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@Kyll Hi
I guess this is just a troll answer. stackoverflow.com/a/36069149/4099593
@BhargavRao NAA and move on
^ what he said
yeah, That's the best.
and I refuse to believe in them for instances like this ??
I hope jon wont kill me
I edited a meta post of his earlier today
Its always scary to edit stuff written by a mod
Did you leave some cookies in the edit summary?
Im not sure
@BhargavRao that just died.
@Fred-ii- guy probably got scared of DVs and deleted
@DavidG Fixed it! A mid-line selection is now maintained properly when shifting text in or out.
@Magisch Nah
@Magisch it was deleted by 3 guys, I being one of them
I noticed they made LQP reviews 30 too
so 60 CVs and 30 LQP reviews
@Fred-ii- Hey, You 3 wasted delv votes when there is a burninantion request with [status-planned]?
Interesting I wonder how that'll pan out
@BhargavRao Q protected.
@BhargavRao why would you call it a waste? I have like 21 votes to delete left
@Fred-ii- Bah, The LQP would handle it :/ ...
I need to get to 30k asap, I never have enuf delv-votes
pff im not even at 4k yet
@BhargavRao if I can help out sooner, I don't mind ;) but you're right though
possible spam/self-promotion stackoverflow.com/a/36069541
This question has 2 CV on it. stackoverflow.com/questions/27585307/… Do we open / close? Looks No MCVE.
Off to NATO, flags in hand.
@Mogsdad I'm there with 10 flags left
@Tunaki no clue about python
@BhargavRao -----------------------------------------------^
@Tunaki No idea, not familiar with that
@BhargavRao Since apparently everyone skipped it. I say we let it live and retract CV. Agree?
possible spamming/self-promotion (again) stackoverflow.com/a/36069640 same guy in the past 5 mins.
that's irritating
fred gone
@Kyll He's been doing that 3 times now.
@Fred-ii- Where's the third?
@Undo it too got deleted
@Fred-ii- It got Undone. (We use someone gone as a joke parallel to sd gone)
@Undo Hey
Lavender-Undo :)
I still have no idea what that's about :P
@Kyll glad to see a bit of humour ;)
@Undo Don't ask him
It'll only encourage him
Spam. Nothing but marketing for Helcim. User profile indicates they are in marketing. This government listing for Helcim lists this user name as their Marketing contact.
@Tunaki Done
I can't retract mine apparently.
@Mogsdad Nice investigation there. Report all?
@Mogsdad and another by the same guy stackoverflow.com/a/36069032
Aw, that'd be a nice use-case for !!/allspam
or POB
Another question with 2 CV on it stackoverflow.com/q/34234333/1743880 Voted as "unlikely to help" because the OP is closing their worksheet before saving. Leave open?
Probably Opinion Based :)
Oh, thank you :)
yes, of course
my opinion slept through...
@Tunaki sadly we dont have RO elections
I'd vote for you
You could become a RO yourself and then you'll be able to vote.
@Tunaki sure and next thing you know Im running for moderator
as if
@Signal Place Of Birth
@Rizier123 @FélixGagnon-Grenier @Fred-ii- :
batch005 count=27 cv4 is in the beehive
Those are the questions with close vote count = 4
@BhargavRao Looks like a Thank you to another Thank you.
> Thank you, Your Thank you works for me
Nice one. :)
This is why English is doomed.
I won't flag that tho, They are corner cases.
@BhargavRao Why not?
It's a pretty clear-cut case no?
"corner cases" are the declined lot
@Tunaki No, it's an answer from a comment.
@Drew I gotta fly, back in a bit
@Rizier123 @FélixGagnon-Grenier @Fred-ii- here are your numbers for PHP. We get 3 people to look at close vote 3 batches, they close
Java keeps those numbers for 4 and 3 down way down
I thought it would be way worse. I'm out of votes for today,
working through cv4 going down
Is my comment here stackoverflow.com/questions/36070120/sqrt-and-pow-in-c#36070120 better as an answer or a comment?
they age away and you keep them
@BhargavRao On posts like that, I use a custom flag with links to explain that it's a copy of a comment that answered a question that was also a comment. (If it happens to answer the original question, it just needs editing.)
@Signal I would say that isn't of much help for future visitors so I think an answer is not needed. But I'm not well versed in that technology. If you can expand the comment to a good answer before it gets closed it could woek.
@Rizier123 you asked about PHP net votes a few days ago. That file is up in the hive
For the last 17724 questions
@Signal We need more information from the OP. In C++11 sqrt and pow both can take integers. Since the OP just has C++ that can be up to and including C++14
@Closey refresh tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@rene Tag data has been refreshed.
@Signal did @NathanOliver answer your point?
Yes @rene
Already on-hold. Thanks guys!
There should be 3 questions in the queue.
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[close] [turtle]"
@Mogs, Go for first 2 pages. I lost flags somewhere in the middle
@BhargavRao Already done.
@PetterFriberg I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Awesome Mogs
@BhargavRao mogzie is there. I am there now
@Closey start event
9605 need review
2805 reviews today
3171315 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
Really? Restarting your mac fixes the problem.
