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@PraveenKumar Can you check if you have the cv-pls script listed 2 times in your user script manager?
@Ferrybig Sure...
It happened to me when the google chrome userscript sync messed things up
Alright, case compilation:
@Ferrybig You, Sir, thy Geniuse! :D
this user is promoting the product of his company (he works for them. Dmitry P <-> Dmitry Panchenko) in all
of his answers. In none of them does it actually disclose that he is an employee for them
flaaaagggg (custom)
or meta
Hmm but he answers...
@Ian undisclosed affiliation, paying product
oh, and unsolicited advertising
nobody asked about that product, if I'm not mistaken
@Magisch !//allspam?
Im not sure if a spam flag will go over well.
Better make a metapost...
that's why I said custom mod
do you think this is worth of a meta?
I'm not sure
Why no, the custom mod flag is enough...
you could try commenting first, pointing to a similar meta
if they disclosed their affiliation, how much would it change?
Or custom mod flag yes...
The user is affiliated with xyz and answering using xyz w/o mentioning his affiliation
with all the links you've showed us @Magisch
Right, with all the links as evidence...
According to me he just need to add affiliation and the answer could be ok.
I dont actually think so but I realise im in the minority here
I find it unacceptable to recommend commercial software unless its specifically asked for in the question
at which point the question is OT on SO
A proper answer to "How do I do X in $language" Can never be "My product can do X. Buy it!"
That is because in a SPAM we would normally expect a more promotional language without any attempt to really answer... That is at least what I think...
@Magisch I would agree with you, but if it is not a link only answer the SO policy seems to be different-
@Ian I'm with Magisch on this one
but that's not surprising, we share a humanistic world view:P
Im also just sick of getting advertised to
I agree with Ian so we stand 2-2
Its insulting my intelligence
Ah yes, our opinions here are quite diverse.. :) see what seem good to handle the issues.
*looks for a tranquilizer advert for Magisch*
one more person with either opinion and we have 3 to 2 votes here...
I flagged it for mod so they will determine what will be done
that's probably best
how suitable for SOCVR room lol... 5 votes
OK, that is probably best too...
that's why I hate badges (well, some of them)
> SO what if a user wants to go alphabetically with the badges? Oh no, don't let them see Archaeologist :O
I almost commented
then realized OP would take it seriously
Lol.. Archeologist, I just got it today...
@Gothdo dagnabbit.
@Magisch Funny kiddo. Downvote, explain, and leave her. :P
ps: That question is Madara'd. :)
Poor OP has no idea that Madara has a mental note saying "I'll be watching you, little one" and how bad that is ;)
@Tunaki "Please don't actively search for things to flag" : )
@PetterFriberg lol for pinging Tunaki...
but its not a bad edit!
Ugh, yes... not a bad edit...
I do not know if we agree with Madara on that one.... (it it was sure worth pinging Tuna)
@Magisch I get the "deviate" bit
not the vandalism bit...
@Tunaki It was related to Madara's answer : ) meta.stackoverflow.com/a/319949/5292302
they should see that it's a question, and the code shouldn't have been there in the first place
tell the kid to flag these reviewers:P
@Magisch are you flagging the reviewers?
I'd like to see the people rejecting that as vandalism taking a timeout
Im not, but feel free to
I will then
^ What? This got an upvote in a min?
@PraveenKumar it also got closed in a min
@PraveenKumar insta-upvoted crap is always suspicious to me
check if OP has any 0-score posts
@Magisch :D
@PraveenKumar and immediate more downvotes in the next min...
@AndrasDeak Shall we flag it for sock p?
@PraveenKumar I disagree, it is a dublicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/409999
@Ferrybig :P Added comment.
