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@Kyll But then I don't get to make any "Code is Kyll" jokes during the meeting :/
@Magisch We have list of topics, that's the only thing we're going to try to stick too. Everyone is free to talk, and it's not an RO vs Member situation.
But don't start off-topic discussions during the meeting
Hmm, 60 minutes of room meeting. It'll be like test cricket
The RO's role is to keep the conversation flow normalized
I guess I better review now, So that I can go and buy popcorn for the meeting later
I'll review when I get home
@BhargavRao I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Plop @Kevin
This is a first for me, 4 out of the first 5 are "leave open"
@Kyll Will this eascpe that o?
@KevinGuan Nah, that o feels fine there and does not want to escape
@Kyll But what's the feeling of that `\`?
@KevinGuan He's okay, on the shoulder of her friend P
blame the markdown
@KevinGuan `\`
Anyone knows how to code a single \?
@gunr2171 Is it too late to introduce kyll based coding standards as topic?
@Kyll '\\' in C++
@Kyll He's okay, on the shoulder of her friend - Should I re-learn English?
or not
@KevinGuan I just like ambiguity
@Magisch yes....
@gunr2171 sad day
@KevinGuan There could be three people :)
I started using kyll as variable and function name qualifier for giggles in our company code
@Kyll Fine
@Rob HTML tag doesn't work in chat.
@Rob Or three bots :)
and my supervisor didn't get the practical joke but instead made the thing our official coding standard now
Yep, apparently :(
so all new code is now kyll-ified and not doing it will make it not pass code review
@KevinGuan It's Eric D's fault.
Its an elaborate practical joke that got way out of hand
Not fair, Smokey. :p
Hello and welcome to SO! Sorry, but this is not an "answer my homework questions" kind of site. You have to put some effort into solving your own problems, — FreeNickname 52 mins ago
are you kidding me ? please help me ? — kirito2015 50 mins ago
@Martin James Sorry, but your guess is absolutely incorrect (YOU WILL BE AMAZED). It's not a HOMEWORK. I am the winner of NHSPC (the national programming contest in Bangladesh) and I am preparing for the finals. Therefore, I am learning many new things that would help to enhance my programming skills. — Soha Farhin Pine 19 hours ago
Browsing @MartinJames 's list of SO abusers makes me cry
especially since all of those are in the tag I frequent
Damn, people vtc as unclear just because they don't understand
@Magisch Oh hey, you're not upside-down now?
@KevinGuan Madara fixed it :)
> Warning: Magisch has been Madara'd.
Blame Markdown again
@Magisch Today's top C LOL: SO contributor comment: 'You have to put some effort into solving your own problems'... OP: 'are you kidding me ?'
@MartinJames I find the guy claiming he won a contest and that asking about how malloc works isn't homework funnier
@Magisch Hehe!
@Magisch It was a chutzpah contest.
I want to win a programming contest
Then I too can unlock the power of feeling superior to people far more experienced then me and berate them through the internet!
@MartinJames something tells me a mod will scorn you for that list at some point martin
@Magisch Then I'll stop.
..until the next 'hostile, unhelpful, nazi mods' post.
These are made like every other day
so it wont be long
@Magisch Yeah, I know. It's getting tiring, asking for evidence, getting back 'do not need any evidence, everyone knows it happens', and posting dozens of links to abusers.
@Magisch: I propose a contest.
Goal: Write some code that makes a account named "Magisch" say something in this chat.
@MartinJames "Look how many people are complaining. That should be evidence enough!"
@Magisch Yeah, lol.
I had one guy link me a reddit thread as an argument as to why im obligated to upvote and answer his question instead of voting to close.
@BhargavRao You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 42 minutes and 43 seconds, averaging to a review every 42 seconds.
more specifically, a single comment in a reddit threat claiming SO is made up of "trolls" nowadays.
@Magisch yep, was gonna guess it was a thread about "Stack Overflow people are mean and don't know anything"
and that his comment was prefaced: "prove me wrong"
@TylerH I commented something along the lines of "Thats not how you ask here, please post some code"
And the comment was something like "NO! You're doing it wrong, stop trolling and read here: <reddit comment link>. Upvote if you agree!"
ironically the threads on reddit where people ask questions are filled with replies that link to stack overflow posts
@Magisch One problem is the ''be nice' policy, so we can't tell such posters what to do.
lol reddit calling 'trolls' on, like, anywhere:)
Oh I can. I can tell people to shove it in sickeningly diplomatic language
@Ferrybig I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Trolling is still context-sensitive, it doesn't need to be a guaranteed bad thing
that's just awesome trolling
I find it sort of sad that it has become the norm to dismiss criticism of your opinion as "trolling" on the internet. Its happening on almost every discussion place now >_>
Also I find it rich to have people on halfchan or reddit dismiss you as a troll
Its the Counterstrike principle. If you lose, the other person is a cheater.
