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@Closey next 10 tags
@TinyGiant The next 10 tags are: 89, 65, 56, 47, 43, 41, 36, 35, 32, 31
Start off at the end and work your way back.
@KevinGuan ide
@Closey starting
@approxiblue May the Vote be with you!
@MsYvette Oh, that's fine.
@MsYvette I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
How does one review specific tags?
@Closey starting
@KevinGuan Don't get lost in the queue!
@Brock @Alexander are you guys registered with Closey?
@KevinGuan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@TinyGiant no. link?
@TinyGiant I don't think so.
@TinyGiant Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
@Closey add user 331508
@TinyGiant Ok, I added Alexander O'Mara (3155639) to the stalked tracked users list.
@Closey alive
@AvinashRaj I'm alive and kicking!
@Closey starting
@AlexanderO'Mara May the Vote be with you!
@TinyGiant Ok, I added Brock Adams (331508) to the stalked tracked users list.
Now what do I do?
@Closey Owner
@AvinashRaj Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@Closey @Sam What's stalked users list?
@KevinGuan Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
Start reviewing and filter by
@Closey starting
@BrockAdams Watch out for audits!
@Closey commands
@AlexanderO'Mara @BrockAdams commands for Closey are here: github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/SOCVR-Chatbot/wiki/…
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
@AvinashRaj Are you tracked?
@TinyGiant ???
@TinyGiant How do you filter? Skip everything not [ide]?
Closey tracks your reviewing history and audit statistics.
@closey starting
@Drew May the Vote be with you!
@AlexanderO'Mara filter option at the top
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[ide]"
add tag [ide]
@AlexanderO'Mara Theres a little filter link on the menu panel when you're in the review.
@approxiblue Just seeing it now for the first time.
@Closey add user 3297613
@TinyGiant Ok, I added Avinash Raj (3297613) to the stalked tracked users list.
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[ide]"
@TinyGiant Next?
@Closey next 10 tags
@TinyGiant The next 10 tags are: 89, 65, 56, 47, 43, 41, 36, 35, 32, 31
@TinyGiant what are you doing?
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[ide]"
@AvinashRaj Now closey will listen to you.
listen on what?
You can tell him @Closey starting to tell him that you're starting a review session.
@TinyGiant Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@Closey starting
@AvinashRaj May the Vote be with you!
@approxiblue Yeah, that one.
Yes @brock and @Alexander you guys should check that out too.
So the next tag is?
@TinyGiant I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@TinyGiant will do.
@Closey starting
@TinyGiant By the power of the Vote! Review!
@KevinGuan next 10 tags, work backwards
On the top of the Review page it says Review | Close Votes | filter ... click on filter, change the tag, check some checkboxes, and hit Okay
and may the farce be with you
@TinyGiant weird tag
it's an ecommerce thing
@Closey last session stats
@AvinashRaj You have no completed review sessions on record, so I can't give you any stats.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[ide]"
@AvinashRaj That won't work until you finish your first session
@Closey current tag
@BrockAdams The current tag is with 89 known review items.
I have a python dupe hammer. If I close all the questions with that hammer, I should face serious probs..
I think some of these woocommerce questions belong on wordpress
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[woocommerce]"
@MsYvette Just don't migrate crap.
passed bots audit
Kevin passed a audit!
@TinyGiant I haven't flagged to migrate anything yet, I need to have a chat about it.
passed c# audit
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[woocommerce]"
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[woocommerce]"
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[woocommerce]"
Just voted to Leave open a question, and then voted to close it...should check the comments before choose.
Morning all!
@Closey starting
@rene May the Vote be with you!
@Closey There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[ide]"
@BrockAdams Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
Just paste it bare, no need to ping closey for those.
same with when you pass an audit.
Just use passed X audit
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [ide]"
I'm just barely awake but I passed a c++ audit
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
That's hard to do.
Good morning to all
rene passed a audit!
how do I get Pham to notice my existence, user=1816093
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[forms]"
@Drew I'll have to ask sam.
