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I found out there are some public stats available if we go to {site}/review/{review-type}/stats As such, I made a separate feature request to get it improved some
public stats
@ZachSaucier Have you never seen that page before?
maybe at some point
I didn't recall it
Not sure what you mean by "and top reviewers for the day"; it already has the top reviewers for the day listed
4 hours later…
There is an android application called So Close!!
It's really awesome! I think you all should check it!
4 hours later…
@LayaleMatta this -> play.google.com/store/apps/… ???
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 21 hours, 33 minutes and 20 seconds.
3 hours later…
bah, meeting got called at the same time as the event
going to start now, but I should still be able to watch chat during the event
@Closey starting
@gunr2171 Watch out for audits!
more asp.net!
done with asp.net "unclear" and "too broad"... progress!
passed python audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 7 hours to continue reviewing.
@gunr2171 Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@gunr2171 Your last completed review session ended 9 seconds ago and lasted 20 minutes and 25 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 30 seconds.
not a bad proposal I guess:
Q: Give extra close votes, only accessible via /review

MichaelTWith question and answer up and down votes, one has so many they may cast per vote period. From What are the limits on how I can cast, change, and retract votes? : Thirty post votes per day per user (includes upvotes and downvotes) Up to ten additional question-only votes per day per us...

@rene I already upvoted that
Ugh that question just got answered by a 144k rep user who didn't vtc dup it
Hi all.
Yeah nice one
@LynnCrumbling event in 6 minutes
Ok, I'll give it a whirl
I'll be here in spirit
What tags are we working on today?
Can some one give me reviews about this question ?
@Codester whts wrong there?
I don't see anything glaring wrong with it
Yeah..I was just asking the review.. like is that an Ok question ? Any improvements needed ?
@Closey refresh tags
Refreshing the tag listing. This could take a bit.
@rene My attempt to get tag data returned no information. This could be due to the site being down or blocked for me, or a programming error. Try again in a few minutes, or tell the developer if this happens often.
still borked
@LynnCrumbling asp.net
yay! I know that one.
json and html5
@Closey start event
Refreshing the tag listing. This could take a bit.
@rene My attempt to get tag data returned no information. This could be due to the site being down or blocked for me, or a programming error. Try again in a few minutes, or tell the developer if this happens often.
I'm okay with those, too.
@gunr2171 this happens often....
yeah, stats won't show until the previous is fixed
@Codester IMHO its fine, no close votes yet :)
Ok, let's go people! Let's clear that queue!
well, good news, i'm working on the linux version
@Closey starting
@Codester not much. I'm not an android person, so I don't know. You might be able to add more technical details.
@rene Watch out for audits!
@gunr2171 What distro do you run?
@LynnCrumbling don't forget to tell closey that you are starting
@Closey starting
@LynnCrumbling May Shog9's Will be done. Note: You had 1 open session. I have closed it.
@rene thanks
@rene hi, watching Closey working live :D
need review

reviews today
@maveň hehehe
On my way for asp.net
@LynnCrumbling arch linux
passed java audit
@rene ah, memories
I had to remember how I did that before ;)
@Codester, I made an edit to your post to touch up a few things. The only thing else I can think of is to say where "The specified child already has a parent" came from
bad link?
> You voted to close this question 2 hours ago
@rene I don't think it's spam
OK, close voting it is then
left a comment
Saw that, thanks
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [asp.net]"
i should be done by tomorrow, I finally got to off-topic today
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 5 hours to continue reviewing.
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@rene Your last completed review session ended 14 seconds ago and lasted 26 minutes and 51 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 40 seconds.
Not bad with one beer in my left hand...
@rene don't let the new users hear you say that
imagine the meta posts...
Hey guys...
someone else look at this rev:
Am I missing something because it's wrapped, or did he edit the heck outta that src?
well first of all, he didn't remove the "thanks in advance"
still reading...
He completely changed the src, didn't he?
And yet, it was approved.
@LynnCrumbling That editor thought content was something separate
it should be ok as 2 code blocks
@LynnCrumbling This question is still open can you finish it please? stackoverflow.com/questions/29853351/…
@gunr2171 What about yanking the <%@ Register Src=.... stuff
it seems that wasn't done by revision 4
oh wait...
ok, yes, that was wrong. That section of code was hidden because the indention was removed
@LynnCrumbling Thanks
I want someone to make a userscript that when someone says "boom" for a closed/deleted post, it shows an inline explosion in chat
@gunr2171 I'm confused...
is there a bug in the inline vs. side-by-side view?
They seem to show two drastically different edits.
@rene @gunr2171 Can you confirm side-by-side markdown and inline show differing results?
I really, really want to have a feature that penalizes high rep users for answering questions that gets closed as dup. but that seems to be a permanent
^ for better or for worse
@gunr2171 Does that make sense?
@gunr2171 @rene I'm rolling r4 -> r3.
you can, but should make an edit on top
Sure - the "thanks" removed?
remove " Please help on this thanks in advance ."
I agree
ok, and all is good with the world
you missed the content
bah, I was working on that...
beat me too it
no worries
that guy is going to have a lot of notifications
Q: What is with people who answer questions that are known to be dupes?