This question is heavily upvoted, yet it seems quite off topic to me
then vote to close, simple :P
Can't it just be a common problem lots of people run into? I also make it a habit to upvote both question + answer that helped me solve something.
self vandalism
I rollbacked and was going to leave a comment... but deleting the question also works, ok. :p
@EricD rolled back* ;-)
stackoverflow.com/questions/36404680/… for this question, does tag should be changed? or is it even a typo?
@TylerH rollbacked*
rollback is a single word here
wiki is wrong
EngSE is wrong
you're all wrong
and you're boxing
that article was made by a robot
and not cited
how can you accept it :-D
I don't accept box.
@TylerH I don't do gymnastics ;)
It's rolled back
Anyone arguing for rollbacked clearly hasn't opened the English.SE link :-)
It's apparently an anagram for rolled back, so.. close enough :)
brb reconfiguring my brain to speak only in anagrams
In any case, rollback is not a verb, so you can't add 'ed'. You need to go back to the phrasal verb (roll back) and convert it to rolled back
Fine, It's neither. It's just rick rolled
no, it's rickrolled
I deny everything. It wasn't me.
Yeah Yeah, we've got enough proof
Truth be told, I learned it from here meta.stackoverflow.com/revisions/319414/3
The war is still on though
BTW, New project takes priority. NATO strikes have reduced from this side of the world.
I can see that. I feel alone now :s
I have 3 flags left.
I have some 90 flags left, but can't devote much time there.
That was mod'ed
I have 3 to 4PM blocked off for today so hopefully I can devote some attention to the meeting
who knows if that'll be the case, though...
I just read an article that says copyright enforcement firm rightscorp
I'll be at home with a huge coffee and a baguette
I'll have a bigger coffee than yours.
wants to work with ISPs to implement blocking users' complete internet traffic on network level until invoices to the company are paid
basicly saying "Until you pay our ridiculous copyright settlement demands you get no internet"
@Tunaki it's not the size of the coffee that matters; it's the motion of the spoon...
And the brewing quality, obviously
@TylerH there is no spoon...
@JonClements we just went really meta there
also I typed wen't at first...
"“Single notices can be read and bypassed similar to the way a software license agreement works [but] once the internet account receives a certain number of notices over a certain time period, the screen cannot be bypassed until the settlement payment is received.”"
I got so used to matching my chatroom/IRC language to ESL/international users that, to this day, I still add things like apostrophes to non-contracted -nt words
It's a struggle
@TylerH When I was living in a non-English speaking country, I kept finding myself using common broken-English phrases.. took me forever to shake it
Is anyone else noticing SO being really slow atm?
Stop downloading that movie...
*those kinds of
@Mogsdad nope, its a you-problem ;)
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW What is the close reason for this question? "|" does not compute! As I read it, it's a borderline tutorial request, and asks multiple questions (all related). It's not a great question, and could end up attracting more link-only answers, but I don't see any clear reason to close.
@Gimby I wish that was the first time I heard that. 8'(
@BhargavRao Oh, bee-hayve!
@Mogsdad I voted for "too broad". Slipping in two related questions at once, maybe. But three is pushing it.
nice comment @Tunaki
Must be a british phrase
must resist Canada joke
@Mogsdad l == short cut for library and tool request and it didn't expand to show that.
@NathanOliver If it makes you feel better, here's the US: 411.com/name/dick-cheese
Plop MsYvette =D
Hiya @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW \o
@Mogsdad :)
> If anyone has any answers or a good tutorial to follow, please let me know.
@SmokeDetector It is still alive
That is a request for a lirbary or tool or whatever. Doesn't get clearer than that
It's gone to -8 still!
Any Java dupe for this?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW They are not primarily asking for a tutorial, and they did actually get an answer that gives guidance on how to use the info they already had.
@Kyll probably, let me look
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW If "or a good tutorial to follow" was edited out, there would still be a question.
@Kyll found one
@Kyll There are some things that you just shoud not need a dupe for. NPE and ctor runaway are in that list:(
@MartinJames What about a canonical?
@Kyll I know it has to be there, but it's so depressing to have a canonical for 'OK, so I jumped off a tall building, but why am I in hospital with all these broken bones?
@MartinJames That'd probably fit better on LifeHacks tho.