@Closey completed tags
@AlexanderO'Mara Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name           | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | .net               | 4     | 2015-11-26 18:43:07 UTC |
 | twitter-bootstrap  | 6     | 2015-11-26 18:37:30 UTC |
 | css3               | 8     | 2015-11-24 21:05:34 UTC |
 | google-docs        | 4     | 2015-11-23 21:18:25 UTC |
 | google-spreadsheet | 3     | 2015-11-23 21:16:54 UTC |
 | google-apps-script | 6     | 2015-11-23 21:16:54 UTC |
 | asp.net            | 3     | 2015-11-19 21:38:51 UTC |
@closey audit stats
@AlexanderO'Mara I don't have any of your audits on record, so I can't produce any stats for you.
Is there a way to tell Closey I finished 40?
passed woocommerce audit
@AlexanderO'Mara Paste the message that is in the bar.
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 5 hours to continue reviewing
@AlexanderO'Mara Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
last session stats
Gotta ping for that one.
D'oh! Missed 2 spams while doing CV review. :(
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 18 hours to continue reviewing.
@MsYvette Your last uncompleted review session was 2 days, 16 hours, 9 minutes and 34 seconds ago. Because it has exceeded my threshold (5 hours), I can't mark that session with this information. Use the command 'end session' to forcefully end that session.
@MsYvette You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 23 minutes, averaging to a review every 36 seconds.
@Closey last session stats
@AlexanderO'Mara Your last completed review session ended 50 seconds ago and lasted 21 minutes and 13 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 31 seconds.
@Closey end session
passed scala audit
@TinyGiant Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@MsYvette I have forcefully ended your last session. To see more details use the command last session stats. In addition, the number of review items is most likely not set, use the command last session edit count <new count> to fix that.
@Closey last session edit count 40
Review item count has been changed:
User: Ms Yvette (3956566)
Start Time: 2015-12-16 13:15:13 UTC
End Time: 2015-12-19 05:25:30 UTC
Items Reviewed: [Not Set] -> 40
Use the command 'last session stats' to see more details.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[xamarin]"
Tiny passed a audit!
I think we all need a group hug after that.. it was frightening reviewing so many bad post in such a short time! sniff
@MsYvette Lol
can we do these every day that was awesome! :D
passed c++ audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 18 hours to continue reviewing.
@approxiblue Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [asp.net]"
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[woocommerce]"
rene passed a audit!
passed c# audit
@TinyGiant You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 21 minutes, averaging to a review every 33 seconds.
@Closey last session stats
@TinyGiant Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@TinyGiant Your last completed review session ended 12 seconds ago and lasted 22 minutes and 13 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 33 seconds.
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [woocommerce]"
@rene You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 11 minutes, averaging to a review every 18 seconds.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 18 hours to continue reviewing.
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@rene Your last completed review session ended 18 seconds ago and lasted 13 minutes and 7 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 19 seconds.
I don't think the woocommerce questions would be suitable for wordpress.se wordpress.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic
@Closey last session stats
@alirezasafian Sorry, you need more permissions to run that command.
@Closey FRITW
@MsYvette Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
dang I meant to ping @rene FRITW
You can tell it's hot here today.. they say it's about 29/30 C -> 86 F But I reckon it's hotter
@alirezasafian Sorry I forgot to invite you to the event. :(
@Clo add user 4711404
@TinyGiant Ok, I added alireza safian (4711404) to the stalked tracked users list.
@TinyGiant No problem.
ah so Closey's list of users get pinged to all room events yes?
@alirezasafian check out the docs
@MsYvette No, only if I tell him to.
Waitttttttt, that's not unclear. I think I understand now.
If you're active in the room, you will be notified of events automatically.
Plus it puts a big banner up on the chat homepage for everyone to see.
@MsYvette it is hot everywhere, 16 degrees Celsius predicted for today here in the south
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[forms]"
I'm in Canada, where it can be hot... even when it's cold.
