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12:10 AM
@TigerhawkT3 Merry X-Mas. Do you have a gift for me in turn?
@πάνταῥεῖ Only Chanukah gifts. :P
@TigerhawkT3 Oh, I'd love to get a dreidel ;)
You could do some spinning!
@TinyGiant Some trip hop, huh?
How about Minor Cause?
1:01 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels At your service sire! Have a heavy grog and Merry X-Mas.
@πάνταῥεῖ: and to you and yours!
^ @TigerhawkT3 See?
@πάνταῥεῖ At least that one isn't posting drunk. :P
@TigerhawkT3 I'm not that drunk! Grmble! Just enough to bear the dark days :P
@πάνταῥεῖ No, I mean, like, this joker.
1:12 AM
@TigerhawkT3 I don't get the relevance. But we're allowed to get a stiff grog in these dark nights at the end of year. And we're sending greetings along our much liked participators and members.
@TigerhawkT3 Maybe these days and nights aren't that dark at a south geo-location. Though, we have our concerns and yours apply to the summer month.
@πάνταῥεῖ Summer month? Only one? =O
@TigerhawkT3 Months of course. Are you living at Antarctica?
1:28 AM
You said "summer month"; I thought you were the penguin.
@TigerhawkT3 I've got the egg at my feet.
Question reopened from dupe closing? What's going on? Monkees took over the worldz?? stackoverflow.com/questions/41318065/…
1:55 AM
@AlexanderO'Mara See me...
@PraveenKumar ?
@PraveenKumar They Live?
2:20 AM
@AlexanderO'Mara Yes, they live!!! OMG...
@PraveenKumar Has that hat been figured yet?
2:45 AM
@ProgramFOX FR for EditMonitor: Do not report an edit that has already been reported in the last hour.
@AlexanderO'Mara Verified x3... :D
3:07 AM
Could a Python gold badger reopen this and rehammer as a dupe of this?
@TigerhawkT3 might wanna post in the Py room
our resident python gold badger became a mod
4:07 AM
I accidentally rejected an edit suggestion. Can I retract it somehow?
live and learn is all you can do with that
Ok thanks.
It might have been a reasonable reject, can't seem to be able to find it.
Here it is. What do you think?
@RawN That's a review audit.
Reject is the only correct action.
4:13 AM
I see.
If you thought of approving the edit, you might wish to pay more attention
A bit sleepy here. I think at the time I rejected it the user was not the community bot but someone else.
What is this proposed mumbo jumbo wording in the edit?
The point was to verify you were paying attention
The user was disguised until you took action.
4:16 AM
I see
And I thought I was being harsh on the user.
rejecting junk != being harsh
Anyways, welcome to the reviewer team
Thank you very much.
4:33 AM
Happy Christmas All!!!!
Happy holidays @Yvette!
5:28 AM
Happy Chanukah!
2 hours later…
7:27 AM
@AshishAhuja That doesn't happen. It only happens if EditMonitor restarts, which doesn't happen that much.
oh okay, thanks
1 hour later…
8:39 AM
@TigerhawkT3 Merry Christmas ...
9:11 AM
@rene And a Happy Chanukah to you! :)
I made a chanukiyah again this year. Turned out pretty adequate.
9:37 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ or other C guys (@NathanOliver ) can this be re-opened? brought up on meta.
9:56 AM
10:09 AM
If I have understood the q properly, that is not lacking an MCVE now but is instead a typo.
The OP says that the problem is that the time is not being printed correctly in the `printf`, but is instead always the same. That is going to be the same always as they are initializing the variable as 10 and are never changing it.
In other words, the OP is printing the wrong variable (`time`) instead of printing the correct variable `counter`. IMO, that is a typo now instead of lacking MCVE
also, could you give a link to the meta?
@AshishAhuja here
thanks, I'll answer that.
answered, now I'm afk
Good morning
Merry Christmas n stuff
10:25 AM
Good morning and Happy Chanukah and all. :)
@AshishAhuja thanks
2 hours later…
11:59 AM
Merry Christmas to all here :-)
@halfer hm.. nice hat
My cat in Sherlock mode!
