Second bit on, means you target two consecutive number, every two number. (2, 3, and then 6, 7...) so if you consider the decimal before 63 included, the bits to keep in the BitSet are exactly the ones set to 1 in 0xccccccccccccccccL (which has 2 bits set, then 2 off, then 2 set, etc.)
@Madara "This here town's the C++ chat room, stranger. We use th' F-Word and the C-Word and ever' other word freely 'round here. Ain't no one come 'round banning no one fer it. You got a problem wi' that, city boy?" (spits on ground) — Pekka 웃2 hours ago
@chris85 No, you are not a privileged user. Please see the privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
Based on some discussions with him, I think ArtOfCode wouldn't consider that "rude or abusive." I think it is (and I've flagged it as that), but what do you think?
I think so too, but what I think he was saying (I'll try to find the discussions) was that we should only flag if the answer isn't anything close to a coherent thought.
Nice. 45 minutes late to work due to a robbery. Maybe 50-100 cars with flat tiers after caltrops were spread on several roads, including one highway. :-p
@NisseEngström Lovely. I was too late aswell, a drunk driver thought it'd be a cool idea to park his car on top of a bridge, resulting in the bus being too late :|
some people like to be very accurate and to the book while handling flags while some people just think "was this worth my attention to delete?" and then mark the flag helpful and go on