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4:20 PM
@Sam Hi
So the room will be quiet on weekends?
Either quiet or on unholy fire.
Plop @Kyll
4:39 PM
Hello everybody!
Hey @Tiny Congrats.
@Am_I_Helpful General Computing.
how can you name your packages like this?!
Please learn how to appropriately name your classes. — cybermonkey 10 secs ago
4:42 PM
They don't have respect for their code.
Plop @Tiny
oneboxed image and all that, but it deserves to have its own onebox:
ah, it's transparent
Since when did you guys started having the tag in the room description?
@Unihedron since forever
@Unihedron, since shog kaiboshed coordinated burninations without his consent.
4:46 PM
@BhargavRao they've just edited the errors to pluck, lol
@cybermonkey I did
2000 questions away from a freaking million...
Closest to the original, less offensive.
@TinyGiant oh yeah, they just made a useless edit to change the IP of their server in the code
@cybermonkey Wrong answer. Three demerit points.
4:51 PM
(also off-topic)
The most pedantic close reason: unclear. "Uhm, did you forget to ask a question in your question?"
NAA ofc, but what is the OP tryin to tell?
@BhargavRao Unclear, there are some severe content and formatting problems too.
@BhargavRao yeah I saw that and flagged as NAA, nothing much to gain with this answer
protected the question... Lots of NAAs there.
5:22 PM
Found a problem with the archiver script.
Somehow... you can load the close dialog on deleted questions.
Like that makes any sense.
@TinyGiant oh, cool
So now I have to perform another check if the first check fails.
5:26 PM
We might get at the point that we move this to a server instead
K, got that part fixed.
Eh, speaking of scripts. I've still gotta finish off that one for @Kyll
Dem post notifications
@Sam \o/
@SmokeDetector ignore- edited
5:49 PM
ok ignore it anyway
@SmokeDetector ignore- edited
6:15 PM
Just write the code for me
that would fall into the category of the questions Kevin Brown would want cleaned off this site !
@Sam tyvm
@JeremyBanks yw
6:53 PM
Quick question. On that ^ question, which was closed with "other" reason, why is the reason not put inside the close banner?
I could remove the comment and the OP wouldn't know why exactly it was closed
It's always been like that. :(
Maybe a feature-request
@Tunaki because if you look at some of the stuff people have put in that "other" reason - you wouldn't want it so predominately displayed in the close reason :)
There used to be a "not-programming-related" option under off-topic but it's been removed some time ago
@JonClements that actually makes sense...
it was "blatantly off-topic" iirc
7:22 PM
@user2314737 There's general computing now.
7:44 PM
it also can make you not want to go along with any close vote due to consensus
7:57 PM
possible spam?
@BhargavRao I would say so
8:16 PM
I guess we can be accused of being *#&# closer voters and should be editing faulty questions according to this guy meta.stackoverflow.com/a/311788
> the Nazi close voters
@Drew If the question can be easily edited to be on-topic without changing the intent of the question, you should always do that.
according to the way I read that, we should be re-writing them to say "give me an example"
and I for one would hazard to guess none of us are doing that
However, I consider changing "What is the best way to foo the bar" to "How can I foo the bar" to be deviating from the original intent.
Because the user could be looking for the most performant way to foo the bar, or the most readable way to foo the bar, etc.
8:20 PM
It is hard to define what the authors intent is in that situation.
so we waste our time to change the outcome from resource to some other reason. Time I wish not to lose in such an effort.
And Kevin G did that yesterday in a way, trying to improve a question, and got scolded like a fool for wasting his time. I can find the link
It depends on the situation, but most of the questions we see in here cannot be edited to be on-topic by anyone other than the OP.
And we do edit a lot of questions to be on-topic here. Not nearly as many as we close, but a noticeable amount.
This one stackoverflow.com/q/34083161 sure they are all different. So either we are &^#( Close Voters, or fools
I'll take the former
Well, in that situation the edit did not make the question answerable.
