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@petter batch190 count=11 cv4 is in the beehive
@Drew ok, consider it done..
@cybermonkey hmm, I guess so.
does anyone have a Tiny Magic thing or whatever that can translate a url like /q/NNNNN into the close vote review url if it was in the queue?
Motivation: edit some stuff to get it out of the queue
@Drew I don't think that's even possible, no. Would be cool to have though, for LQP also..
@BhargavRao Yeah!!!!!
@JonasCz I can do it, just wanted to see if it was out there already.
how ?
A script or a bot. I know people here look things up for other id's in other pursuits
@Drew I believe an active review is on the timeline of the question so you could get it from there.
opnion based, needs 1 more CV stackoverflow.com/questions/36056751/…
@Drew see this one for example: stackoverflow.com/posts/36118477/timeline
Oh, Today I saw a curious case. stackoverflow.com/posts/36110614/revisions
The post was undeleted by the OP after being deleted in review, Implies that users can undelv their posts after deletion.
thx rene
@Drew If it was acted upon, you could also search the corresponding review with rene's script github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts/blob/master/…
@BhargavRao Yes, they can. I encountered that too. Bit weird though.
@Tunaki Is there any meta post?
None that I could find.
That's just plain wrong. That's not how the system should work. <more rants follows>
@BhargavRao Definitely not a case covered in help.
I wonder if delete-in-review is handled differently than delete votes cast directly by users?
Worth a meta post IMO Nope, ---V
> An exception: if an answer is deleted from Low Quality review queue by "Recommend Deletion" votes, without three trusted users voting to delete, then it can be undeleted by the author.
@Tunaki Tunaki FTW.
maybe throw some delete votes on there too
Still. That's weird.
Still. DRE
@Tunaki Where's the quote from? ah... meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5221/…
What should be done about this?
@Mogsdad From there -----------------------------------^
@BhargavRao Thanks, flagged. I'll also go and VTC when my votes reset
@toskv [tag:cv-pls]
@JAL Has 2 delv votes on it
@BhargavRao fixed, thanks for the help
@PetterFriberg I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
I'm out of edit reviews for the day, sorry
(put the bold as I made the same edit before and was rejected as 'conflicts or harms author intent', which I assume was because the authors were not aware that edits to update or repair posts are allowed)
@cybermonkey I'd prefer we don't review edits that members here made. It might be seen as collusion. If it's a good edit, (which I think it is) it'll be approved by the community.
@cybermonkey And if you like my comment, post an answer instead of edit...
many edit reviewers don't seem to be aware of what is actually allowed/what isn't
@PetterFriberg why? these types of edit are explicitly allowed
@cybermonkey I would never edit changing anyone's code... better to post own answer (because the review que do not know css)
I'm fully aware that many editors don't know what actually constitutes an acceptable edit
promoting your own suggested edit seems a bit underhanded.
@PetterFriberg my comment fully explains my actions. users shouldn't be reviewing an edit that fixes code that they don't understand (they should instead skip)
@cybermonkey You need to adapt to SO, people do not know all type of code and tend to reject all code changes.... and there is nothing wrong with posting an answer you can even get rep : )
@PetterFriberg I've been here for more than two years now, and I'm not that interested in getting rep (which is why I'm not at 3K yet @TinyGiant :-)). I fully understand the edit process and how edits work, however it seems that many of those in the Suggested Edits queue don't
I'm happy with my 1.5K rep currently.
I tend to agree with you but I also agree with the Marines... "adapt, improvise, overcome" : )
Then naturally you need to consider what the RO said we can't pass our own reviews so.. pass an answer to avoid the robo reviewers to reject it, or a comment under the post to the OP to change answer.
@gunr2171 I have not understood yet how we concentrate our votes in review que, I need to filter on tags that closey gives?
@Closey refresh tags
yes, by filtering on the same tags there is a better chance that more people will work on the same review items, rather than a lot of separate items
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@PetterFriberg Tag data has been refreshed.
ops what did I do, I wanted to see the tags.. : )
@Closey commands
@PetterFriberg Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
@Closey current tag
@PetterFriberg The current tag is with 1337 known review items.
