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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I'm out of close-votes and downvotes already, unfortunately :(
i bought some earplugs for a concert im going to
am i sane?
Yes, I always do that
They're always too loud
Depends on the concert and the venue.
It's at an anime convention. They're also doing a bag search :|
Bringing some never hurts.
@Compass Have you considered not standing next to the speaker stack evey time?
How will I wear my cosplay if I have to remove it every time I enter the venue?!
@Compass Don't dress like a bag, and you'll be fine.
@MartinJames oh, that's in the bag (I'm not sorry)
But I want to wear the bag D:
@Compass Don't forget the eye-holes.
I have the cosplay set up
i look like a federal agent :|
Federal cat
@Compass You hired a black SUV to arrive in?
is red. goes faster.
Is there any way to not get notifications from SO questions/comment, but stay logged in for the chat?
close other tabs?
if you only have chat open
it wont show main site notifications
you'll see them once you go back to the SO page
@ItamarG3 DOn't help, you still get the notifications once you open a link to a question.
only chat is open?
federal doge
@ItamarG3 I sometimes open other SO pages, check something in a user profile, etc. So I see the notification. And if you now think "why doesn't that dofus just ignore them": that's exactly the problem ;-)
well I can't help you if you can't help yourself.
applies face to bread blep
Wait, do you always get 2 reputation when accepting an answer?
@ItamarG3 Yes, expecially if you missed my point. Neveermind, I think I'll play a game.
@Olaf I understand that people really like to make a difference and get frustrate since SO is not scaling well, but in the end "f**k it", do what you think is fun, if not fun do something else.
I thought you only got it up to a certain rep threshold
@TylerH That's the case for edits.
Accepts have no limit in this regard.
@BaummitAugen nice, I always forget about it due to how infrequently I ask questions
@PetterFriberg I honestly appreciate this position. But not everyone is mentally able to do it. I liked this sie long before I actively joined. I found answers to my questions without even asking one myself (see my profile). That's the reason I'm so upset about high-rep users just prostit**ing for reps, etc. Adn being willing to fight to the bone for a question not deserving the electrical current to transfer its bits.
makes up for the random circa 2014 question that I had an approved edit on once when I was below 2k reputation, that got deleted 3 years later randomly
was like 'wtf is this -2 rep from, I didn't downvote any answers yet today'
all my questions have downvotes :(
@Compass Same, from revenge downvoters
in some cases I even know who did it
sets the sofa on fire and waddles off
well, thanks for that. now I have to stand
@TylerH Yes, that's another thing. Expecially those who work-around the scripts.
drags in an egg chair to replace the sofa
Sofas are death traps for odors and coins.
they burn really quickly, too
@Compass The odor of all sofas I knew always could easily escape (which is a major problem with sofas)
@Olaf You could say that the sofas you've known so-far had odor that could easily escape ;)
@Justin You ever sen a sofa which did not smell after years of usage?
Nope, was trying to make a pun (albeit a really bad one)
@Justin Well, there were one or two of them I hoped I could escape quickly. But then my one grandma would have been "unhappy" for me leaving the family meetings. (if you know these family meeting with aunts and uncles you don't really know, less care about)
@KubaOber what even?
@JarrodRoberson Is this a new close reason? Is that kind of question really a typo?
I am still confused at how people believe the earth is flat
If it's flat, what's on the other side, and what happens when you reach the edge?
@Compass "I haven't been there myself so I can't really say"
In that respect, they are the most scientific of us all :-P
I checked skeptics.SE
They state it is off-topic because the earth being round is an elementary school level fact.
@TylerH I'm all for experimentation. Put them in orbit, reentry optional, but no heat shield.
