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1:00 PM
10 <GBP symbol> says you googled that
Haha nope, for some reason ™ and © are two codes that just stick in my head.
hi all
1:03 PM
@DavidG I use an iMac with a windows keyboard.. none of these seem to be working
blame the mac!
Cannot possibly be windows' fault
Enough downvotes already!
I'd have to Google that, Macs are silly.
@Mogsdad let's close that
1:04 PM
@TimCastelijns - What do you mean by not working ?:P
@TheLostMind when I hold alt and press the combinations, it just adds the numbers to the textbox instead of keeping them in "memory"
Ah I see lol
@TheLostMind do you think that post could be short-circuit-deleted by a mod?:)
1:06 PM
@TimCastelijns come to linux
we have atl gr!
@Braiam also, alt meow
Linux land is great :P been there many times. But need a mac for work.. sadly..
Damn Apple and their iOS products
@AndrasDeak - I think so :P
@TimCastelijns what exactly makes iOS worse than Linux, given that it is still *nix based?
@Gimby actually BSD
1:07 PM
@TimCastelijns Try this (method 3)
@TheLostMind good to know, thanks;)
@TimCastelijns - Are you kidding me?. Mac makes life easier.. I used to work on windows before switching to mac.. Increased my productivity
I think the principal problem are gnu tools and the x server
@AndrasDeak :)
@DavidG it works ™
1:08 PM
Now commit that to long term memory.
Is an answer in the form of "use library X [link]" considered a link only answer ? Especially if it's clear that "library X" does exactly what OP wants ?
@TheLostMind macs don't have a DEL button, how can you work with that :(
When I get hands on a Mac, or really any apple device, I immideatly deliver it to its intended purpose, that is, a trash compactor.
@TimCastelijns Function + Delete (backspace) acts as the delete button
@JonasCz if the name of the library is mentioned, it is OK
1:10 PM
Guys I'm right here, no need to keep trash talking Macs
@TimCastelijns - lol.. They have backspace key that is named "DElete " :P
™, © and ®
@JAL twice the buttons, half the productivity :P
@gunr2171 har har
: )
uh, it's monday, it should be second Sunday
I don't want to do work today
at least this weekend is Pax
1:11 PM
@Gimby @JAL @TheLostMind I don't mean to bash macs :P I actually enjoy working on them, apart from some missing functionality I'm used to from my windows/linux days. It's more about me not loving iOS development yet it's a part of my job and thus I must use a mac and cannot use linux
@JonasCz In Shog's apple-analogy post, that would be an answer if the question asked for a library. (But then the question is off-topic.) Otherwise, if the library does exactly what they need, the answer should still show HOW, otherwise it's link-only.
I was procrastinating yesterday instead of doing the work due today... I should continue procrastinating
@TimCastelijns - I see. I did read some blogs which describe how to use your windows machine to create iOS apps. Never tried em though..
1:14 PM
There are a few different ways, Hackentosh, App Code/Visual Studio with remote connection to a Mac, etc
Best I tried was a not-so-legal iso in VMware, but it was just not great
@TimCastelijns ahaaa, that is very different :) It was a serious question, in about 1.5 months I'll be switching employer and then too I'll start working on a Mac after having worked on PC/Windows all my life :)
@Gimby you'll hate the machine for not having a del, or proper home/end buttons, but you'll love it for other things
1:17 PM
@Gimby - IntelliJ on mac gives you a terminal in the IDE itself.. SO you don't even have to switch windows
@TimCastelijns - Ctrl + a, Ctrl + e?
Again 2 buttons for basic functionality :P
Looks like the next version of WIndows is going to have a Bash shell.. WIll be interesting to see how developers will see it
I upgraded my laptop from Windows 7 to 10. I feel like shooting myself in the head :(
@TheLostMind People already have GUI app running in it
everyone hates change
Ah right
1:20 PM
@TheLostMind just to upgrade it to Linux :P
Best thing ever!
@Thel @gun \o
@DavidG I'm actually looking forward to that
@DavidG - nice
1:21 PM
@gunr2171 Me too, wonder if they can bring across Mac too. Cross plat dev without needing a Mac to compile?
well once you have a linux base, I'm sure someone can add in mac
mac is based on unix
Yeah, but there may be some proprietary APIs
true, but I isn't there cacao, the open source version of cocoa?
(I think)
why would you ever want to run vim on Windows
1:26 PM
Because vim is cool?
shrug, because you can?
There are a lot of tools out there, GNUStep, OpenStep, etc. UIKit is pretty closed and proprietary though
@Tunaki - because its easy to use too.
@KhalidHussain Not a request for recommendation. A code translation request like this is "Too Broad" usually, since an answer that would be generally useful would require at least a chapter in a book. (An answer useful to the OP, of course, would simply be a re-implemented function, but that will only get them so far, and is unlikely to help anyone else in future.)
Related: stackoverflow.com/q/19497399/2415822 (Basic text editor in command prompt?)