She doesn't have a pipe unfortunately
Apparently if you keep changing hats you get another hat.
Ooh, nice tip
Not so sure tho, It's something like wear a different hat on 3 days or something.
12:04 PM
I think I got mine changing hats quickly
Wow, How quick was that? Every hour or so?
@BhargavRao just the time to put them on and off
@BhargavRao and doing some adjustments
I still haven't got that. :(
also I wore a hat upside down for a few hours
I'll try those now
12:15 PM
@BhargavRao good luck!
Also I need to answer just 6 more to get that [python-3.x] silver badge. Might end up with 25~27 hats this time.
A far cry from the 39 that I earned last time
@halfer Do you mean "no MCVE"?
@BhargavRao: yes, in the off-topic submenu
I forget the exact wording
@halfer It's better if you write "no MCVE" as the reason. We all use hell-a-lot of scripts, bots, etc to monitor the cv-pls. They'll all screw up. ;)
Ah right, thanks for the tip. Is there a list of close reasons in the socvr.org FAQ?
I guess I should just learn them from the dialogue box :-)
Not sure bout that, lemme supply you ... Too broad, Duplicate, Tool Request, No MCVE, belongs to another site, etc :D
12:21 PM
Oh and "no repro" and "typo" also.
12:42 PM
webshop ^
12:52 PM
Advent of code completed. Although I did take a bit of guess there (p < 0.025%)
1 hour later…
1:57 PM
> as a result nobody had any idea what the hell it was doing until it won. ~~ TVTropes
2:09 PM
@PraveenKumar BoltClock kinda rejected this CV
2:34 PM
Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas @Nathan :)
@rene I'm not voting to reopen the question. If you want a variable to change you need to change it. Not sure why the OP does not understand that but I do not think it will be helpful to others.
@NathanOliver yeah, I reckoned that was the case. @AshishAhuja did write an answer on the meta post.
@NathanOliver merry christmas
2:48 PM
And off I go again
3:04 PM
@Machavity Which one?
The one he linked to.
3:29 PM
@PraveenKumar I guess BC deleted their comments. Was openly questioning why the CV. Said there MCVE
3:43 PM
@Machavity Oh okay...
@PraveenKumar i think that looks off-topic just because the only answer on it recommends off-site resources
@dorukayhan Yes....
That's why I have CV'd as Off Topic becoz ...
@PraveenKumar not OT IMO. Might be TB though. An answer which points to OT resources does not change the question like @dorukayhan said
1 hour later…
4:52 PM
@PraveenKumar Do you even read the question before marking as duplicate
@ankitbug94 Yes, but it looks so bad.
Marking the question with a jquery tagged question. Seriously?
@ankitbug94 You should really see the answers on the dupe: stackoverflow.com/a/27373951
So You mark it as duplicate of any question which is any similar, I request you to at least match the tags
@ankitbug94 Boss, there's answer there.
@ankitbug94 Can you please remove the onebox here?
4:56 PM
@PraveenKumar But the OP looks like a beginner to me and I don't think he will be able to grab that particular answer which is not a direct answer to his somewhat similar( not completely) question
@ankitbug94 I would enjoy a friendlier tone.
@Kyll Friendlier tone just attaches noise to communication but taken into consideration :)
@ankitbug94 I left a note to OP.
@Kyll Would you like to move the onebox to trash, please?
Meh, sure. Gotta noise-reduce everything these days!
@PraveenKumar And If my harsh tone hurt you little bit then I am really sorry. I didn't realise it.
5:08 PM
@PraveenKumar would it suffice to remove the last sentence?
Well, @PraveenKumar is known for choosing duplicates that are wrong now and then. A bit of harsh handling to reduce these mishaps can't hurt @ankitbug94 Thanks for bringing it up. We all need to learn.
I can handle the tone
After all, that is where this room is for, discuss moderation decisions
@rene It happens to all of us sledge hammer holders from time to time. But mostly on closeworthy questions anyway :P
@ankitbug94 You weren't harsh... I was just telling that it was a right dupe. @rene
This time I believe I am right. Let me know if I am not. I gave the answer too.