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Yes hunny
@Mogsdad it's too broad, they're asking multiple questions and the option of a tutorial. I personally would not touch it with a barge poll and attempt to answer it, it's the bottomless pit of Calcutta, a sink hole, quick sand, the depths of the ocean, a mining drill site off the South Seas.
and people say I exaggerate .
On that note of hyperbole. Good night
Night @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW. Don't fall down the abyss!
@Mogsdad in all honesty it's too broad at the least. I'm out of votes and will vote on it tomorrow.
Night @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW
@Tunaki yeh I though that was quite good.. bit Monte Pythonish
@BhargavRao night!
I'm with MsYv on this one
we see the doctor's tomorrow for a review of my son's condition. fingers crossed
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Calcutta's renamed though :|
Bonne nuit =D
Hi @Drew \o
@Drew hi
Beaux rêves :p
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Will be thinking good thoughts for you!
@BhargavRao oh?
prayers for your son @MsYv
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW May god be with him :-)
@Drew Yes! Please! Lots of prayers, our little family needs a miracle.. :/
@BhargavRao thank you
ok night all..
Tunaki passed a audit!
Ciao \o
Tomorrow the curve will be the other side ... :') <- tears of Joy & Happiness
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW keeping my fingers crossed as well....
take care, @MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW!
Building a grammar for a compiler - so much too broad, such wow.
he deserves a badge for that
After bronze badges, poo badges
@Closey next 3 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@Tunaki The next 3 tags are: 27, 25, 24
Bah, nothing to review
@Closey next 6 tags
@Tunaki The next 6 tags are: 27, 25, 24, 24, 23, 23
Woof. I repeat an earlier derp question: are those tags to burninate?
@Closey last 3 tags
questions. More derp.
Nope, they're from rene's script, afaik
Barh! Still nothing to review
@Closey next 9 tags
@Tunaki The next 9 tags are: 27, 25, 24, 24, 23, 23, 22, 21, 21
@Tunaki If you do not filter for anything you often get the last cv... hence you manage to move stuff out of que... with filters I see often just one or two cv...
@PetterFriberg I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Okay, free-lancing now.
Tunaki passed a audit!
Huh @PraveenKumar?
@Tunaki Sorry my bad.
Thanks love v
@Tunaki You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 7 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 26 minutes and 3 seconds, averaging to a review every 26 seconds.
the java cv4 is pretty much represented in the refreshed batches in the hive
I guess it would trigger mod flag.
except for maybe the dh Tuna just did
I hammered at least 30 right now.
@Mogsdad I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
I see Laflex was in the cvrq about 4 hours ago. Is he being tracked by closey?
@Drew You can always ask closey.
Don't want to flood the screen
Remember to prepend with "Please love, can you tell me [...]"
@Tunaki LoL Wut?
You have to be nice to her.
Asked, closed and deleted in less than 2 minutes.
that was a funny PHP quote
A PHP quote is always funny.
@Drew Have 20 cvs left today. :-)
alright. And it is 940pm
@Drew yeah, 6 hrs left b4 sleep
afk Going out for food
Petter Friberg passed a audit!
Not going near this code:

teapotPacket[2] = fifoBuffer[0];
teapotPacket[3] = fifoBuffer[1];
teapotPacket[4] = fifoBuffer[4];
teapotPacket[5] = fifoBuffer[5];
teapotPacket[6] = fifoBuffer[8];
teapotPacket[7] = fifoBuffer[9];
teapotPacket[8] = fifoBuffer[12];
teapotPacket[9] = fifoBuffer[13];
Serial.write(teapotPacket, 14);
@MartinJames All of that to generate a 418?
@Kyll Yeah:)
When is this meeting thing?
2.5 hours (from now)
oh, that's almost perfect.
3PM to 4PM eastern
I might be a few minutes late, but I plan to at least lurk.
I'll be sure to have an observer to spot any lurkers
@Undo We have these thing called a schedule that keeps track of that kind of information ;)
so my zealots don't get slaughtered :-)
@NathanOliver too easy :P
I'll be gone. Ah, well. :P
I do see an easy question here, though:
@NathanOliver yeah, yeah :-P but it does send out a notification 3 hours early...
"What can / should we do to make our votes more effective?" go run in the next election. 500% more vote effectiveness
wish it were more like 30 minutes or 15 minutes
New feature request: implement iCal support for Chat :-D
watch that get shot down to oblivion....
@TylerH it's there already
not by me
"export all events in this room" gives you a .ics
@Undo I mean full support
oh, like syncing and stuff?
setting appointments, meetings with users, getting reminders, etc.
