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Oh, Drew's the nicest guy around:P
I'm a close runner-up:D
and I'm the worst, right?
not where I'm the runner-up in niceness
sometimes we are jerks. Not afraid to say it.
Actually, Drew's less of a jerk than me, but he's often misunderstood
for the guys going through the yet-another-cesspool-tag kali-linux meta.stackoverflow.com/a/332524/792066
@AndrasDeak @Braiam so what strategies for this GoDaddy mess
Don't look at me, I'm just kibitzing
we need some delete votes
closing is going great mind you
do you have a list of questions that even after closed won't be deleted by roomba?
I can gen that sure
hasaccepted:1 or is:q score:1.. are sure fire, I would need sede for a.score > 0
i just dont see how this tag (gd) gets banished
i don't see how @Braiam it deserves it either
we can ask a mod/cm to just delete all closed questions
i would like that yes
but that leave 100 to 500
I don't like socvr doing this
Shog has deleted bunch of questions from burnination requests
It drains the Tunas of the world
Drew as I see it, generally: either a tag is good on its own, and it has to be kept (well, a subset of existing questions in it); or it is bad, in which case the bad ones have to be closed-deleted, the good-but-tagged ones retagged. Then in the end all will be gone.
I think Greg and I would think that some should stay
and what is wrong with that
and it is Sept 1 and it is smaller
and we did a good thing. Smaller
but burn, no
@Braiam that doc ref not sure what you mean
@Drew the part about editing
I firmly believe that some GoDaddy questions should remain in the tag
We are asking people to focus a lot of attention on GoDaddy but in the end some remain
so there is no real burn
Is that statement of mine unrealistic?
don't worry about that now... you are worrying because you feel that we are not making a dent... we are making a dent
there's a saying about dust and mountain, but I can't remember how it goes in english
we are making a big dent. But I feel there is no real burn Braiam
this is the same thing
@Drew which is why we should encourage and motivate curating content more
But why should GoDaddy get burned?
I was aware of this problem since way back
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Jun 11 '15 at 4:50, by Braiam
I think that one of the main reasons why people drops /review is that they don't feel that their effort accomplish anything, and any kind of stat, ie you have reached consensus on % of your reviews in y,z,x actions, would have a immense impact in keeping those people from not reviewing entirely
Tim Post promised something chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/3560860#3560860 , but this idea can apply for any moderating task
Well it's the usual answer: "We know review is crap, it's legacy which we'll have to handle sooner or later"
But why should GoDaddy get burned?
It is not cuz Meta gets silly about it
but someone has to do it...
It is about what should be right, and what would be lost
remember, 10%-90% ratio
@Braiam wuzzat?
@Script47 greets
the godaddy questions are mostly junk we know that
That does not make it trashable
@AndrasDeak a generalization of this sciencemag.org/news/2015/10/most-worker-ants-are-slackers , basically that 90% of the work gets done by the 10% of the people
aaah, I see
We cannot trash a whole tag cuz most are junk
@Drew we can, and have done it before meta.stackoverflow.com/a/287423/792066
There are redeemable questions here
There is content to preserve
Then you can edit the tag out...
@Braiam can I ask you a simple question
If there are 100 questions that this site should keep, is that wrong
why should it keep them?
In the face of 14M Q that we already have
that's irrelevant
@Braiam These are your peers searching for those answers
you are asking if we should keep 100 questions, each of the 100 has to have a very good reason to stay
@Drew and?
someone else talk to braiam I am lost
there are people looking for answers all around us, that doesn't stop us from doing stuff
look, to make yourself life more easy: I tend to question everything
nothing is immutable in my eyes, but fluid
I tend to want to tear a hole in everything. But I don't tear a tag apart
well, that's what you feel is correct, I respect that, but not for that I stop
I believe a tag has some destiny other than we need Meta to tear it down
I believe people want answers to questions
I think part of Drew's discomfort comes from the fact that the war against godaddy leaves new crap at an advantage.
@AndrasDeak well, that's a systemic problem
partly yes, but a problem that can be solved by not burning what doesn't need it:P
you need to allocate resources in a way that everything is at manageable levels
I'm mostly playing devil's advocate here, I don't have strong feelings either way
but not because new crap enters you can ignore the one that is smelly and putrid inside
the old one isn't going anywhere
@Braiam there are jillions of tags that need cleaning. They don't need burned
Despite the meta froth to do so
46k of them
why don't? There is a problem in front of you, don't you solve them?
How many tags are there
I will say it again: you have to start somewhere
and having a negative view about it doesn't help
Clean some tags. Don't gut them
ok, how you propose we do that?