@gunr2171, this one?
there is a special request for php, that's why it's so high
@Closey next 5 tags
@gunr2171 The next 5 tags are: 1337, 1336, 37, 32, 29
ok thanks
@Mogs Do you, by any chance, have the two [turtle] posts that were open yesterday? I can't find them at the moment
Petter Friberg passed an audit!
When filtering on php getting r, hmm...
Can I ask Madara to finalize @Tunaki? I see only 9 questions are left?
Yes, please do @rene.
All 9 have one delete vote.
@rene [turtle]'s done too, you can remove it from closey's list.
so how is closey's list determined?
@Tunaki, you are only doing review or also others
@PetterFriberg Currently, I only do CV and LQP. The others are depressing. And I only do LQP because it's frightening what it deletes.
I have a great meta-tag called which is full of off-topic goodness
and a few mistagged things
@Reimeus do you have votes left? approximate
@Tunaki You need to pass me a good auto comment..
No I want one for the LQP when I see they are deleting answer...
Ah no I don't have some for that.
@MadaraUchiha we are done with close. The tag can be removed from the few remaining questions, we made sure no untagged questions will exist after that. This means step 4 and 5 are completed. Can you take care of step 6 of the burnination process? Thanks.
@AndrasDeak it is here. So it is a bit of hand selecting and clever querying of SEDE.
what does "can be cleared of votes" mean?
scratch that
what does "Not in the top 10 of questions with CV's - tag is used on questions with 5 other tags - tag is used on questions in the top 10 with CV" mean?
the first and the last third of the statement seem to contradict each other
rene passed a audit!
anyway, @rene, is it possible to add a mostly-meta tag?
or is that not the point of the list?
@cricket_007 there is an edit on that....
@AndrasDeak what is that?
@HovercraftFullOfEels batch191 count=11 cv4 is in the beehive
hmm are we sure we can manage see very few votes...
this review the question has been edited to invalidate current answers, although totally off topic. I still think it's off topic, but how to guide the OP into making the Q on-topic, when it's attracted these answers?
Bye all, o/ ... Going to bed.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW reading
still plenty left @Drew
@rene @PetterFriberg I was just excited to have Fred here. So I was trying to motivate some closure by adding that tag over yonder. Not detract from votes here. Have his buds do it re: PHP
@Reimeus please see link above to Hover like 7 lines up
@BhargavRao Cya
Tuna told me to look around those ~100 posts and retag the good ones
I found a bunch of off-topic ones, CVed them but didn't touch
I did retag a handful though
@AndrasDeak Ok, so you basically want us to run one event for ?
@Reimeus Tuna is out of votes I hear. Do you have a dupehammer on stackoverflow.com/q/35836955
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I can't read a precise error statement in there. No MCVE for me. Wouldn't reopen.
@rene I'm inquiring about the general possibilities:) If you think it would make sense, then yes. I'm not too strongly against the tag. I keep an eye out to prevent new posts popping up with it
and it should be burninated at one point, but it's not a top priority
it's just been bugging me for a while
@Drew I remove php from the Closey list then on monday, keep in mind that maybe a subtag that most often goes with php might also work. That is how the query works, it tries to find common tags that are used on questions in the major tags. Those are smaller and can be cleaned in a few days.
@AndrasDeak we'll run an event with that tag.
@rene great, thank you:)
You'll need to seed the queue before-hand though.
i.e. CVing the crap?
Yes, so that we can filter on that tag and do our reviews.
OK, that what I thought, just wanted to be clear
@AndrasDeak yep, but you could ask a < 3k -er to flag for closure
yeah, I figured, thanks
if you let me know when the corresponding event is nearing, I'll gladly look through them
my votes from last time probably all aged away without any harm anyway
@AndrasDeak I will start filtering on that tag, php is not convincing me... seems like votes that will age away...