@Compass Spoken like true Illuminati :P
Reading these flat earth things makes my head hurt
Person asks why you're not upside down when you fly from northern hemisphere to southern hemisphere in a plane if earth were round
@Olaf As others have expressed, I'm sorry to hear about your frustration. You bring up good, accurate points. There's lots that could be improved about SO, both by regular users' actions and by developers. The question is does what we do help and is that sufficiently beneficial both to ourselves and others for us to continue to spend the time to do so. So far, I think it is. But, I share your frustration that there are so many easy things that could be done by others, but are not.
@TylerH It's rather sad that the only class of SO users who can justifiably claim that votes are no indication of quality are those highly skilled and experienced developers who have been SO users for some time, and the voting on their questions is merely a measure of how many deadbeats they're pissed off:(
Flat earthers are funny.
Last I knew, most of the people coming up with the theories are just doing it for fun. And then you have the gullibles who believe it.
@Justin I'll support any POV if it's just an excuse for a drinking club:)
it must be an inside joke
=w= I can't... fathom... ahhh
@NathanOliver 10 minutes!
don't you leave work at that time?
I mean 'Meeting/iscussions on flat-earth evidence, 19:00 to 23:00 in the back room at the Black Swan' seems reasonable to me.
@Martin just until 23:00... bah... hardly worth it
@gunr2171 About 15-20 minutes after.
i wonder if the winners are automatically listed
or if someone has to write them in
@JonClements That's just the meeting. At 23:00, they break for refreshment:)
@Compass if you sit in the Election chat room you'll know the answer seconds after the election closes
but the page
is it dynamic
or is it static
dynamic, it will also be posted there, but it's written faster into the chat room
I am less concerned about knowing the winners instantly than whether or not the page will show the winners instantly
The page is not dynamic. They use a third party software to run the election
@MartinJames Err yeah... but surely there's a pint of refreshment every half hour or so until 23:00 - then it's time for the spirit refreshment, right?
@JonClements That sounds like a reasonable plan, yes:)
@Martin and the kebabs arrive at 01:00?
@JonClements ..only if the pizza place is shut.
@Martin so I pop out at about 00:00 then on the pretence of going to the toilet to disrupt the pizza place... rightio... I'm almost tempted now
@JonClements LOL, kebabs are not compulsory when drunk, (I know there are some who disagee:)
so do you get a badge if your choices become moderators? (Not really serious)
< 1 minute
@MartinJames I like a decent lamb shish even when sober... my local takeaway does them with decent meat... (pay a premium for not just wanting some greasy elephant leg - but absolutely delicious)
@Nkosi You realise it's an election and not a competition to "guess who the next moderators are", right? :p
@JonClements Kebabs with decent meat? I thought that was an urban myth..
@Nkosi You get a free silver just for voting. How much more do you want? :P
woot to Andy and Code Gray!
in 2017 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Chat, 57 secs ago, by ElectionBot
Unofficial results: Winners are Andy and Cody Gray.
Alex 3rd
Baum 4th
Nathan 5th
Oh well. We'll always have @BhargavRao for SOCVR representation :P
Very good showing :)
I'm happy with 5th
Good guys got elected tho. Grats to them
Let's welcome our new mods @Andy and @CodyGray ... oh wait ... that last one still doesn't chat ...
@gunr2171 You forgot Yvette.
Everything +1 there.
Nice knowing you @gunr2171 ...
Thanks everyone.
@BaummitAugen oh wait, why don't I see her name? uh..
@Andy now what happens with your comment autoflagger? :D
I think Yvette might have gotten 3rd, but I can't tell very well from the results
@gunr2171 She wasn't eliminated as the threshold was reached.
@Floern I'll talk with the other mods. I don't have my diamond yet.
@gunr2171 she's still there in the last round
It's Yvette 3rd, and the rest of the list gets shifted down.
yeah, hard to read the results. my bad
@Andy probably good to kill it for now while we figure it out. Won't be a big deal either way.
@Undo Already done :)
So did I actually get 5th or does that mean I'm in 6th?
I think 6th
The body of the question provides no context. The question title is literally the problem statement.
I think I'm 5th, Alex 4th, Yvette 3rd.
