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@QPaysTaxes realloc(ptr, num*size)?
Q: Let's burniate this [bundle]

Sun QingyaoTag wiki for bundle: Bundles are a group of resources. A bundle is a directory that has a well-defined structure and can host anything from classes to controllers and web resources. Even if bundles are very flexible, you should follow some best practices if you want to dist...

@QPaysTaxes No. Use memset or a loop.
ah. AFAIK there's nothing built-in, and Google agrees with me.
Writing your own would be trivial though.
The latter if you wanna be ultra standard paranoid and the array is something other than integers.
Looks like Microsoft has a _recalloc function, but it doesn't look like it's standard
@QPaysTaxes May technically not do the right thing for floating point numbers and pointers though.
And compilers can optimize simple loops to memset calls.
char is an integer type, so it's always fine.
(It's also fine for floating point and pointers on all implementations I ever heard of, but that's how we have fun in the C family. :) )
@BaummitAugen What's the "C family"?
@Olaf The C family of programming languages, that is C and its descendants.
Although tbh I know basically nothing about the stuff outside C and C++, so that statement may have been too general.
@QPaysTaxes C++ has become a far relative since C++11. I can't say I dislike it, but it is gampa C I'm a bit concerned about. Imo the committee should cut out old wood from the standard and leave legacies to C11. There clearly is demand for a simple imperative language with full control of used resources (no hidden libraries), but even this could evolve, e.g. allow for enums with user-specified type, a clean null pointer constant, remove the Extrawurst for char, etc.
grabs popcorn
@QPaysTaxes C# has nothing to do with C! They just did not call it "J#" because they lost a legal cause on that. And both, C# and Java are imo half-baked chimeras between C++ and some higher level languages. Imo, the set C, C++ and Python or Ruby is a good combination of skills for every-day programming tasks. If you are involved in web-development, use Python and JS + HTML.
@QPaysTaxes You really should use emoticons. Not all are native speakers and do really get the subtleties right.
@QPaysTaxes Well, it was a rape on both sides actually.
@QPaysTaxes Not really. We have quite the same phrase, but that's not necessarily funny connotated.
@QPaysTaxes Interestingly Java started to solve all platform-dependencies. And what happened? There is just another language in the zoo.
It's probably the most productive language for lawyers by now, with Oravcle vs Android.
@QPaysTaxes Yes. Just please keep in mind that even if I understand the terms, I might not know the full cultural background and implications. That's the main problem really mastering a language. Grammar, syntax, etc. are not really the problem.
@QPaysTaxes Problem 4.0?
@QPaysTaxes Objective-C actually had a long and productive time. It just is now being replaced by Swift. Apple wrote most of the code in ObjC. It was just not noticed much outside the Apple ecosystem.
@QPaysTaxes Industry 4.0 -> Problem 4.0
@QPaysTaxes ObjC seems to have som interesting concepts. Sometimes I wish I had taken the time to get deeper into it. But then I was a bit discouraged by the syntax.
@QPaysTaxes C++ is not mcuh better in that aspect. They add more and more strange stuff to the language. All this looks to me more and more like riding a dead horse, just not to define a new language. Maybe Rust, D or Go would be worth a try, but then these languages also add too much overhead. I really miss a lean language liek C but without the quirks. If you ever programmed Modula-2, you might know what I mean. And that language could easily be extended by the C operators.
@Makyen, you've made a lot of cv-pls in the last half hour. Keep in mind that cv-pls's are for things that wouldn't naturally be closed because of low reviewer traffic. I haven't reviewed the requests you have made just now, I've only been notified of the increased rate.
Just a friendly heads up
@QPaysTaxes Hehe, std::remove_copy_if that does not remove anything.
@QPaysTaxes I smell a kick coming
@QPaysTaxes I normally don't use the standard libraries of any language. Difficult if there is no use for it on bare-metal.
@QPaysTaxes Yep. And better not look at std::valarray.
@QPaysTaxes but everyone gets a kick! That's just the way it has to be :)
@QPaysTaxes Good choice.
ah, I see what you did there
anyways, afk for sleep
Yes, they added functional programming features now, AFAIK. While C is very conservatively extended, C++ seems to run after every new fashion in programming.
@QPaysTaxes No risk no fun! But then: there can not be errors in something which does not exist.
@QPaysTaxes I always think should get into it again. Many companies prefer C++ now, as they think one will be more productive and the quality is higher. Both are nonsense.
Major drama in the standardization committee: Many people, including Stroustrup, think C++ is too careful adding features.
Well, maybe not major drama, but disagreement for sure.