@Undo metasmoke seems to be down, and has been for a few hours - or is it just me ?
@JonasCz refresh your DNS
oh, wait
clear your browser cache.
Your browser is caching an http -> https redirect, SSL is temporarily disabled.
Oh, ok thanks. It works now
CSS wizards, how can I specify more than one attribute (probably wrong word) on a selector, so as for example to modify input[type=text] to not only affect text input areas but also password ones?
@Kyll [text]. [password] { styles here }
aka you have to use multiple selectors
since you select by attr typically so you can specify certain attr values
not the worst situation, though :-P
i.imgur.com/Q3cUg29.gif <-- Working with CSS
yep, basically
Back, hopefully in time for the meeting. Got lot's of popcorn.
you got 2 more hours
Had brought just one packet yesterday for the R Room meeting. Need atleast 20 today :P
oh, I should probably make a pin about the other room
@BhargavRao You won't need much, we come fully prepared ....
Today's room meeting will be held in the meeting room, not here. I'll make it non-gallery an hour before the meeting starts.
Is one-boxing in the meeting room allowed?
If it's on-topic, why not?
only if appropriate (it relates to the discussion)
@TylerH Well, in my case it wasn't too hard: textarea, input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email] { background-color: white; }
heads off to search for appropriate images
says the RO who announced the rule in the first place
@Kyll alternatively you could give such user-enterable form areas a classname and just apply the style to that classname
The issues with having a dark OS and thus Firefox theme is that when styles overwrite the default text colour to dark grey or whatever they generally don't care about the background colour of forms, so I have unreadable dark text on a dark background
@TylerH It was for my ProtonMail
like .formFields { background: white; } would work
ohk you can't edit the markup?
@TylerH Yeah, I'm highly disappointed by the response but I'll make that an topic for the next meeting...
Nope =/
@Kyll JavaScript :-D
@TylerH I'm not willing to go such lengths for that fix xD
Now to do a PR on their repo, except it's SASS and I have no clue how to code that
@Kyll sassmeister
or codepen
paste the sass in and click view compiled
Good idea
though they probably will accept pure CSS
though for a selector that simple I'm sure the sass website covers it as an example somewhere
Or I could open an issue there describing what happened and asking how/where I should put my fix
@hichris123 That last activity was 2 years ago. with our limited amount of close votes we try to any close new question or question that get new attention.
@hichris123 Please don't vote / [cv-pls] on old inactive off-topic posts unless- aaand ninja'ed
@Kyll I know. But the number of questions tagged guidelines in decreasing each day.
@Kyll @NathanOliver It just had an answer.
I'm not sure why. I thought it was the roomba but it's very weird. So either users out there are voting to delete or...?
Although somehow... it was ninja-deleted.
@hichris123 Uh, okay then
@hichris123 An answer was deleted 2 minutes ago. no answers has been added for 2 years
I guess that counts as generated activity
@NathanOliver Huh. Must've been flagged then - it was thrown into the LQP queue. stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/11889096
@hichris123 Yep
A mod deleted the answer.
I'll ask. Is there anyone in here that's voting to delete questions?
I must admit it... I am.
I'm not
I'm not
We lose questions every day. And they don't seem to be roombad.
@Kyll That is pretty neat. How did you manage to do that ;)
@NathanOliver Psychic Spearrel abilities
Okay. If I'm not mistaken, we have 2 guidelines questions that are still roombable. There are 275 questions. If by sometime this week there is less than 273 questions, something is going terribly wrong.
@Tunaki We have a guidelines killer among us?
Idk. I noticed that the number of questions with that tag decreased every day. So I'd like to make sure this is really the roomba at play.
@Tunaki Speaking of... I do have to question some of the closures in that tag. e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/30708882/… - how is that primarily opinion based?
It's asking why the margin is 19 and answers can only guess at why it could be that
The answer seems pretty definite to me (and it's from a Microsoft employee no less!).
I may be mistaken but I don't see how it answers why the "New Project in VS2013" creates a file with a margin of 19.
the question can live without the tag and although I followed the same reasoning as Tuna, I can see your point @hichris123
We could reopen it and remove the tag yeah.
Do we have 5 people?
sure, we organize them
you edit?
on it
I voted
^ really happy I skipped that one multiple times when I was going through that tag
Its open again
Update on that count ^. It should be 272 now :D
What? How come there are 3 roombable questions now? stackoverflow.com/…
Someone just downvoted that one stackoverflow.com/questions/21727161/…
... and again ...
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Ferrybig It's not scheduled for another hour

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