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it's borderline. the conversation at that period was a bit over, but that one message is not the worst
@Magisch who do you think starred it
7 RO's, 7 stars
but there are 10 RO's
dun dun DUN
I was teasing the cat so to speak
quite literally
with string or a laser?
how do you think Jon responds to a laser pointer?
@gunr2171 growls
: )
@gunr2171 Probably not as enthusiastic as to scooby snacks
@JonClements you're always lurking around it seems
@JonClements I somehow knew you were lurking
Did someone say scooby snacks!!!!!!!!!!?
@JonClements Yes hands Jon some
@gunr2171 maybe - maybe not? :p
Now that I made a worthy sacrifice, can you maybe look at the reviewers that let this answer slip through the cracks?
Declined_Flag_Count++ ;
What kind of case is that?
camel snake something
capital camel snake case
when in doubt, blame javascript and php
@MartinJames I see you're making new friends here ...
Is there a limit for reputation? Like you passes a certain number, and then your rep "overflows" to the negative? Would Jon Skeet pass this number before stackexchange knows there is a limit?
@Magisch Well... that's not great but it's pointless after nearly a year... review bans are only really useful if it's recent
@BhargavRao ?
@rene I make new friends every day:)
@Ferrybig 2 billion is the next checkpoint (size of an int)
@JonClements I mistook a answer that ended in a question as NAA, Slip of cursor. :-(
@MartinJames Hey :)
My fault though
I haven't seen you in here in a while
@MartinJames I'm pretty sure you do ... :)
@Magisch I'm OK - not suspended:)
@MartinJames I see traces of you every day in the
on almost every obvious question there is a comment from you :)
@BhargavRao Oh well - not the end of the world - the proverbial happens
@Magisch Yup - I expect I'll be suspended again soon - it's just so difficult to lie all the time to the deadbeats:)
Is this meta a dupe of this meta? OP doesn't seem to think so.
That guy changes names every other week lol
@MartinJames Why do you think you'll be suspended again?
@Magisch I tend to call deadbeats 'deadbeats', and SO does not like that. Only question posters are allowed to be not 'nice'.
@JonClements Yep, I'd not mind that at all :P
@MartinJames I'd wager you'd hate working retail or support then he?
@Tunaki hah! a second faster
@Magisch I've done both. Retail is fine - mostly, people come in to the shop, give you money and take goods away. Support, well, it pays bills. I don't mind supporting my own software.
Magisch passed a audit!
@Closey Sometimes, flipping a coin works;)
@BhargavRao What a loser. Shame on you.
@MartinJames I haven't failed an audit in almost a month
so shush
@Magisch Talk about tempting fate :)
@JonClements I've got .... means not to
Is there a userscript that counts your failed and successful audits? I am curious to what my audit stats are
none that I know of
The more you review, the more obvious audits become
@Ferrybig In which queue?
@jon I've noticed that custom flags tend to sit waiting for mod attention longer than others. (I've currently got 3 that are 7+ days old.) Since these tend to be more serious issues, it would seem that they should get earlier attention. What's the scoop?
SE audits are almost unfailable
@JonClements Close votes
LQ audits are either spam or legit high voted stuff
@Tunaki Yeah yeah, Let us overall later :P
All the audits have mismatching time stamps or vote counts
Ofcourse there are also other means...
But even that doesn't stop you from eating a review ban if you otherwise robo
@Mogsdad I know Brad filters on text like Plagiarism. Making a spelling mistake in those keywords could put your custom flags at the bottom of the queue forever....
@Ferrybig Umm... last 30 days in the CV queue, you've done 555 reviews and been served 21 audits apparently.
