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@Louis Well, I could withdraw to the point, that another dupe hammer user always can reopen my close vote as well singe handedly (and such actually happens all the time in the one or other direction). But I think there are cases, where it makes sense to get broader consensus.
@Louis I just noticed that I downvoted (disagreed) with shog9's answer at that MSE post you linked at that ime.
@πάνταῥεῖ Ha!
@Louis Ha what? That I'm around and can't remember everything?
Seriously I think it would be a neat option to opt out using the dupe hammer going through a plain flag.
@πάνταῥεῖ I'm amused by the discovery that you've already downvoted that post.
@Louis Yeah, same for me :-) ...
yester day i fighted with my colleage
@happenask You won? Didn't you?
in /dev/chat on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Mar 28 '13 at 21:41, by Gilles
<--- is confronted with bizarre problem
Finds 2-year old answer on SE that solves the problem. Gee, I didn't know that.
"You can't vote for your own post"
@Machavity it was about URL, not paths...
!!/test cvsenvironmental.com
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
@theB <code> tags did it, thanks!
2 hours later…
@Braiam X-D Epic
It would seem I've been crashing SmokeDetector every time I respond to one of these because I don't have bot privileges. And they say the art of software testing is dead.
@RyanBemrose Perhaps you're one of those users who seem to possess a preternatural ability to cause unreproducible software crashes.
@NisseEngström Give me a little credit. I've caused some reproducible ones too.
@NisseEngström lol
stackoverflow.com/questions/38474288/… . Spammish title ? Needs some editing love I guess
@kayess I edited the title
Its still garbage, but now looks less spammy
Much better. That title was giving me a headache.
I'm inviting Pankaj Parkar here, just to use more hammers
Morning @Kyll
@SmokeDetector weird spam or a tool rec
Oh wait
> I've looked and asked in absolutely every possible location on the web
Give that one a rest, who knows what he's been through...
@Kyll No need to post 4 (!) examples.
There's a reason for the limit of links per question for new users :/ One would've been sufficient.
I'm going for a custom flag
> This weirdly looks like sophisticated spam - this kind of websites are commonly seen in spam, but it still looks like a legit (albeit off-topic) question. I'm not entirely sure that a red flag is warranted and am raising this one instead.
Plop Tuna
@Kyll Raised a modflag: "Looks like a weirdly sophisticated spam or very poorly thought through off topic question. maybe the user was trying to gain SEO rating for the sites either (and didn't know that links get rel="nofollow") – Magisch 1 min ago "
: DO NOT USE: Tag with the library you mean, [api-design], or something else appropriate instead. -> 46k questions.
Added to Watch...
doesn't sound like a good tag...
A mine field of POB questions, I'd guess.
Yep, it's on the Watch too now
@FOX9000 Actually a spam edit.
I'm sorry,my english is very pool. — gradle 5 mins ago
not sure whether the question is on-topic now
@Tunaki you speak Java, is Yam's latest on topic now?
In fact, I voted to delete it
Yup. Pretty unclear :s
Well, I can close all of java and C# as unclear :D
@Adriaan no.
Still no MCVE, still unclear.
@MadaraUchiha o/
@Adriaan Nuuuuuh >.<
@PraveenKumar \o
@Mad @Prav \o
Mornin' lads
The question has no clear question, it throws code in your face and asks "What's better?", without any additional information.
Praveen, Marara, kayess o/
@Tunaki How dare you change his name?
@kayess How dare you call him mad? throws @Kyll on @MadaraUchiha and blames @Tunaki and runs away
@Adriaan cats*
@PraveenKumar Kayess called him Mad, not Kyll :P
lol, poor Kyll gets thrown
@kayess He's throwable and ploppable, but how dare you, how dare you! :P
@PraveenKumar is he immutable?
@kayess Guess so, but how dare you, how dare you! :P
An unexpected Kyll occurred....
@Seth You're unknowingly close to the origin of that =p cc @Magisch
@Kyll :D
@TJ Went TR, POB or TB or Unclear also fit
@Kyll ô.o ....