@AndrasDeak Closed one then There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[guide]"
PHP won't age away. Rene randomly added the tag last nite. Mogs blew his votes on it. JAL did too.
switching back to php... they just seem to be to many... (I see 1 or no votes)
blew and in used. We will close 100 questions just cuz of that
@PetterFriberg yes, we're discussing a future event with [guide]
I voted on them weeks ago, it would seem
@AndrasDeak As far as I can see there are no flag questions with that tag....
First we need to find them in review there are none...
@PetterFriberg Not yet ;).
@PetterFriberg hence "future" event
read back a bit...
@PetterFriberg see that effort last nite, they closed chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29445505#29445505
but in general, sure, have PHP out of the tag list. But I wasn't part of adding it
mysql surely benefited from last nite
Yeah I go on with php... waiting for Tuna and Andras to feed some guide...
the effort from Mogsie last nite was thru the Tiny magic queue that forced everything at cv4 that we then closed
Then out of no where JAL showed up and PHP was #1 in the tag
@PetterFriberg for the love of god read back the transcript half a page:D
@AndrasDeak Na.... I need to cv...
even better, start from there and work your way down
yeah I got it... just telling we need to search for bad questions before event : )
yeah, we've also discussed that:P
anyone editing?
OK, Tuna it is
@Tunaki you don't do sd f on that?
Is there a difference?
@Tunaki Yes, unmarked smoke detector will be escalated in 10 minutes to the Tavern on Meta, where more people will see it
@AndrasDeak I know you did and I tested to be sure ; )
OK then, good job:P
@Ferrybig In this case, it was a tp, so I should have done sd tp- and sd remove?
@Ferrybig SO posts aren't ever reported to the Tavern.
@hichris123 cause Tuna is vigilant:P
not to be confused with a vigilante
@Tunaki It was more a false positive, yes the question was bad, but it wasn't spam and didn't require a red flag
so, sd f then sd remove?
@PetterFriberg sd f auto removes it btw
It wasn't caught by the spam filter, but by the character repetition. Isn't that a tp? Or tp only for spam / offensive?
na since its not spam or abusive...., tp has no sense, you need tp all then...
@Ferrybig Can the Smokey wiki github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/wiki/Commands be updated to clarify that?
@PetterFriberg I don't know. Sometimes Smokey detects something he think is spam but in fact it's not --> fp for me.
@Closey room effectiveness
@WaiHaLee 16 members have processed 737 review items today, which accounts for 28.17% of all cv reviews today.
how's the queue?
Undo always says:
Mar 14 at 14:13, by Undo
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW If you would flag it as spam or abusive, it's a true positive.
Okay but that's only spam --> tp. Not tp --> spam.
@AndrasDeak I get 7,267 but I skip a lot.
how does your skipping come into play?
@Tunaki Why?, it has sense on all reported....
to me it says "7,474 need review"
Blerf. Let's just update the wiki so that it's clear he? We can't go around digging chat messages for guidance.
Confirming that the software can detect repeated char can not have any sense..... confirming that it really detected something has sense...
@Ferrybig @Tunaki @PetterFriberg @Reimeus @HovercraftFullOfEels just an fyi, Reimeus reduced the ones with closes votes to a count of 3 (that had cv=4). What remains is a large batch192 in the beehive which have cv=3
Questions are hidden from review once you skip them.
I visited stackoverflow.com/review without cookies and saw 7.6k - probably should have told you that figure.
@Tunaki thanks
@WaiHaLee for some reason I thought the general page tells you an objective number
I don't know what I was thinking:P
@Closey stats
7564 need review
2622 reviews today
3180937 reviews all-time
@AndrasDeak in incognito I got 7,565 vs. 7,279 in normal view.
^ there, you have the number
@WaiHaLee yeah I've found that since as well, thanks:)
you too Tunaki
^ heh. That's much better.
@Tunaki Have you understod if it is question or votes need?
Finishing my reviews, then off to bed...
7564 questions are currently in the queue, according to Closey that is. But Closey holds the truth™ so...
@Tunaki It was close to 10k two days ago
Anyone got some graphs?
the FAQ does:P --^ -------------------------------------------------------------------v
@Kyll The graph that is in the FAQ that no-one read :p? Yes socvr.azurewebsites.net
cough Yeah, that one. I was testing you all.
