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Hmm. Been looking around for a while for something on which to offer my first ever bounty (I get a badge for that). Maybe this is it? (Unless @cigien answers it, of course, or Cody closes it as a dupe. xD)
@AdrianMole Uh... it looks like that question is asking why unspecified behavior is behaving in a certain way on a certain toolchain/environment. What am I missing that makes it actually interesting?
I think there's a question about what the Standard does for a POD-only struct. Is there aggregate-intialization going on? Why doesn't clang warn me about c?
Aside from the compiler/environment-specific observations that they've made, it's a duplicate of this.
c (and d) seem like red herrings to me.
You aren't using any of that data, so why should there be any warning about uninitialized data?
I added some code to use the data.
You've invented your own question, Adrian...
That would be cheap.
@CodyGray That's correct. And a seems to be what they're asking about. There are dupes for c and d as well, but you don't like multi-target closures.
I mean, I'm not saying you should necessarily post it as a separate question. I'm saying that what you're talking about is not what that question is presenting.
I'll make an exception in this case. You can close as a multi-dupe with this included in the list.
Maybe I have a bad case of Christmas Spirit? Which reminds me ... there's those two bottles of Shiraz...
Stack frame pages start off as 0. The explanation in that particular case is not even interesting, either.
Are those bottles full?
Anyway, duplicates notwithstanding, I thought it was interesting - insofar as I couldn't work out an answer.
If either were empty it wouldn't be a bottle of Shiraz; it would be a Shiraz bottle.
@CodyGray See, it's all about the exceptions ;) Not thrilled with the C target, but it's appropriate here. Couldn't find an obvious one with the c++ tag anyway.
Yeah, I was looking, but I got bored with it after a bit.
There are some other good C targets: stackoverflow.com/questions/1597405/…
@AdrianMole Really? Clang should warn on usage of c here.
@cigien Would you be so kind?
Hah, ran out of CVs already huh? ;)
Not sure it's a dupe... They are in fact seeding the RNG. They just have other problems.
@cigien It doesn't. I'd post a code snippet but I don't know how to. xD
@cigien No, it wasn't clear from the beginning, until the OP edited.
Cody closed it now
@πάνταῥεῖ Ah, I see. The suggested dupe is incorrect by the way. It's not that they're not seeding srand. The issue is that they're seeding it in a loop, and srand(time()) will use the system time, and so the repeated numbers. There's a canonical for it, but since the question is closed, I won't bother.
@CodyGray Uhm, seeding srand twice is UB? I don't think so.
No, seeding it with a variable whose contents are uninitialized is, because reading from that object is disallowed.
Also, I totally missed the loop because the way the code was ordered, I assumed that the last function was the main function, especially since it was named multi, and my brain read that as main.
int random, randomn, answer, answer1;
srand(random);  // UB because "random" is uninitialized here
Ah, you're right, I thought you meant the call to srand in the second call to multi. Yeah, srand(random) is UB. Nice catch.
How many C++ experts does it take to generate a random number?
They're probably compiling with optimization disabled, and so that's probably not their issue. But with compilers today, you never know. It wouldn't shock me if their entire program just returned 0. :-)
@cigien We're C++ experts doing C right now. This isn't how you generate a random number in C++.
Indeed :)
Sooo many C++ questions with UB
Actually, posts with C programs are tagged with C++ all the time, where the only C++ being used is cout. Rather annoying :p
Yeah, lots of people who "teach" "C++" "programming" are actually "teaching" "C" "programming".
I know that's a lot of scare quotes, but...
If the OP is having a problem when compiling that 'C' code with a C++ compiler, then why is it C code?
@CodyGray I take it you've watched Kate Gregory's excellent talk on the subject?
is there still a reason to pick C or C++ for a new project?
Oh dear.
@JohnDvorak No. You should pick one or the other.
@cigien No, I haven't. I don't watch a lot of videos. Takes way too long. Like podcasts, they're a very inefficient way to communicate information.
