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@Floern I didn't bother going over the answers. I just saw the content of the question was similar and that one was the "newer" of the two
Is it considered "serial downvoting" if a user deliberately downvotes all other answer to promote theirs?
@hello [internet]
@AndrewLi no
you don't know
@Floern I see what you're saying, though. I agree
It may be me, since I consider all answers wrong but that one
@Braiam I guess
@AndrewLi Fortunately not. I would have been a serial downvoter more than once then.
All of the existing answers being bad or plain wrong is not the least common reason for me to write an answer.
It's just incredibly annoying when your answer is correct and theirs isn't necessary an answer
Yeah, that does sound like abuse, punishable or not.
@AndrewLi flag NAA if it's not an answer
@Braiam Well, I meant isn't necessary the best answer
But that's subjective
@Nkosi Waffles
yeah realized and edited.
3k cvq review \o/
2 hours later…
@Undo I just noticed this edit war. I guess I don't really understand what's going on. Is it improper attribution?
If that's the recent one, you have to disclose your affiliation when you promote your stuff
Hehe, this got reviewed by three Stephens. What are the odds? :)
@QPaysTaxes Hehe, even if it was not guaranteed, what weird platform are you using to think this could fail? =D
@QPaysTaxes Iff it actually is such a pointer.
The first '\0' byte need not be the last element of the array.
@QPaysTaxes The null terminator byte is part of the allocated memory (or at least it had better be), so that expression doesn't point more than one element past the end.
@IlmariKaronen Oops, right.
Step 1: Gain their trust.
Step 2: Make the write poor C.
Anyways, off to bed.
Hf with your C!
@QPaysTaxes I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
QPaysTaxes passed a audit!
@QPaysTaxes Did I ask for help?
@QPaysTaxes Ahh, now I get it. LOL :-D
^ That user's got an attitude I don't like.
Time to close it and close your ears to the poster.
@JanDvorak Yeah, I've gotta get out there. Should I delete my answer, what do you think?
It would help Roomba, so there's that
@QPaysTaxes I've got some expertise in c also, but prefer using c++. If you really need c expertise ask @Olaf.
@QPaysTaxes Baum and Nathan are also more c++ affine. @Olaf is the hardcore c guy appearing here.
@QPaysTaxes I didn't say I'm not willing to help. You have trouble with strtok()? It's a whole lotta pitfalls you have to deal with. Let's start with reentrancy.
@QPaysTaxes You ever can call me for help. I'm a helpful person, no?
@QPaysTaxes Any reason for such personal offence?
I would think that was meant in joke
@QPaysTaxes Oooooh key. Tight tight curve you've taken.
so, not offensive?
@QPaysTaxes As mentioned, you just scraped the wand a bit taking that curve. I've got one insult free against you next time.
@QPaysTaxes You don't pay taxes, what else ;-)
I have a wild imagination, but I don't think that was the intended meaning
@QPaysTaxes It's very probably not proper english. I meant you hit the barriers when driving through a tough curve.
@JanDvorak "cleaning marijuana administration" is slightly related as far I'm involved ;-)
Better than any of my ideas, I guess
@QPaysTaxes Yeah, something like that was the intended meaning.
2 hours later…
no idea if I can ask this here or if I should put this to meta, but what should I do if a user posts several answers (5) that are low quality, but all contain a link to his own library without much explanation how his library would answer the question?
I currently flagged one for mod attention and linking all other answers to it, but I don't know if I should have flagged them individually for spam and shouldn't use a custom flag or not
@g00glen00b Spam would be the 1st choice. You could also manually report that to SmokeDetector.
@g00glen00b "no idea if I can ask this here" Sure you can, you're welcome.
@πάνταῥεῖ ok thanks, I'll keep that in mind for next time and read the wiki of SmokeDetector for a start
@πάνταῥεῖ Your reply was not direct to a possible duplicate notification
@Queen OK, honey
@πάνταῥεῖ if you mean MCVE, sure but it is more TB/UC
@rene Let's face it. It's blatantly off-topic ;-)
I can't comment on that ...
Oh, you can. Just say "touché".
