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@PM2Ring The discussion has been deleted. I guess you want to delete your comment now, as it's been rendered obsolete.
Thank you for your help, by the way. :)
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Now that's interesting.
Post 1 Post 2: Exactly same title.
Maybe the dupe title check came afterwards.
Wut? I could rollback!
After my CV reviews, I'll hack into SEDE.
@BhargavRao not surprising. I bet the logic went: "well we check for a valid title on an edit so if all it is is a roll back then we are going back to a title we already checked so no reason to recheck."
oh that was spam
maybe they redeem themselves
@Tunaki User removed from blacklist (4973870 on stackoverflow.com).
I may have failed somewhat heavily
Tunaki passed a audit!
@Magisch Failed what?
Bye All, Have some work
I violated rule #1 of the workplace
And got into a big and nasty argument with one of the company owners about politics
Which is? Don't talk about politics / religion? Okay that ^
Yeah you never want to talks politics at work.
"one of the company owners"?
I snapped at the latest underhanded comment about how most refugees are ISIS supporters taking a vacation on our dime
Yeah the company has 3 owners
Is it normal that self deletes can become audits ? Or does it also require a spam / offensive flag ? I've seen a few self deleted audits now.
@JonasCz IIRC deleted under a certain score does qualify
@JonasCz I believe they had to have flags on them that were validated when the post was deleted. or just be bad enough(- enough)
@Magisch What?
Gets in a fight
@PhMgBr Thats how I reacted
Thankfully he can't fire me, but I shouldn't have done that
Not wise to completly verbally rekt the owner of a company as apprentice
I disagree.
Starts the fight
kicks users for fighting
Tunaki passed an audit!
@Closey Oh, so audits are fights?
waiting for Closey to congratulate me
She wont congratulate you for doing what you were supposed to do ;)
B.. B... But... I've done my reviews :(
And for that you get the satisfaction of doing something meaningful. If you really wan to impress here you need to empty the queue
Tuna is still courting closey
jeez when is the wedding already?
I'm still waiting for Sam and gunr's permission.
My guess is sometime between when skynet becomes self aware and the bombs drop.
Skynet is late.
It should have awoke already. Really, those bots are slacking.
It is actually SO's fault. Jon Skeet was meant to finish skynet years ago but SO came out and he decide he would have sympathy and run it.
@Tunaki Yeah, I still can't update the bot.
But I think gunr did it a couple of days ago.
@Magisch maybe it already happened?
@Sam In which timeline?
@Tunaki An alternate one ruled by insanity?
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version bcc6adcc on master, running for 1 day, 2 hours, 2 minutes, and 38 seconds (tracking latency 3262ms).
So I just read that Sarah Palin thinks Bill Nye know as much science as her.
@Sam I did update the bot, but there is no fix for the 60->40
you didn't push it
It might help if I actually push.
Push Sam, push!
It's... it's... it's a baby commit!
i'm trying to get that work more
Oh, nice!
it just compile tests though
@Closey stop bot
@gunr2171 I'm shutting down...
Goodbye! (nagato v2 docker)
Hello everyone! (nagato v2 docker)
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 2c838162 on master, running for 19 seconds (tracking latency 1000ms).
ok, done
1 second of slack? 1000 ms of slacking? Omg.
It's usually around 6 secs.
Fellow NATOers, you might be interested in this Awesomeâ„¢ userscript that adds a "report" link below each answers. github.com/Tunaki/stackoverflow-userscripts/blob/master/…. After confirmation, it sends a !!/report chat message here.
Fully functional in and outside NATO.
Is the 1 second lag is to avoid api constraints?
@Tunaki Weirdest RO announcement ever.
I sometimes want to TM everything.
Even this chat.
@NathanOliver The tracking latency is just a measurement of how long it takes the bot to notice you've completed a review.
Side-note: tested in Firefox only so Chrome users are expected to migrate to Firefox :D
fat chance. Firefox made me spend 2 hours to try and get my aunts FB games to play and it still wasn't working. I Installed chrome and they worked perfectly.
Because yeah Firefox will block Flash if it's not the latest version.
@Tunaki I just gave up. Everything and its cusion was fully updated and it still would not play.
Spam? Short, link-only, to the same site, in the last 20 minutes. 1, 2, 3, 4. Not clear if there's a hidden affiliation, and the questions are (mostly closeably) asking for reqs.
