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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

any opinions on this question of mine from last year? i got 2 downvotes on it yesterday, but no close votes: stackoverflow.com/questions/26951615/…
2 hours later…
@cimmanon I see no reason that should suddenly have attracted 2 downvotes. One little typo, btw. (open TO using)
Auto-editor update! is stable. Spacing around punctuation has been reworked, seems pretty solid. Let me know if you see any weirdness. Tip: Mark filenames or other code-like text as inline code before you click the fixit button, so it gets left as-is.
@Mogsdad btw, have i ever mentioned how much i hate mysql? like, with a burning passion.
@cimmanon I concur! I've been dreading CVQ because that's the top tag currently.
did you know that varchar(0) is perfectly valid in mysql?
But. Uh. Meh... what's the worst that can happen?
you have to add special rules for your mysql->postgresql dump file converter to change it to something not stupid
seriously, i could go on for hours about all of the horrible things i learned about mysql over the course of a year at my last job
bed time
^ Both destroyed
Flag or delete, plz:
A: JQuery :visible filter

user5496890ьфниу нщг ырщдв ыгсл ершы сщсл иуащку,

@BrockAdams Already did, someone reported it to sd
Wonder why it's not boomed yet though
@Tushar I don't know the standards of CR, went with POB
@BrockAdams Finally gone!
@Kyll Thanks!
How is it again?
@AlexanderO'Mara boom
@Kyll This comment exists for the sole purpose of brutally terminating the grace period. Blooby bloop? :p
Don't close it as dupe.
@JonClements Well, before I commented "This is not an answer and will be brutally terminated as such". It was pretty harsh so I went for something smoother. Funny suggestions and puns more than welcome!
^ Or too broad, attracted spam
@Thaillie I would say VLQ
Commented, twice. I need to reduce the size of my auto-comments to be able to edit them properly...
"Look what I found, fix it for me" :p. What to do with this one :p stackoverflow.com/questions/33562544/…
@Thaillie According to the comments, it seems to slide on "no repro". You could also go with no MCVE since it lacks the HTML. Let's first see how OP reacts to comments.
Hello boyz
and girls
Hello o/
Hey all
Full German question, under wich flag should it be? stackoverflow.com/questions/33563028/…
@Thaillie unclear?
@Thaillie custom - moderator attention
Why is a mod needed ?
Oh, its spam for some sort of care for refugees :p
Q: What should we do with posts written in a language different from English?

manojlds Possible Duplicate: Is English required on Stack Overflow? Non English question, answer or comment - should I report? I am not talking about questions in C# and answers in Java. What should we do with posts written in languages that are not English, like this one (now deleted)?

It was spam for dental care rubbish
That's just some random people saying "I always flag for mod attention" though, isnt't it
@JonClements you are blue - how do you suggest we handle these posts?
If it's spam, flag it as such, otherwise, you can leave a comment saying posts should be in English only on SO (link to the suitable MSO FAQ post) and maybe flag for mod with "other" saying it's not in English (although sometimes, the community gets it closed and deleted in the popular tags)
If I can't understand it, I won't know if it's spam though
Google Translate!
and morning all
morning @DavidG
So many people suggesting 777 permissions there.... terrifying.
Close as no MVCE I suppose
40 seconds and gone!
@SmokeDetector deleted
Can I post an external link here? It's basically advertising cool free stuff but since it doesn't cost anything so I'm not sure if that counts
Free beer?
Sadly no, but almost as good
Free bacon?
Sadly no, but almost as good
I dunno what could be almost as good as bacon or beer?
Free dev stickers? :D
Free rep?
Depends what they relate to I guess. Like if it was PHP then no freaking way!
My friend who sent me the link ordered PHP stickers
Needless to say we are not friends anymore
So you thought you'd inflict PHP on the rest of us too? :)
:( there are other stickers
I'm sure it's OK to post I guess, at least I don't mind...
There's currently not a whole lot to choose from, but hey, free stuff right
Free stuff is good. Its a bit like when you install Xamarin for the first time and run the demo app they made where you order a T-shirt and a week later an actual T-shirt arrives in the mail.
@Tushar I don't see how no mvce is a valid close reason for that
@DavidG haha cool, I didn't know that. Then again I never tried xamarin
Think I've still got a load of old SO stickers around somewhere...
@JonClements Could you tell me the code of the safe containing them? Just curious.
@JonClements Sounds like an offer to me...
@JonClements do share;-). I'm still waiting on my package from meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/303988/…
Nearing the end of the 6-8 weeks
At first I actually wasn't sure if that was a joke or not
Ordered JS and NodeJS and Java sticker
@Kyll same but python instead of js
there ya go...
