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Is anyone running on Nov 7th? :P
I've made too many enemies
If no one from this room runs, I will
@Drew !
This'll be my first election.
@SotiriosDelimanolis oh that is so clever, I'm beginning to see it
Can you see past candidates' vote share?
It looks like you can see their scores in the primary phase but not the election phase.
Second bit on, means you target two consecutive number, every two number. (2, 3, and then 6, 7...) so if you consider the decimal before 63 included, the bits to keep in the BitSet are exactly the ones set to 1 in 0xccccccccccccccccL (which has 2 bits set, then 2 off, then 2 set, etc.)
@AndrewLi Go to stackoverflow.com/election, click an election, and choose the "primary" tab.
@NobodyNada Thanks!
although by clicking the "Download the election data" link you might be able to see the results of the election phase
@Tunaki Genial!
I think I had misread the original problem statement.
But yeah, had to print out the 0xcc to remember its bit layout.
Yeah me too :D
not "spam" but "rude or abusive"
@chris85 That's not spam
@AndrewLi abusive
@Tunaki But abusive != spam?
wow, I'm slow at using Smokey today
It's something that should be closed/deleted though. What's the proper tag for it?
Are you privileged for smokey?
@Madara "This here town's the C++ chat room, stranger. We use th' F-Word and the C-Word and ever' other word freely 'round here. Ain't no one come 'round banning no one fer it. You got a problem wi' that, city boy?" (spits on ground) — Pekka 웃 2 hours ago
@chris85 would work, but !!/reporting it with Smokey would be better
How do I know if I'm privileged for smokey?
@chris85 No, you are not a privileged user. Please see the privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
@chris85 Once you've read that, just ping Undo or ArtOfCode and ask them for privileges
-10, still there, needs nuke
Based on some discussions with him, I think ArtOfCode wouldn't consider that "rude or abusive." I think it is (and I've flagged it as that), but what do you think?
I think so too, but what I think he was saying (I'll try to find the discussions) was that we should only flag if the answer isn't anything close to a coherent thought.
I left a reply there for Holger @Sotirios. I find it beautiful :).
it isn't close to a coherent thought
there's a discussion in Charcoal starting here
I could post they need to buy a time-machine and power Firefox from it
I agree with you, but I don't think Art would
Someone is defacing their posts
yes I remmeber that one
and putting a very creepy picture (that later was told was a clown) is 100% abusive to me
Should I ask a Meta question?
Wait until 666, and then say "Puppy" three times in the mirror.
it's kinda sad that 59 of my 60 pending flags are close flags
@Braiam no. Isn't it limited to 2 featured posts?!
stackoverflow.com/posts/7413161/revisions That is a lot of bumping :P
@Rizier123 no, there could be 4 featured posts at any time
non-blog, non-metase featured
wait, maybe I don't know how to count meta.stackexchange.com/a/130893/213575
That last SD is a LQP, not spam
Are you sure?
The site seems legit. He's just overly enthusiastic
Close and nuke the Q
yeah its not spam. The user is a member for more than a year
@AshishAhuja Could it be considered spam if same content in all 3 answers without disclosing affiliation?
Nope, we're not here
1 hour later…
Hello @qwerty
any 10k+ peeps around, we have 15 closed questions at delete vote count of 2 for 15 questions, batches 532 and 534 near this chat link
some spectacularly unfunny comments on that; still open (!)
As long as people comment and give them attention they'll keep going
2 hours later…
Sweet, new mod elections coming up :D
Flags response times were getting a little slow...
@SmokeDetector sd k
She's answering questions tagged
sd crap
Nice. 45 minutes late to work due to a robbery. Maybe 50-100 cars with flat tiers after caltrops were spread on several roads, including one highway. :-p
@rene some hidden Chinese skills?
@PatrickHofman yes, or I might have used Google Translate ...
Morning o/
@NisseEngström that is a better excuse then the one about the open bridge ...
@NisseEngström Lovely. I was too late aswell, a drunk driver thought it'd be a cool idea to park his car on top of a bridge, resulting in the bus being too late :|
So, anyone planning on running for mod, this election? :P
#rene2016 #FlowerPower
@Cerbrus Me. I shall win it without fulfilling any requirements!
@Seth That's what Kim Yong-Ung did ;-)
@Cerbrus -g
I failed a CV audit for closing when it should have been closed
@Cerbrus But true :D
@Seth Never get rid of the g, G.
@Cerbrus :c
It says I voted "leave open"
Is the script for CV queue hotkeys broken again
because I pressed 2
and 2 is for "close"
o.o Idk
How's that an audit though?
It hasn't even been handled in any way yet.
@Cerbrus don't worry, not going to happen so you're safe ...
Is that the correct link? :o
You linked to a review
@rene wasn't worrying, but now I am. ;-)
If good candidates don't participate...
I wonder whats up with my CV review queue shortcuts
Fat-Fingered it?
I was thinking about running this time ... I mean the worst that can happen is that I fail horrible, and even then it would be a learning experience
@Cerbrus Probably. I haven't failed an audit in more then 4 months so I almost forgot the look of it
Oh, I also proposed a question for the election
Thats almost a trick question @cerb
-^ I like the idea of that, I just don't think that it'll be difficult to answer.
the interpretation varies from moderator to moderator :p
In essence, they have the same result
But the semantics of the flags differ.
There has been semi-widespread support for merging the two, too.
Maybe I should add: "How would you act on a answer flagged as VLQ, which is NAA, or vice versa?"
I think it was even tuna that proposed that
Its a contentious discussion, in any case
@Magisch Quite possibly. I've seen it on meta some time ago....
some people like to be very accurate and to the book while handling flags while some people just think "was this worth my attention to delete?" and then mark the flag helpful and go on
The difference is quite clear nowadays though (or should be).