@PaulRoub I can leave my you don't want to be a spammer comment.
@NathanOliver Yes. That.
Almost the wafflend.
Well Will was wrong. I left him a comment on the OP's SO Q
I left an answer on meta and it all looks okay now.
Yup kudos
@NathanOliver great job on defusing the situation.
Thanks. I just had a felling something was amiss and the OP was having a really hard time communicating.
Gaargh @Tuna!
Never try to Ninja the master.
More waffles
It's a good thing we have an RO from Canada. He can keep us supplied with enough syrup for all these waffles.
@ryanyuyu Don't forget to tell them to post as text.
Oh was it an image of an error log?
I didn't look.
Why have those three things not gone yet?
What things?
smokey reports?
@Tunaki How far back do you scan?
Just curious.
What tricked your curiosity? :p
If it's the red floor, I agree it is kind of intriguing.
But then again, we do have all-green tapestry here.
@Tunaki 1, curious about something I'm testing; 2, just wondering since I usually only go 15k. Sometimes I hit 200k just to clear out the transcript.
@NathanOliver Saw that. Nice result.
Good evening!
Good evening!
Good evening!
@PraveenKumar do you know what encoding the Gujarati-Indian Language has?
@PetterFriberg Should be Unicode / UTF-8.
@PraveenKumar Identity-H?
@PetterFriberg What does that mean?
Horizontal writing or vertical?
^ I'd say "too broad" over "resource", but that's just me
I think we made clear SO is not on that list ...
oh durp, nevermind
I read the question as "the best way", not "the best website"
@gunr2171 too broad for the title, resource for the question body ;)
yeah, my bad
quick, reopen it so I can vote correctly
sure, on it .....
don't even think about it
Ops. I clicked "delete" which is just next to "reopen".
U evil. no?
Ruby is red, Python is blue, Haskell can only, call function foo.
well, another good one to add to the list
Q-A is not really appreciated on SO, I wonder why, I would only allow Q-A, but then maybe its just me doing them incorrectly. What experience do you have?
I didn't parse that Petter.
n or k?
Smells like spam
don't know what to do with that one
This smells a lot like spam
but let's blame the question
hmm, I think its an response after first answer...
And now it is spam
Yep, spam
That's spam yeah
Oh wait different link
always same user...
Yeah but look at the link
Yeah. JUst did. both spam
Thanks @rene
What I meant with Q-A is that you make a question and you answer it yourself, do you have positive or negative feed back on these?
@PetterFriberg As long as it is a good self answered Q you should not have a problem. Some of the best Q's on the site are self answered.
ok, its just me doing them incorrectly : ), next question, how can I render unicode \u0ab9 when posting a question?
did you do a selfy?
@Tunaki sure, but the question was broad to answer all problems. I was a bit afraid that it was seen like a want rep so I ask a question and I answer it, but np, I will be more careful with question next time.
@PetterFriberg Sometimes it is hard to separate them out. When you do a self answer make sure you write the question in a way in which someone else would be able to answer. You don't want to Q to segway right into the answer as that can be interpreted that you only care about your answer.
stackoverflow.com/questions/36654091/… What should this be flagged as? Request for offsite resource? POB?
@KirkBeard Custom "only Heroku can tall you this. You should try and contact them"
@NathanOliver Ok thanks.
@NathanOliver ok, thanks
Wasn't sure if it would fit one of the pre-defined flags
Anyone here know Delphi?
and then came the silence
yeah, about what I expected :P
crickets chirping
Well let's try this: should stackoverflow.com/q/36602332/1849664 still be closed?
It looks like a decent question post-edits, but the reopen queue thinks not
@JAL np
@rene not sure who would downvote, it's a great answer
@Undo I think it can live, I spend a re-open vote on it
@JAL people hate me
@rene That's how I know it's Friday
@Undo I tihnk there's a lot of fluff but it looks decent. Reopen.
Great, thanks guys :)
> This question is already open - please refresh the page
I think your query is broken @rene
@Tunaki yes
When I tested with my user id, I have 2 same rows.
More is better
That means you have had two bounties on that answer
Nope, just one.
bounty started twice, only one time awarded
fixed my answer, somewhat...
Ah yes indeed. I remember now.