@AdrianMole No, it's absolutely valid. I just get annoyed that they don't use as much C++ as they could ;)
@AdrianMole Yeah, it's not. If it's running through a C++ compiler, it's C++. But it's ugly, wrong, unidiomatic C++ that was obviously written by someone learning from a C book, and that's not going to end well when they run into the edge cases where C++ is not a strict superset of C.
I know exactly what you mean, of course. But the "that's not real C++ code" puritans can sometimes be a bit harsh, IMHO.
What gets me is, it's always C89. The hallmark is all variable declarations being at the top of the block, not being initialized at the time of declaration. So gross.
And VLAs.
What would be a benefit of C or C++ over rust?
Whaddya mean? VLAs weren't in C89.
@CodyGray Inefficient, I agree. OTOH, they're very nice when chilling out with drink, or a fat one. I do recommend this talk.
@JohnDvorak An installed base of C or C++ code and programmers. Decades of experience. Extremely mature tooling.
I mean VLAs used in C++ code. Isn't there a g++ tag?
@JohnDvorak Much bigger ecosystem, for starters.
@cigien When I'm chilling, I prefer to stay as far away from work-related matters as possible. It's my feeble attempt at "balance".
@CodyGray C++ is work?
Well, yeah.
Isn't Python written in C or C++?
What isn't?
@CodyGray Fair enough. I actually do C++ in a lot of my spare time too. And work. I'm blessed that way :)
@CodyGray FORTRAN?
@AdrianMole C is the primary one. There are implementations in other languages as well.
Sure, I mean, I also program for fun. But once in a while, you have to do something other than program, right? Otherwise, your brain turns to mush.
@CodyGray Java
@πάνταῥεῖ The JRE is written in C or C++, guaranteed.
@CodyGray Ah, I think that explains why my brain is mush.
And since you can't have Java without a JRE... checkmate :-)
Tag space available on an SO site near you: .
@AdrianMole Ah, perfect. The tag I've been dreaming of :)
Yeah, I saw that yesterday. SO search should really be fixed.
@cigien I think re-created would be better. In it's current form, it's virtually unfixable.
Oh, really? I don't know much about it, other than that it doesn't work very well.
@Dharman Definitely.
Translations of entire questions must be provided by the OP themselves.
A few words or a phrase is fine, and even then only if it's not directly relevant to the technical issue.
@cigien I was wondering what would happen if OP never translated?
We will delete it
nvm it is gone
If Cody was around he would immediately delete it
@Yatin The question stays closed, and eventually deleted.
I see, Cody never sleeps
Удалено Коди Грей
@dippas That wasn't a request for an off-site resource.
@dippas This is too broad, but I can't say they are asking for opinions which software to chose.
This answer looks like it came from a sock puppet, but it was only deleted by a moderator. Maybe not worth flagging?
@E_net42 It's still worth flagging. Mods need to delete one of them
@E_net42 Because moderators are perfect and never miss anything? I appreciate your confidence, but...
or in this case probably all 24
Okie dokie *takes note* flag everything
Oof. Not only did that need to be nuked as R/A (not sure if Sam's just way nicer than me or what happened there), but there are at least 3 accounts owned by the same person (so 2 sockpuppets), posting abusive content.
From a user already in trouble for rule violations :-)
See why flags can be useful?
Oh, I know. I was only slightly surprised to find a bit of moderator activity without... the "full work".
Mods don't do a full scan. It's easy to miss something. Sure Sam has a lot of tools, but even then you don't check for everything
The janitors don't rip up the floor and clean underneath. :-)
@Braiam That's too old to migrate.
Sounds like a good case of curators and moderators working together successfully. Several thousand pairs of eyes can see more than several dozen can.
@cigien < 6 months.
@Braiam I know. Your request is within the necessary timeframe. Your close reason is not applicable though.
@cigien Sorry, remembered the wrong one.
Still, off topic of SO.
