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11:00 PM
I'm confused about what was quirky. My chat message or the post.
... or "No. Until..." or "No: Until..." to be a bit 'softer'.
@Scratte Your avoidance of g's and h's.
Cody shrunk the kids pictures.
I like small kids pictures.
I haven't seen that movie in a long time. I wonder if they have it on a streaming service.
11:02 PM
It's been a thing ever since I shrunk the croissants
As you know I ave a very ood reason to avoid 's and 's.. and virtual keyboard is startin to annoy me too.
Now you just sound Scottish: Eye 'ave a very 'ood reason...
Nice rephrase btw. I'm suppose to be kind.
That's a great post. Thanks for sharing.
@IanCampbell You know I was poked into doing it, right? :)
11:08 PM
I think Ian means the croissants.
But yes, it's all my fault. You're welcome.
@CodyGray Thanks for clearing that up.. it didn't make any to me.
Yes, I was talking about the somewhat smaller croissant
But i can see how you might misinterpret. I'm on a roll tonight.
I see what you did there. Buttery smooth.
I can't even see the croissant..
11:19 PM
Blame Robert Harvey
Are we allowed to make del-pls request when we are involved as an answerer? I'm asking because there may be some of my answers that deserve deletion.
You want to delete your answers, or delete the question? Why can you not delete your answers yourself? Are they accepted?
Delete the question. This came to my mind because M-- answered that question.
I can think of a scennario where you can't delete your own Answer, and you'd gain from deleting the Question.. but I think it's a question for a Room Owner.
11:25 PM
@Scratte can -> can't?
pretty sure you can always delete your own answers unless a moderator has taken action to prevent it, can't you?
If it's accepted you can't
oh, right...
I don't understand what anyone else has said, but... If you want to delete the question, yet you have an answer, then you can always delete your own answer before requesting deletion of the question.
Let me try to delete an accepted answer of mine.. just to see if it's possible.
the FAQ says you cannot
11:29 PM
No, you can't delete an accepted answer. That's why I asked if the answer was accepted.
Mod intervention is required to delete accepted answers. I personally feel that the inability to delete an accepted answer is a misfeature, and so, if you have a good reason for wanting to delete it, I and several of the other moderators will do it for you. The idea is, it's better to delete it than for you to fill it with striked-out text or add a big "UPDATE: This answer is wrong. See other answers." banner to the top of it.
Better to just remove than to leave an eyesore because of a system-imposed limitation.
You also just got an answer
Someone that knows C++ more than I do... what's the attractiveness of a library that is a bunch of headers?
@CodyGray You can't delete your own accepted answer but 20k and I think LQP (provided it's negative score) can
@Braiam sounds like a mega library
11:35 PM
@Machavity So.. lots of sock to downvote one's own post? :D
aren't C++ headers like C# Using statements? E.g. "use this library"
@Scratte I deleted negative score accepted answers as a 20k user
Here's an example (10k+, sorry). If I delete my answer, can I then make a del-please?
But yeah, gotta beat it up in score
@Braiam Header-only libraries are easier to use, because they don't require linking in object files. The build process is vastly simplified.
Additionally, many good C++ libraries make extensive use of template functions, which have a variety of advantages. Template functions can only be defined in headers, so a template library is almost always going to be header-only anyway.
11:37 PM
@IanCampbell I think those questions are still rare compared to the reshape related ones
@CodyGray Is there a difference of using a header only library vs using a boiler plate added in each file?
@akrun totally agree.
@AdrianMole Thanks for the help. I rewrote the answer. I hate mysqli so much. It is such a botched job.
@Braiam I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Headers are .h files; they contain the actual code of the library. To use it, all you have to do is #include the appropriate .h file(s), and tell your compiler where to find an additional include directory.
You certainly could copy and paste the contents of the library's header files into your own code files, but... I think it's obvious why that's not a good idea.
So, sounds like there's no clear consensus about involvement and del-pls. I'll just refrain for now.
Hmmm, I forgot about the "non-deleted" part
So, if you delete your answer, then you can issue a del-pls on the question, because you will no longer be "involved". However, the question still needs to be eligible, and there needs to be some motivation for fast-tracking its deletion.
So only if your answer is accepted and you can't delete it is it a problem.
Yes, so then you'll need to get a moderator involved to help delete your accepted answer.
I'm somewhat surprised by @Machavity saying that he was able to delete accepted answers when they were negatively-scored. I don't remember that being an exception, but maybe it is.
