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\o What's new?
I'm seeing ghosts
Is this RO reunion day? :)
Hehe... just reading the transcript, and I was wondering the same thing. I think that the last time I dropped in was also a day that Kyll dropped in.
What can I say? Life has been busy.
Business as usual I'd say, except we have 2 new ROs. One is a handsome, dashing young fellow who knows a bit of CSS, and the other is @TylerH.
Funny. I heard one was delusional, and the other was Tyler.
Trogdor, the spin-off room for managing burninations, is going well and we're onto our second pass through the outstanding burn proposals
@Mogsdad It sounds like you found a reliable source :)
I've been seeing messages on some the burninations I requested a few years back. Nice to see them getting attention.
Please see comments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@Mogsdad Oh wow
Nice to see you. How are things going?
@StephenKennedy Apparently so. Hello! I don't believe we met so far.
\o I've been in the room when you were active before, but it was a long time back. Good to see you again.
All we need is Tunaki to come back and it will be like old times...
@Mogsdad We still don't know what to do with this one tho
@Machavity I wonder how he's doing
@PaulStenne He'd lurk around the site after he vanished from here but he's been hard gone 18 months now
I keep hoping trickling upvotes put him over 100k and at least pull him back for a day or so to claim swag
@Machavity close as too broad
I've sent a couple of emails to Tuna just to see if he's doing good ... haven't had any response
I'm not sure I've interacted with Tunaki. Searching the transcript I believe I joined in Feb 2018 - a fellow in a hard hat helped me out
@BhargavRao I hear him mentioned a lot. I take it he was a bit of a legend round here?
kinda like Jon Skeet of SOCVR
I remember making this meme ... i.sstatic.net/RVgLZ.png ... but then people confused it with him being dead ... :|
@BhargavRao Well, Compass did climb in the window holding that dead fish right after. Freaked us all out
But was a bass, not a tuna
ah, ya gotta know your fishes ..
but yeah I remember him sharing some stories of touring around the countryside in the oooold SObotics messaging channel where only him, @PetterFriberg and myself were.
Yeah, he was one of the forefathers of SoBotics. Forgot that
Spoke to him once again in October~November 2017... Finally in Jan 2018 he had left me a message asking how I was doing, I replied to that ..no reply to that or no messages after that
Anyway, whatever he's doing now ... he's waaaaay happier than what he was when he was with us ... and I'm happy for him.
And old Tunaki sat on the userscript... and the userscript was happy
@PaulStenne Things are great! I've been traveling a lot over the past two years, with work, which is a mixed bag. But the work itself has been very engaging - I'm officially a "Technical Product Manager", but I keep picking up additional responsibilities, whatever is needed for the team to be successful. I'm writing a fair bit of code, too. JavaScript / Preact / NodeJS. How about you?
@Machavity Yeah - that tag cluster has continued to get messier. It would take years to clean it up now.
All out of votes. Except "reopen" and "undelete", whatever those do. :P
So long, and thanks for all the fish!
4 hours later…
FYI: most of the questions EJoshuaS put into the queue need just 1 CV, so if someone has some free CVs, then it'd be a good idea to close some of the Qs
@double-beep spend 39 on them
The last closing paragraph on that duplicate is the key here.
stackoverflow.com/questions/56709174/… Also a good dup target since the OP deleted the last duplicate
@BhargavRao :) yeah tons of fun, also Sam... Happy birthday!
thanks ... Sam was there in that group? don't remember correctly .. :\
I realize that there is programming in place to block a user from asking questions after a certain threshold of deleted questions, but is it out of the question to undelete an exact duplicate posted 8 hours earlier which the OP deleted in favor of the most recent post?
@Daedalus Flag for mod attention, the mods will take care of it
@BhargavRao Very well, I won't retract the flag I made then.
well, you can't retract ...
Then the UI is broken, because if I visit the post in question where the flag resides, and click flag, it will say "retract flag"
.... at least I could
</ignore me>
oof, the LQP queue is flooded with code-only answers
worst than the last time I checked
@Makyen it appears that the Roomba forecaster detects downvoted questions with more than one comment eligible for weekly deletion. But these simply remain and the weekly countdown resets. Is that a bug?
(downvoted abandoned questions without an answer)
(With more than two comments)
What do y'all think of the answer to this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/56713490/…
@JohnDvorak well, it is an attempt to answer. It is highly unlikely to be useful for future visitors. The answer could inspire some for a good code golf question?