@QPaysTaxes Why that? Get a STM32F429 Discovery (ca. 20-30 € IIRC, I got one for free from a distributor) and set up he gnu-tools. Just don't use the bloatware STlib. That board even has a small TFT.
@BaummitAugen A language does not become better by just adding things. For C, cutting out dead wood would actually enhance the language. Although it already is pretty lean. C++ is on the way to become a black hole: collapse in itself. I honestly think the day C++ will not be usable is neigh.
@QPaysTaxes Meh! Another project can't hurt. And another and another, and ...
@QPaysTaxes C++ and C are only that strong because they are ISO-standards. That way companies have a defined feature set. Problem with C++ now is that there are just too many ways to solve a problem language-wise.
@QPaysTaxes I have three projects running for 2 or 3 decades now!
@QPaysTaxes That's only for my commercial projects which earn money.
@QPaysTaxes Well, after some decades in the job, one eventually has quite some finished jobs, of course. It is just some of my personal projects which don't finish. Problem with those long-termers is that when I take the time to work on them after some years, I completely redesign them because techniques have evolved and I have new insights.
Now, I just work too much for money, so I simply don't have the time (and the mood) for my own projects. Hope I can take some months for one of my primary projects after the current job.
@QPaysTaxes You want to get some?
@QPaysTaxes And you think it was different for me at your age? No.
@QPaysTaxes I'd bet whatever you do as personal projects eventually does not matter for a later job.
@QPaysTaxes Lots of time? You couldn't be more wrong ;-)
@QPaysTaxes All typenames ending in _t are reserved by POSIX iirc.
@QPaysTaxes In absolute terms, ok. But relatively, you most likely have way more time. Just consider that if you grow older you also loose the interest in programming all weekend if you program during the week already. But, of course ymmv; we'll talk again in 20 years (hope they have Ouija-interfaces until then ;-)
Dunno if you want to be compliant with that.
@BaummitAugen You are right. That's actually a bad habit and a legacy.
@QPaysTaxes I prefer Camel-case for types in C, too.
Those suffixes are problematic. After all struct has it's own namespace anyway, so no need to suffix the name with anything. Same for union and enum`. That whole Hungarian notation thing is mostly missunderstood and wrongly used anyway. And MS started it.
Ok, bedtime for me. Good night and dream of sheep
@QPaysTaxes: is that for real?
How about, "yes, thank you"?
@HovercraftFullOfEels No, only one request per post
We have a review tool. The functionality will be expanded in the hopefully near future.
@FOX9000 No idea.
no clue there either, comment seems to state that the answer never worked.
@QPaysTaxes Yes.
That's the 26th char, and you only have 25.
If strlen(foo) was not UB to begin with, them foo[strlen(foo)] isn't either.
If I have an irrational number with a length that is imaginary (assuming assumption are assumptive), is the farbizzle a narwhal?
when the length is imaginary though?
Careful with calls to strlen though, that's O(n).
If you implement your own string thingy, just keep track of the length.
@QPaysTaxes Of course.
strlen just finds the first '\0' while assuming there is one.
The rest is for the programmer to deal with.
1 byte
Also, it's big enough to represent the size of the biggest object that can exist on the system, and it's unsigned.
@QPaysTaxes I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@QPaysTaxes The next 3 tags are: 1337, 48, 39
If what ever it is that loop does can be done with sprintf, it definitely should be done with sprintf.
What's char(0xa) and char(0xd)?
QPaysTaxes passed a audit!
Ok. There should be a comment for that I guess, at least I don't have that memorized.
I'm not a windows guy though, so maybe that's just me.
The return -1 is not that unusual if you just want to report "some failure". After all, the return type is int, so -1 one is completely reasonable from the C point of view. Whatever the host environment does with that int is outside of the scope of the standard.
Again, dunno how Windows handles that. It's a valid remark in the Linux world, I agree.
printf(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7], argv[8], argv[9]); Where do all those argv come from suddenly? 0.o
QPaysTaxes passed a audit!
@QPaysTaxes You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 28 minutes and 51 seconds, averaging to a review every 43 seconds.
We were talking if (argc < 3) etc beforehand.
And why would argv[2] be a valid format string to begin with?
@QPaysTaxes Heck no.
Tell them to read the How to Ask or go to Meta if they disagree and walk away.
That loop is still weird btw.
'r' is not a real linebreak, so why is it treated as one?
And if we wanna handle Windows style line breaks, why do we make \n\r into two linebreaks?
Also, if we are going to handle escape sequences to begin with, what's with the rest of them? Do we just support those two?
Meh. I don't like C.