Speaking of @rene... the graph is kinda slow. Is it written in node?
I'm sorry to say it's not too overwhelming as of yet
of course the scale is set by that 120k peak
@Tunaki You troller, changes the link in a non-clikable link just when I wanted to press it, :)
@AndrasDeak You can zoom...
@Ferrybig Yeah well he kept pinging me for that.
far out maaaaan
That's Tunaki for ya
if only the "reset zoom" button worked
It does.
Does not here
And the graph keeps loading
@AndrasDeak Browser?
@Tunaki Does not work for me either... chrome..
The button works when the loading has finished.
@Kyll That happens when a lot of people hit it at the same time I think.
That is, if you wait for the loading to finish...
@hichris123 It only locks into "Loading..." when I zoom
same here
> SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
Looks like malformed JSON
Don't look at me. It was rene. goes into hiding
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
Hmm, maybe I'll take a look at this. After all, I do have the original data (2014-Sept 2015).
Yeah, the server returns a 500 when a POST is done to retrieve the data
@Kyll that can also happen when the page returns an error, and returns HTML
@Kyll firefox 38.0 (on ubuntu)
Ubuntu. That's the problem of course.
@AndrasDeak 38? Wth, I'm on 47 (Mint)
ubuntu is not exactly cutting-edge when it comes to the official repositories
@Quill Nah, end of data happens with JSON.parse(''). It tried to parse an empty response from the 500 of the server
47? It doesn't even exist? Latest is 45.0.1
@Kyll oh, end of input. right
never mind then
@Tunaki Firefox Dev Edition. 47.0a2 ;)
Living on the edge, I see.
The bleeding one
@Closey You have no more close votes today; come back in 1 hour.
So yeah, @rene socvr.azurewebsites.net the request done when zooming results in an empty 500 response, causing the page to crash (keeps "loading..." forever, undo zoom never activates) as the script tries to parse an empty response
@hichris123 yes
@Kyll It does work when you zoom in on a small window
@rene Ok.
How do you setup the MySQL configuration?
@Tunaki Does it? I tried with a window a few days large. Let me try again
oh, nevermind.
@hichris123 uh... I dunno ... just a db?
@Tunaki Oh yeah. Focusing on an hour-scale graph works.
@Kyll yeah, the zooming can use some rework / improvement
@AlexanderO'Mara Debugging help questions require a [mcve] as per the [help]. Your code is not minimal. Please [edit] your question to make sure that your code is Minimal (only the code necessary to reproduce your issue in your question), Complete (users do not need anything else to reproduce your issue),
and Verifiable (the provided code does reproduce the exact issue you are facing). As it is your question is off-topic for $SITENAME$. Note that this is also a common [downvote reason](http://idownvotedyoubecause.com/so/TooMuchCode).
@rene I can't ASP.net though
@Kyll it is javascript on nodejs with MySql as backend
Is it just me, or is there more junk being posted than usual for this time?
@rene Oh, nice. I was fooled by the X-Powered-By header of the responses then
@Kyll yeah, the nodejs sits behind an IIS sever for the activation when a connection comes in.
@rene Cloned, I'll take a look into it tomorrow
OK, cool
out of CVs for today
@Closey room effectiveness
@PetterFriberg 16 members have processed 762 review items today, which accounts for 28.7% of all cv reviews today.
Are those JSHint comments? Or is it for another plugin?
Plop @intboolstring!
@intboolstring Hi long time ago that I saw you...
I haven't been on in a while
Hiya @intboolstring o/
BTW, is swearing on SO good? I flagged some posts with swear words as rude/abusive and they were declined. I don't have insta-edit. What should I have done?
@intboolstring If you can't insta-edit, then suggest an edit removing the swears (improving other stuff if possible, also)
Swearing isn't inappropriate, but it's mostly unnecessary
or come in here. Make the edit. We zippo approve with edit attached. If possible
if someone's using curse words in their post, they're probably against being edited, but meh
@intboolstring My rule is its abusive if its directed to someone otherwise you just edit example I'm so fu**ing stupid is not, while you are so fu.... is...
