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12:14 AM
I really get discouraged with the overall goal of closing questions when I see things like this.
I would almost call it vote fraud.
1 hour later…
1:27 AM
Can someone tell me who's wrong here and why?
@TigerhawkT3: I'm not a Python aficionado, and so I'm out.
how did it get an upvote?
OP misclicked.
2 hours later…
3:33 AM
@SmokeDetector f --undo'd
is it bad that i memorized the title of the faq entry about getting out of a question/answer ban?
@Tushar It looks like that question also needs to be closed as unclear or too broad stackoverflow.com/q/27273390/5743988
@dorukayhan Idk if it's bad that you memorized it, but it's certainly sad that you needed too :/
Not unclear as title is sufficient to know what OP wants
Not even broad. I'll leave it as it is.
3:49 AM
@Tushar They said they "got stuck" but didn't explain what that meant at all.
From the fiddle provided, I can say he stuck at changing image source. You can say, No MCVE. But again, I'll leave it.
1 hour later…
4:59 AM
sd f --edited
5:43 AM
Woo I just figured out how to use the cv-pls userscript. This is awesome!
6:09 AM
as k
7:04 AM
So, I've been reading up on all the chatbots and what they do, and I've been learning about the mission of SOCVR. There's a lot of stuff to take in. Does anyone recommend a good place to start? Or should I just observe for a while? I'd like to help with something.
@Closey help
7:48 AM
@4castle welcome to SOCVR. You can help by casting close/delete/re-open votes on any of the requests posted here (and ofc spam flag, which you just did).
@4castle oh, and @Closey in under going a long maintenance and is in the skillful hands of @sam ...
@rene Okay, thanks. I have a question. What is the work flow like for clearing the queue for a specific tag? Is there a way that you can filter the CV queue so that it only shows for tags that everyone is currently working on?
Oh nevermind :P I just now found the "filter" button
@4castle it works a bit like this
@4castle yeah
@4castle we drive our effort over this query. When 4 or more people reported that they were out of reviews for the top tag, I manually remove it from the query. As such we cleared it.
Remember this room started when the CVQ was way above 120K
I have to say that lately our event are a bit understaffed and/or not as lively as they used to be
8:05 AM
Woah! So from the event I saw scheduled, it looks like now the goal is to hit 0.
It looks like we found other means to be effective
@4castle it was 0, once ...
read this and the linked questions
3 hours later…
11:10 AM
11:15 AM
11:43 AM
I need to break it!
1 hour later…
1:01 PM
@Queen f
1:39 PM
@BhargavRao: Are you around?
And I know why you pinged me :D
Did you see the meta question?
I noticed you warned them before, figured I might notify you of that meta question. Guess I'm too late ;-)
Good mod :D
I've left the other mods to deal with that. I've warned them earlier chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/34358852#34358852
1:44 PM
Very well :D
edited NAAs that look like answers stackoverflow.com/a/41330310/4099593 ... Would be the worst flags which were once declined
yeah, I think I would custom flag that ...
2:06 PM
@BhargavRao I don't think this guy is taking the hint...
Isn't that good, They'll soon answer ban themselves :D
Some time ago there was some talk about nicer post-bans. What happened to it?
@JanDvorak They hired Bluefeet. What more do you want? :P
I meant temporary post bans
2:23 PM
What could be possible nice about it?
Hi cutie, You're banned. xoxo
We should hand out flowers to the people whose questions we've closed
Not all people would appreciate that ...
@rene Some would, others would sneeze uncontrollably. Backdoor deterrent for the latter
@AshishAhuja yes
1 hour later…
4:28 PM
happy boxing day
@JAL still good for VR today?
@gunr2171 yo! I have some family obligations today, maybe this evening? What's your day looking like?
I've got nothing planned. Evening is good
Sweet, I will message you on steam when I'm online.
4:31 PM
@MadaraUchiha Helpful - We don't delete posts that have received stars
4:45 PM
Food for thought: what would happen if mods started declining custom flags on the basis that they have grammar errors in them?
Why are you using C in 2016?
How do you not use C in 2016? It's in most languages by this point.
For the challenge of it. Gotcha.
UTF-8 was designed to play nicely with ASCII-oriented C functions, though
I may not understand C, but I use it almost every time I write Python. C is the substance that other languages glue together.
I like the challenge of Assembly. For the weirdest of CPUs even.
oh, sweet.
What is the part where you come in, then?
Oh. You're creating ustr
I interpreted it as your library being centered around using ustr
Makes sense. What are you using internally?