8:26 PM
Yes, I think we do try to edit
"Badly written" isn't the same as "needs a simple rephrase to conform to the letter of the rules", though, @David. I'm addressing only the latter, here. For badly written questions, it might be reasonable to vote/flag to close as "unclear what you're asking" (although I'd suggest trying to make sure that you spot understandable, non-duplicate questions of potential value to future visitors that are merely badly written and edit those ones instead of trying to have them closed). — Mark Amery 11 hours ago
That's the relevant differentiation.
The point is that we try, and sometimes get ridiculed. So as said by many mods in here, the important thing is to close it, regardless of perfect reason
A: Should I approve a suggested edit fixing a broken link in an answer I have flagged as "not an answer"?

Tiny GiantA turd by any other name... yeah, it's still a turd. * Except when it isn't So, we're told that if a suggested edit improves the quality a post at all whatsoever, then it should be approved. Personally, I think that's a load of horse-poopie but I digress. The important thing to note in situation...

Basically, if you cannot edit it to be on-topic, you shouldn't really be editing it.
8:28 PM
If you cannot edit it to be on-topic without changing the intent of the question, don't edit it.
Honestly, sometimes I just can't stand to see those poorly formatted post and have to edit them into shape, even if they are off-topic
any Java people here? got a weird question (probably simple to answer): chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era
yeah Java
But if you can edit it without changing the intent of the question and you can make it on-topic, then you should do so.
@Tunaki I know the feeling, and have done that before.
8:30 PM
Imagine editing spam posts to make a good on topic question.
Well, it's time here. Bye all
I remember when the rollback wars began...
I believe that (a) that amount of rollbacks is supposed to trigger some auto mod-flags, and that (b) we should just flag for mod attention and move on, but it's weird that it's still going on, 40 minutes after the first rollback.
If your post has private information, please edit it to replace the private information (in this case I suspect it's the column & table names). After, contact Stack Exchange to request a developer removes the post revisions containing the private information. That is the correct way to go about it, rather than vandalizing your post. — cybermonkey 7 secs ago
I was really wondering what the private info was but... OK..
8:44 PM
a new member as of today, with a schema. Now that is sensitive info :P
@PaulRoub those flags probably don't go on the high priority queue and I can't blame them.
@PaulRoub it's been locked now
Jon to the rescue
how come my comment was removed?
@cybermonkey it's not exactly correct
8:49 PM
@JonClements there's a whole Meta post pretty much saying the same thing
The correct route for redactions is to flag and state they wish a redaction - in which case if a mod agrees, we'll delete the question, forward the redaction and then the CM team will perform them and undelete after doing so
anybody else waiting for the 14th?
9:05 PM
@cybermonkey it will be my first time
9:29 PM
@MrsEd it is stale data, a copy, once a week (guess) so the counts and statuses change when pointed to the live data off links. So that answers why is it now of status Answered (and all the counts are different) data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/edit/400953
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
was this merged with another question or something? stackoverflow.com/questions/34108679/…
I swear I've seen that exact question & comments before
from that same user, I also remember that they've already posted the same question at least twice before
Doesn't look like it was merged.
then that's the third repost from the same user
I can't see deleted posts but the user currently only has two questions.
9:37 PM
> chantilly high school
You've already posted this question two times in the last week, please stop deleting & reposting it. You're also told exactly the same things each time, so I don't really know what you're attempting to do here (other than perhaps you don't like being told the problems with your code, which completely defeats the purpose of you seeking help!). — cybermonkey 38 secs ago
Probably classmates.
@TinyGiant I don't think anybody can see deleted posts in the user profile
@Tunaki Mods can.
worth a moderator flag?
9:38 PM
you can't be really sure @cybermonkey
Like I said, it's a highschool student, so it is likely a homework question.
@Tunaki if the post is only 60 days old, the OP can
^^^ That too
@rene ha, didn't know that
9:39 PM
@rene true, but unless I'm going crazy I definitely have seen the question before from the same user
@cybermonkey I don't doubt your sane-ness but I have a problem with that kind of absolute comments where there is a (small) chance you're plain wrong
Why not say I have the feeling...
