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> At some point America decided to just drop all the extra letters" ~~ Matey, on aluminum / aluminium
Afternoon \o
I'm giving that comment to almost every user I catch without the informed badge:
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please take the time to read The Tour and refer to the material from the Help Center what and how you can ask here. — πάντα ῥεῖ 2 mins ago
Does it help?
Is that considered helpful?
I mean, does it entice the users to read the tour?
@JanDvorak Sometimes may be :P
Not so sure it will help. I tihnk it asks them to do it when they make an account and they skipped it because their question was too important to wait
Both those answers are 2 years old
LoL. What to do now?
vtc to the Q and delete it me thinks
Hiya gunr
I love the amount of people in the office today
in my half of the building, 2 people
I'm home, alone
^ Same for me :)
Luckily I don't live in a row house :-)
Let's see what happens with Kevin ;)
@gunr2171 That just means you get to duck out early.
wait, did they really make yet another episode?
@NathanOliver true. but tomorrow is an official early release, so that's nice
^ That was deleted pretty quickly :o
We reached 13 million questions \o/
That's good
Is it?
Totally contradictorily for purposes of a FAQ style site.
Yeah. Something that should not be here got removed. Whats wrong with that?
afk for a bit
I'll celebrate when we reach 10 million
That'll never happen again @JanDvorak
Every new framework that's released brings a boatload of new possible questions.
Every new version of a programming language does the same.
It's good :)
"Our work is never over"
moar FGITW questions to answer?
Mh, not really FGITW.
Or, not necessarily :)
"Always look on the bright side of life"
You mean, post-armageddon?
@gunr2171 and then there was one...
same question posted ^
Morning all
morning jal
I love it when this sort of thing happens.
If y'all want some free flags, I might need a little help. I just tossed this user out for plagiarism: stackoverflow.com/users/5612562/m-s-chaudhari?tab=answers , and I suspect that almost all of their 312 answers were plagiarized from somewhere. They change one or two words in the content they plagiarize to make it more difficult to search against, but it can be done. It'll just take a lot of time and effort that I don't have right now.
If you can identify sources for these and flag to point them out, it could save us a bunch of time and help clean up this awful mess.
"sources" as in the original post/website they came from?
@BradLarson RO pinned so it does not get lost brad
normally this room is against user moderating, but seeing this is a request from a moderator and it's an understandably large task, I'll say it's ok.
@gunr2171 Yup. A number of these came from Quora, but they've also plagiarized SO answers, blog posts, documentation, you name it. I was tempted to just destroy the entire account as a spammer, which would automatically delete everything they had posted, but they had a number of well-received questions and some legitimate answers, so I held off on the nuclear option.
@BradLarson Profile page of user only lists 196 answers?
@gunr2171 And I'd generally be extremely reluctant to bring public attention down on someone, but after all they have done, and the multiple suspensions for this they have ignored, they are not welcome here. Also, people here had been flagging their previous instances of plagiarism.
Alright. Well, time to get to work.
I'll start on page 7 (ordered by newest)
@ivarni Ah, our count has deleted answers as well. So that means I've already deleted 112 of these this year. Maybe you can understand my irritation.
Yikes. That is a lot of plagiarism
@BradLarson I thought at 10k I'd see the deleted answers but I guess they just don't show in the summary
You can see deleted posts if you go directly to them, just not in searches or on profiles.
@ivarni You can only see them if you have a link to them. There is no way to see others deleted answers
Ok, so I've got this post. The first and third sentence comes from here, and the second sentence comes from here. I don't think this is significant enough to flag, right?
@BradLarson I have found two and flagged them. Is my flagging style OK?
@AdrianHHH Just fine. All we need is a source link and an indication of plagiarism. Once we verify the text, we can add a comment and delete. It's a pretty quick workflow on that.
page 7 is clear ("creating multiple threads in c" and later)
@gunr2171 I wonder if the 1st and 3rd sentence are a case of the user being active on that forum and copying their answer from there onto SO. The Q itself is posted by a user with the same name (as the Q author on SO) on the forum. The 2nd sentence is too banal, IMO. There's only so many ways that thought can be expressed.
@Louis I was going to leave it be. Meh.
also, ugh, I get the ping notification 2 minutes later
@gunr2171 Yeah, that's the resolution I was thinking applies here.