We clean GoDaddy by 80 percent
and we leave the good stuff B
@Drew you have been saying "good stuff" for a while, do you have examples?
We can produce them
Are you willing to listen
We need 300 to stay. That would be easy
I was listening you since before, what I feel is that you are not offering a compelling argument, and instead of producing them I will show you three: stackoverflow.com/q/20294933/792066 stackoverflow.com/q/1185649/792066 stackoverflow.com/q/34579052/792066
That means you can't delete this tag
those aren't all good questions, they can be kind of meh, yet didn't have any egregious problem that merits closure, but the godaddy tag didn't have anything to do there
You cannot delete this tag because there are hundreds of good questions
@Drew I disagree
as I said: delete the crap, untag the rest
I said that twice, and this is what I meant
This tag has quality content
If there are good godaddy questions, leave the tag. If the good questions in [godaddy] are not actually [godaddy], untag with [godaddy] and leave them.
I am sorry that non practiioners of content dont see that
Note that either way the good questions stay. What might not stay is the tag itself.
@Drew what is the topic of the site?
practical programming questions, right?
yes B
what has godaddy as hosting service in a practical programming question?
@Braiam I disagree
@AndrasDeak because?
I'm not sure every tag can be dismissed like that, I can imagine corner cases to exist.
Can I present 200 questions from godaddy that have not biz for deletion
there are things like [guide] which I've set my eyes on last year
@AndrasDeak I agree, but godaddy isn't one of those
@Drew you need to present 10 that really need the godaddy tag:)
On Meta?
@Braiam I can live with that; although Drew doesn't seem to
On that circus Andras?
I'm not sure. I was mostly joking.
But come to think of it: yes. There's a burnination going on. If you find evidence that the tag is useful, you should bring it there.
Braiam plays on meta. I play on real needs.
But listen to us...the fact that there are good questions with the tag doesn't imply that the tag has to be kept. You need good questions that can't live without the tag.
Oh flag again
And I'm talking generalities here: I don't know or care if godaddy is a good or a bad tag.
@Machavity how can someone misspell specifics twice?
This site flags on Java and JS
@Braiam Vary carfuly ;)
Why is this room spending time on GoDaddy. We trash our delete votes
We have real delete vote potentials on Java
@Drew You have a typo there. You mean there's lots of C++ Python PHP questions that could be deleted
@Machavity the close queue has ~15% of php questions...
then ~10% js, and the graph gets flat fast...
@Braiam Man, i've been slackin then :P
php isn't even the most used tag in the site
@Machavity yeah, you would expect a distribution similar to the popularity of tags
PHP is a very common language. Worse, it's a web programming language. So you have people hired to do PHP on the cheap (LAMP stack is free) and they all funnel here to get their questions here. I fully expect PHP to be #1 eventually just due to all the general questions that slip past people
So why not write the next meta on delete votes
The main reason to burninate GoDaddy is that the tag promotes confusion. Is it about domains? That's off topic. Is it about hosting? Also off topic. Most of the questions that can be salvaged just need a retag
@Machavity write about the need for more del votes
write about your passion for MORE
@Drew Run for mod? What? :P
I am running for mod
I will be crushed but hey
Cool. I'll vote for you. I typically only vote for names I can recognize
@Drew Nah. Can't be worse than Deceze. Comes in nearly last every time
Can I ask a quick Java question here? The Java room is inactive right now.
@LucasDryer go for it
Cool, thanks! Here it is:
I split a string and the string could be split at different symbols. How do I know which of the symbols the string was split at?
For example, if the string can be split at "+" or "-", how do I check to see which one the string was split by?
@LucasDryer how is a normal Question on Main not approp for that?
What do you mean
Cause I thought it is pretty simple
Like a single api or something
"Use RegEx" is probably a valid answer for that question (can't help much further though)
There's no problem that can be made better worse by throwing more RegEx at it
What does RegEx do
And how can I use it
@KevinBrown I think you mean can't be made worse
Thanks for the help guys. I have to go, but maybe see you later sometimes! Nice chatting with everyone!
@clo alive
1 hour later…
@tripleee that reads like something busybos would say
@Braiam I guess so. I was vaguely wondering if the guy wrote a program of his own and wanted to know how to implement proper completion like in Bash. Unclear, to say the least.
@SmokeDetector Still lives.