The guide by shog makes it pretty hard to misflag it.
@Magisch OMG <- link to a german news site
It's finally over. Now more tears.
@Seth took the gema 7 years to remove their head from the nether regions.
@Magisch Yesssss!
Is this spam? we've had a similar post in MS that was deleted due to it
@Queen k
And why is it so god darn quiet in here?!
@Seth NAA really, could at least quote a relevant part of the link to say why it's worth clicking
Flag or not it's worth a DV
it's an attempt so I wouldn't flag NAA
@Seth day after halloween - guess some people took their bazooka costumes outside embassies?
@UKMonkey Don't look at me o.o
I didn't do that.
@Seth Ohh god - you did worse didn't you...
@UKMonkey ... Maybe =|
@UKMonkey didn't realise that was a Halloween thing - are you sure you're not confusing it with "The Purge"? :-D
@JonClements I heared that mods would do a Purge once a year to kill delete all spammers :p
22 hours ago, by Seth
Let's hope Halloween doesn't turn into the purge =]
@JonClements I thought "The purge" was just a documentary on everyday life in the US ... I'm so confused now
I didn't see any clowns yet =)
@Seth Batman found them first
@UKMonkey Did he though? Maybe a little mammal, armed with a bazooka, was faster ^-^
@Seth with a laser strapped to its head?
@UKMonkey Na, bazoorels take pride in hitting without using aim assistance
@Seth do they take pride in hitting first time too? ;o)
that accepted answer there is... not an answer? It should be a comment me thinks
@Adriaan off topic question anyway
hence the cv-pls
Gone already
^ spam
what does sd k mean anyway?
Do I need to apply a different command for smokey in that case?
@UKMonkey it's short for "tpu-", I'm guessing the mnemonic is "okay"
@UKMonkey It's a reply to Smokeys last report, signalising a "okay" as in "positive".
the Smoke Detector documentation has a list of commands if that's what you're wondering
ahhhh - smoke detector - AHHHHH
thanks :)
it's 11am - what can I say, the morning coffee is wearing off
Btw, why the heck are SO elections on Nov 7th as well?
Why's everyone so obsessed with that date?
@Seth as well as what?
@tripleee America elections, league of legends end of season...
@Seth Murica is 8th November
Nvm then.
@Seth At least they'll be people worth voting for in the SO election :p
@JonClements True.
Well... Actually...
@JonClements unsecure email servers on a SO mod, oh boi
"Make SO great again!"
I think my easter egg discovery was not worth a T-shirt, despite the efforts of everyone :(
Should we build a wall around the tag?
@Adriaan Which easter egg?
@Adriaan No swag? =(
@ivarni Yes!
@Seth besides the meta gold badge? Alas not
@ivarni And nuke the kali-linux tag!
which means I'll actually have to get a 100k rep, or have people write nice things about me on the swag giveaway page
@Adriaan xD
why is this user's year rep higher than his total rep? Is that because of bounties?
@Adriaan it's all gained rep. So if they got a downvote or user was removed it doesn't quite count
Take a look at mine. I've lost rep from deleted posts, user was removed, etc
makes sense, thanks
Hey NO o/
Everyone have a fun Halloween?
@NathanOliver I went clown hunting =)
Technically I had a 100% hitrate (I forgot ammunition, so 0 out of 0 fired shots missed) c:
I'm proud.
It was unusually quiet though. Really not much going on.
Um.. anything divided by 0 is undefined.
^ Not in my world.
We went through about 2.5 bags of candy. not the busiest night but not the slowest either.
@Seth Your in my world now ;)
oh noes, were at nathans world!
@NathanOliver o.o Dayum.
@Tunaki Hiya
@NathanOliver Maybe has been in my world the whole time?
@Yam tagged with enough languages for direct obliteration. Well done old chap
Opinions please - It appears to be spam to me, as the github name is similar to the users name.
The answer's box should require a certain number of characters, excluding link characters :|
@Seth Its possible. I lose myself all the time
Hey tunaki
@Seth VLQ
Roger =)
@NathanOliver Huehue c:
@Seth but his name is Tunaki?
@Adriaan The name is a lie
this should be array make it array — Hasibur Rahaman 5 mins ago
It's apparently a magic pony thing to change null into an array
@Adriaan His name is Robert Paulson?
@Seth You've used that a lot today - how come you're so angry?
@UKMonkey That is a "startled owl"-smiley
I am not angry, I am startled.
And not just today, I'm always startled.
You only need to have 100 rep for docs reviews right?
^ Me thinks yes.
@NathanOliver Do we have anyone truly evil in here?
@Seth Truly evil? rene comes to mind ;)
@NathanOliver Yes :(
@NathanOliver Ok o,o
@Machavity You need to open your parentheses.
@Seth I'd question the alignment of anyone in this chatroom tbh
@UKMonkey True. :D
Dfq is dis?? <- Opinions pliz
@Seth VQL? I'm not even going to try clicking on that link
Ok :)
The link is just a blog
Ah, I c :]
Looked fishy af.
I'm at work ;) can justify SO, harder to justify
wordpress.com is the WP free blog service
If someone comments saying "be nice I'm new" that's too chatty/not constructive right?
@AndrewLi Yes.
@Drew o/
I'm satisfied with the two questions I put in the questionnaire
@AndrewLi Nice to meet you man :) & good luck .
Hiya gunr
Morning =)
It is indeed
oh boy, SO elections soon. get hyped
@gunr2171 Or participate :P
@gunr2171 Better than the US presidential elections! :)
@Cerbrus already upvoted. Good question.
@JonClements YES, I KNOW.
@JonClements I'm sure some of the candidates won't suck, in our election.
The problem with SO elections is that you can't find half of the candidates, as they're ninja puppying about

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