@PraveenKumar well that needs investigation first, lot of people upvote every crap to be done with it
@PraveenKumar That is an answer?, I would have gone sd n
seems naa to me, doesn't answer the question, only provides a worldaroun
@PraveenKumar Not sure thats not spam
@Magisch GulpJS is Industry Standard. Not spam. :)
alright then
@Magisch gulpjs.com is a good website, search for gulp in google
trash answer regardless
@Alex I passed a audit on a post you deleted :D : stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/11810558
@Closey stats
6841 need review
1762 reviews today
3208040 reviews all-time
You didn't see me started reviewing! :P
flagged it
@Closey total reviews today
@Magisch Today, 11 members have reviewed a total of 434 items.
 | User                 | Review Items Today |
 | Ferrybig             | 60                 |
 | Ian                  | 60                 |
 | Magisch              | 60                 |
 | Bhargav Rao          | 59                 |
 | sclv                 | 59                 |
 | Tushar               | 59                 |
 | Wai Ha Lee           | 59                 |
 | Rob                  | 8                  |
 | Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW  | 6                  |
@Closey room effectiveness
@Ferrybig 11 members (0% of this room's able reviewers) have processed 434 review items today, which accounts for 24.6% of all CV reviews today.
Is Closey not working?
Only 1.7k CV reviews today
@PraveenKumar Why?
@PetterFriberg She doesn't see me reviewing at all!
0% of this room's able reviewers?
Do you want to be tracked by Closey @Praveen?
@PraveenKumar that's an old thing
Life isn't the same after being tracked by Closey.
@PraveenKumar run Membership
@Tunaki Er... I don't think so.
@Closey membership
@Closey but I did 60! :(
She will eat you alive if you make a mistake.
@PraveenKumar Current users in permission groups:
    Adriaan (5211833)
    Alexander O'Mara (3155639)
    Andras Deak (5067311)
    Andrew Cheong (925913)
    Bhargav Rao (4099593)
    bluefeet (426671)
    Brad Larson (19679)
    Braiam (792066)
    Drew (1816093)
    Dukeling (1711796)
    durron597 (1768232)
    Félix Gagnon-Grenier (576767)
    Ferrybig (1542723)
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Ian (5666987)
    JAL (2415822)
    JNat (1328704)
    Jon Clements (1252759)
    Kevin Brown (359284)
    Kevin Guan (5299236)
    Kyll (4174897)
@WaiHaLee A deleted audit?
@Tunaki Grrr... :P
@Ferrybig We account for that.
Er... I am there.
Magic™Editor available. (Will also auto-update.) Contains fix for "Googlee", and broader coverage for "Tahnks".
@Mogsdad I asked to check something. Did you see? :)
My message is too far to be loaded.
@PraveenKumar run Reviews today
@Closey reviews today
@PraveenKumar You've reviewed 0 posts today.
Ha ha ha... :(
review one and then try again, if still zero ping Sam or Gunr
@Mogsdad No buddy. Today, like 3 hours ago.
If yes, I'll report
definately spam
@PraveenKumar Not @ me then - that's the last thing from you in my messages.
@Ferrybig Thanks. Yes.
Hi everyone \o
@Mogsdad No buddy. That was my mistake. See Ferry's message.
Hi o/
I got two cv-pls because of my stupidity.
@BhargavRao o/
@PraveenKumar Ah - not about the MagicEditor, about the cv-pls script. Were you in NATO, and had edited a post?
@Mogsdad No... I used tampermonkey and got the script loaded twice.
Anyone with C# hammer? Got duped by OP by mistake stackoverflow.com/questions/36277311/…
@PraveenKumar Don't do that. (When you get one from the SOCVR Userscript URL, you need to delete the previous one.)
Can't wait until I get access to Nato, I don't use much flags in a day
@BhargavRao Not a dupe hammer as such - but re-opened :)
@Mogsdad Yea.. I got from there only, but clicked twice.
@BhargavRao How did that happen
@Gothdo Dupe request man.
@BhargavRao Nice, 3,5k rep and self-hammering by accident
@JonClements Thanks, You now got a obsolete flag :P ...
Which was already removed.
Hey jon
plop @Magisch
Im curious as to mod policy with answers self promoting a product without disclosing that you work for the company that makes it
Dem ... Ninja Puppies are too fast :(
nooooo not plop
@Ferrybig This is almost the same thing.
Im unconfortable flagging such a thing as spam
never plop
but im not sure if a modflag will work either
@Magisch Mod flag
I've always done that
And I didn't wanna ping a mod in chat either
why why why what has the world coming to even mod are plopping now
And raising it on meta seems like overkill
New rule: When greeting room owners and moderators, writ their name without @ so they don't get ping stormed
Ha ha...