@AlexanderO'Mara huh? the answer is deleted, but the question could use another downvote and subsequent delete votes
ah, it was deleted by Ed Cottrell after your remark
also could use a little more lovin' -- it's pretty much all off-topic
1 hour later…
Meh: Spam for me
"Giving complete solutions"
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 1 hour ago, by undo
metasmoke and everything else on erwaysoftware.com will be down until morning US time, at least. I might be rebuilding everything on 14.04, yay me.
spam with some added text to make it sound more believable
1/10 they're learning ... slowly
Still haven't figured out rel="nofollow" is on their links.
massively off-topic anyway -- that would have been an acceptable topic (though not an acceptable question, as such) on Server Fault
@FrankerZ @Floern ^that's how you do it
Unless he's privledged, he can't
yea, I think I'm not allowed to ;)
@Floern ah, my bad
@AlexanderO'Mara User blacklisted (6452548 on stackoverflow.com).
^ since we didn't get to k that one.
@SmokeDetector k - frequently seen in spam
Yes, but what is he advertising?
@FrankerZ Some ad/malware called "long path tool"
smokedetector should ping six users instead of five whenever it detects spam
It pings whoever has notify on
@dorukayhan github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/wiki/Commands explains how to request notification
Notify even works for non privileged users
@Drew on topic godaddy questions?
@AndrasDeak followed by me not
@angussidney see also stackoverflow.com/teams ... thanks for noticing!
@angussidney somehow your bug report lacks the word "predictably"
Tuna's here
@angussidney thanks merged
Plop @Tunaki plop @Kyll
tosses @kyll at @tuna - slap kyll over the head with tuna
@Tunaki yeeeeees
@GregP Thanks
@Tyler 3 reopen votes on that Node.JS question again. Your answer suggesting an HL is the most upvoted nevertheless, unless something comes up I'll accept it in a couple days and raise a flag.
@πάνταῥεῖ Was your NAA flag on yesterday night low-quality answer marked helpful? My VLQ flag was declined, but the answer is still deleted
Morning fellas
Its gonna hurt to go down to 4k again from 7,6k
@Magisch you know the numbers already?
@Tunaki I assume that all my docs rep is going
Its mostly from my edits to a few popular examples
Which they said will not be a thing anymore
Well that took forever and a minute to edit
@Mag Check the review history I edited in: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/332386/4174897
@Tunaki Did you participate in docs at all yet?
I did some edits yes... rep capped for 3 or 4 days as a result.....
I got ~3600 rep from 5 or 6 edits I made
most of them to correct some egregious misinformation in popular examples
@tuna I see you in the CV queue
When Closey isn't following your every move, Magisch is!
@Tunaki Are you falling in love with Magisch now?
I'm not available
@Magisch You broke a fish's heart
What's OSCP..?
I just saw I accidentally gave someone down vote. Must be a miss click, and now I can't cancel it because it was a month ago. Is there a way to undo it or not?
@Tunaki maybe naa
I did naa
@Dexa Edit the post to improve it, then vote again
@Kyll thought of something like that, wanted to check is it allowed to edit post just to be able to vote again
Was wondering why there were so many GoDaddy questions in close queue! /fetch pitchfork
@tripleee Come on, that was as poor an edit suggestion as it gets
@Dexa Don't do that. Edit the post to improve it. Being able to revise your vote is the icing on the cake =p
it sucked but I accepted it in order to improve further
Reject + Improve further
Don't give him the satisfaction of a free 2 rep
@FrankerZ even marginal improvement is acceptable
@tripleee unless it's marginal on a 2 month old dead question.
Actually no @tripleee
Minor edits are actually discouraged when you're < 2k rep
I told someone yesterday to not edit solely to remove the tag from the title. Met him 5 times in the queue and he just removed the tag from the title, thereby bumping useless questions back to the front page
@FrankerZ fixing a typo in a keyword in the title is an improvement in my book
but point taken, thanks
When should I edit posts?

Any time you feel you can make the post better, and are inclined to do so. Editing is encouraged!

Some common reasons to edit are:

to fix grammatical or spelling mistakes
to clarify the meaning of a post without changing it
to correct minor mistakes or add addendums / updates as the post ages
to add related resources or hyperlinks
Tiny, trivial edits are discouraged - try to make the post significantly better when you edit, correcting all problems that you observe.
@Kyll Hmh not sure
@Tunaki The correct thing to do versus deprecated answers is not to edit them into shape but to downvote them and post a new, better one, no?
@Kyll IIRC thats the official opinion
no changing an answer substantially unless you are the author
I see, the original answer is just a link...
Audits for the Suggested Edits queue are funny
> is repeatedly unikalnekolorywidok
10/10 would approve
@Kyll "this name briqbdsl however when i"
seems legit 10/10 great audit
@Tunaki It got an upvote
@Tunaki Looks like someone's stacktrace dump or something
flagged as NAA
well it has 1 delete vote now
Tempted to flag as abusive though
I did that though, and commented cc @Mag
every time I see one of these super blatant NAA's I want to comment
@Tunaki Dunno, flagged as VLQ
Looks like an SQL dump or something.