1:27 PM
@TheLostMind Is that why you lost your mind? :p
inb4 flamewar
@Tunaki - No. I lost it before I switched to Mac
we should probably close that
@TheLostMind lol, you lost your mind and then you switched to mac. That sequence of events does not sell the platform :)
@Gimby - I am not their sales representative :P
waiting before I roll back
@JAL no need, has not been active
@TimCastelijns 3 months ago. guess we should just wait for the next crap answer
You're sinking @Tim, why did you quote me
1:38 PM
I started sinking after I added your quote
Can't compete with TLM anyway. We mean the same thing only he screams it out loud and I whisper it like a little girl
@TheLostMind relevant youtube video you will fully agree with: youtube.com/watch?v=YCqw9FmBgKY (NSFW because very loud)
@Tunaki - Imports in Android / Java code in questions and answers are often useless and make the code harder to read (have to scroll past them) -> probably the reason for all those DVs :P
@Gimby - > On my way
1:42 PM
Yeah. People don't read past the first sentence.
^^ - Unless you have a bold line in the middle
or the picture of a kitten
Or Ned Stark
don't forget freehand circles. Studies have shown votes increase 67% because of them.
I don't touch it this time - once is enough.
1:45 PM
@NathanOliver - I am terrible at that.. I was once asked to draw a toad in a zoology class...AFter the class the lecturer calls me and says I asked you to draw a toad, not a hibiscus flower :P
@EricD I rolled it back
@TLM let's face it. 95% of the time imports are nothing more than an annoyance
1:47 PM
@EricD SO has more than its fair share of morons today :(
Questions that say here is my code and then start to show a long list of imports are often useless code dumps anyway, at least in my experience
@MartinJames I've noticed that, yes :/
@MartinJames @EricD defaced again, at what point does the mod flag kick in?
I really want a 30K priv for locking post. It would be nice to shut something down and then let the mods swoop in and decide how to proceed.
^ meta post?
1:49 PM
@JAL - Don't edit it back.
I'm gong to make up an FR
How about a 13k priv? Share the power nathan!
@NathanOliver FR?
@JAL it already has... just some patience @TheLostMind is chatting
@TheLostMind sorry, already rolled it back, I won't touch it again
1:50 PM
@PraveenKumar Feature request
@PetterFriberg LoL. No way bro! Chanceless.
@NathanOliver Ah okay.
@TimCastelijns never. the power is mine it is my precious...
BTW we reached 30000000 messages.
:30000000 Hello
^ That doesn't work?
@PraveenKumar could have been a moved or deleted message
@JAL Or from another chat roon?
1:51 PM
@NathanOliver YES, it's been a long time I downvoted.
\o/ LostMind deleted crazy-edit-defacing guy.
Kidding, I think it'd be a great idea.
@MartinJames - No point in keeping it around.. I have a feeling that the OP would have rolled it back to his how to do X version :)
1:54 PM
@TheLostMind Yeah :(
But this seems to be a global chat counter...
@kayess Ah... That's true.
Do we know those two guys?
@PraveenKumar the other one seems like a Coolguy
@AndrasDeak LoL.
The other guy has a similar name as you.
1:59 PM
> 346696 all-time messages
for this room
@PraveenKumar I guess
along with the other few hundred thousand guys of the same first name;)
probably more
I have absolutely no idea and I'm not in for some Fermi estimation
@Closey next 5 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@Mogsdad The next 5 tags are: 32, 31, 27, 27, 24
What are the numbers?
2:01 PM
@Closey refresh tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@Tunaki Tag data has been refreshed.
@Closey next 5 tags
@Tunaki The next 5 tags are: 32, 31, 27, 27, 24
@JanDvorak number of posts in the CVQ in the given tag, I think
but I don't think so
2:02 PM
@Tunaki (Refresh runs automatically the first time "next x" is run daily, right?)
no it's fp
user edited
oh never mind, user was defacing
deface within grace period
@Tunaki how the hell did you revert?
2:03 PM
it wasn't during grace period
it was 11 minutes after
but it didn't show an "edited" link for me...I guess I've just gone blind:S
What are the normal reasons a mod would lock a post. I have meta attention and rollback wars. Do you they lock them if the comments are getting out of hand?
@NathanOliver plausible
@NathanOliver yes, I have examples
2:04 PM
@NathanOliver confirmed
@Tunaki If you want to share I can include them in the FR
@Tunaki a Tuna edit that starts with try this: .... you are getting lazy...
@AndrasDeak Ha ha ha... Think about me?
... but not sure if I can find them :p. At least, I remember seeing it. On very hot posts.
Hei guys, I need to ask a question about how to structure the architecture of certain application in a microservice fashion. I was about to post it on StackOverflow, but I'm not sure it belongs there, where should I post it?
2:06 PM
@PraveenKumar come again?:)
@Tunaki np
@AndrasDeak There are definitely millions of Praveen's all over the world.
@snovelli programmers.SE? wild guess here
@PraveenKumar ooooh I see:D
hehe, yeah
@AndrasDeak Not really code related, and that's why I think it doeasn't belong in StackOverflow
Praveen is actually a very common name in India.. @AndrasDeak
2:07 PM
@AndrasDeak Just for the US: howmanyofme.com/search
This is wow.
> There are 5,293,272 people in the U.S. with the first name John.