@JanDvorak Flowers wear rapiers nowadays?
They better do
@BhargavRao o/
@g00glen00b Nopes, Use spam flag for spam. If it is overt self promo, use a custom mod flag.
@πάνταῥεῖ \o
@BhargavRao ok thanks, I don't know what classifies as "overt" though. Is 5 posts with the same library of the same user within <1 hour overt?
The last smokey report is suspicious
User has his location listed the very same as the company headquarters of the makers of the app he's peddling
Name seems to be genericly generated.
@g00glen00b Quite a lot. (Some people flag for 2, but don't do that ;) ...)
@Magisch Just deleted it as VLQ, if the user posts it again, then I'll send him a message.
Also howyadoin @mag, Not seeing you around these days. :(
@BhargavRao Actually
I was slightly wrong. The company HQ is london, although most of their developers and their founder is based in turkey.
@BhargavRao I'm still in charcoal.
Ah, You've joined the other side (chat.se as compared to chat.so) :P
I'm a spy from the other side
Prepares to launch nukes
charcoal's been getting more intense
Andy's comin up with a meta soon, Need to be full on with the upvote button.
@BhargavRao I know
We're all helping to draft it
in SOBotics, 18 hours ago, by Bhargav Rao
You now need to come up with another "Can a machine be taught to ...." to fill up your side bar with only bot posts :D
in before "Wait, Pops did what?"
Wait, Pops did what?
Pops cut time to deletion for obvious spam by 70% for one thing
Most of the autoflag stuff is gone in under 20s now
Yeah, That's some nice work for mods
@BhargavRao suspects voting fraud ...
which can be felt especially on smaller sites where spam would sometimes stay 5 minutes previously
You can't do voting fraud on MSO :D
expects flags to be declined
I'm gonna upvote it, but not because muh voting fraud, but because I think it's a helpful post
and I wont post it so I can vote on it
Well, My meta post didn't gather much attention, But I got what I wanted. Some mod, CM and ex-mod feedback.
But, for smokey, I don't see anyone to be opposed to it. It's quite a well trained and trusted system.
@BhargavRao Meh, there is always opposition if something isn't pure good or pure evil
The only exception to that rule is Trump
Autoflags are only used for posts with a post score indicating at least a 99,5% probability of being spam, based on a dataset of at least 1000 confirmed reports for every reason
@M.A.R. Then we need to look forward to the meta post. ;)
So we're very confident that the autoflags are high accuracy
probably higher then some users
In case of Smokey, I think some people will go crazy over ''AAAAAH WE'RE GIVINGZ AI MOAR POWERZ''
Well, SE isn't, we users are
@M.A.R. I don't think he qualifies as pure evil.
24 people trust smokey's Autoflagging system enough to trust it with their API write keys. Several moderators among them.
@M.A.R. Doing the limbo dance yeah
There are a certain set of users on meta.SO you can't talk sense into, Magisch
@BhargavRao but spam flags have more impact so expect the meta crowd to be more skeptic and for good reason. But i have no doubt it will turn out OK.
@Magisch Higher than most users, 100% there.
For instance this rene guy. Totally insensible
@rene Yeah 6-7 bots like that and the fun is ensured
@rene True, and spam flags have nuking capabilities. So they are highly risky.
Unlike NAAs, which go to the review queue.
@BhargavRao Well
We've set it so the system will never nuke a post on its own
But one impact which the NAA auto flagging had is, the users are self deleting their posts. That's one huge plus for us.
so at least 1 human is always involved.
the one controlling the bots :D, more powerz to the bot owners...
@Magisch True, but you're reducing it from 6 users to 1 user (in future when you move to 5 auto instead of the 3). So it gives that user near mod-like powers.
Only if the bot agrees with him.
But again, at 100% accuracy, I don't think that it'll be an issue.
I like the auto-flagging, but somehow since you nuke post, you always needs mods involved, which you have so I do not really see a problem.
@PetterFriberg But you don't. Six normal flags nuke the post
@BhargavRao In cases where stochastic prediction shows at least (lower limit) a 99,5% probability that the post is spam
Okay, enuf chat for the day. Gotta cull the queue
1 min ago, by Bhargav Rao
But again, at 100% accuracy, I don't think that it'll be an issue.