The cleanest way would be to have a static binary file that the code just loads and dumps into the classloader. But then again, there is a native classloader that can do exactly that.
Yeah, my response is as serious as that answer is.
Let's not spend too much time on it to find reason in it
Question is deleted now. That's the best outcome, really.
An surprising outcome would have been: I've accepted your answer as my teacher liked your solution and gave you an A+
@RobertColumbia that's not unclear
I'd say it's very clear... that this is rude/abusive
@rene We need a system where we earn college credits for not answering peoples’ homework questions.
@sideshowbarker Okay, so we need a close reason: Homework and when the question gets closed all followers of the tags on that question gets +1 reputation if nobody answered. You post on Meta? I get the popcorn ...
@PearlySpencer No, it should work accurately, unless the question otherwise qualifies, but was downvoted for the first time within 2 days of initially qualifying for the 30-day Roomba, which is a criteria that was added relatively recently. Other than that issue, it should work and consider all criteria. However, from your description, I assume that you're talking about the 365-day Roomba, as that's the only one that considers comment count. Could you point me at an example where you see the problem?
@dippas Is there some activity on/about this question which isn't obvious from the question page (mentioned somewhere, a rejected edit, proposed dup, etc.)? The last activity shown for this question was 2 years, 1 month ago. That's too old for a cv-pls. While there isn't an explicitly stated limit, cv-pls requests should, generally, be for questions for which the community benefits from them being closed quickly. Please see #11 in the FAQ.
That feeling when you link OP to docs that solves their problem only to be confrontational that they are not a beginner, when they clearly missed the fundamentals of the topic. It was then I realized it was a GMTC.
live and learn i guess
@Nkosi only beginners read the docs?!
apparently the OP thought so
I'm such a noob :(
All I do is read docs.
saves me from committing everything to memory. I just remember where I last read about something and reference back to that when I can't remember what to do
I would know I did something like it before and just tap my knowledge base.
^ Programming is like Law in that regard. You don't need to remember everything, but you need to know how to find the info you will need and how to parse it.
exactly my thoughts
@StephenKennedy I am glad I am not the only one. Felt quite ashamed from having to quickly search SO for way too many implementations over and over again. I guess this happens when you're really good at searching for information online, your long term memory just refuses to assimilate information that are so readily available online.
Although this makes me feel a bit better, I still think the right way is to commit everything to memory if somehow possible, because when your connection is down you're foobar.
I think the core concepts remain with you. Most time the finer details are when get a little muddled.
@Nkosi Yes of course, but I believe those finer details are often more substantial then I would like them to be. I think the best way for me to truly commit everything to memory would be to learn directly from physical books and avoid searching general concepts on SO.
@Makyen there's a typo in the Alpha version of CV Request Generator, line 1472. The is is not needed, e.g. The cv-pls is will not be sent is incorrect.
^^missed edit window, should be non-beneficial for future users
no worries now as it is gone
@FélixGagnon-Grenier "I really have NO idea of what to do with this now, i have been staring at it for hours, and reqritten [sic] it.. i can't get it to work!." I wouldn't even think about reopening that if nobody can be bothered to edit it into shape
lol, I didn't even read that. few sec
Needs a problem statement in the body too, not just in the title
there, that should be better
but at the same time, there is a real problem there, leaving it closed just because the question is not stellar is a bit strange. The duplicate target is totally unapplicable, there is a real bug in the src, and there is a real solution.
@Mogsdad <3 hey man! Glad to see you around!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I'll chuck a reopen vote at it now, thanks
ooh, and a wild Kyll appeared! @PaulStenne o/
@StephenKennedy yeah, sorry if I was adamant about it, thanks :)
while YCS is generally right, I dislike when they leave some edge cases out
@NickA that ought to become a no reprex, that example is quite long.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Agreed, think A/E was right action on the review though :)
Yes there is definitely a question in there
lol look at this answer :D
Ah well that was there for a long time...
@Matthew Not seeing anything. Has it been deleted?
yes, by Bhargav
@StephenKennedy Yes, in a matter of seconds
It was a funny one though
isn't the question off topic? I was ready to cv-pls but stopped when I heard that Bhargav deleted the answer
(whether or not he looks at the Q when deleting an answer I have no idea)
@StephenKennedy I would say yes, and NATO so it's active
@NickA That'll do me, ta
@Adriaan hmmm?
what's that?