@Braiam Agreed, I voted to close. I'm just being finicky about close reasons as usual. No big deal.
@AdrianMole Just so you know, flagging is the easy part. Still digging on that last one...
But, for all the 'grumbles' about flag numbers, moderators would be near powerless without them.
It's you guys who grumble about it, not us.
We like flags!
Only when they're declined.
Yes, that, but also when the latency is too high.
Latency has been a lot less lately. {Hard to say that with the Shiraz &c}
@Braiam @cigien @Dharman That's not general computing. The BAR is the "Base Address Register". Programming hardware is on-topic for Stack Overflow. Just letting you know that I've re-opened.
@CodyGray Hmm, I got misled by the fact that it's more appropriate elsewhere. Noted, thanks.
@cigien I...don't think it is? Where else? EE.SE?
I don't know really. What's the appropriate SE site for hardware?
There's no site for hardware. There's a site for general computer usage, which would include general usage of hardware. Then there's a site for programmers, which would include programming hardware.
Oh, ok then. Thanks.
@cigien When you get bored, you can memorize this: stackexchange.com/sites#traffic. Maybe you can find some that I've missed.
Interpersonal Skills looks good.
Memorizing the list is not a problem. It's knowing what's on-topic on each one that's the tricky bit. Clearly I don't even get that right on SO half the time.
Server-specific hardware can be asked about on Server Fault. Hardware compatibility and interoperability with *nix on Unix/Linux. Apple hardware on Ask Different. Arduino hardware on Arduino. Raspberry Pi hardware on Raspberry Pi. What they carry in a "hardware store" on Home Improvement. Bicycle hardware on Bicycles. Aviation and aerospace hardware on Aviation. Camera and photography-related hardware on Photography.
Fun analogy for C# and SQL Server.
Yeah, not bad for an R/A post :p
Almost worth an upvote?
You are too late.
dang booze
@AdrianMole I think parenting.se is right. "How do I raise my child to change the PCI bar size ...?"
Kids today ... terrible ... don't even know what PCI is.
PCIe. The kids should know about that.
If they don't, I agree, that's a parenting problem.
Oops :p
Remember PCI-X? That's different from PCI Express. Naming is hard.
Was that the huge array-looking thing? Like a rack-server, sort of.
No, it's an update to PCI providing higher bandwidth.
It did come on the boards of plenty of huge rack servers.
OK. Then no.
I did a bit of work with some NI boards. They offered pretty much everything in either PCI or PCI-X, IIRC.
I build fully custom, tiny, aerospace-grade NI boards. :-)
They're not actually NI boards, because they have nothing to do with NI. But, you know, they do some of the stuff that an off-the-shelf NI board would do.
But I like NI because they make my boards look tiny by comparison.
Have you ever encountered Scientific Solutions (the company). They make the LabMaster boards. Huge!
... but we like them.
I haven't, actually. By the time I joined this company, they were long past the days of using commercial off-the-shelf solutions. We need special features that the COTS stuff just doesn't have. So I never got to play with anything else.
Apparently, they made the first ever extension board (ISA) for a PC. I think.
I see a Scientific Solutions, but no electronics that I see. Must be a different company.
@AdrianMole I...doubt that, but maybe.
Oh, this one. Wow, yeah, that website is straight out of the 90s :-)
Here. Looks like a name clash.
ninja'd again
Heh. Yeah, these boards do sampling in the kHz range. Small potatoes. I have to do sampling at around the 40 MHz range.
But that's way more than you need for PCR
I don't do PCR. But 100 kHz or so is generally enough for what I do do.
I jest, but I bet this has some decent software. These products were from the days when this kind of custom software and driver packages were actually well-written, rather than just some untested LabVIEW plugin nonsense.
Or worse, Java.
why was the question here marked as spam/rude/abusive? The revision history does not show anything that could be considered remotely close stackoverflow.com/questions/65277796
@desertnaut It was a rude/abusive seed for that answer. Funny business going on there. I'm the one who nuked it, not 6 regular users. Shouldn't become an audit, at least that's what they tell me about R/A flags.