/me is so freaking envious right now
Haha you weren't joking! Did you get those when you became a mod?
It's the old logo. I bet you have a fortune on your hands right now.
Checking ebay
Nope, those, a couple of t-shirts, a mug and a pen were for being a runner up mod last year :)
Oh, that's a nice gesture.
So I'm still waiting for this year the 1) swag for Being/helping out in the election room, 2) swag for running for mod, 3) swag for being a runner up as mod, 4) swag for getting elected as mod :p
@JonClements That's worth a tattoo on your forehead =p
Mind you, a couple of pens and another mug/two would make me more than happy :)
I'd love a mug, would make my colleagues super jealous :)
... It would be so cool to have a mug with your badges on it
Actually my colleagues are all account-less peasants
Doubt they would be jealous
Like, when someone tries to explain you something about a language, you show off your gold in that language
Wear SO shirt => "hey, what game is that logo from" (if I had a shirt)
I don't have a gold tag badge yet, though I'm very close with C#
@DavidG nice :-) at my rate I'll maybe get a gold badge in 2037
user image
The pen is cool though :)
You're just showing off now, surely that's an abuse of mod privs?
Envious unite
^ When showing off with rep and badges just doesn't cut it anymore
What if Jon is actually a hired marketeer/advertiser that was given mod priv so we would all get jealous of his SO swag and try to better ourselves and behavior on SO so that one day we might also get some
Darn - you weren't suppose to discover that!
You'll get more swag if you get 100k rep too I guess!
@TimCastelijns So Jon is actually encouraging FGITWing and rep-whoring?
Brb lunch break
What do you guys think of this hot question?
I think the question could be edited to remove the opinion-based part ("what is the advantage...") but I'm not sure how I could reword it (not a C++ guy)
@Tunaki A rewording would fit I think, "what do ... do?" or something like that
@Tushar Could have been nicer on that one =p
@DavidG Isn't "GUI Application" some default template in that case?
@Kyll I would hope so!
@Tushar I consider the comments over there really rude and unappropriate
especially the "you should quit programming" part
They have been removed
Umm... yeah... that descended quickly into non-appropripate comment noise
Good morning
@SmokeDetector deleted
@SmokeDetector why?
@NathanOliver Body - Position 119-122: >>>
Ugly, but not actionable
Oh, I have 499 posts edited, one more for a gold badge. I feel like I should make this one a decent question to edit!
cv please as duplicate I explained in comment why
Heya. how to run NSURL connection in xcode 7.1 Should this be too-broad or MCVE or something else entirely?
Also, is it OK to ask these kind of things here?
missing MVCE seems a fit, and yes
@Lafexlos Hi. Yes asking about whether a question should be closed or not is okay here
@DavidG you could edit one of my 0 score answers and bump it to the active feed. ;)
Generally when people are like "i have an error" without specifying the error and the code that produces it the question is a fit to close as missing MVCE
Yep. Can't help without it.
@theB So you're saying your answers need editing? :P
OK, thanks.
@DavidG Absolutely. :)
The amount of questions like that one in the python tag..
@DavidG just as an FYI we are no longer commenting when a post gets closed from a cv request. We have a script that we run that will move the request to the graveyard once the post is closed.
I thought we were OK with commenting, just not saying things like "boom"?
As the point is to not sound too antagonistic.
Post is closed tho, when is the script run?
@DavidG First we had
2 days ago, by Lynn Crumbling
As @gunr2171 mentioned earlier, it seems appropriate to stop reporting a closure with "boom" or even "success", but a simple, unemotional "closed" would be enough.
and then
2 days ago, by gunr2171
@LynnCrumbling really, that's not needed either. A script can move the content
@TimCastelijns When gunr gets in I'll get the script from him so I can start moving things to the graveyard. I am still new so I haven't received all of the RO tools yet.
Yup, I just went back and read that too. Got no problem with that apart from a couple of comments. Firstly: Has that script been created yet as I don't think I've seen it running? Secondly: How do comments in a meeting translate to rules/guidelines? Unless someone has summarised the meeting it's just conversation right?
@DavidG First the script has been created but only RO's can use it. Since I just became one I don't have it. The RO that was running it is having some life changes going on so his site interaction will be very minimal. As for when this will get set in stone I imagine the FAQ will get updated to reflect any changes that came out of the meeting.
(PS not trying to be argumentative, just trying to clarify)
no problem.
Also, wouldn't that script work better inside Closey? Aside from making it an RO of course.