The initial bounty was 50 and then it went to 100.
rene just said I was awesome. My life is complete.
wait until you get your jacket in the mail
@Closey start event
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
9693 need review
1363 reviews today
3247681 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
bargh 9k. It's back to huge numbers :(
@JAL I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
JAL passed a audit!
@NathanOliver I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
rene passed an audit!
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
@JAL You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 1 was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 6 minutes and 3 seconds, averaging to a review every 9 seconds.
NathanOliver passed a audit!
And I am out of votes. time to go anyways. Later all
the Nullpointer
Oh? You have a link?
see the meta, to understand... the one that is Nullpointer
Oh yeah
If I need to I can defend that vote.
Question is a big mess.
Just wanted to notify you : )
I have no idea about this scratch language...
A Too Broad Mjolnir would be great...
I left a comment... Thanks @Petter
@WaiHaLee I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
No more votes. Cya!
looks like it
I'm a bit confused, because the question says Doesn't not have to be a hash map and most of the answers recommend using plain objects, but it's tagged with and one of the answers talks about hashmaps.
@Closey next 10 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@rene The next 10 tags are: 32, 31, 27, 27, 24, 24, 24, 24, 23, 23
in SOCVR Room Meetings, Apr 4 at 19:43, by Undo
@gunr2171 go get yourselves diamonds.
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds, averaging to a review every 1 minute and 42 seconds.
@Rob No more fancy close vote tracker? :(
@Undo I think it was straining the servers so Shog gave a hint
starts here
Found it, thanks
Not so sure about putting my email address in there
@Kyll that's not good.
@Tunaki the guy who hosts it write a bunch of pluralsight videos and is a Microsoft MVP. His blog suggests he's legit.
@Tunaki I think it's fairly safe actually, it's by troyhunt.com
I've read his security blog and it has some pretty good advice. He often deconstructs various newsworthy security fails.
> Good news — no pwnage found!
that's good
@ryanyuyu Yeah. Email addresses, passwords, usernames
Good freaking thing I use a password manager and randomized stupid-entropy passwords
@Kyll yeah. That's probably saved you a ton of grief.
Next post by Troy Hunt: "Don't voluntarily expose your credentials to strangers on the internet -- How I compiled the world's largest spam address list"
^ that
@AndrasDeak Well, I'm pwnd so he already had my email address in the leaked data
@AndrasDeak like that one xkcd comic.
@Kyll yeah, I'm not talking about the kinds of you:P
@ryanyuyu "that one"?
Oh, that one;)
I know there's one. Too lazy to Google and refresh my memory.
I was bluffing, I've got nothing
but it probably involves Black Hat
@AndrasDeak Hey, my only fault here was to have an account on three reputable websites =p
I called your bluff, nice.
@Kyll What were the ones that are not Ashley Madison?
@Kyll previously reputable
@AndrasDeak I actually don't know what Ashley Madison is
@ryanyuyu Heh, yep =p
Well Patreon is still great
I think some "cheat on your spouse" dating website
Uh, k
Pretty messed up those sites.
@ryanyuyu thank you
oh that's a good one:D
@Kyll I like your poem btw.
@ryanyuyu Thanks
I don't.
@Tuna I know, and it makes it so much better.
@AndrasDeak Gyaranaki!
I disagree.
@Kyll I didn't quite catch that, sorry
Plop @HongboMiao, nice to see you there =D
@AndrasDeak You need to play more Pokémon en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyarados
@Kyll I don't think I do, but thanks for the explanation
Ok, I'm out, have fun all
night @rene \o
oh we will. bye
spreads gasoline all over the place bonne nuit rene!
definitely not reaching for a lighter
runs for the matches but slips on gasoline
bonne nuit rene -> burn ene on nite
ene might be short for gasoline
@AndrasDeak I read that as "Burn rene all night"
No comments
@AndrasDeak or propene
@ryanyuyu I was going to respond with a witty huge-cyclic-hydrocarbon name, but turns out chemistry was long ago and in Hungarian
still lying on the floor, crawling to get the matches
@Tunaki worker's comp case in the making?
If it ignites, and tuna is in the water, then we'll have smoke on the water. Maybe even fire in the sky.
still searching for that flame-thrower
@AndrasDeak will the flames burn deep purple?
Only if we mix some lithium in it.
but it's worth it, it's pretty
definitely searching for lithium
FINALLY received that damn Documentation Beta invite!
@KevinGuan morning
Plop Kevin

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