight at the end of the tunnel. However, my "Try this", were based on something that I did test on my own machine and may have left a comment stating that, if it didn't work, then they'd need to figure out why. Sometimes, there is just nothing that can be done.
but.. just "This this" and code, nah.. that doesn't hold much water.
10:25 PM
@halfer hmm there is something that is not right there... he answers 2-3 question on same users, then 2-3 question on same user, then 2-3 question on same user... baah
the username's even if they switch after 2-3 questions have kind of a pattern, some letters, some number.
Hmm, yeah
Want me to dig and flag if necessary?
it looks like someone that know's how to use socks, not sure mods can do anything about it, maybe they can check ip.
I tend to add all links of a possible voting ring to a Gist for the benefit of mods, but it takes a while, so I'll do it tomorrow, unless you plan to look at it
I will go to bed now (so I will not continue to investigate), I can ask BR tomorrow if he thinks it's worth looking into.
@PetterFriberg ok, ping me if you want me to do any tracing. 'Night
10:31 PM
Not going to lie. There's something to admire about this passive-aggressive answer that, I think, actually answers the question. stackoverflow.com/a/45655173
@PaulRoub hah! that made me chortle
@PetterFriberg it definitely looks suspicious
Is there any sede query that could pull all the OPs whose questions a given user has answered?
@Shadow one could certainly be made
10:59 PM
Isn't it still too broad?
I think it's answerable
answerable isn't mutually exclusive with too broad.
way too much code ^
11:21 PM
@Ron Looks more like no repro or no MCVE.
Also re.

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