@rene that is warm for your winter!
@Closey next 10 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@KevinGuan The next 10 tags are: 89, 65, 56, 47, 43, 41, 36, 35, 32, 31
@TinyGiant you talking about the weather or people? :D
@MsYvette We'll never know ;)
Do you watch How I met you Mother?
Nope, never.
oh they tease one of the main characters for being Canadian.. my daughter loves it, so we've watched it over and over and over, one of her brothers is experiencing PTSD as a result of it :D
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[xamarin]"
@KevinGuan you cv-pls'd that post but did not CV it yourself!?
4 mins ago, by Kevin Guan
Waitttttttt, that's not unclear. I think I understand now.
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 18 hours to continue reviewing.
@KevinGuan Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@MsYvette No sound right now.
@KevinGuan You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 39 minutes, averaging to a review every 1 minutes and 0 seconds.
@TinyGiant probably a good thing for me :D
@Closey last session stats
@KevinGuan Your last completed review session ended 20 seconds ago and lasted 39 minutes and 41 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 59 seconds.
@MsYvette Lol, we Canadians really are nice.
@KevinGuan Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@TinyGiant I know! we're related.. Commonwealth and all that
@KevinGuan that is not good, you missed the 1 minute mark by a second....
@KevinGuan stop it, it's not a race.. except for rene
Did I say something?
Yes, as a RO I do have access to those messages ...
everyone stops to think for a minute
shhh they can't hear us if we're in italics K
@MsYvette Wow, that's good :P
And I'm keeping my last three close votes for a rainy day.... because tomorrow is supposed to be rainy.
Ok, I'm out again, I'll be back in a couple of hours
@rene bye \o
And I'm out for the night too.
@TinyGiant night \o
Good event everyone, glad we got some new members in tonight and hooked up with Closey. I hope we get even more next time around. :)
@KevinGuan No excuses.
@approxiblue :P Really, I can't play with everyone this time, this party. So I can only say: Hope everyone enjoy it!
@KevinGuan You'll be with the room in spirit.
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [forms]"
@KevinGuan 4am here. I've registered, but not sure if it's viable
@approxiblue Thanks, remember bookmark the party, I'll check it when it's morning here :D
@MsYvette If you can, then please enjoy the party instead me ;)
@KevinGuan ok K :D
@MsYvette Thanks :)
@Drew User is blacklisted. (5697416 on stackoverflow.com).
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[forms]"
@Drew I dunno about that one. Maybe MCVE...
@Drew What off-site resource does it request?
whatever works
clearly he is requesting something to "make it discoverable"
@Drew Yes, requesting help to make the device discoverable (i.e. to get it working). I don't see any request for an off-site resource. I don't know anything about the device, though.
attracting. too broad or POB ↑
fine Nisse. We know
@Drew Said answer is basically spam, as it does not disclose the author's affiliation stackoverflow.com/a/34368010/3155639
"This answer is improper, because the author did not disclose his affiliation with the website to which he linked, and the code is at the link, instead of posted here." as per Robert Harvey ♦
@AlexanderO'Mara above
and thanks
@Drew So not spam, just very-low-quality?
i went spam
I am sure (or i think) Tunaki would too
I then drill into their Answer history and dig around. If it is a new guy registered today my eyebrows raise
if it is way out there and obvious I !//report
I think Tunaki reports a ton more than I would
I seriously write too many answers I get zero votes for, and yet other people write the same thing before and after and get votes.. I must be doing something wrong.
@MsYvette I hear ya. And heaven forbid some of these answers get brought up on meta!
@MsYvette Hmm...if someone already posted an answer before me, I'd upvote his answer and delete mine. If someone's answer after me and they're same thing (but must be really same, added little explanation != same ), I'd comment and ask: Is there any difference between your answer and my earlier answer?
passed xamarin audit
@MsYvette - I know what you mean... I got the Unsung Hero badge so fast. And the unsinging continues. :(
@KevinGuan good point, I will note that :3
A: Which answer do I accept if I have multiple correct answers?