@CodyGray One of the standard 'bible' texts on Electrophysiology software (old, now) was almost entirely based around the original LabMaster DMA (an ISA board). We were still using them in our lab up to about 2 years ago.
Yeah, that's the thing about lab equipment. It gets used forever.
I remember as an undergrad, our ELISA equipment printed output on a 1980s-era dot-matrix printer.
@CodyGray I don't follow; what is an R/A seed? And who "tells you"? Question in itself was nowhere close to R/A
I also like them because they're a small, family-based company. We've even had a visit from them. They build up custom connector boxes and things for us at very reasonable prices.
@desertnaut The question was posted by a sockpuppet account of the answerer. The sole purpose of the question was to enable that answer to be posted. It is similar to what we call a "spam seed", which is an innocuous-looking question created for the sole purpose of allowing a spammer to post a spam answer.
@CodyGray ok
"That's what they tell me" is a colloquialism. I apologize for that being unclear. What I mean is, based on my understanding on how audits are automatically chosen/generated, posts that are nuked with a rude/abusive flag are not eligible to become audits. Only those nuked as actual spam.
Moderators use the R/A flag for reasons other than posts that are obviously rude/abusive because it applies some penalties that are desirable in certain cases.
@AdrianMole Oh, that's nice.
Other than the funny American accents, right?
Yeah. But the family hails back to its Scottish Origins.
Kilts and all? Or...?
Full metal kilts.
@desertnaut Wrong link. That goes to the question in your previous request.
@CodyGray damn... pls delete it, I will repost
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (because of typo)
@CodyGray That's general computing. Resizing the bar is a bios/os feature that should be enabled on the system. There's nothing a programmer can do.
@Braiam Hmm. I see how you interpreted it, yeah. Hard to tell from the question what context they're trying to do this in. If you were programming the card itself, then that'd be on-topic. Or, if you're writing your own BIOS or OS, then it might be relevant there, too.
@CodyGray Yeah, but OP wants the driver to do something that needs the BIOS/OS support to do it. Without it, a programmer can't "resize" the bar. Also, setpci is a command without a syscall equivalent.
And by "it" I meant support by every step in the stack, ie. windows doesn't support resize bar, nor intel platforms.
(they are working on it)
Blame AMD Smart Access Memory™
Funny. I posted an answer that got accepted over an earlier posted answer,
and now it seems that the user makes sure to close a duplicate post *after answering it*.
2 hours later…
I just failed a LQP audit. Whoops. But what I'm more curious is why the audited post was closed as spam. Nothing about it appears to be spam. In fact, it doesn't even appear to be NAA. Might be worth removing it from the audit queue, if not undeleting the answer, so future reviewers don't trip on it. Or am I missing something?
Can you share a screenshot please (<10k)?
@Yatin Note that all of the links point to relevant pages on docs.Microsoft.com, so they don't appear to be spam.
@JeremyCaney Please add a ` or something before the link... one boxing isn't allowed here...
@JeremyCaney Please don't one-box images.
@JeremyCaney Ok I know why this was deleted. Do you mind coming over to chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq? Discussing users isn't allowed in this chat room.
:51146552, @cigien That was in response to @Yatin's request for a screenshot. It doesn't appear to be possible to include text with an upload.
I am afraid it is too late to edit your message... don't mind that.. It will be trashed..
@Yatin: Ah, so the idea is that you need to upload the image, then edit the image within the five minute window to add text so it's not seen as one-boxing? Got it. I'll keep that in mind for the future. (Apologies, this is my first time uploading an image to chat.)
Yep... thank you for editing it :)
@JeremyCaney Thanks for editing. Also, the window for editing messages is just 2 minutes.
@JeremyCaney That post is included in one of a series of posts that are part of a spam attack advertising the Microsoft Q&A. While it is in fact spam, I do agree that it's a bad audit in that there's no real way to recognize that it's spam without this larger context. It should be removed as an audit.