I wouldn't flag it as rude/abusive unless the words are directed at someone. ^
@Quill That's subject to interpretation and culture. Schools might for example filter out web pages that contains swear words. Such words are never needed in a professional context so are just potentially harmful fluff to be filtered out
@Kyll Jslint
The intent of the author has no weight in that case, just delete the swear words =p
@rene K
and this is neither a school nor a professional environment
@intboolstring Also, most flags are declined if an edit can fix the issue
@Quill ... Isn't it? I thought SO tried pretty heavily to be a professional environment
meh. something like that
Well some are "legit" in there, like this one stackoverflow.com/a/27056991/1743880
@Quill snort Most relevant is a PHP answer.
@Kyll nice
@Tunaki Yeah, no. Replace swears with Unicorns or Moderator nicknames
replace them with the poop emoji
Or the flying business man one
Yes ----------------------------------------------v
Can anyone make something out of this question?
No ----------------------------------------------^
@Kyll I've updated the readme.md a bit
@rene Great! Thanks
@AlexanderO'Mara Active 4 years ago...
@Kyll Oh yeah, just stumbled upon it.
[Insert usual comment about ignoring old inactive questions] [Insert smiley] [Insert defuser] [Add Spearrel reference]
When a question starts with:
> I have a Json response which comes in html format.
You know it's going to be good.
@Rob Could've gone !!/allspam on that user I think
That auto-delete is really nice
Still missing the sd gone races
Yeah, didn't know there were multiple - didn't really check
was just going through the cvs
> <!DOCKTYPE html>
Insta quirk-mode
@Kyll You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 3 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 4 hours, 51 minutes, and 25 seconds, averaging to a review every 4 minutes and 51 seconds.
@Closey room effectiveness
Right before midnight!
@Tunaki 16 members have processed 787 review items today, which accounts for 28.97% of all cv reviews today.
wth, seriously?
We can't be 30% of reviewers
Are you doubting Closey?
There can't be just 50 CV reviewers
Maybe it's because we're the only ones crazy enough to review on Sunday
possibly... we'll see how it goes next week.
Also, that command is pure badass
@Kyll A lot of people probably don't do all 60.
@hichris123 Oh, indeed
@Kyll 1 hour more
@Closey room effectiveness
@PetterFriberg 16 members have processed 787 review items today, which accounts for 28.88% of all cv reviews today.
@AndrasDeak Yep
Kyll k
@Kyll Also yesterday we did 30%
7.5k at the moment and tomorrow it will probably be at like 10k again... Why do so less people do reviews? Even though now you can do 60!
Is [tagweb2.0] undergoing burnination? A user is removing it from a bunch of questions
@kyll Depends on what 'today' is defined as
@Rob Heh
If it's anything past GMT, the day only just started
@AlexanderO'Mara Thanks. I saw this user edits and thought it was weird
@Kyll and added a small restore for the db. It seems to be missing the index on the time column but beyond that it looks OK.
@rene Yay, ty
18 mins ago, by Kyll
[Insert usual comment about ignoring old inactive questions] [Insert smiley] [Insert defuser] [Add Spearrel reference]
Ok, Monday is started, I need some sleep, cya
> (a vote was cast before mine...)
Bonne nuit!
Monday started here too, off to me bed. Night!
I'm out too, bonne nuit all
Good night! :)
@Signal We don't handle NAA reqs here.
Where do they go? My apologies.
@Signal Well, just flag it yourself and leave it at that. A single flag is all that's needed (multiple flags don't carry any additional effect).
I'm out of flags for the day :p
Oh, lol
@AlexanderO'Mara I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Alexander O'Mara passed a audit!
Alexander O'Mara passed a audit!
closes per day c# vs java
Maybe we should ask Shog for a small loan of 1 million close votes.
You have no more close votes today; come back in 3 minutes.
@Closey help
This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by the SOCVR developers. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
You probably want reviews today
@Closey reviews today
@AlexanderO'Mara You've reviewed 32 posts today (of which 2 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 8 minutes and 33 seconds, averaging to a review every 16 seconds.

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