That is because in a SPAM we would normally expect a more promotional language without any attempt to really answer... That is at least what I think...
@Magisch Mod flag it and point it out - it all depends on the context etc... we might just message the user to advise them to put some info. in their "About Me" if necessary...
"This question cannot be deleted because other questions are linked as duplicates of this one." What is this crap, I don't even...?! I tried to delv/vtc on the linked questions but I'm losing track...…
@PetterFriberg Say for instance it's a question about X and they happen to be the author of X answering it- then no not really (although it'd lend them more credence to say they're the author) - but if it's along the lines of "Using X, you can do..." - then it's preferred they do
@PetterFriberg if it's blatant marketing/spamming, then flag it as spam. If in doubt, but it seems to be repeated, then flag it as other and put the info in - we'll look into it.
@PetterFriberg Just as an FYI if someone is recommending something and it happens to be theirs then then need to disclose that in the answer. The profile does not count as the answer should be able to stand on its own
@PetterFriberg For instance what I did the other day was message a user about self-promotion (a few answers got noticed when they edited posts to update their blog links) - they asked what to do with the much older answers with the link in - I suggested they put a disclaimer in their "About me" (save bumping the older posts) and going forward put their affiliation in the answer itself (which I've noticed they are doing so). So all's good - no content lost - no hard feelings hanging about :p