@PhMgBr Click on New Question for New People. It shows in a big green box. You can only make a horse to go to the lake, you cannot make it drink. Likewise, people are either blind or they don't care.
I agree to a point but I have experienced numerous times when If I edit the post to show the OP how to format it they will respect that formatting and continue on with it. I guess it depends on if you are working with a responsive OP or not.
@PraveenKumar So you're just saying that you're tired of trying to help because people don't help themselves on the other side. You're right, and wrong. That's not a reason to stop people that help from helping, but I get you.
@gunr2171 Yeah noticed that... I think it's something to do with I used delete from a suggested edit on the answer, and Chris deleted it from the answer itself... still looks really odd though!
@rene Sorry, I'm not very familiar with Selenium. Is your IEDriverServer.exe in the same path as your bindings assembly? IIRC they're supposed to be in the same place
i get so so so tired of askers insisting their question is not a duplicate because they dont understand that even though it doesnt appear to be identical on the surface, the problem is the same
@Kyll You probably just had like 997 views on your question and you posted the link here to get the last views up to 1k. (Also if I'm just thinking about it: Why do you get the badge at 1k view and not 1024? SO is a programming site.)