I wonder what my boss would do if I were to create a custom exception named "Kyll" :D
@Seth I successfully implemented a kyll based coding convention in my workplace
@Seth - I wonder what he would do to the person who approved that code in the first place :P (peer review?)
Kyll isn't an exception. All of the rest is!
@Tunaki - Then why do people throw him? :P
Public Function PlopWe (Mat_Kyll_Id as Long, Mat_Kyll_Amount as Long, Mov_Kyll_Id as Long, Mov_Kyll_Amount as Long) As Long
Actual function from a part of the app I wrote
@TheLostMind Oh right :( We don't do that at my workplace (since everyone knows what he's doing (and the project is wrong in every way anyways, you'd have to rewrite it fully)), except for my code ._.
Looks like you're missing an object here
I once pushed a commit that ... went wrong >.< That's why.
@Magisch Nice!
@Kyll You'll be recorded in history
Public Function PlopWe (Mat_Kyll as Kyll_Id_Amount, Mov_Kyll as Kyll_Id_Amount) As Long and Kyll_Id_Amount has a field Id and Amount
@Tunaki Aww
Hey wait do you mean I'm the only boring one?
@Tunaki This is VB6
Not sure if your thing works in vb6, and I'm not testing it now
@Magisch No, this is Patrick!
@Magisch Hi VB6, this is Tunaki.
@Seth No, this is Kyll
Its always kyll
@Seth - oh wow
@Magisch No, this is Patrick!
to be fair most code here is "naturally grown" sphaghetti code and only barely works and is largely undocumented.
Tries to throw Kyll and gets "KyllIsNotAnException" exception :P
@Magisch Same here ^-^ But it was the first project that my project manager ever worked on, right after finishing his master. So it's understandable...
And I got something to look at & say "This is not how I should do it"
@TheLostMind Lawl.
I'll write a chatbot that reacts to "throws @Kyll". It'll give out that exception ^.^
I wonder what @Kyll thinks about being the SOCVR mascot sometimes...
@Magisch He's a spearrel. He knew his fate - and accepted it - when entering this chat room... :)
@Magisch You call it mascot.
@Kyll Well, what are you then? A member who happens to get a lot of attention?
What do we flag that as?
I flag abusive
^^- right
Ok :D
@Yam still sounds like a tool rec, but I don't know anything about the language
@Adriaan Still OSR, asking for a tutorial :)
@Yvette I'd say POB
Quick regex question: 2 pattern possibilities (img="" src="" name=""), (img="" name=""). What do you add to the regex to signal that src can, but doesn't have to be included? :s
optional group (?)
@TheLostMind Thanks! Didn't know how to put it :D
System.out.println(s1.matches("img.*? (src=.*? )?name.*")); should work (removing quotes for readability)
@TheLostMind Thanks alot :D
@TheLostMind Tony the Pony... he comes!!!
@JonClements Dafuq?
don't mind the mods... they are a bit crazy sometimes
@Tunaki Noted.
@Tunaki Well yeah - what can I say... it's a pre-requisite to nominate :p
@JonClements Oh boy o.o
I don't want to parse a full HTML-page though, just some values (names etc.) ^-^
Webscraping, webscraping, webscraping
jsoup jsoup jsoup
@Seth You didn't know it? =D
Jesus christ, people!
Let me atleast open the freaking flag dialog :(
@Kyll Never tried xD
@Seth you snooze you lose? :p
@Seth Gotta be fast when the French anti-spam squad is out
Although... if you're lucky... they're on strike half the time... :p
@JonClements Ouch :c
@JonClements Hmm... Are they alternating with the spanish people? While the french people flag, the spanish have siesta, and while the french people are on strike the spanish people are on flag duty? O_Ô
Suddenly it all makes sense.
@Tunaki Gone o.o stackoverflow.com/a/37481089/5529417 Is this NAA too?
It seems like the author wanted to give a quick update of his current status, and he wasn't able to do it via comment (not enough rep).
@Seth Feels NAA to me.
that ^
@JonClements Half? This lacks ambition!