@Closey next 10 tags
@rene The next 10 tags are: 1337, 1336, 37, 32, 29, 27, 25, 25, 24, 24
this could be assumed to be an answer. Be careful stackoverflow.com/a/36070453
I'll unpin that when the event is over
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@BhargavRao I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
> I've noticed you've started reviewing!
This is an interesting sentence to analyze.
It reveals some connection between subordinate clause and main clause tenses.
You like to be monitored to... just request it and it will be done : )
Let closey spy on you.... : )
@IͶΔ thankfully we are not on ELL so the analysis can stop there....
It did
Petter Friberg passed a audit!
I passed a selenium audit as well...
Petter stole my audit!
... closey did not care about you rene, just kick him/her/it
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[close] [turtle]"
do I review now?
@BhargavRao We are out of turtles: imgur.com/13kytTk
@AndrasDeak YES
Bhargav Rao passed a audit!
@AndrasDeak I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
thanks Closey
@Kyll (or anyone) a mongodb guy?
@Drew Vaguely
batch002 count=25 cv3,4 is in the beehive
wow, ran out of turtles after 2
that was quick
@Mogsdad Undone
Verbing weirds language.
Bhargav Rao passed a audit!
@Kyll I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
So close yet so far
I just emptied as far as my reviews go
Nothing in
turtle has 7 questions. 5 have close votes of 1
it is, I'll find the ones you linked in the queue @Drew
fyi I don't do the queue with those
@BhargavRao You've reviewed 60 posts today (of which 5 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 17 minutes and 21 seconds, averaging to a review every 17 seconds.
@Drew All 7 have my cvs aged on them
I would suggest we don't do turtle out of the queue. Just do it out of the tag
closey wake up
Petter Friberg passed an audit!
@Closey (cc @Sam) Says 5 audits, but has reported only 2.
@Closey reviews today
@BhargavRao You've reviewed 57 posts today (of which 5 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 17 minutes and 21 seconds, averaging to a review every 18 seconds.
@Sam ^^ inconsistent results
@BhargavRao You got 1 second slower!
@BhargavRao And how many did you actually review?
@Tunaki It's offensive, no? Thus k..?
@Sam 60 total, I will tell ya the audits in a moment
I think it should be k, it is naa and contains offensive to a party
Mind running reviews today details?
@Closey reviews today details
@BhargavRao You've reviewed 57 posts today (of which 5 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 17 minutes and 21 seconds, averaging to a review every 18 seconds.
 | Item Id  | Action    | Audit  | Completed At            |
 | 11673720 | Close     |        | 2016-03-17 20:04:44 UTC |
 | 11673783 | Close     |        | 2016-03-17 20:05:08 UTC |
 | 11673782 | Close     |        | 2016-03-17 20:04:58 UTC |
 | 11670347 | Close     |        | 2016-03-17 20:05:36 UTC |
 | 11673344 | Close     |        | 2016-03-17 20:05:17 UTC |
 | 11670353 | Close     |        | 2016-03-17 20:06:22 UTC |
 | 11670263 | Close     |        | 2016-03-17 20:06:35 UTC |
Na, its not offensive to users only to bill gates... just naa
You apparently had 3 more audits.
All of which were deleted.
Bah, I'll check them. Just a sec.
Okay we definitely have a user to nuke on our hands
There is that same user again, yet another offensive statement
@Tunaki I marked him as k in the charcoal HQ, then I saw you marked him here as n
close only has 1 question with a close vote on it
Andras Deak passed a audit!
Do I have to re-register with Closey?
It was one post, I let it go.
@Sam Nope. I only had 2 audits.
@Closey wasn't suspicious at all with reviewing and [tag:opencv questions
When did you start reviewing?
@JAL Try my membership...
@Closey my membership
@PetterFriberg You are in the Reviewer group.
@Closey my membership
@JAL You are not in any permission groups.
ah classic
@Rene do shortcuts (SD K/N/F) work here too?
@Closey comands
@Jal Wanna be added?
@PetterFriberg Sorry, I don't understand that. Did you mean commands?
@Closey commands
@JAL Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
commands - Shows this list.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
my membership - Shows the permission groups you are a part of.
reject request [#] - Rejects a pending permission request.
remove [user id] from [group name] - Manually removes a user from the given permission group.
@IͶΔ if you're authorized for this room, yes
@Closey request permission to reviewers
@JAL I don't know what that permission group is. Run Membership to see a list of permission groups.
@Closey add 2415822 to reviewer
@Tunaki I've added @JAL to the Reviewer group.
@Closey Membership
@JAL Current users in permission groups:
You're in. Welcome to madness.
    Alexander O'Mara (3155639)
    Andras Deak (5067311)
    Andrew Cheong (925913)
    Bhargav Rao (4099593)
    bluefeet (426671)
    Brad Larson (19679)
    Dukeling (1711796)
    durron597 (1768232)
    Félix Gagnon-Grenier (576767)
    Ferrybig (1542723)
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    JAL (2415822)
    JNat (1328704)
    Jon Clements (1252759)
    Kevin Guan (5299236)
    Kyll (4174897)
    Madara Uchiha (871050)
    Magisch (5389107)
    Mogsdad (1677912)
    Ms Yvette ǝʇʇǝʌʎ sW (3956566)
I'm sure I'll have to re-add myself at some point again
but thanks Tuna
@JAL I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Closey reviews today
@Tunaki You've reviewed 57 posts today. The time between your first and last review today was 36 minutes and 22 seconds, averaging to a review every 38 seconds.