@Tunaki I would flag that offensive, especially looking at the dates
comments definitely are
@gunr2171 yes
@Tunaki It got deleted
@Tunaki certainly
@Mogsdad Span and offensive as well as a couple of the queues take priority over other - we have a userscript that can filter stuff on the text of the reason flagged - but otherwise, the other queue is the more time consuming one as it can be anything. And since people misuse it just to say hello or rant (or ramble on about something that makes no sense) - sometimes the genuine stuff gets swamped out :(
@JonClements that is 3.7 % audits which is close to the 4% predicted (2 every 50)
@rene interestingly, you have a 2.7% audit rate
@JonClements can you check my audit rate in the CV and LQP?
If its not too much work I mean
because I dont know how to
@Magisch suppose so - just don't make a habit of it :)
@JonClements maybe because I'm good ... wait ...
@rene IIRC audit rate is dependant on frequency, voting patterns and a few other undisclosed things
including awesomeness
Thats why you get so many tuna
and rene gets so few
@Magisch yeah
@Magisch: That's ludicrous. Perhaps you should hand your powers back too. — BarryTheHatchet 4 mins ago
sorry to disturb you guys, but does anyone of you has enough permissions to delete comments of other people?
Im not aware that you can opt out of privileges
We are all making new friends
@OschtärEi If they're inappropiate, flag them
@OschtärEi no, just flag them, a moderator will remove them
Mods will deal with the flags in their time
@Magisch CV: 572 reviews and 25 audits; LQP: 370 reviews and 15 audits.
@JonClements Thank you :)
they're not inappropriate, there was a little confusion going on, and then I deleted all mine, however the onof the other person are still remaining there... so now it's even more awkward :P
@OschtärEi just flag them as obsolete and they'll be cleared up if needs be
@OschtärEi flag as "not constructive" or "obsolete"
okay thanks for your help
obsolete is specifically for these situations
have a nice afternoon (or whatever day time you have)
getting comments deleted for mundane reasons does not carry any penalty for the commenter, btw
that's good to know
@Magisch Andy'd been banned several lifetimes in that case ;)
> The industry standard for situations like this is to call the Developers at home as soon as the problem occurs. It won't take very long before the developers then produce the necessary tools. They might even start producing applications that are much easier to diagnose. I've even seen a case where a developer in this situation has actually started recommending that other developers do the exact same thing. Believe me, this works!
It really burns inside me pressing "Looks OK" on this one stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/11756445 ... "Looks OK no no its does not".... I will skip....
@Magisch You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 49 minutes and 45 seconds, averaging to a review every 49 seconds.
@gunr2171 What? Where? Who? Why?
No, no, this has to be a living document. The ops guide should have a link to a page with the developer's home and cell phone numbers, with instructions to call whenever there's a problem; especially if the developers are already asleep (or worse). Try to create a fluid system, where action (a bug) causes reaction (Developer awakened to fix the bug). Do this, and there will be a second-level reaction: Developers produce fewer bugs, in order to not be awakened to fix them. — John Saunders Jun 16 '09 at 11:33
@PetterFriberg It looks ok as in its not radioactive diarrhea
@gunr2171 Ok, give me your landline number ...
@Shog9 will you please join us here
@Magisch toString() is null or not. How the heck can that be null.. I refused to press "Looks OK"... so I skipped
you can invite a user directly to a chat room
@PetterFriberg Thats not the point
The point of "Looks OK" is not "This is a valid and concievably correct answer"
@Magisch I know.... so I skipped : )
More like "This is not flagrant abuse of the concept of an answer"
To some sutff I can't press Looks OK, it may be an apple but is so rotten....
morning all
@Magisch you know the answer:P
it has 43 votes because half is the question, half the answer
Had a funny long discussion!
gregseth reviewed this Sep 25 '15 at 12:31: Approve
Bhavesh Nai reviewed this Sep 25 '15 at 12:16: Approve
kenorb reviewed this Sep 25 '15 at 11:20: Approve
@Magisch Perhaps a mod needs to step in and give those reviewers a timeout...
We can flag some mods for attention here.