Highlighting, "I don't think that it'll be an issue." ;)
@M.A.R. What I'm mean is to use a bot so that a regular user can nuke a post is "somewhat" circumventing the 6 "normal" spam flags...
@PetterFriberg I mean, sure
Thats kind of the goal here
to reduce the amount of people and amount of time a spam post is visible to.
@PetterFriberg Exactly, because we want to reach inhumane speeds in deletion
We've been getting average time to deletion for spam of 20 seconds more or less since yesterday
> I'm not terribly excited about a chatroom gathering together to coordinate flags on content in order to automatically delete it. I think it's helpful to have an outside party review - Brad Larson
we are moving from chat rooms to bots... yeah that's better...
@PetterFriberg Well we did get explicit permission from a CM
@PetterFriberg That's better when it's a bot that flags better than humans
@M.A.R. I agree
I'm probably a good flagger, and my halpful flagz rate/halpful plus declined is 99.27 percent
Smokey's is >99.5
my rate is 99,41%
Mine's 99.8
My current autoflag condition has 99,74%
@BhargavRao Cheater, you're a mod
Let's keep final control to humans!
14 mins ago, by Magisch
so at least 1 human is always involved.
@M.A.R. Mods won't get much helpful flags. Mine was 99.79 before I became a mod.
> Mods don't flag, they decline them.
But you can flag, and it immediately becomes halpful
Nope, That is only for the red flags
Ahh, still semi-cheating
a mod flagging NAA would be asinine
I'm not even sure it's technically allowed
Why wouldn't it be? Mod-ship only adds buttons, doesn't remove 'em
Also, when you're a mod, you already won the stats game. You don't need to run for re-election, you're in there as long as you want to be. So padding stats is 100% useless for moderators.
Yes, Bhargav your stats are useless
other people that desperately want to pad stats usually do it because they want to be mod one day
Well, I don't wanna become a mod on SO :)
Duh, I haven't given this community anything
Garbage collecting is good, but only after you've produced something that has produced waste
@M.A.R. Sure! One of the worst jobs you can take on ;-)
Well Mar you aren't needlessly padding stats either
@Magisch If you're not a regular poster on the main site of an SE/SO, you don't have much chances against someone that is.
No matter the number of reviews you've done, flags you've cast, or edits you've made
It's mostly based on rep tbh
You gain more rep by posting a lot
a 101k rep user with 20 flags total and no reviews in the last 3 years that openly stated he didn't want to enforce site rules and instead punish people who are unfriendly to beginners by closing or doubting their questions still got over 3k votes in the primary and 1,2k votes in the election
Not that I'm salty or anything
You are
@M.A.R. You're loosing regard for rep-whoring
But hey, could be worse.
Just being/staying active seems to be enough.
@Magisch I'm taking the whole lemon tree
@πάνταῥεῖ 10,000,000,000,000 YEARS SUSPENSION
@M.A.R. Sure?
@πάνταῥεῖ 100,000,000,000,000 YEARS SUSPENSION
@Magisch You're acting as if the election isn't a popularity contest or something
@M.A.R. Repeating that doesn't make it real.
To be fair, if you want to improve your chances for the next elections, I'd get to at least 20k
It's possible, especially with the help of your friendly neighborhood moderator with a bounty project for canonicals 😉
Bounty trading detected, Mod flagged
@BhargavRao You can't, he's too powarful
I won't because it'll add another flag in the queue :P
The question is: Do you really want to take the burden of being a SO Mod?
@πάνταῥεῖ Meh, you're making it sound like the burden is a thing
Sure, Lounge C plus minus is a burden, but that doesn't mean moderating the whole SO is
@M.A.R. It's a burden I'm pretty sure about that.
@πάνταῥεῖ It does. Reference: the current POTUS
@πάνταῥεῖ Still pretty sure you're exaggerating
The BURDEN is a lie.
@M.A.R. Oh, please don't take me on that miserable whimp. I don't have any respect for that guy.
what's up? M.A.R. want to be a SO mod?