But very messy.
"What you just said was so moronic and insane that it defies a description. Everyone reading this post is now dumber for having read this. I award you no points, and may the moderators have mercy on your account."
Then I remember the Be nice policy and dont post that
" begining ifs madapter notifydatasetchanged"
cmon audit, try harder
Plopz @TLM @Tush
3 Plop! - 1h ago by Tunaki -- > Wow
Tuna plopped
It wasn't me. I was possessed.
\o TLM
Prove it @Tunaki
\o @Adriaan
We really need to pin Tuna's Plop!
My life is now complete
Plop Kyll. Indeed it is
Plop TLM
some more stars on Kyll's message, to get it right under Tuna's
@PetterFriberg - No, No No.Tuna's plopping is at a different level . It is more important that a sperreal's life being complete :P
You're losing it
@PetterFriberg Unless it's pinned (please don't rene will literally find me all the way in France and murder me and burn my body and disintegrate my very soul) it can't happen
We can unpin the burniation : )
@Kyll - Its ok if he does that. Your life is complete, there is no reason for you to erm.. You know :P
what have I done
You were alive to see tuna plop. If that's not an achievement, I wonder what is :
afk <for a long time>
The Kyll cult has succeeded
Our work is complete, the infinite Plop comes
wonders how rene will react when he sees a pinned Plop by Tuna
found the answer
he's already on a plane
wonders if there's any way to jump into a black hole before rene finds him
on a hydro-ploplane
The Netherlands are launching nukes towards France
@PetterFriberg Can we? They won't like that at all I presume...
meeh, you will have a lot of place to park
We mustn't inadvertently hit Belgium though. It won't do to destroy the beer production we need to survive.
The godaddy burniation still is a bit confusing for me, how the heck are you supposed to retag questions that are salvageable? (I know we can find a close reason for everything, but it does not really seem sane)
Otherwise we'd be stuck on luke-warm canal water tasting Heineken, the horror.
:32311971 k
so why wasn't the user blacklisted for this? stackoverflow.com/a/38970476/1743880
@Tunaki he was
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, pattern-matching website in answer, blacklisted user: ActiveRecord: validates_associated does not work when updating model? by Jagat Tiwari on stackoverflow.com
How was this answer deleted?
See "blacklisted user"
ooh I ninjad Smokey?
@Kyll review
@Tunaki Uh. So my VLQ flag was declined, yet the answer was deleted by review. Okay.
Why does it just say "deleted" and not "deleted by review"? Really confusing.
@Kyll Weird. This was the item stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/13347206 if you can see it
<-- why not kill thiis as well?
@Tunaki Yeah, I can. Oh well, I don't really care as long as the appropriate action was taken
@Tushar Can't see it
@Tushar Poor Spearrel can't see that.
stackoverflow.com/q/38968076/3933332 The users who can't even tell you what error message they get...
@Tunaki Take your 50k rep and choke on it :D
@PetterFriberg was created by Braiam, it was suggested in the answer on the burnination post
I never find easy stuff to answer anymore
@Tunaki meeh the question that is in it is really bad
and when I do they sit at 0 score mostly
S 10 hours ago review low quality
2 hours ago completed Recommend Deletion × 5, Delete × 1
S 10 hours ago review late answer
10 hours ago completed Reviewed × 1
11 hours ago review first post
11 hours ago completed Reviewed × 1
it is about godaddy support, answer is "use this provider instead"
meeh I closed voted on all questions on 3 questions and 1 question, for me there is nothing that are salvageable.
asked years ago with 10 views... lets just kill that stuff to while at it : )
afk for 6-8 mins
^ sigh Knew it'd be answered in minutes
@Kyll Lobotomized
@Tunaki was just about to suggest that one
Seems to be a blog though...
@kayess I removed it from a couple of posts, and warned and they put it again.
4 times.
Oh, ok then :)
they rolled back your edit earlier today stackoverflow.com/posts/38735555/revisions
They won't be posting anything for a loooong time now
Mods, destroyer of dreams.
teh queen sees all
: ), we want more love!!!
@TheLostMind You left that account alive?
Check profile too
> Content Manager at IT Central Station
At the very least super unsavory self promotion
Flagged as spam
There's no actual content
@Magisch - There have been cases where people have learnt that adding their blog posts will not be taken lightly and stopped doing that. I tend to give them a chance (unlike the one smokie posted above)
But if it comes to that, we will remove the account (which is probably going to happen with this account)

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