@BhargavRao not surprising. I bet the logic went: "well we check for a valid title on an edit so if all it is is a roll back then we are going back to a title we already checked so no reason to recheck."
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version bcc6adcc on master, running for 1 day, 2 hours, 2 minutes, and 38 seconds (tracking latency 3262ms).
Fellow NATOers, you might be interested in this Awesomeâ„¢ userscript that adds a "report" link below each answers. github.com/Tunaki/stackoverflow-userscripts/blob/master/…. After confirmation, it sends a !!/report chat message here.
fat chance. Firefox made me spend 2 hours to try and get my aunts FB games to play and it still wasn't working. I Installed chrome and they worked perfectly.
Spam? Short, link-only, to the same site, in the last 20 minutes. 1, 2, 3, 4. Not clear if there's a hidden affiliation, and the questions are (mostly closeably) asking for reqs.
Q-A is not really appreciated on SO, I wonder why, I would only allow Q-A, but then maybe its just me doing them incorrectly. What experience do you have?
@Tunaki sure, but the question was broad to answer all problems. I was a bit afraid that it was seen like a want rep so I ask a question and I answer it, but np, I will be more careful with question next time.
@PetterFriberg Sometimes it is hard to separate them out. When you do a self answer make sure you write the question in a way in which someone else would be able to answer. You don't want to Q to segway right into the answer as that can be interpreted that you only care about your answer.
@JAL You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 1 was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 6 minutes and 3 seconds, averaging to a review every 9 seconds.
I'm a bit confused, because the question says Doesn't not have to be a hash map and most of the answers recommend using plain objects, but it's tagged with hashmap and one of the answers talks about hashmaps.
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 42 seconds.
Next post by Troy Hunt: "Don't voluntarily expose your credentials to strangers on the internet -- How I compiled the world's largest spam address list"