@M.A.R. 2000 flags per day, 4 meta posts asking why you declined the flag, people pinging you in chat asking to revert your actions, anonymous threat mails from users whom you suspended, replies to mod messages that make you suffer from stress, etc .... Sure, being a mod isn't a burden.
@πάνταῥεῖ Takes on that miserable whimp
Writing an anonymous email to Bhargav
@M.A.R. i cant see his email
@LearnHowToBeTransparent It's obviously [email protected]
@BhargavRao I still think you're making it look harder than it really is
Or probably at yahoo, whichever is more popular in India
@M.A.R. Well, I'm making it look less harder. But yeah, if you feel that I'm lying, you can ask any other mod that visits the room.
And for my mail ID, it's there in my profile, You can always send a mail.
@M.A.R. Have you ever moderated a community of any size?
@MadaraUchiha Yep, but it isn't in English
And yeah, people are usually jerks to mods
I guess this discussion only depends how seriously you take your moderation role, you probably also can sit back and enjoy the ride trying to do as little as possibile as in any other work
but if you really like to moderate SO, I bet there is tons of work to do....
@M.A.R. The differences between SO and most other communities are: 1. The scale, 2. The transparentness, 3. The quality standard
@PetterFriberg All the mods here take their job seriously.
@PetterFriberg My point is, the amount of work is the same, whether you say it's not hard and ''BRING IT ON'', or you do admit it's hard and still be doing it
@Kyll you have been caught in the act ...
The emotional toll in the latter case is bigger
Everything we do as mods is (or can be) visible to everyone in the community.
And any community member can challenge our decision at any point.
That's a good thing
But it also makes the job more "demanding"
@MadaraUchiha But emotionally a killer
@M.A.R. Yes
Esp. considering the recent 'trend' in which people seem obliged to challenge those frigging TPTB's
@BhargavRao sure I did not want to state anything else then if you like to really moderate SO, there is obviously tons works.
There's no doubt there's a lot of work
What's important is the take on that much work
It's a large commitment, more than it is hard work.
Sure, there are some tough decisions we make here and there
But it's the commitment that makes it "hard"
well, being a mod is easy
well, being a mod is easy
@M.A.R. Please don't onebox in this room
(Add some text to the video link so that it doesn't expand)
@MadaraUchiha I wanted to see whether the link works
I do know the no one-box rule
You do?
You do?
I do?
@Tunaki Hehe, and the OP's answering it
ha! just bought a QNAP NAS and the main menu has the SO Icon mirrored: puu.sh/u5xtR/d48b7a1c02.jpg As in, it's not in a blurred sub-menu anymore..
What about this one? @Tuna stackoverflow.com/a/42267413/5210517 I think they both are NAA
I have no idea
It seems they think SO's a forum, and are exchanging info.
The second one reads like ''I haz same porblem''
@kayess why is this one-boxed?
He's giving you an opportunity to thrash some message, make the most out of it.
You do?
Wait, late choo-choo
@rene That must've felt goof
or good, for that matter
@M.A.R. very goof
@Tunaki Borderline. Not sure
@Tunaki using that userscript?
which one do you think I'm using?
Ah no, I'm using a custom-made-special-edition-deluxe of a script I wrote
Sounds yummy
It plays nice with other custom-made-special-edition-very-deluxe script I have that enhances the NATO page
Oh, for once I saw your weird acronym and remembered what it stood for
@rene I voted to close the question as spam in case the close is faster so we can delete it manually by casting delete votes. I flagged the question as well of course.
@luk2302 spam doesn't get a chance to live. Close voting is a waste of your vote. We have more then enough troops around to get rid of it.
@rene ok.
@luk2302 There's this bunch of people who like wasting their time to flag spam in a room called Charcoal HQ.
So they assure it gets deleted in less than a minute
15 seconds, to speak in concrete numbers
be sure to come visit
@luk2302 keep in mind you need only 6 spam flags to kill it. It would require 5 close voters to get it closed, and then 3 20K delete voters to get it removed. That is 9 users that are on limited resources. Just anybody above 15 rep can can cast spam flags.
... and our bot casts three
that ^

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