@Louis Well, I could withdraw to the point, that another dupe hammer user always can reopen my close vote as well singe handedly (and such actually happens all the time in the one or other direction). But I think there are cases, where it makes sense to get broader consensus.
@Louis I just noticed that I downvoted (disagreed) with shog9's answer at that MSE post you linked at that ime.
<--- is confronted with bizarre problem Googles Finds 2-year old answer on SE that solves the problem. Gee, I didn't know that. "You can't vote for your own post"
It would seem I've been crashing SmokeDetector every time I respond to one of these because I don't have bot privileges. And they say the art of software testing is dead.
> This weirdly looks like sophisticated spam - this kind of websites are commonly seen in spam, but it still looks like a legit (albeit off-topic) question. I'm not entirely sure that a red flag is warranted and am raising this one instead.
@Kyll Raised a modflag: "Looks like a weirdly sophisticated spam or very poorly thought through off topic question. maybe the user was trying to gain SEO rating for the sites either (and didn't know that links get rel="nofollow") – Magisch 1 min ago "
@TheLostMind Oh right :( We don't do that at my workplace (since everyone knows what he's doing (and the project is wrong in every way anyways, you'd have to rewrite it fully)), except for my code ._.
@Magisch Same here ^-^ But it was the first project that my project manager ever worked on, right after finishing his master. So it's understandable...
And I got something to look at & say "This is not how I should do it"
@TheLostMind Lawl.
I'll write a chatbot that reacts to "throws @Kyll". It'll give out that exception ^.^
Quick regex question: 2 pattern possibilities (img="" src="" name=""), (img="" name=""). What do you add to the regex to signal that src can, but doesn't have to be included? :s
@JonClements Hmm... Are they alternating with the spanish people? While the french people flag, the spanish have siesta, and while the french people are on strike the spanish people are on flag duty? O_Ô