Bill the LizardIf the answers are different, but all correct, I would upvote all of the correct answers, and accept the one that I actually use. If the answers are all the same, but came in at different times, I would accept the one that came in first, unless one answer was more clear or went into greater deta...

@neferpitou :P
@Drew User is blacklisted. (3414521 on stackoverflow.com).
@Closey end session
@BrockAdams I have forcefully ended your last session. To see more details use the command last session stats. In addition, the number of review items is most likely not set, use the command last session edit count <new count> to fix that.
@Closey last session stats
@BrockAdams Your last completed review session ended 39 seconds ago and lasted 2 hours and 29 seconds. However, the number of reviewed items has not been set. Use the command last session edit count <new count> to set the new value.
@Closey last session edit count 26
Review item count has been changed:
User: Brock Adams (331508)
Start Time: 2015-12-19 05:03:25 UTC
End Time: 2015-12-19 07:03:54 UTC
Items Reviewed: [Not Set] -> 26
Use the command 'last session stats' to see more details.
attracting. More in the series of templatetoaster.com
@TigerhawkT3 same it's frightening.
@Drew I'm out of votes
yeah. where do we get more
like the 250/day I suggest
@Drew Be a mod.
@BrockAdams it's like.. go to the trouble of editing the question, formatting some code, it takes longer to post the blinking thing and it's like I'm invisible.. I know I shouldn't complain, but it's nice to be acknowledged for the effort.
@KevinGuan Please stop correcting me when I make a passing comment, It was a whine, I don't want to be told what to do.. Ok K? I'm pointing it out, because it is annoying lol
Is this a real question or elaborate spam? stackoverflow.com/q/34367674
last time I checked there are only a few mod slots ever open, the requirement is 30 min a day, and I don't wanna be a mod !
I want an endless supply of votes and willing to let it erode my rep
@NisseEngström I think it's a real question after having the misfortune to be thrust onto a wordpress site of late. It's just a crappy question LOL
@MsYvette Ok, thanks.
I like helping new peeps that are struggling to figure it all out. But I don't expect any points. A freebie
@MsYvette But that's not what I meant, I was just want to say about What do I do and not What should you do...but OK, will remember this...
@NisseEngström I answered OP in a comment
@Drew yes! totally write, I had it written on my profile for a while, do not answer low rep user posts! Thanks for reminding me.
@KevinGuan In this setting, both cultural and the language, it is perceived that you are giving me advice, but we can talk about that another time in our own room ;) (not now I'm too hot and cranky :)
If you don't answer low-rep users' posts, you'll get to answer a question every few weeks.
not with my SEDE search. Hundreds
@Drew I need that link again.
Well, on a per-tag basis, anyway. In the tag I'm in, at least.
oh you mean fresh questions
look a week out, high rep no answer targets
@TigerhawkT3 I'm finding it hard to find questions I want to answer. I wonder if it's me or the questions
or if you forgot the bookmark !
@MsYvette Ah, understand it. However, it's very cold here :P
@Drew yeh I need to give it a meaningful name, and put it in my chats bookmark. I bookmark maybe 5-10 things a day and then go through and have a clean up. If it doesn't have an obvious or meaningful name I delete it :/
A tinyurl dot com for you and make it a tattoo. Your kids will forgive you.
"Forgive" = "laugh at"?
most of them already do :P
did you guys miss the saga of my misspelled tattoo?
@MsYvette Yes!
ok, well I google this phrase in French.
It's not until I take French lessons I realise it doesn't make sense :)
However it's hidden from the general public.
It was only when I dated someone brought up speaking French I hit problems :P
Google Translate: perfect for words that will be permanently inscribed on the surface of your body.
What the heck is that PHP tag doing on a C++ question? Should I edit or comment, or... NO, YOU CHECK IF IT IS AN AUDIT, ya bloomin' idiot!