Don't ping mods here for mod intervention though
@DavidG Maybe a bag of scooby snacks can persuade a lurking mod to do so ;)
@Tunaki Actually a few mods stated they don't mind as long as we don't intentionally waste their time
still, as a principle, you shouldn't be pinging mods just to have them look at something.
Still, the main vector of communication remains a moderator flag.
It is convenient that moderators are here but we can't expect them to respond.
Dear mods we need a hand to solve little thing
This [crappy edit](http://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/9632505) was approved and should go in the bin.
But I wonder just a bit if you could do you best
And give these reviewers some time off for them to have a rest.
Damm markdown not working on second lines....
@JonClements Makes sense, thanks. And I won't go raise another flag to rant! Here, have a home-made applesauce doggy snack!
@DavidG Probably not
That was 8 months ago
52 mins ago, by Jon Clements
@Magisch Well... that's not great but it's pointless after nearly a year... review bans are only really useful if it's recent
Just get the Punch userscript... then you can punch the baddies, feel better about it, and carry on with your day! 8)
Didn't even look at the date on it, oh well
@Adriaan :(
@rene Then I should stop being so polite... my flags say Probably copied without attribution.
I am not sure if we need to close this as I have already answered giving him the notion of how StackOverflow doesn't work? Question: here
@Mogsdad Write "suspected plagiarism"
that ^
@Andy hum, that should've been "Andy would've handed out several lifetime worth's of bans" of course
yeah, don't go Brit on the mod flag reasons
thanks @Mogsdad
@Tunaki Yep.
When I've done that, it was Martjin'd in a couple of minutes :D
@JAL You earned it! Now go get the rest to hit 10K! (FTR - I've awarded bounty on this question to JAL's excellent answer.)
@Adriaan Well, now I'm curious. I'll have to see which users I've hit with flags the most often later today.
@Mogsdad Wasn't the last time one guy on this chat bountied another a mod reversal and alot of drama involved?
@Magisch hence the disclaimer
the problem wasn't the bounty, but the lack of good reason
Mogsdad bountied the answer, apparently
not JAL
just Another Great Canonical™ brought to you by JAL
@Magisch Yes, our transcript is public, and any actions we take can and should stand up to review. This was all above board. I put a bounty on a question because I'd come across dupes without answers (other than links to tools). I reported the bounty here. JAL happened to have the background to answer, and did. I left the bounty open for other answers. Nothing to hide - so nothing hidden.
For the record, Mogs bountied the question before I answered. He wasn't awarding the bounty to me specifically, I just took the time to write an answer which Mogs thought was bounty-worthy.
@JAL congratz for the bounty earning! ;)
@Ian thanks!
@JAL you will get your 10k soon!
yep i'm close!
just don't go "donating" it
Is that a all you can eat buffet site?
ham's good
Let's go ham on that site.
10-4! Finally, a 10-20 that's 10-8 where messages like this won't need a 10-9!
Too much fun @Mogs. You're on waffle-cooking duty now. For the rest of the week.
\o/ It's a short week!
.NET specialist. Look at the answer I commented on. Dupe? stackoverflow.com/q/680996/1743880
the dude commented back he will flag
I figure he could use some help :)
another win for science
Comments work sometimes \o/
Oh god. I just noticed. The logo on Main and Meta doesn't have the same width.
Wasn't there already a meta about the logos?
Open stackoverflow.com and meta.stackoverflow.com/questions on two tabs. Click one, then the other frenetically until you see the difference
@Tunaki yep
@Tunaki you also notice you are manually breathing.
@Tunaki my life is a lie
(you can thank me later)
assuming I qualify as a .NET specialist
@Tunaki Make a meta for it, quick
@gunr2171 Also, notice that you can see your own nose.
@Tunaki There was a meta post bout that
yeah that's this one right? : meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/317483/…
@Tunaki it seems to be a duplicate, yes stackoverflow.com/questions/680996/…
Ugh no more CV!
Do we have .Net specialist mod here?
in chat or on the site?