@NathanOliver I believe this is the script in question: github.com/Tiny-Giant/myuserscripts/blob/master/…
There was talk about how to make it automated. I am not sure where that left off at.
I'm trying to adjust my rude detector sensitivity. Are the comments on this question rude to you?
@NathanOliver I think that would require a RO-bot, no?
@PaulRoub Thanks
@Siguza Yes there was talk of adding it to closey but he would have to be an RO for it to work.
@Siguza ಠ_ಠ
@Tunaki That first one seems a little borderline. But it seems @DavidG is on the case.
@Tunaki I'd say it's rude, enough for a flag anyway. It's not constructive at all.
I guess "long tool"....
Weren't there a bunch of spammers posting links to long path tool a couple weeks ago?
@theB It's been happening for a while now.
Like, several months at least.
So I shouldn't have suggested it was fp, any way to reverse it?
false positive
I think he was suggesting false false positive
Yeah, just got it.
@Tim but then would there be a fffp command for reversing a false false positive? :D
Yes that sounds like a good idea
Okay I have the user script but I have no idea how to run it.
Better yet, a function p(bool)
@NathanOliver Do you use TamperMonkey?
Yeah I have it installed. I just can't find how to run it so it moves the messages
Did you reload chat window?
Right click on page, Tampermonkey, link is there
yeah, it's in the right click menu, took me a while to get that
but make sure you get the room number of the graveyard first
@gunr2171 What do you put in for the prompts?
first a number (like 100-300), then the room number of the graveyard (90230)
I've already told Tiny about UI improvements, so that idea is bouncing around for the moment
@gunr2171 cool
Have you run it yet, this is exciting! :)
Yes but nothing seems to happen. I am going to try one more time
It's possible it will take some time to run if you entered a large number
(at a guess)
what number did you put in?
100 - 90230
Hopefully, not the other way round!
Oh. Don't I need to be an RO of the graveyard?
I don't think so, but let me make sure you are
Alright lets try this again.
if you want I can try as well
actually, let's make this easier to test
just too late
Success. I needed to be an RO.
I didn't think you needed to be an RO of the target room
only the source room
should just be the source
People eat beans, kill at computer
You have to be an RO to move it "away" from that room - that's about it really
@Cerbrus Might want to hold off on the "users that don't read". At least give them the benefit of the doubt, but I'd rather not host derogatory comments here.
Well we can take me off the RO of the graveyard and test again.
you've been demoted
starting test
What to make of stackoverflow.com/questions/33569122/… ? Has 4 upvotes but feels too broad or off topic
^^^ needs 1, but gunr had the better idea, cv-pls-ing an already-closed question.
@NathanOliver try requesting access to talk, then transfer
Ahh... you'll need write access at least :)
uh, the banner went away...
got it
ok, try now
there we go
mystery solved
test completed: status success.
1 message moved from CV Request Graveyard
Thakns for the help @gunr2171 @JonClements
And the chat devs would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for us stupid kids and their dumb dog Jon
You left dumb and struck out "dog" - cries
uh oh. ^ sad puppy
well I called us stupid. I'm an equal opportunity insulter :P
and it's necessary to make the scooby doo reference
@NathanOliver you're back as RO of the graveyard
Should have said "pesky" instead of "stupid" then :)
I won't wanna play any more... sulks to the corner and whimpers
@gunr2171 Oh okay.
it's been a long time since I've seen that.
I'm going to go and find a room with nice people that give me tennis balls and scooby snacks and don't call me dumb whimper whimper :p
@JonClements sorry Jon! Don't go!
Well... I gotta go for a conference call... but I suppose I'll be back :)
have fun
@gunr2171 you've got a small typo there: "Come to use" - think that's meant to be "us"
you're right, good catch.
@PaulRoub false positive?
@gunr2171 Not a good question, but not spam. Or am I taking smokey's mission statement too literally?
Usually for "all caps title" reports we don't FP or TP it. Yes smokey is designed for spam detection, but also low quality posts. So if you have already done something with it (close, edit, etc), then I guess it's ok
that's just my view on it, we'd need to ask Fox or Undo for the real word
@PaulRoub Well, you certainly don't need to decapitate yourself if that's what you mean :p
OP edited the question back to being all caps... stackoverflow.com/questions/33569715/location-information
@PaulRoub I normally do ignore- for ALL CAPS reportd once the question is edited. fp or tp-ing Smokeys definition of all caps is not useful, unless we feel Python sucks at that job.