@rene What? I thought authorizing is per user not per room.
@IͶΔ per user and per room.
@IͶΔ No, you are not a privileged user.
Thoughts on this answer? I'm not sure it's flaggable, but would consider a downvote-and-delete appropriate.
@SmokeDetector Oh, then I should report to UNICEF.
Or was it UNESCO? Dunno.
Andras Deak passed a audit!
now, that was unexpected ^
Wanted: userscript that plays applause whenever a "passed audit" message appears, and "aww" when one is failed.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[python-3.x] [close] [turtle]"
@Clo reviews today
@Tunaki You've reviewed 59 posts today. The time between your first and last review today was 38 minutes and 48 seconds, averaging to a review every 39 seconds.
Well out of votes.
JAL passed an audit!
@Mogsdad suggested sounds: transport tycoon audio
By the way, I passed an audit that Closey didn't detect @Sam
Tunaki passed a audit! *applause*
@Mogsdad Reminds me I have a userscript to do around here too... To show respect. cc @gunr2171
I Stole it...
was that it?
Petter Friberg passed a audit!
oh never mind that was Andras
you see....
nice caps kyll
hi everyone
how does Closey currently work?
Omg, Sig in the main room. Getting 60 close votes was the beginning of the end of the world
JAL passed a audit!
@Closey commands
@Kyll Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
ok I'm out of votes too, put a nice dent in python-3x and mvc though
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
@Siguza ^
@Clo opt in
@Siguza Sorry, you are not in the Reviewer permission group. You can request access by running request permission to Reviewer.
since when?
That's really weird.
@Siguza Since Closey died and was reborned
@Clo request permission to Reviewer
@Siguza I've created request #17 to get you in the Reviewer group.
yeah, several times
@Tuna ?
@Closey You have no more close votes today; come back in 3 hours.
Can I approve requests..?
@Closey approve request 17
@PetterFriberg @Siguza has been added to the Reviewer group.
Nice, we can.
@Siguza get to reviewing. Closey will stalk you.
@Kyll I passed an audit where the intended action was to close. I passed it and I had 1 CV remaining. Everything went fine and I continued reviewing (the CV wasn't cast). BUT Closey didn't detect it and I can't find it in my history.
we have 37 that are open. only 1 in the queue. So we need to march the tag. Retag. Close vote that way
Andras Deak passed a audit!
Closey likes me!
Closey never detects when I end @Sam (maybe because I have already voted and do not have all 50 cv)?
@Siguza I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Drew Already on it Drew.
@Siguza Closey noticed you've started reviewing! She'll update your session record.
@Tunaki Uh.
@Kyll She? How long was I gone?!
@Siguza Not long enough, imho.
Also you've missed that =p
Glad to see you around
not sure I can make a habit out of it again
@Closey reviews today
@PetterFriberg You've reviewed 52 posts today (of which 3 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 47 minutes and 29 seconds, averaging to a review every 54 seconds.
@Closey reviews today
@AndrasDeak You've reviewed 39 posts today (of which 3 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 21 hours, 20 minutes, and 15 seconds, averaging to a review every 32 minutes and 49 seconds.
your welcome.
@Closey reviews today
@JAL You've reviewed 31 posts today (of which 22 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 6 minutes and 9 seconds, averaging to a review every 11 seconds.
22 audits ; )
dat robo reviewing (jk Closey didn't see my earlier reviews)
What? 22 audits?
didn't seem like that many audits, weird
@Closey total reviews today
@PetterFriberg Today, 17 members have reviewed a total of 597 items.
 | User                 | Review Items Today |
 | Magisch              | 60                 |
 | Ferrybig             | 59                 |
 | Rizier123            | 59                 |
 | Tunaki               | 59                 |
 | Bhargav Rao          | 57                 |
 | Petter Friberg       | 52                 |
 | Mogsdad              | 43                 |
 | rene                 | 42                 |
 | Andras Deak          | 41                 |
I just got a post starting with "Hope all of you are fine."
yes, it was
@Siguza Ha!
@rene meow?
@Sam @gunr2171 I think my 22 audits thing is wrong. I only count 4: 1 2 3 4
@JAL Same prob with me. Had 2, reported as 5
Had 1 reported 0.
@JAL rene was accusing me of stealing audits... now we know who it was.. ; )
rene passed a audit!
can't beat my audits, 22/31
@Closey reviews today
@AndrasDeak You've reviewed 53 posts today (of which 3 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 21 hours, 19 minutes, and 22 seconds, averaging to a review every 24 minutes and 8 seconds.
7 more
Andras Deak passed a audit!
4/4 so far for Closey
Siguza passed a audit!
wordpress reviews are too obvious

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