@Gimby Probably. Can'"t see the images at work.
in chat I mean...
@Tunaki but what about the kittens???
yesterday, by Magisch
@Cerbrus Oh tunaki has been pentesting closey alright
What do people do when they're really wound up by someone's comment? I've flagged it already, but of course it is still sitting there. Even got an upvote. In place of tearing the user a new bottom-hole, I thought I'd have a go here.
@BillWoodger mind posting a link to it?
@BillWoodger take a deep breath, close the tab, move on
@BillWoodger if it's offensive, it will be deleted when a mod gets to it
Usually flagging is enough
Other then that, rest assured that if its inappropiate it will be summarily removed
Ow, wait a minute! The question is actually older than the dupe (lol)
The dupe should be the actual dupe (if you get what I mean)
@BillWoodger They're gone
Thanks! Saves me strongly resisting "comment rage". You're a star.
In this situation, flag and close tab.
@BillWoodger HE'S A DIAMOND!
@BillWoodger @gunr2171's advice is a good call though :p
@BhargavRao oh, I see what you did there...
Is it possible for two questions to have same titles?
@Lafexlos No.
@Lafexlos nope
@Lafexlos There must be some zero-width space trickery.
I guess you can fake it by using specific characters?
there was a meta about that too I think
@Lafexlos or the title modified
@Gimby I don't think so
I mean, we say "nope", but what we really mean is """nope"""
No, there isn't any modification trace...
@BhargavRao Hey - can I get all Whovian and go for a "white point star"? :p
@Lafexlos Interesting, If there is a conflict, It will not allow us to edit. :/
@JonClements You're "The blue diamond", rarer than a "white point star"
Moderator intervention breaks the non-same-name-rule? :P
related reading but not exactly the meta that I may be making up entirely: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/317395/…
@Ian nope - mods can't circumvent that constraint
OK, now it is more like Sorcery... ;)
the typo mentioned here LOOKS almost the same, but there is a tiny tiny difference that makes it different anyway :)
I've cv'd about 50 fresh posts. They'll all be in the queue soon.
@gunr2171 can you filter for posts without CV on it?
So I can seed some more
I didn't. I just got lucky in that every single post I looked at had no close votes on it
I started at page 18 and went backwards, ended at page 14
this was closed as "not a real question" stackoverflow.com/questions/4265399/…
How many more hours until my cv quiver gets reloaded? Oh. Darn.
I happen to think its not that bad (well defined and unambiguous)
should we reopen it?
@Mogsdad 10
oook, I just copied the title of one of them and pasted to the other and it didn't complain.
@Magisch That close reason no longer exists - replaced with more specific.
This is a good one, (10k+): stackoverflow.com/questions/36202694/switch-case-in-c Sourav answered it with a clear bug and, sure enough, the homework-vamp deleted the question immediately. Unfortunately for the poor vamp, there is another huge bug that s/he is about to hit, so I'm expecting a repeat post from anohter account soon...
Its a very short question
but should we reopen it?
afk for a bit
@MartinJames can you screengrab?
@Magisch It's just a typo question anyway
It would get closed-mcve today, in that state.
Im curious and have nothing to do
Look for a dupe, first, then.
@Magisch That's the recipe for beautiful things
Im always amused by the antics of a vampire
@Magisch I can, but I've forgotten how:(
@MartinJames Print key and insert in paint?
Or maybe if you have greenshot
@Magisch OH, I can do that, sure...
Wai Ha Lee passed a audit!
print scrn to grab the entire screen, windows key + print scrn (assumption: windows being used) to grab only the content of the active window
or was it alt + print scrn? Now I'm not sure
Funny... the filename would be a cool userid.
@Gimby Snipping Tool ftw
@MartinJames ah no, I looked at it wrongly
Naw, "Awesome Screenshot" for FF or Chrome... nice hand-drawn circles!
Snipping Tool lets you draw circles too
@MartinJames He's missing quite a bit more then just that
@Mogsdad Where?