It's a total embarrassment.. from 2.06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbGDACOzZXQ Now He's Getting A Tattoo
Yeah He's Gettin' ink Done
He Asked For A "13",
But They Drew A "31"
@NisseEngström Link, link, link. LINK IS...I said it 2 times.
@TigerhawkT3 yeh.. well we won't go into the circumstance lol
Ok I'm going to find a decent question and I'm not coming back here until I've written a decent answer clomp clomp clomp clomp footsteps fading
"Find a decent question" nice knowing you.
@KevinGuan What, this?
@NisseEngström Yep :P
Oh, understand. You're reviewing a audit, and actually it's a question.
@KevinGuan Yup. It added a random tag from my filter.
Yeah, I know.
Morning o/
Morning \o
first one is an NPE, should get you excited
^ What's the code language?
@MsYvette Nice one! :-)
@NisseEngström :D
@TigerhawkT3 I'm lost in a wasteland stackoverflow.com/questions/34366955/… sob
@MsYvette Wow, C#, fancy. I don't know the answer - it must be a good question! upvotes
and you will never see that op again. $1 bet
@TigerhawkT3 Why we don't have before? I just created it.
¯\(°_o)/¯ I suppose has been sufficient.
Kevin you goofball
so much for cleaning up tags
@TigerhawkT3 Because this question, OP says that he's using . However, we already have , .... .
@Drew Is tell someone that "you're a goofball" rude?
@KevinGuan Are those versions different enough to need their own tag?
not really, when you like each other
Is there anything specific to 3.0.4 in that question? I don't see anything with a quick glance.
@Drew :P
@Thaillie Little
I think we should create tags only when needed, rather than to complete the set. This isn't Pokémon. :P
@TigerhawkT3 Hmm...don't know. However I remember that there's a lot of new functions added in Python 3.3.
Hmm, so we can't create a and try to catch all questions with it :(
@TigerhawkT3 Ah, yep :P
In fact, that question barely has anything specific to 3.x - there's input() and print(), but those are trivial components unrelated to the actual question at hand.
Didn't I tell ya that I don't know what's Python 3.0 looks like? :P
Really, I only tried Python 3.4, 3.5 and 2.7. However I remember that some modules doesn't support python < 3.3.
Except for the input() and print(), that question could have been written with anything from 3.5 all the way back to before 2.7, as far as I can tell.
@TigerhawkT3 do I detect sarcasm? :D
erm @Drew can I bother you for that link.. or is it on your sumthink sumthink SE profile?
@MsYvette No, of course not!
@TigerhawkT3 It's a wasteland Tiger! I see a question I think, oh that sounds interesting and it makes no sense! sob
Like a mirage in the desert
@TigerhawkT3 Ah, fine. However we let this world become Pokémon completed the set. :P
A blinking interesting question mirage
@MsYvette i sent it to you a few pages back my dear
@Drew ok I'll find it
Look I've resorted to paint! stackoverflow.com/questions/34365382/…
I didn't need to go to uni after all.
@Drew my book marks i.sstatic.net/b1QSC.png
@TigerhawkT3 that's just mean, it was the only thing keeping me from drinking that merry xmas sob snort sniff runny nose
I only removed noise! Now it's nice and quiet and you can be Zen.
^^ Looks like he wants to create something he doesn't even know/understand :p
Okay, so I have something to do this evening. Don't know when I can back. Happy reviewing, and enjoy our party which start in 6 hours!
@KevinGuan 8 Hours :p
@KevinGuan njwaay
@Drew User is not blacklisted. (5697643 on stackoverflow.com).
@SmokeDetector Not sure if that is a spam, but LQ, link only answer
@Drew Not sure if that is a spam, but LQ, link only answer
up to you
Now that looks like spam
Posted same link 6 times in under 20 min, looks like spam to me :p
1 hour later…
Attracting LQ answers

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