@CodyGray maybe because from where I come, headers are just "stuff I want to include"
11:46 PM
Yes, 20k delete-votes will delete a negatively-scored, accepted answer.
cppreference isn't helpful defining what a header file is....
@Braiam Yeah, but in this case, you want to include them because they contain functionality you want to use. C++ doesn't have anything truly built in like other languages. Anything you want to use, you need to include a header file that either declares (in which case, it's just a stub, and there must be an object file linked in as well containing the actual code), or defines (in which case, it's the actual code) the thing you want to use.
Even the "standard library" is just a collection of header files bundled with the toolchain.
@Scratte The following CSS should do what I believe you want to the timeline:
body.timeline-page .post-timeline tr td.bg-red-050.pt0 {
    box-shadow: 0 1px var(--black-100);
    padding-top: 4px !important;
body.timeline-page .post-timeline tr td.pt0:first-of-type {
    box-shadow: 0 1px var(--black-100), -1px 0 0 0 var(--black-100);
body.timeline-page .post-timeline tr td.pt0:last-of-type {
    box-shadow: 0 1px var(--black-100), 1px 0 0 0 var(--black-100);
body.timeline-page .post-timeline tr.deleted-event td {
    box-shadow: 0 -2px var(--black-100);
body.timeline-page .post-timeline tr.deleted-event td:first-of-type {
@CodyGray For me headers is more like declaring "I have these interfaces you can use" while the code/functions/fun stuff resides elsewhere
Something that the preprocesor can load quickly
You may choose to have a different padding-top than the 4px in above CSS, but I like those lines a little closer together, because they are related. If you wan them the same distance apart as all the other lines, use 8px.
11:49 PM
@Braiam Yeah, that's one way that headers can be used in C++. In that case, the headers just contain the stubs/prototypes/declarations, and you need to link in an object file containing the actual implementation. The advantage of that is encapsulation: I can give you header files with public functions, but keep the implementation of those functions private in an object file. However, it is also harder to use, because now you need to link in those object files.
Also, object files are compiler vendor- and version-specific, so that's another big PITA.
@Braiam Yeah, But for some stuff, the code can be included in the header(s) ... and that makes your library far more universal: you can distribute it without having access to other compilers to build the associated object files. Any compiler that conforms to the standard required will be able to use your library immediately.
^ ninja'd
@Makyen Thank you :) I do feel a little guilty now, since I did work it out. And it appears that the change will be reverted.
I added this
.post-timeline tr.deleted-event{
    border-bottom: 4px solid #fdf3f4; /*--red-050:*/
You can actually just do var(--red-050) instead of the hex code.
@CodyGray Tried that. stylus didn't like it.
Oh, I don't know what Stylus is. Is that your userscript extension?
It's probably just a linter or something detecting it as potentially invalid. It would be on a page that didn't have CSS vars defined, but Stack Overflow's default CSS does, so it'll work.
11:53 PM
@CodyGray No. It's just a CSS extension.
@Makyen Ah, yes,. 20k delete votes on someone else's negatively-scored accepted answer will delete it. But I'm pretty sure you still can't delete your own.
@CodyGray Why would the "object" (I presume that's the same that source when cppreference says "A C++ program is a sequence of text files (typically header and source files) that contain declarations.") file be more universal if you have all code?
@Braiam Source files (.cpp) get compiled into object files. Object files then get linked into binaries.
@CodyGray No, you can't delete your own.
Object files are basically intermediate binary files. They've been compiled by a compiler, but not yet linked by a linker. In order for this to make sense, you do have to understand the C compilation model (which C++ also uses).
11:55 PM
@CodyGray It applies all changes instantly and I do not think it does anything other than add it's own styles.
@CodyGray I've dabled a bit into the Linux kernel and other open source projects, and they don't seem to follow "everything into the header!" style.
@Scratte I see. I'd never heard of that, and I assumed it was a typo for "styles", so I removed it from your Meta question.
@Braiam No, because the Linux kernel is monolithic, so there's no real advantage in header-only. Also, the Linux kernel is C, not C++, so there's no use of templates that require everything to be in the header.
@CodyGray Oh! I didn't even notice that :D
Yeah, according to what I see, Stylus is just a user styles manager that works as a browser extension.
@CodyGray It makes more sense to me to keep them separated, if I want someone to use my library I release the source code and be done :)

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