Has anyone actually run STV on it with 3,4,5 seats?
I'm just counting who got eliminated.
Somewhat unreliable. STV does bizarre things
^ this
Well, doesn't matter. We got 2 good mods out of it. I'll just have to run again.
and again
in 2017 Stack Overflow Moderator Election Chat, 6 secs ago, by Undo
Real runners up, from STV: 3) Yvette, 4) Alex, 5) Baum
and again.
[Results, in order](https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38443562#38443562)
1. Cody Gray 2. Andy 3. Yvette Colomb 4. Alexander O'Mara 5. Baum mit Augen 6. Nathan Oliver 7. Rob 8. vaultah 9. Floern 10. Travis J
Q: 2017 Community Moderator Election RESULTS

Shog9Well, it's been a crazy month but July has finally come to a close and with it Stack Overflow's 9th moderator election has also concluded. They said it was impossible, but 30 thousand or so voters were able to pick the best two moderators from among many worthy candidates, namely: They'll be...

No Nathan, No Yvette. OK, that's tonight's excuse for a drink sorted:(
@NathanOliver never gonna give up ..
STV is confusing because it drops the first runner up
@MartinJames good idea ...
@rene We never let him down...
never gonna turn around
Even next door's cat colony is upset - I can hear them howling around their laptop.
Turns out SOCVR is not good on your curriculum vitae ..
@rene You need to spell it out - they think it's an STD.
@Compass Exactly..... :)
Drop the nukes and we'll talk, Tillerson tells N. Korea CNN, this is the wrong way to write a headline.
@Compass "North Korea, back off!" nuke drop
> The problem I have now, is that for some questions, I no longer know what I wanted to express at that time.
that's why we have "unclear what you're asking"
@MartinJames watch your language!
@rene Did I post that out loud? Sorry:) It's too old for me to delete it. Can RO delete it?
@MartinJames sure, just watch it will you?
Apply maximum CTRL Z!
Apply CTRL Z directly to the forehead
and with that, I'm out for the day
@Justin What do you mena with "for fun"? Earth is flat. Four elephants are holding it, standing on a giant tortoise. That's all proven, we just don't know if the totoise is male of female.
@Olaf Was it not proven to be female, (and pregnant)?
@MartinJames You're one of those "pregnant tortoise" nutjobs, aren't you?
@Machavity Well, turtles, mostly.
@MartinJames Hmm, did I miss something? Granted, i did not follow latest events. When did they see?
@Olaf Not sure myself. They sent a probe over the edge, on a rope).
@MartinJames Yes, but I can't remember what they found out. Wasn't it that Rincewind was in there and mess it all up (again)?
@Olaf Columbus' corpse. Dang fool sailed right off the edge
@Machavity I really can't remember there was some "Columbus" involved. But it is a long time since I tracked the events. Additional problem is some names got lost in translation. I really should check the chronicles in English.
@Olaf Well, yes, of course R messed up, along with the usual wizards, city watch etc;)
@MartinJames No, Carrot, etc. were not there, about that I'm sure.
@Olaf that's nice, then see that as your fun, but don't let it become personally, I'm sad to say that will never be able to arrive to your result, just to push the community a little (very little) left and right, now and then.
@NathanOliver You would have become a great mod, I really hope you continue to pursuit it as Andy has this is for you youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
1 hour later…
wow 4 upvotes for an answer that says your code works, I need to switch to javascript... himm maybe even better let me pass a jquery answer.
@PetterFriberg Why don't you have a bot written in jQuery yet?
na I stick to java, but yeah let me make a bot that answers with jQuery solutions (I just need to find the dup, covert code to jquery and problem solved).
I wounder if my comment on that was to obnoxious
"Got bubble sort?"
T shirts available now.
^ I missed the date on the question. IMO: too old for a cv-pls.
Is this question really not a duplicate of this one?
The only answer is basically an answer for the older question
@dur "Brain Fart" would probably get me a PM from the mods
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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