Raising on Meta why moderator are plopping is overkill yeah
But I like to ping tuna
I don't mind getting pinged to death.
Pinging tuna is like teasing a cat with a laser pointer
@Tuna plop!!
I will get kicked soon...
@Magisch Mod flag it and point it out - it all depends on the context etc... we might just message the user to advise them to put some info. in their "About Me" if necessary...
Jon, You do not need affiliation in each answer?
"This question cannot be deleted because other questions are linked as duplicates of this one." What is this crap, I don't even...?! I tried to delv/vtc on the linked questions but I'm losing track... stackoverflow.com/questions/4185334/…
Code as image. :(
@PetterFriberg Say for instance it's a question about X and they happen to be the author of X answering it- then no not really (although it'd lend them more credence to say they're the author) - but if it's along the lines of "Using X, you can do..." - then it's preferred they do
@Mogsdad Meh, found a better tool at the CharCoal HQ, its called Blaze and has auto refresh of the answer listings
@NathanOliver plop
@Jon ok, that's the itext case, but if you answer use this tool, like this (and you are selling the tool)
Ok so there's an obviously off-topic question that can't be deleted by design. Awesome. oO
is affiliation a requirement in answer or on profile is enough?
Maybe its just me but if I worked for a software company selling libraries I would never recommend my own product
@PetterFriberg if it's blatant marketing/spamming, then flag it as spam. If in doubt, but it seems to be repeated, then flag it as other and put the info in - we'll look into it.
not even if its actually a valid answer to the question
@Ferrybig Sweet!
ok thanks
@EricD Welcome to SO.
1000 LQP reviews
@PetterFriberg Just as an FYI if someone is recommending something and it happens to be theirs then then need to disclose that in the answer. The profile does not count as the answer should be able to stand on its own
@Magisch Tomorrow you will get a nice badge.... : )
Heya o/
@PraveenKumar Please refrain from asking for the last vote. You have a [cv-pls] on it so that is enough.
@NathanOliver Okie dokie.
@Lafexlos Hiya \o
@Lafexlos Hiya \o
*And bots.
@Tunaki More good effort thrown into the unending maws of the beast of SO inertia
Wow! A meta delight, Freehand circles everywhere \o/ — Bhargav Rao 22 secs ago
So that was your comment all along :D
7 UVs in <1 min?
Makes me wonder who read it...
Meta's going to tick over to 20,000 'new' questions in a few minutes
@Tunaki I am in the process of , I haven't yet voted
> I have used
Easy catch; Not spam
morning/afternoon/evening/night/sleep all
Hey Jal
@PraveenKumar Remove that comment
Tuna nice post!
Hey Jal
Good morning Pink IOS guy
lol hey all
@JAL Holla
@BhargavRao Done.
@Tunaki I read it when you posted it in this chatroom, so I upvoted without reading it again.
Looks like spam.
Hey @Gothdo...
@PraveenKumar You look like spam...
@PraveenKumar hey
@PraveenKumar Thanks for that.
Looks like 5 declined flags
@Tunaki Go away. :P
Is there a meta post that reverts the downvotes when a spam is not spam?
I don't think so
I know about VLQ but I don't think so for spam.
Makes me feel sad. Guess we need to ask one soon.
@BhargavRao If moderators handle the spam flag, then the votes will be removed
@BhargavRao What was falsely flagged?
@Ferrybig Ah fine, Do you have a meta link?
@PetterFriberg For instance what I did the other day was message a user about self-promotion (a few answers got noticed when they edited posts to update their blog links) - they asked what to do with the much older answers with the link in - I suggested they put a disclaimer in their "About me" (save bumping the older posts) and going forward put their affiliation in the answer itself (which I've noticed they are doing so). So all's good - no content lost - no hard feelings hanging about :p
@NathanOliver Asking in general.
In this case jon I flagged this for mod: stackoverflow.com/questions/27294510/…
Yeah the user has 4 answers all linking to the same product.
If jos handles the flag, the answers stay and the links gone

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