I can't remember what the other question was
@JimGarrison That doesn't need focus. It's a very narrowly scoped "how-to" question. It appears to be a dupe of this canonical however.
@Dharman Tag removal?
CPU-limit tag which had 2 questions
@cigien So what's the close reason for "How do I do X?" with zero effort?
@JimGarrison There is none. And there is no need for such a close reason, because those questions are not off-topic. No effort is required so long as the how-to question is sufficiently narrowly scoped and answerable. Note that many of these questions are duplicates, and that is a perfectly valid close reason so long as an appropriate target is found.
@Dharman I take it that you missed the whole discussion about what was and was not permitted in here with respect to doing a tag burnination/clean-up without a corresponding MSO post. In other words, a request here for part of that clean-up is not permitted.
The tag is gone already
Only the question left which is normal to request deletion IMHO
@cigien I voted to close stackoverflow.com/questions/8545590/… as a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/8545590/… -- but it got closed as "Needs Details or Clarity". Did I do something wrong?
I did not remove the tag.
@Dharman I understand that. It was still part of the clean-up process, which you were specifically aware of, given that you mentioned it in your request.
@dbc No, you didn't do anything wrong. Unless you possess a hammer in one of the tags on the post, then your duplicate close reason is just another close reason. I would guess that two other users chose "Needs details", and hence that is the close reason shown in the banner.
Wait, students are given assignments to search for stuff on SEDE? That is kinda cool : data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1346823/…
The way I look at that is I found a tag that had 4 questions. I retagged one which was incorrectly tagged, Braiam retagged another one that they thought was incorrectly tagged. After that, I was left with 2 questions that were off-topic, and I wanted to close and remove them. I asked here if anyone has any objections, and I haven't heard any. Another user then has removed the tags from the 2 remaining question, but my desire to delete the off-topic question remained despite the tag gone
We can consider it tag-burnination, but in my mind it is just 2 questions that I found to be off-topic and had the same tag. Going to Meta to delete them, given that I can't even remember what the other one was, seems too much.
@Dharman I didn't say you had to go to meta to delete them. You were welcome to vote to delete, if you felt it should be deleted. However, to involve SOCVR in actual requests surrounding the burnination or clean-up of a tag there needs to be a MSO post. That's the bare minimum of the rule. The rule is actually a bit more expansive than just requests, but requests are what's at the core.
As a mod you can undelete the question if you feel that some rules were broken. I will accept that, but it will not bring the tag back. The tag disappeared without any organized effort because someone retagged the question. I don't know whether they found it in this room or not, but I only learned about that question because someone posted a cv-pls here. No organized tag removal was performed in this room or with the help of regulars from this room.
The only remnant of it is the revision history of that single question.
For future, I will remember to never mention any possible tag removals in this room to not give anyone any ideas.
@Dharman A moratorium isn't required. The intent is more nuanced than that. Please re-read the discussion starting here through here for more context.
@Dharman yup, better not "give people ideas" :)
@desertnaut Just noticed you here. Everything fine and back to normal?
@Scratte looks like, but you can never be sure...
thanks for asking
Isn't this bountied question technically OT because of "needs more focus"?
@desertnaut Good :) At least you're still closing posts :)
@tink I think so. Also, it's seeking resource recommendations.
Is it OK to CV a bountied question? :)
you can't
you can mod flag, but I don't think that's not off-topic enough... just let the bounty run...
Yeah, agreed. Not worth mod flagging, just VTC when the bounty expires.
OK ... I'll wait it out .... but then again: I'll be net-dead in roughly 36 hours and for a whole week thereafter
hmm I have the close link...have the changed something?
@tink Then just let it be :).. there are so much other stuff that would nedd your attention
Heh. How exciting =}
sorry :)
All good ;) ...
@Scratte well... not quite sure this is a good thing... :)
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