This is fun. I finally get to fulfill my lifetime desire of being a Junior Detective.
@JAL that edit probably should've been approved. He was just adding OP's code from the OP to OP's answer
@gunr2171 Also, if you see any more posts of theirs accepted by the deleted user user5888611 , that was one of their sock puppets. Who were all also posting plagiarized content. Be very suspicious of those, because those are even more likely to be plagiarized.
@TylerH Was that code not the answer?
@BradLarson Ok, I'll keep an eye out.
@TylerH oh it was an edit to an answer, not the question. My bad. You are correct
bottom half of page 6 ("Linux Kernel module calling a function in another module" and lower) is clear
I'm seeing Magisch in a lot of these threads. I think I'm seeing a pattern >:)
Just goes to show you how much you can trust a smiling floating head.
Found another post. First line is from here, but the post adds another line. Good enough to flag?
I would
a Brag
seems like tons of stuff... will have a check also tonight but now time to commute home cya...
@PetterFriberg Sorry, I'm not calling out every post I find, just the ones that I don't know if it's enough to flag.
but if more people are going through posts we should claim page numbers
@gunr2171 meeh, was just stating that there is a lot of stuff... to give all some go go.... I found some...
@gunr2171 Definitely suspicious, but not enough for me to want to defend a flag.
Same. I'll leave it be because it's only a single line.
Ok, so if the person copies an entire answer then writes "Reference Link [here]" pointing to the place it was copied from, that's ok or flaggable?
The one thing I usually find missing in such cases is proper quoting. I don't usually flag but fix the post to quote properly.
good idea
The bad thing about this though is that it is probably an unnecessary answer on a duplicate question. I've not usually flagged such answers, but the question may merit flagging.
(I took "copies an entire answer" as meaning that the source is an answer, presumably on SO.)
Yeah, ok, I read you wrong. Forget about that duplicate question comment. The edit is pretty much what I'd do.
When your technology fails, it's painful =w=
Yep, and it seems to follow the law of "the smarter you are with technology, the more epic the errors and problems you get from it."
My alarm clock didn't go off... which is weird because it's my phone, which didn't run out of batteries.
So there I am, sprawled in bed, and my dog comes over and asks me why I'm still there. And it's 11AM...
nice :)
@Compass No worries, it is Christmas Day, you have a day off anyway ...
hopes that everyone plays along
Joke's on you, I have 10 day vacation starting Caturday owo
but rene, today is..... oh, I get it
And I'm definitely already at work.
@gunr2171 null reference errors don't follow that law though, do they?
Bought a terrible Burger King hot dog to get enough protein to start the day. Yum, cardboard tube owo
@NathanOliver can you help me find "C99 [Section]"
@gunr2171 just a sec
*An lvalue is an expression (with an object type other than void) that potentially designates an object;64) if an lvalue does not designate an object when it is evaluated, the behavior is undefined. When an object is said to have a particular type, the type is specified by the lvalue used to designate the object. A modifiable lvalue is an lvalue that
does not have array type, does not have an incomplete type, does not have a constqualified type, and if it is a structure or union, does not have any member (including, recursively, any member or element of all contained aggregates or unions) w
Can I get a link to that? That's plag target
hmm. Not sure if there is a webpage we can link to. I know of one for C++ but not C
ok, going to go with a backup. thanks
@NathanOliver found it, page 58
That not really a link though.
Not like this: eel.is/c++draft
it opens in chrome without me having to download anything
Well it does. It just downloads it as a temp file.
Good morning!
page 6 ("Can we dereference a void pointer without knowing its type?" and lower) is clear
afk lunch
Are these two answers by the same user on different questions close enough to mod flag? 1 2
Should I flag or just leave alone stackoverflow.com/questions/36722656/…? The content comes from the "reference link."
If it's copied it at least needs to be quoted
@JAL meh, don't think so
its a direct copy
straight up lifted from that page
alright, I'll flag then
46 mins ago, by gunr2171
Ok, so if the person copies an entire answer then writes "Reference Link [here]" pointing to the place it was copied from, that's ok or flaggable?
so we're working backwards from where gunr said he left off?
@NobodyNada I even doubt if it actually answers the question
it answers a question
@NobodyNada Forward. He started from the oldest post and worked his way towards the newest post
right, but the posts are ordered from newest to oldest
Yeah, sort by newest. I'm working on the bottom half of page 5. Everything older I've already done
@Yam No way
so should I start somewhere else so we don't duplicate each other's work?