@double-beep Question of the year
@double-beep a homework dump in Persian
It is actually a programming question - but ^ yeah this
@Adriaan see how the cv-pls is shown
@double-beep That's the right to left thing
Makyen knows about it and there's nothing that can easily be done about it (iirc)
or makyen already is thinking of some stuff that can be done
and probably not getting any sleep with all the worry
@double-beep here
Opinions if the second link in this answer is spam? The site is best visited with an ad-blocker and incognito.
@rene no obvious connection to the owner; behind several adblockers and in incognito it does not look too bad. Post itself might benefit from copying info though. I take it you found their 2yo answer on SU? Points to the same site
Yeah, I mod flagged that one
It is his site, all of the comments on the on site support page are answered by them, although they did say that they wrote the article in the answer
(or at least it's unlikely they share the same name without being the same person)
I let the dogs out on that post.
@double-beep Thanks.
@Makyen yw
@cs95 I've seen that question and I wouldn't call it unclear, just a bad question.
I am not Python savvy, but I think he's asking how to write the code he supplied as a one-liner.
it is unclear to me why they want a 1 liner for that, I think it works fine.
Might be best to just downvote it, it has already generated a few answers.
^^ Also, while they may say they want a one-liner in the title, the question body itself is meaningless
On a related topic, are "how do I improve my code" questions (that are perhaps better suited to code review) worthy of closure? If yes, what would the close reason be? Too broad?
@NickA Aye I agree, I asked for clarification.
@cs95 Or unclear, improve it in what way? Speed? Length? Readability?
assume no clarification given at all
"my code is working but I think it is clunky"
I'd go unclear then
@cs95 I don't think that questions that are asking for ways to improve their code should be blanket closed under any reason unless they fall into specific categories like "Too Broad", "Unclear", "POB" etc...
@cs95 That's a clear cut case of "Too Broad"
@Matthew IMO too broad would qualify only if they have not identified a specific problem with their code (such as performance or memory issues)
thanks both, for the clarification
But imagine a scenario where a user asks how he can improve a specific part of his code to make it more efficient. In my opinion that should be permissible.
@Matthew If that were the case I'd be more tempted to send them to CR... although I still wouldn't
@NickA CR?
I am still working on learning all the acronyms, please excuse the questions.
Code Review
Hm does that mean you would close them as off-topic then?
There's no single rule, it would depend on the question entirely
Yea that's what I told ca95, there should be no blanket close reason for "how do I improve my code" types of questions. At least not in my opinion.
@SmokeDetector natty comment there is a tad off
not that it's worth doing in this case, but Natty can be instructed to delete their comment @Adriaan
@Nkosi You commented on this one ^ Looks like version binding issue and we need to see .csproj/web.config?
\o night
@StephenKennedy need clarification on what version of asp.net they are using. whether it is core or not.
I vtc as no mcve while we wait on that.
feels like an XY problem to me
but yeah it could be a version binding issue
if it is there will be duplicate targets
should be I am looking for those now
finding some but with no accepted answers
@Nkosi There's this but imho the accepted answer is weak stackoverflow.com/questions/21653130/…
@StephenKennedy OP responded. solved issue by downgrading
Also they stated that they are using latest version of asp.net mvc (which should be core)
@StephenKennedy saw that one as well.
self removed. moving on
We could undelete it and continue the debate for another hour if you prefer? There's not much else happening atm :)
Should we mark this question as a duplicate?
Third comment says this answer provides an actual answer to OP's question.
Note that It's a NATO case so it is permissible if warranted.
@Matthew No idea, but the person who left that comment is usually pingable here.
Also note that they did re-open it as a gold badge holder
@NickA What does this mean?
That user single handedly re-opened the post as they're a gold badge holder in java, check the timeline
After they singlehandedly closed it
leave it then. old news.
plenty of other stuff to clean up
Odd that he commented this:
"A duplicate is not a bad things. Duplicates don't get deleted. They remain there as flagposts to the actual answer. But I've reopened."
But I agree, let's move on
2 hours later…
Is this clear? (it isn't to me) stackoverflow.com/q/56719627/397817
@StephenKennedy this perhaps ?
or this
second one looks more plausible... although if we're having to guess it would suggest that it's unclear :)
@StephenKennedy Can del now

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