Okay, coming back to this: stackoverflow.com/a/41323021 Is it NAA?
@PraveenKumar borderline, down vote worthy but not NAA
an exception handler is something that exist so it is kind of useful
could have served as a comment instead of an answer but that is an rep issue
5:14 PM
@rene Oh thanks. But seriously, 1 rep user plus no idea if the OP uses a controller (as a seasoned PHP expert, I haven't used controller till now! LoL)
@PraveenKumar maybe you learned something today ;)
@ankitbug94 Does it matter for a high quality FAQ if OP's are beginners or not? Is that particular question useful for future research? That should be the only criteria.
A seasoned PHP expert? I guess it explains your ... visage.
@rene Every day is a learning experience buddy...
@JanDvorak Just for telling sake. ha ha... I am neither seasoned nor expert. :D #Sarcasm.
Merry Christmas guys!! :D
5:17 PM
@πάνταῥεῖ yes it matters because it is most likely that all the future visitors are also going to be beginners as these types of question only come to beginners
@ankitbug94 Well, I have to admit I'm answering trivia from time to time, because I think it might be useful for that reason.
@ankitbug94 Don't you feel the need to learn about how the site works before using it? Just telling. So when a question is marked dupe, the user should have the courage or knowledge to check the dupe and challenge healthily... Do you agree with me?
@BhargavRao you're called out here
@rene Thanks, Checking.
@PraveenKumar No I don't agree with you. Before you added the comment the OP was gonna think why is $ coming undefined and maybe going to waste a couple of hours but after you added the comment he is going to think addEventListener is the only way and may remain unknown that he can also add function directly to onclick. It is more like misguiding the OP and future visitors
5:53 PM
And the original poster as much as admits that the problem is not to be found without posted code.
@ankitbug94 Okay man, I have reopened the question, go for it. Answer it... :)
2 hours later…
7:51 PM
@PraveenKumar Klirr? (Breaking some glass)
@πάνταῥεῖ Ha ha...
Why there's a 2 hour gap?
Isn't this room supposed to be operating 24 x 7?
@PraveenKumar It's X-Mas. Everyone (besides us) is busy with their family :-P
Ha ha ha...
And Hannukah is happening as well.
8:03 PM
@PraveenKumar in the early days there were gaps for days ...
@rene Hey flower, you're awake ;-)
yeah ...
sort of ...
@πάνταῥεῖ Flowers will be always awake... What a question?
@TinyGiant Ha ha...
That's fake.
8:12 PM
@PraveenKumar Hmm, even flowers need their restful phases. I know about that believe me (I depend on proper flowering of my plantz alot)!
@PraveenKumar ?
That was from when around when I first started in here.
@PraveenKumar HiLo! I'll need to give them these exact 12 hours light and dark rest phases to let them built up their sweet blossoms. @rene might be a bit more flexible, but that's another story ...
8:21 PM
In the aging process you get less flexible ...
@πάνταῥεῖ That's LoHL
LoL with an Oh.
And, did I break this site? regex101.com
@rene True that is ...
@PraveenKumar yes, because it doesn't work for me either ...
I'll send you the bill to get it repaired
@rene You're a trustworthy flower, besides all of the irregularities ;-)
Suggested Edits queue is slooooow today
8:31 PM
@Undo Who's interested in digesting edits? Pffffr :-P
Does anyone have an Excel 2016 running? If so, can you verify this for me?
@rene I don't run any M$ shit as far I can avoid doing so :-P
Sure, but that is not helpful in this case :(
@rene Too broad (localized)?
@πάνταῥεῖ no, I think it is answerable, IF the answer on my comment is: yes
It might be macros they have build
8:43 PM
@rene I'll repair myself and send the bill to you.. :D
Need some money for the holidays.
good luck ;)
9:16 PM
@BhargavRao You awake?
This is a spam. Please report.
10:07 PM
Merry Christmas!

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