PopsWhen a dupe is posted, someone usually posts a comment to that effect within minutes. That comment usually gets at least a couple of upvotes while the question is still on the front page. If it's a common dupe, you might see three or four such comments show up at once, all upvoted. Even with t...

@rene I'm confused; where did content come from?
@rene The OP didn't have that, did they?
It was in the post
it was added in rev 2
because it was not in a code block it was handled as html markup
and hidden because it was not valid
That's the piece of info I was missing; thanks :)
yeah, that's the problem with people who don't know markdown and asp.net
they write code in their post but it's all hidden because they don't format it properly
passed php audit
here comes dustin
I'm gonna be gone in a sec lol
there goes dustin
I don't actually know why I opened this...
you just can't resist us!
I'm addicted
good, we need more manpower
ok, have fun with whatever you're going to do
Or womanpower?
or unicorn power
But yeah this guy is gonna lecture about Th17 cells so I had to come hear him
Those little buggers are very mysterious
later taters
ack! my laptop has 29% battery left
and this meeting does not show any signs of stopping...
I can pretend I'm your customer and you need something to fix for me, NOW!
You can, but I don't think that will fly with my boss
well, I've got 1 hour of battery left
Thankfully with my current job I don't work directly with the customer. But the last job all we did was "OH GOD A NEW CUSTOMER REQUEST, DROP EVERYTHING AND WORK ON IT"
Hmmm, I worked today on a problem for a customer that didn't exist...both...
I'm the customer
cue Inception music
@LynnCrumbling ;)
(I'm missing something)
@Rene I'm RIGHT on the verge of offering to remote in and help her.
@gunr2171 check the tavern
@gunr2171 Sue's got an issue with her desktop; I'm trying to get it out of her as to what the problem is.
@LynnCrumbling I stopped offering desktop support a long time ago
@rene Yeah, probably glutton for punishment.
I stopped reading as soon as I saw "What's linux?"
btw, today was announced that the Dutch government is paying Microsoft for another year to extend support on Windows XP...
@gunr2171 Yeah.
@rene link?
"those dutch..."
grumble grumble upgrade mumble grumble
Yeah, don't tell me about them
Having to support IE8 is already a nightmare but bundled with XP I gave up.
21% battery...
Let us know when we can start counting down...
39 minutes and counting...
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
@LynnCrumbling Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@LynnCrumbling Your last completed review session ended 18 seconds ago and lasted 1 hour, 25 minutes and 27 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 2 minutes and 8 seconds.
@gunr2171 What was achieved/decided?
that's....a very good question
nothing I care about
very rarely does something get decided at my meetings
still a waste of time...
it's amazing you can come to the same conclusion I do, and you're not even here!
but yes, total waste of time
I have been in so many meetings where nothing gets done at all that I got allergic to it.... try to avoid them nowadays and if I can't help it I annoy the heck out of every one so it is over quickly
My boss is a control freak, and I'm a very small voice at the meeting (I usually don't say anything). I would get out of it if I could
meh, at least I get to goof off with my laptop during
@gunr2171 hehehe, you'll remember if you have been in a meeting with me
time to go home. This weekend i'll work more on getting the chat bot moved over to postgresql. Once that's done then we should have a full linux version!
@closey next 3 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. This could take a bit.
@Dustin My attempt to get tag data returned no information. This could be due to the site being down or blocked for me, or a programming error. Try again in a few minutes, or tell the developer if this happens often.
Still down, I see. Don't worry closey, it'll all be better soon.
@Closey starting
@TylerH By the power of the Vote! Review!
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[asp.net]"
I was on suggested edits
Passed SQL audit
Passed Java audit
Passed Haskell audit
Haskell is always an audit
The Haskell community on Stack Overflow exists just to create audit questions for Review queues.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 2 hours to continue reviewing.
@TylerH Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@TylerH Your last completed review session ended 9 seconds ago and lasted 36 minutes and 17 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 54 seconds.
I was the final vote on 16 of those questions. More than usual.
Yeah, we had enough people in the event
That helps
stackoverflow.com/a/8093058/2756409 what an awesome datetime for that edit
11/11/11 11:11
next nice date? 15/14/13 12:11 ?
So I guess right after the election is done the queue immediately balloons like crazy?
@gunr2171 whatever you do next, review this first and if OK, merge... cc @Sam
and I'm out

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