Supporting the actual, complete C format string, and even validating it is one in the first place, will be so incredibly annoying.
Also, with that printf line, we have to check that argc >= 10 (ok, that's easy) and that argv[2] contains exactly 7 %s and no other %whatever. Which again is going to be needlessly hard.
@QPaysTaxes Should I keep looking btw or are you done?
I should too, it's getting close to 5:30 again. :(
@QPaysTaxes You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits). The time between your first and last review today was 28 minutes and 51 seconds, averaging to a review every 43 seconds.
see also related meta question meta.superuser.com/questions/12005/…
@QPaysTaxes 1 members (4% of this room's registered reviewers) have processed 40 review items, which accounts for 10.36% of all CV reviews today.
2 hours later…
Hiya o/
spam ^
@QPaysTaxes I got distracted, sorry.
@PetterFriberg no clue either :/
@PetterFriberg I don't do the slightest Magento lol, I sometimes do a bit of
Plop everyonez
ahh yeah true, sorry your the "Meteor Man", however Magneto Man sounds cooler
specially if you know what meteorismo means in Italian...
@PetterFriberg Especially when you typo it yes
typo everywhere™
plop all o/
do we have any stats on how many questions are sent to CV queue vs. how many actually get closed as a result of that queue?
I can have a look at SEDE but it may exceed my SQL abilities...
@MacroMan if you manage to figure out let me know?... so I can cry some...
while at it also try to figure out how many cv are cast and how many of those just age away.
@PetterFriberg I'll have play around, don't hold your breath though - I tend to break databases more than make use of them :(
As long as you don't do rm -rf on the wrong data folder I guess you're OK
I'm even not so sure there is info in it to figure it out..., maybe shog9 have an old meta post about it
You will want to look at ReviewTaskResults
when the review task is of type 2
French spam
@QPaysTaxes heh.. looks like account merging has a lot of bugs.
@NathanOliver docs seems to be pretty buggy. Additionally, I see to have gained around 2k rep after the account merge (not from the old account), and I am gaining more rep every day from the docs even though I shouldn't get it..
@Lankymart answer is identical to what is given on the dup.
@AdrianHHH I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@PetterFriberg Lankymart is speaking with himself
\o BR
@PetterFriberg I was told that's the best way to link associated comments together.
Yeah true only kidding...
@PetterFriberg it's fine, bit highly strung this morning...sorry
np, let's try to improve your day
@PetterFriberg Plus I'm always talking to myself... ;)
The only that listen to you :D, I also speak to my hand, I have five friends on it
Do we have an android hammer here?
@BhargavRao checked a mirror recently? :p
Nopes, Lost my pocket mirror long back.
@BhargavRao don't think so the closes is Tim
@Tunaki yeah that's the route I'm going down at the moment. I'll see what I can produce...
There was TGMCians here long back, Apart from that, not so sure
This is a starting point hopefully.....

That's an sd k
I wonder what the reviewers reviewed there exactly.
OMG. browsing to the reviewers profile from review gives me the new nav.
^ Yes
I was wondering about that
I hadn't noticed. So it does
It's just live
oh no, just refreshed main and now I'm on the new nav there. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
OK I already hate the sticky nav
why the heck did they move the get to everywhere else all the way on the right. Whats wrong with using the stack icon as a button?!?!?!?!
on the right you mean
@Tunaki You can turn it off
SO Nav Bar Reviewers
1* ^
Really weird to have different top bars for SO and CR
@Machavity This is the first name that's actually better than so far vote reviewers
I wonder if they are going to change it site wide once its done being rolled out on SO.
@Tunaki And it even breaks in Android browsers
@Tunaki Did you have to scroll to do that? That is the only way I can get it.
@NathanOliver Yes I cheated a bit.
Well not so much. Just drag the popup
No scroll
I see. I was able to do that.
My eyes keep missing the notifications. Not used to them being on the right.
Exactly my issue. With large monitors they tend to be overlooked
@NathanOliver Well, they're not used to you being on the left either
Heck, did they just change the layout of SO? It completely messes up in my browser.
@Olaf New nav bar is live
@M.A.R. I know. They used to be right in the middle where the eye wants to go.
@Tunaki And why did they not check it before rolling out into the wild? I can't see the top part of the underlying text anymore.
The best part about opting in was not having to notice a sudden change now
Is there any way to change back at least?
They did check it. They fixed like 20 bugs in the first week or two of testing so they must have figured that's all the QA they needed.
Ha. Our Q&A site lacks QA ;)
@NathanOliver Apparently not. They should have posted a message and opt-in for the new design first.

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