Haha, I found a JIRA closure label as "Works for me". issues.apache.org/jira/secure/… (see the last one)
That works for me
@Tunaki JIRA is sofa king slow.
@QPaysTaxes Aw.
@MadaraUchiha Yeah it's horrible!
@JonClements - Hey, I thought "he knew he was getting into that mess"
SO doesn't elect mods unless they're certifiably insane
Just ask Undo or TLM or Jon or Madara
Yes, ask us :P
@MadaraUchiha -WHy did she do that?
And since I'm a ninja puppy... I'm not subject to that human thing called madness.... muhahahah...
what is this now? Diamond Town?
@Magisch yup... this is us in our party costumes... just replace "funky" with "diamond" :p
@JonClements I wonder, at what point do you stop being Ninja puppy and start being Ninja Dog?
Never :)
Just grow up
Says the flower....
@QPaysTaxes Eh?
Meeeeaaaooooowwwmmmmmm!!! :D
Meaowm Meaow..
@QPaysTaxes ?
and afk
@TheLostMind Hahaha :D
When does one get a comment ban? What s the criteria for it?
@AshishAhujaツ being rude all over the place? And many, many flags of users you target with comments I guess, assuming comment ban is even a thing
There is such a thing as a comment ban?
I read in a comment on meta that users get banned from posting comments in rare cases. Lemme find that post..
That would be a good MSO question then
If it's not been asked already
"Is there any penalty for having comments destroyed by red flags?"
@AshishAhujaツ Yes, that is a normal ban where the reason is the noise/rudeness in left in comments by such a user
@rene so is it a auto-ban, or a manual one?
^ I wonder too
people who post rude comments are usually "talked to" by the mods and a message sent (if necessary)
So the user is banned from everything, not only from commenting. To me "comment ban" means "you can do everything but not comment."
Oh. Then I think it's okay. At first I thought it the comment ban was auto
@Louis doesn't exist... if you abuse comments then it's unlikely you can be trusted to not abuse questions/answers/editing either...
@JonClements Yes, that's what I thought. Thanks for confirming.
Ah. Just found a meta on this. It says it's manual, not auto
I assume if you don't insult every user on main and meta with your comments you should be fine ...
If anyone has not yet read this: blog.codinghorror.com/new-programming-jargon
Old but gold :]
Plus, you might learn a few terms that are applicable to your project (in my case it's "god object").
@Kyll I got the new nav bar! O_O
Now I'm finally able to act as a full member of the watch!
Awaiting orders, sir!
Check the ministry then
Oh wow. Now there is a pokemon-go tag on arquade, which has now even fetched 700 questions!
@NathanOliver Hey!
What do we think about reopening this? It was a tool request but now look like an actual question.
I'm still leaning towards keeping it closed
Woop woop, it works.
@NathanOliver still too broad I would say
OK. I was leaning that way. I don't think we really need to change the close reason.
What'd you guys flag this as? (If you'd flag it at all) stackoverflow.com/questions/38480512/…
@Seth I voted to close that as too broad
An exhaustive listing of all the differences between the two function would probably be too long for this
@Seth Super User?
It's RTFM actually -.-
Imho atleast.
It's basically asking "what does systemd do?" / "what does systemd do in this example?", and that's perfectly well explained on multiple wiki-pages.
"I don't suppose there is any such direct question on the web." One shouldn't suppose, one should double-check :c
@MadaraUchiha Talk about mommy issues ;)
but I did a wink
I saw you there Petter o/
Queen is down. Not on my computer to launch her :(
You'll hear elevator music until our normal program returns
Great, I generally like elevator music :).
smooth jazz playing
y u spam me cv-pls
@Kyll they are watching you
Hey @Kyll
Plop @Mag
I see that Yvette lost a bet with you :p Are the spearrels taking over?
@Magisch What makes you think we haven't yet?
gunr o/
Hiya gunr
Plop gunr
Also yes, she lost a bet =D
(chrome slow to load)
@Kyll Many things. The flower and the fish still reign, for one.