You haven't offered any proof to back up your comment.
Right now it is just a baseless inflammatory accusation.
yeah I would just kill it bro
@cybermonkey You might actually have seen the same question before; the OP has been editing the title several times.
9:47 PM
@IlmariKaronen I saw it a couple of days ago.
Google actually has that question indexed under two different titles, neither of which is the current one.
which is why I first asked if it was a merge (because the OP asked the same question two times already, and the two questions could've been merged to preserve the answers)
@cybermonkey because I have the feeling the OP asked the same question two times already :)
@Tunaki on @rene's advice
I would have added a conditional statement before the "please stop".
9:52 PM
Like "... If so, please stop... otherwise nevermind."
To not come across as confrontational.
@cybermonkey FYI the user hasn't posted this question before and had it deleted
Right now it is basically saying: "I don't really have any proof that you're doing what I think you're doing, but stop doing it!".
@josilber might've been another account they had then
@cybermonkey That's possible
9:54 PM
heya @josilber
@JonClements Hey!
I've already found a deleted answer in Google's cache from them, now just need to fast forward time a little
@cybermonkey I'd not worry about it - really :p
There are many fish more worthy of frying than that one.
@cybermonkey I can't find anything with a few text searches through deleted stuff
9:57 PM
So maybe @cybermonkey there is that (small) chance you are wrong, no?
@rene very small, but I remember most questions I visit, even if I'm not paying much attention to them
@josilber do you work for SO?
Oh wait, you were just elected, sorry and congrats :D
I just saw you were blue and didn't recognize it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks! Just an unpaid mod :)
@cybermonkey while your confidence is admirable - in this case there's definitely nothing to support it (and we're not spending ages trying to search for it) - so - as advise - let's just be careful leaving such comments in the future - thanks.
@Benjamin Shows how much attention you were paying then - how goes it?
Good, lots of work which I'm avoiding doing :D
10:01 PM
Same old - lots of work to do which I'm not doing a great job of avoiding :(
Avoiding work like a boss
@Tiny you can't do that - get back to RO'ing you slacker :)
Please be gentle on our new RO...
10:04 PM
I actually woke up multiple times last night to check how the room was doing.
@rene You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 33 minutes, averaging to a review every 49.1 seconds.
@TinyGiant Now that is dedication!
@josilber inorite?
@josilber nah - it's rubbish... @TinyGiant'll be doing it properly when he doesn't actually sleep :p
10:07 PM
I'll end up figuring out a way to hook my phone into my brain, just so I can monitor the room while I'm sleeping.
Just disallow output lol.
I wonder if we could then somehow manipulate your dreams and play with your mind... That'd be quite funny....
The horrible nightmares...
10:12 PM
𝅘𝅥𝅮 I'm dreaming of ... closed questions... 𝅘𝅥𝅮
@Drew I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Tiny Naa.... You want to dream of a spam flag here and a VLQ there...
Stuff to do - back later
I'm out.... need sleep ...
10:18 PM
@JonClements Cya
@clo next 2 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@Drew The next 2 tags are: 139, 70
Drew passed a audit!
@TinyGiant I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
10:36 PM
passed a delphi audit
Tiny passed a audit!
Nice, caught it this time.
Drew passed a audit!
Tiny passed a audit!
@TinyGiant You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 13 minutes, averaging to a review every 19.6 seconds.
10:55 PM
got another Java problem, can anybody point out to me if there's anything wrong with how I've done the statement? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era
@cybermonkey Ninja'd
K, I'm out for a bit. Try not to get into too much trouble :)
Yes mister RO
@TinyGiant define too much
More than would normally be tolerated.
10:58 PM
define tolerated
@Drew You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 44 minutes, averaging to a review every 65.5 seconds.
@cyb did you solve it yet
@Drew yeah, Tunaki have me a different method of doing string comparison
11:42 PM
hi all :D
@NiKoLaPrO RO's not here, wanna trash the place? :)
11:54 PM
night all

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