That code in fact is pretty bad
@Ian Reads in int but switches on '1', '2' etc.. :)
@DavidG How to use it on Windows? I don't want to Start » Snip... :P
like "I just learned how to C 2 minutes ago"-bad
@Mogsdad what's the deal with the kerning in your browser? i.sstatic.net/l4VUn.png
@PraveenKumar Addins for both.
@PraveenKumar Run it, press new, drag where you want on your screen
@MartinJames ah, I get it... '1', '2', etc are chars
@DavidG Ha... That's boring.
@MartinJames You don't know his life maybe he wants to switch on paycode 49 or 50 :p
@PraveenKumar Don't forget to draw a red circle on it
@DavidG LoL.
@MartinJames Now I understand what what @Magisch said, "I see you in every C comment" ;)
@Magisch lol, maybe, or his code is crap. You choose.. :)
@JonClements We get one, two COBOL questions per week. Close the tab and move on... where? The... user... couldn't even spell. The OP does not know to at people, so returning a couple of times to find the same ... stuff .. was starting to grate.
@MartinJames Considering most of what he wrote is literally uncompilable, the latter.
@WaiHaLee Looks fine on screen... must be the screenshot tool. Maybe not so awesome.
veritable flood of newbie answers
@MartinJames the funny thing is he didn't even get an error, he got exit 0 because entering 1 as paycode triggered none of his case statements
@Magisch I surely was not even going to try to ideone it.
and he surely isn't smart enough to use a default case
If that compiles, it does with like 50 warnings
@Closey total reviews today
@Tushar Today, 7 members have reviewed a total of 366 items.
 | User                | Review Items Today |
 | Ferrybig            | 60                 |
 | Magisch             | 60                 |
 | Ian                 | 59                 |
 | Tushar              | 59                 |
 | Mogsdad             | 54                 |
 | Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW | 42                 |
 | Wai Ha Lee          | 32                 |
@Mogsdad Aha. It is a bit horrible.
Just 7
also main() instead of int main (void)
@Magisch Yeah, the Sourav found the scanf bug, OP thought that was it and deleted immediate:) I hope it fails its course:)
maybe im old school, but my teacher would roast me for that
Nice... That was quick.
There are like 6 of those scanf bugs in there too
and then randomly one not failed one
also why the hell is paycode a float when the supposed cases are 1 and 2
thats just retarded
@Tushar yeah, it is less today...
@WaiHaLee Looks better when done in Chrome, so some browser / addin interaction. Maybe font substitution. Or unicorns. Not my area of expertise.
@Tushar also, it looks strange that both you and I are having 59 reviews when we have done 60
Shog showed up, but no one home...
@Ian Yes, I was going to say that
@Ian Have you done 60 reviews, or just voted 60 times? (I've voted 60 times, but 6 were out of the queue.)
It has stopped, Look at the image in your own question .. -_- — Bhargav Rao 6 secs ago
@Mogsdad I have done 60 reviews. But this is not the first time I got 59 reviews displayed by Closey while I have done 60 in fact. I thought this is a known bug?
@Magisch Sure, but if I use 'retarded' in a comment, I get suspended. You must ALWAYS be nice to posters, even if they are brain-damaged deadbeats who code like a zombie has shuffled across the keyboard.
@Closey total reviews today
@Ian Today, 7 members have reviewed a total of 368 items.
 | User                | Review Items Today |
 | Ferrybig            | 60                 |
 | Magisch             | 60                 |
 | Ian                 | 59                 |
 | Tushar              | 59                 |
 | Mogsdad             | 54                 |
 | Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW | 42                 |
 | Wai Ha Lee          | 34                 |
59 and I cannot open Close Review from my Review
@Ian Same
Not to say that it would be useful though... :P I already run out of my CV after all, haha...
@Tushar perhaps Closey's bug.. is it @gunr2171 ?
@Ian or @Sam probably.

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