Haha that's funny, I was about to post one too. Feels refreshing.
@NathanOliver :o print and frame that
What's with OPs being nice and comprehensive and helpful these days
@Kyll Must be summer heat turning their brains to mush
IDK. Armageddon must be coming.
Can I haz a screenshot of this?
Plop JAL
@Kyll Depends, how much do you offer?
@Tunaki The day I'm near your city, waffles. Deal?
@Kyll no... get yourself some more rep :p
@Kyll I'd do anything for waffles i.sstatic.net/jUd4u.png
@JonClements Bribing works very well, as you see.
Thanks :D
@Seth © gunr2171 2016
yo jal
Hiya JAL
@gunr2171 Sorry :P
@gunr2171 I think I'll frame that, and look at it every day :3 As motivation.
If you want some harassing you'd need durron...
^ true
@Kyll Who's that?
He got me to 2k, back in the day
and old regular and room owner here. He hasn't been around for a while because he switched jobs to amazon.
By repeatedly mocking my rep and insisting that I should answer some posts =p
must gain ranks in Durron to motivate Kyll.
@Kyll through harassment? An interesting motivational technique that one :)
"Okay FINE, I'll get 10k"
@JonClements what do you think Drill Sergeants do?
"Just stop calling in the middle of the night"
@JonClements Haha, in a couple situations it's actually great
@gunr2171 look after drills?
@Kyll Man, don't you have 5k rep yet? Slacker...
@Kyll Don't worry, he did the same thing to me. Said I should get 3k+ before doing anything in this room
He should see me now!
@JAL Bah... you're not even at 20k... pfft :p
@JAL I know right! Then he'd be "Bloody hell Kyll if you don't get a thousand rep this month I'm kicking you out". Ahh, good days.
Yeah. Bunch of noobs you are.
@gunr2171 I love the gunny from FMJ
have not seen it :(
@JonClements soon™
@gunr2171 you haven't seen Full Metal Jacket?!
@JAL ahhh... so in 6-8 then? :p
Dat culture hole, gunr
mroning Plop ryan
I've seen Full Metal Alchemist and Full Metal Panic, if that's close enough
Yeah. Worse than not having 10k :p
man, do spearrels have perfect memory?
Jun 23 '15 at 19:48, by durron597
@JAL Might I make a suggestion? You should work to get your 3k rep by FGITW some crappy duplicates before getting so active in this room
Whore up, man
@gunr2171 Nope. You missed your life =/.
ha. He didn't say ffk
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
ryanyuyu passed an audit!
@queen on the fence. will leave it
@Tunaki I'm leaving this room, I'll be back if rebooted
It all started when smokey blamed yam. Dissent within the bot camp.
way to get another bot angry with you tunaki
Is that an italicized emoticon?
looks that way
anyone see a way we could put this out of its misery?
bold and italicized, take that!
Total RTFM/Google fail
@NathanOliver a dupe -----v?
first result on google
Thanks. Didn't pop up for me.
not waisting a cv, figured you could hammer
@JAL Urk. dies of formatting-related aneurysm
@EricD hey, do we have a good dupe for questions like this which ask "how to unwrap an optional?"
C/C++ folks, what is other_t and undef_t? Is that valid in C? Is that something in Boost? (reference: stackoverflow.com/q/38477854/2415822)
@JAL It looks like other_t and undef_t are custom types from the library.
Plop again!
@NathanOliver oh didn't see that user was looking at the Tor source code
Hey! Another title that perfectly fits the category "Titles that should be forbidden" meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/328269/… -.-
And yes it could be valid in C. depends on the how it was declared.
No problem
@rene I see you on meta going for that reversal
Yes, really important for me
I basically disagreed with the dupe @Louis offered so decided to write an answer instead of arguing over and finding a better dupe.
@rene Your dutch sarcasm is not very apparent :p
@Magisch His sarcasm is out of focus?
@Machavity blurred, even
Just assume sarcasm, and you're good to go.
Yeah, I don't want to explain that over and over

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