Request: code. Response: picture of code. =w=
sure, go for like page 2 or 3
@Compass so?
@Tunaki Anything for this?
What flag descriptions are you guys using? I'm currently just saying something along the lines of "This one comes from <link>," but should I be more descriptive?
"Plagiarized from [link]"
short and sweet
that's great, thanks!
also "Plagiarized from [link] (first section and third bullet point)" if more info about where on the page to find it is needed
yeah, I've been doing that
also, I'm never going to be able to spell Plagiarized, thank you spell checker
@gunr2171 indeed. Plagiarised
@SotiriosDelimanolis taken care of
@Adriaan seems both are ok en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/plagiarize must be a US vs UK thing
@gunr2171 tsk, I'd get smacked by my English teacher for using z's in words like that
that's because you say "Zed"
she's from Inverness though :P
we say "ZEEEEE"
@gunr2171 no, that's French :P
Ze scoot izz coming! , citing @Kyll
I still like how in English there is "w" which is "double U", but in french it's "double V"
I know right, quite bizarre
Ha, I just found one plagiarized from another answer to the same question
bottom of page 5 ("undefined reference to `writen'" and below) is clear
@MikelF I've already flagged that one
> Plagiarized from thegeekstuff.com/2012/10/bitwise-operators ("One’s Complement operator – ~" section) and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negation#Programming (first phrase after code block and second sentence in second paragraph)
no worries
that's why I'm trying to get people to claim pages so we don't overlap
I'm new to this, some time ago I posted on META: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/319624/end-life-of-liveserver but it never went any further, how comes?
@FOX9000 wow why does that have any approvals
@Vickel for the record, there are a lot of burninate requests. We made a new formal method of processing them, but it's a very slow process. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/324070/…
seems to mirror: quora.com/…
@MikelF haven't done yet. I'm working on page 5 sorted by newest. Pages 6 and 7 are done.
it dates from March this year, maybe something has changed in the meantime?
@MikelF I'd say yes
yay! :)
@Vickel like I said, VERY slow process
much slower than I would like, the bottleneck is getting people to help out, and suddenly no one wants to start a new round because they think it won't go anywhere fast
yeah no worries, it doesn't hurt anyone, its just completly useless IMO
the process or the burninate request?
I thought Vickel meant the tag is useless.
so I should flag that one?
@MikelF this one? Yes.
oops... out of flags.
: ) I'll get it
I'll leave it to you folks. I want to help, but I should be working anyways
ok, no problem.
done with page 3, working on page 2 now
@Tunaki Wonderful, thanks!
page 5 ("Class constructors, overloaded constructors and object initialization" and below) is clear
@Kyll You got caught: youtube.com/watch?v=3cR4Uy_P_k4 :P
inb4 chipmunk != squirrel
@gunr2171 Then it was his brother idk :D
: D
Borderline case here source | target. Thoughts?
I flag those, saying "partially plagiarized from <link>"
@gunr2171 Flag-worthy. The copied text is original enough in the way it says that it says.
ok, thanks both
This one's easy -- look how eloquently written it is!
@NobodyNada You mean: quora.com/… :)
@Rizier123 yep -- I just had to google "one with a scalpel's precision and one as direct as a hammer to the head."
@NobodyNada already got that one
huh? it's on page 2
oh, sorry. it's from
29 mins ago, by Mikel F
how about: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39509463/what-is-the-difference-between-mlock‌​all-and-disabling-swapping/39510056#39510056
and he was out of flags, so I did it for him
someone almost backed into my car =w=
was driving through a parking lot and some typical driver was backing up without looking both ways
Maybe they were trying to put their problems
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Behind them
Well I have a dashcam
So I recorded the epic dodge and the accompaniment of swearing
So what's going on with the plagiarism?
3 hours ago, by Brad Larson
If y'all want some free flags, I might need a little help. I just tossed this user out for plagiarism: http://stackoverflow.com/users/5612562/m-s-chaudhari?tab=answers , and I suspect that almost all of their 312 answers were plagiarized from somewhere. They change one or two words in the content they plagiarize to make it more difficult to search against, but it can be done. It'll just take a lot of time and effort that I don't have right now.