The British can go &&^%
Yes, that will do
5:08 PM
@QPaysTaxes could you correct me. I didn't get what was wrong
@QPaysTaxes so I need to close it first. right ? :)
@mrsrinivas I hope you meant [tag:cv-pls] there ;)
@rene yeah :)
you better stick with the standard reasons, maybe with some explanation if it might be unclear why it needs to be closed
@rene It's very basic question
Because otherwise it might look like we are inventing new close reasons
@mrsrinivas yes, but that would mean too broad
5:23 PM
Does this count as a typo? stackoverflow.com/questions/41322705/…
2x NAA already
@JanDvorak hmm. no, yes, borderline, I would say no, it is not a typo
How to close it then?
@JanDvorak not?
@rene did you give feedback twice? You have once with "U" and one without.
@rene It's not useful, it won't be roombad and you can't delete open
5:40 PM
@gunr2171 yes, I flagged, so that got picked up I guess
ok, just checking
@JanDvorak Ok ...
@gunr2171 yeah, I have that userscript for autofeedback enabled
I wasn't sure if vandalism needed extra attention
6:20 PM
@QPaysTaxes yes.
unless you're using integer arithmetic
in which case, no
rounding errors, perhaps
6:37 PM
Then they should be the same
Hmm, Smokey did not detect this? stackoverflow.com/a/41335079/4099593
!!/test ok...............................
!!/test-a ok...............................
Must be that wicked sockey
That was naa, So, it's sd n IIRC.
There, fixed it
Large as the largest one.
Structs are large as all of them put together
@QPaysTaxes Wait, That was what I remember ... Not sure tho :(
Those were the sick interview questions.
@QPaysTaxes That reminds me of a funny thing.
The first thing someone told me as soon as I entered the mod room was "Don't tell anyone bout this room", and I replied the something similar to that person.
7:30 PM
@dorukayhan 20k+
@dorukayhan we actually have those 3 tags ...
@rene yuck
@rene, What's the next tag on the room's burn list?
(Doesn't look like there's any ATM)
@BhargavRao let me check
just feature something... and force rene to burn it : )
I was going to suggest burning , but we don't have any left.
like that would be a nice Christmas present for rene..
7:51 PM
One of the towers has regrown already, so...
@BhargavRao I think our list was burned down when we destroyed the repo RoomInformation cc @gunr2171 ...
I have my query and it says that is next
Awesome, Let's get those dark matter out soon :)
there's a tag I just edited this
8:25 PM
@user2314737 Okay. Great.
let's turn into :D
@rene Delete worthy.
8:44 PM
Looks like we are chat flagging old stuff again
9:24 PM
@QPaysTaxes TB, opinion based.
@QPaysTaxes What makes you think you could ask that in this room for any better result?
depends if you later want to optimize some of the operations for the CPU it is running on.
Bad RO's
@QPaysTaxes Use numbers but make it quick, they go out of fashion in 2017
that sums it up pretty well
@QPaysTaxes Don't seek advice other than about close voting and delete voting cases at this room.
it doesn't help half the bottle of Merlot is empty as well
@QPaysTaxes yeah, anyway, to give the grumpy @πάνταῥεῖ also some support, too much off-topic chatter is better re-routed to the Ministry: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/92764/the-ministry-of-silly-hats but you can leave a message here when you go there so those who are interested can follow.
9:33 PM
@rene Hey, I'm not the grinch!
That is for others to decide
I only give some direction
I'm afk for the night, don't tear the place down while you wait for @TinyGiant to take over
@Cerbrus JSFiddle is a tool used by programmers for programming, so it is definitely on-topic. — Gothdo 5 mins ago
Am I the only one that's sick of that kind of reasoning?
Tools used by programmers are on-topic here
and, the answer is useful
And utterly useless at the same time.
I, for one, would not expect this option to be there.
But then again, I'd know where to look were I to look
9:43 PM
I'll repeat: it's ridiculous to close that question as "lacking MCVE" while it's not a debugging question.
If you have some sensible close reason, then we can discuss that.
For the record, I voted Off-topic.
What close reason shall we pick then?
But what does it matter? Does the question need to be re-opened?
Heck no.
Agreed - no real rush to get it open
I feel like Gothdo may have been attacking a strawman in his comment?
I haven't cast any vote on that question or answer
I've yet to see a "is a tool used by programmers" comment that isn't a straw man is some measure.
The moment that comment needs to be brought in to defend a question, it's of dubious quality at best.
9:47 PM
unless it's being explicitly being closed as "not related to programming"
Which doesn't seem to happen that often in the first place
9:58 PM
@Cerbrus Wow... You too got the same hat... How?
10:11 PM
@BhargavRao: I just noticed that room we spoke about this morning, has the non-english language in the room's title.
Can someone get the question from here?
Not a good question.
10:56 PM
so, reopen-pls or del-pls?
11:42 PM
@Cerbrus Before re-closing the question, I think someone needs to post an answer to the meta question which the community agrees with, so that the voting war doesn't continue.

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