> Statistically the 2nd most popular first name.
> 99.63 percent of people with the first name John are male.
@TheLostMind yeah, thanks, we've settled it already:)
And here:
> There are 2,840,446 people in the U.S. with the last name Smith.
> Statistically the 1st most popular last name.
@snovelli I'm not saying it belongs on SO
I'm saying it might belong on programmers.SE
> If you have a question about...
> software requirements
> software architecture and design
> ...
@snovelli Its hard for us to say without knowing the question and we only focus on SO, you can always try to ask on meta to get better directions
@AndrasDeak Thanks, I dnd't get the acronym
2:10 PM
no problem:)
@PetterFriberg I think programmer.SE is the right place as @AndrasDeak suggests
Great, have fun!
@snovelli Just don't shout at us if it gets closed there :)
@DavidG I won't, I'll just take you down with me ^^
just shout at @AndrasDeak
2:14 PM
yeah, blame me
@AndrasDeak It's NathanOliver's fault.
even better
Here is a draft of the FR. What do you guys think?
> it would be nice to be able to shut it down until the moderators can step in and decide what to do
Isn't that what moderators are going to do? lock the post?
@NathanOliver I'd rather structure the proposal with the "Problem -> Proposed solution" idiom
2:22 PM
@NathanOliver You are not suggesting any rep level?
@NathanOliver s/partied/parties/
@Mogsdad fixed
@PetterFriberg 20K or 25K would seem appropriate.
@PetterFriberg Well I suggested wrapping it into the trusted user priv(20K)
What if, instead of allowing a lock cancel, the lock was time based? (To avoid lock wars...)
2:23 PM
ok, sorry maybe printed it out...
@gunr2171 Well if it is just comments they may delete them all, leave a warning and then unlock the post
@NathanOliver secure connection failed D-: do you have a non https link
1) Where do you define the line for: rollback war?; mass voting?; mass comments?
2) And why do we need this privilege when mods already can do this?
for some reason github's ssl is failing
@Rizier123 Pile-on to 2)... if you don't have a recent example where things got out of hand without a mod, this will go nowhere.
2:25 PM
@TylerH No I don't and this is my first repo So I have no idea how to change it.
@Cindy "tag"
@snovelli @Rizier123 @Mogsdad Good points. I'll rework it to include a use case.
@NathanOliver Nice FR; However another point to add here is that like the delete a negatively voted answer privilege, it is better to have 3 users instead of 1. Unilateral decisions are not always a good choice.
@Mogsdad I think I will let someone counter with it working that way in an answer. I am a little uncomfortable giving non mods an action that cannot be countered by non mods.
2:28 PM
@NathanOliver 3) *"until the moderators can step in and decide what to do"* Let's say there is a rollback war with 10+ rollbacks. If you lock the question with the new privilege, what has the mod to do? Wouldn't he also just lock the question?
4) Would you also be able to add a message or just lock the question?
@NathanOliver locking freezes voting too, doesn't it?
sounds like a very big gun, especially with the kind of high-reps we have in a lot of tags
@AndrasDeak Yes. All actions except flagging I believe.
@NathanOliver That may be too much power to non-mods
Madara's templates have a bounty: meta.stackexchange.com/q/231827/158100
@NathanOliver 5) One important thing: Can users lock their own post? (I get dv, I just lock my own post)
2:36 PM
@AndrasDeak locking freezes voting on the post that's locked
you can lock questions but leave answers unlocked
ah, I didn't know that, thanks
typically mods just lock the whole thing, though
usually a question-only lock is for disputes
anyway, I think this is way too strong a thing to give into the hands of high-rep users
I would implement a Jon-Skeet privilege when you have 1kk rep :P
@DavidG The thing is - the "protection" ability isn't often used properly either and that's a very limited form of locking... if people can't seem to get that right then it'd take a lot of convincing to enable more "powerful" locks...
2:44 PM
@DavidG It may be. I need to work up a use case or two to show when it would be nice to do this.
@JonClements Do we get a lot of bad protects?
I wouldn't say they're bad - just unnecessary
@JonClements So this FR could maybe be something more appropriate instead of a hack to lock the question/answer?
@DavidG I suppose the key point to be made is "What's the issue that isn't currently resolved by not having a new ability..."
Mods already get autoflags for stuff that looks like rage-quiting, self-vandlism, disputed closures, "excessive" comments, rollback/edit wars etc... so... what currently doesn't get identified by those or a user raising a flag...
but we want more power :(
think of the 1%!
2:53 PM
How'd you work out 1%?
I think it is a joke of the 1% movement in the USA
Sorry. I tried to make a joke.
Try harder!
@Mogsdad some locks are timed btw
1 hour, 24 hours, and 1 week IIRC are some presets
content dispute locks are timed
They don't need to be - permanent is an option (but not really used)
2:58 PM
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Don't forgot also - that in the case of vandalism - it's sometimes better to message and suspend the user to prevent them doing so to their own (or others') posts - as we want the user to know it's not acceptable/maybe give them a bit of time out and a chance to respond to explain what is going on. It'd be impractical to keep locking posts...

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