3 hours ago, by Brad Larson
If you can identify sources for these and flag to point them out, it could save us a bunch of time and help clean up this awful mess.
Ah, gotcha
yep, almost done actually
sorry if that was unexpected
I get a winter hat for all this work, right?
nah, flag queue is low anyway. And these are easy flags
Evasive maneuvers
^ to broad also works
throws random close vote at target
I know you're joking, but don't actually do that.
@ScottWeldon should we delete that? 3 out of 4 answers constitute of barely more than a link
Telling a cat not to be chaotic evil is like telling the sun to stop producing high quantities of radiation. You never know if it'll listen, but you'll regret it if it does.
Just remember that people do read the transcript here and will pick up on signs of negligence or malpractice. Not caring about the power you have leads to bad things.
those "people" aren't RO's by the way
page 4 ("How Static function in C reduce memory footprints?" and lower) is clear
how you doing @NobodyNada?
almost done with page 2
I'll go to page 1 starting from the top
ok, I'll start from the bottom
Wakarimashta I will not be chaotic evil again =w=
@NobodyNada I'll stop at "Declaration and definition confusion in C"
Sounds good! I'm almost there. It seems like page 1 has a lot more original answers.
alright, done!
how many pending flags do you have? I've got 8
and hopefully no declined
I've 18
is it bad that I have 27 pending?
@BradLarson we've gone through all of the user's posts and flagged any that contain plagiarized material with their sources.
@MikelF I regurlarly used to have 60 pending
(durp grammar)
@gunr2171 plagiarised*
NOPE, I'm right
British English
if it doesn't underline red, then it's correct
@gunr2171 it doesn't in Tuna's browser either, and we don't understand a word of that :P
dictionary.com's entry is called "Plagiarize," with a note at the bottom:
> Also, especially British, plagiarise.
I do'nt have a spall checkre
You spelled checkre wrong it should be chequeur.
sounds fishy
touchy the fishy
tuna spell checker is designed for fish i guess
@NobodyNada so it's wrong.
I jusy type randm thongs and tghey get typed right always
In England the English speak English
Do they really?
And they can yell in 'Murica whatever, that doesn't make it correct English, that makes it (presumably) correct 'Murican
@Compass not according to the law in several Murican states, then the English in England speak British all of a sudden
I knew it.
^ spam spam eggs and spam
@gunr2171 Thanks, I've been working through these as I have the time.
no problem, glad we could help
Oh, and by the way, "plagiarized" is a legitimate spelling of the word: merriam-webster.com/dictionary/plagiarize . — Brad Larson Mar 31 '14 at 15:26
We're still on about that? D:
Look, if a moderator says I'm right, then that's the end of the debate
Sounds right to me
I had a little fun with my response to that question.
A rare Brad sighting in the SOCVR
Take screenshots kids
@BradLarson sure it is in Murica, doesn't mean the English like their language mangled ;)
He's here on Business
@Adriaan English is an inherently mangled language.
omg, two mods talking in the room, what did we do? Oh, social visit, goes back to making tinfoil hat
@NathanOliver paranoia is a healthy response
@MikelF welcome to being an RO of SOCVR, that's all we do
random thought: Why isn't there a Jon Skeet winter hat?
@gunr2171 Well, as someone who is generally temperamentally unfit for that kind of responsibility, I can only appreciate it from a distance :)
@gunr2171 sounds like a meta question
that I would downvote
I've finally made it, I'm meta-famous meta.stackoverflow.com/a/340133/2415822
There has been a red freehand circle drawn around my avatar
life can't get any better than this
that is the worst free hand circle I've ever seen owo
It crosses over itself!
@BradLarson the only* legitimate spelling ;-)
@gunr2171 have you done the plag search or should I chip in some more?
@PetterFriberg we finished that
great... was busy with 100 NAA reports : )
@NobodyNada I'm still considering the fact that we could do a bot to find'em... we just need to find a way to limit the search (hence not on all new answers)
@Closey alive?
I guess not
Maybe she doesn't want to answer you
That wouldn't be surprising
Happens all the time that people no longer want to talk to me
It must be something with them
@QPaysTaxes licks ice cream cone
I was testing the QPaysTaxes !lick feature. Looks like it's working.
And the Best Question of the Day prize goes to... JavaScript - WHAAAAT? {}.constructor is not a Function? How?
-23 in 9 minutes.
what language is that

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