@rene gotcha
@DavidG I would rollback, but it adds "new" information.. hum.
that works
I always can appreciate when you put effort into making a question better or more readable, and OP just rolls back to the shit state it was in before.
you can't win them all
Morning all
What are the odds they're going to try again? :p
but you have to catch them all ;)
Very true. Usually I rollback the rollback 1 time, and after that I stop caring
covered my ground there
Are you on the Truman Show?
@JAL you didn't cover any ground, you covered time sections!
So I'm finally back from my work trip. What did I miss? I see Shog was in the channel
you were at the meeting, so nothing major after that
This rooms drags from meeting to event to meeting...
I'm out for an hour++ to get home ...
So I'm going to hit 1000 total CVs today! Getting those Steward badges
@rene travel safe
Nice one JAL
I'm quite ashamed to admit it but currently sitting out a 30 day review ban
oh no!
That's unfortunate
Made some mistakes myself but also had some unfortunate audits that I usually don't agree with
Audits are the worst. Did you downvote/post on meta?
I refuse to do the first post queue any more as I got a couple review suspensions from there.
^ Same
@JAL I downvote/VTC as I see fit regardless of what the audit says
The audit that got me banned 30 days was my own fault for judging too fast, so not gonna complain about that ;-)
but I do find it a bit harsh that after the 7 day ban, only 1 failed audit is required for the 30 day ban
that does sound harsh
Haha yeah. Only a couple days left though :) have been making myself useful in other ways in the meantime
I wonder if the bans scale back down after some time. If you get a 7 day ban and then never fail an audit for a year and then fail one are you getting a 30 day ban or does it go back down?
Yes it resets after some time, it's not even that long I believe
But I review alot, every day
@TimCastelijns To be fair - it was spam :)
@JonClements you are right, see my comment above The audit that got me banned 30 days was my own fault for judging too fast, so not gonna complain about that ;-)
d0h - my bad - had the bottom of a window obscuring the top of one screen :)
Tsssk what kind of mod does that
You don't have a gigantic retina monitor like Brad?
Probably obscured with lots of swag.
Nah.... just a measly 22" LED at the moment
want to share that swag?
Poor guy!
@gunr2171 We all tried earlier, he refused to share with the other kids!
I'd love a SO shirt
we should make SOCVR shirts
or jerseys
that would be hilarious
I mean, I don't even know if we can legally do that. Do we need to print a url to the chat on the t-shirt so it attributes it correctly?
There was a long, similar discussion about self printing SO shirts during the 10m question event
@gunr2171 maybe a QR code on the back
This room is so much more livelier than the MSE tavern.
Is this question too broad? stackoverflow.com/questions/29012109/…
@Unihedron Lol, ikr
or SO Tavern
@gunr2171 that makes me sad
@JAL I would leave it alone.
Only asked because someone proposed an edit on it
This room is even livelier than my office
that's, a good thing?
Fortunately it's not livelier than my office...
Some days I like being alone, some days I don't :'''(
Bye all, see you on monday
Have a nice weekend!
false positive
that answer is NAA though, it should be an edit to the question
it's the OP replying to an answer
Absolutely @JAL. Saw you leave a comment as I was typing one up
@Thaillie I would vote unclear
Ok, I'm here, your days can begin!
Yeah. Did you bring the beer?
Just back from a beer run, in fact!
RO can kick people who didn't bring beer right?
Today's special is a Hefeweizen from the brewery around the corner from my office.
Um. I love a good Hefeweizen
Show up at 4:00 EDT, and I'll let you in! You're all invited!
Canada right?
@NathanOliver Yep. Head North, turn Left at Montreal.
Straight on till morning?
@NathanOliver Never.
@NathanOliver Peter Pan or Star Trek reference?
@DavidG Both
Google tells me it would be a 14 hour drive or a 2 hour plane ride.
@NathanOliver 2 hour plane ride + 1 hour in customs (you look shifty...)
I actually look trusting I guess. Last time I flew I was allowed to bypass pretty much everything. I didn't even have to take off my shoes or belt. I was through security in 45 seconds.
@NathanOliver I got the attention of a Customs dog once - got pulled into secondary. I'd stayed at a B&B, so immediately I started thinking somebody put something in my bag, and I'd end up spending the next 25-to-life "married" to Big Eddy. Turns out the dog was after food, and I had an apple left over from the bagged lunch I'd had on the way to Heathrow.
That must have been "fun"
Worth a laugh afterwards, anyway!
@Mogsdad youd think working dogs would be trained not to respond to that
You've seen that Snickers commercial: "You're not yourself when you're hungry"
@cimmanon Actually, this was a food dog. If I'd had drugs, apparently it would have missed them. "Welcome to Canada! Personal amounts of drugs are OK, but you better not have fruit on you!"
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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