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6:02 PM
@MsYvette Good thing it wasn't your chickens getting into your bag of cooked cats, that would be horrible.
@TinyGiant yes, chickens don't eat meat :D
Meh.. 'You have 2 votes left today' :(
@MartinJames You have votes left? Slacker
at least we know you use em
I've already ran out of downvotes twice today.
6:04 PM
@TinyGiant Not now 'Daily vote limit reached'
one day, i had to buy cat food (dry) and chicken for the dog (raw chicken). i sat them down next to each other when i got home. cat went over to go rub on her food, and the dog was like, "wtf? get away from my food". cat was like "wtf?"
@AaronHall Hi!
@cimmanon the dog wanted the cat food?
the snakes are slithering in
6:06 PM
@MsYvette no, he wanted the cat to stay away from the chicken
@cimmanon Stupid dog. Let the cat eat the chicken, then eat the cat.
@MartinJames no, the dog is smart since he will eat the chicken. the cat is dumb because she will not eat the chicken
Does it pee on the chicken to show it's dominance?
no, dominance is a myth
does the dog eat chicken, or a raw chicken ?
6:09 PM
raw chicken
why would the animal pee on the food? that would make it inedible
This is dog. Dog eats chicken. Be like Dog
Oh oh oh, is this the story where you have to get the cat, the dog and the chicken across the river but you have only one boat????
no :p
BR how is that 2005 PC coming along?
6:15 PM
@Louis you take the dog and the chicken first, then take the chicken back with you, then the cat and the chicken (I believe the original riddle was a wolf, a goat, and a chicken, and you could only take two at a time).
i heard it with a fox, rather than a wolf
@Drew CPU's running well.
Monitor ain't working. :(
I want to hear that story
Hey we can all say mean things about @BhargavRao he has no monitor
@MsYvette True True. I can't see what you are typing
6:21 PM
@BhargavRao egzacklee :D
@MsYvette That makes a nice twitter handle :P
@BhargavRao twitter handle?
I have a riddle that will stump 90% of people if you say it to them as opposed to them reading it.
6:25 PM
@MsYvette "egzacklee"
Got a riddle: You're driving a bus and sitting near you is a 20 year old woman. At the first stop an 81 year old woman gets on, and a teenie bopper girls gets off. Next stop a 14 year old boy gets on with a cat. And raw chicken. Third stop 3 middle aged nuns exit. Question: How old is the bus driver?
@MsYvette @egzacklee
@BhargavRao yeh but what do you mean by twitter handle?
@Drew 48
try it on your mom sometime
6:26 PM
They say a woman doesn't like to reveal her age, but I don't care.
@MsYvette The name on twitter
@Closey help
3 minute warning for the event
This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by gunr2171 and the other members of the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
@BhargavRao user name?
6:28 PM
@gunr2171 can closey run on mono?
@MsYvette The @ part is called handle
@Braiam it does
@BhargavRao I don't understand.
installation page is seriously out of date
6:29 PM
who reads installation pages?
yes, it runs in mono, which it does right now on Arch Linux
It just works....
@MsYvette twitter handle or better know as "nickname" elsewhere. The thing that should be added after the @ to send you a twit
in version 2 we are getting it to work in docker instead of as a job in jenkins
@Braiam thank you I understand now :D
6:30 PM
> Your twitter handle is your twitter name. The name that you respond to when tweeting someone and people identify you as. It has the @ sign in front of it, and if you take the @ sign off you can just type in twitter.com/(Twitter Handle) and you'll be at their twitter page.
Copied it from somewhere :( ..
well why wouldn't it be a good SE handle, why twitter
@Closey start event
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
10,704 need review
1,671 reviews today
3,094,601 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
I'm so tempted to change my username now :D
@Nor next 5 tags
6:31 PM
@TheLittleNaruto if you need a place to park those cv every day, and don't already have one, let us know :P
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@rene The next 5 tags are: 97, 84, 71, 45, 45
stupid bots
I have made some serious caching in Closey....
I'll work on C again. Or should we work on first?
6:32 PM
Thankfully @Sam broke it in @Nordehinu
So Sam > rene?
we can do code-style
@rene I did?
I don't remember lol
Maybe you fixed it without knowing?
6:33 PM
@NathanOliver I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Closey Starting
@BhargavRao By the power of the Vote! Review!
@NathanOliver so we do first
Reviewing in the midst of a meet, just coz it is an event
6:35 PM
@Drew @@
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "too broad, primarily opinion-based; [apt] [debian] [coding-style]"
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [coding-style]"
back to
(feel free to remove the old cv req)
what's the riddle of the goat, cat, dog, chicken, fox,wolf and/or any of the above crossing a stream?
@BhargavRao hi!!
@Braiam commented. I give them a little time before I flag it.
@cybermonkey I think he saw it here marc.info/?l=solr-user&m=132974582623188
Yes, yes. ik.
oh look, Jasper-Reports
> You have no more close votes today; come back in 5 hours.
6:55 PM
@NathanOliver I don't seem to have the start of your review session on record. I might have not been running when you started, or some error happened.
@Closey I know but Nor does. You two should try talking to each other sometime.
@NathanOliver Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
error happened!
0: An attempt to post a duplicate message has been made.
of course you don't ;)
@NathanOliver Use current session stats to get your stats from Nor.
6:56 PM
@Sam I know. Just messing with closey
Oh, right. lol
@Closey end session
@BhargavRao I have forcefully ended your last session. To see more details use the command last session stats. In addition, the number of review items is most likely not set, use the command last session edit count <new count> to fix that.
@Closey last session edit count 20
Review item count has been changed:
User: Bhargav Rao (4099593)
Start Time: 2016-02-04 18:34:04 UTC
End Time: 2016-02-04 18:56:44 UTC
Items Reviewed: [Not Set] -> 20
Use the command 'last session stats' to see more details.
6:57 PM
@Closey last session stats
@BhargavRao Your last completed review session ended 27 seconds ago and lasted 22 minutes and 39 seconds. You reviewed 20 items, averaging a review every 1 minute and 7 seconds.
^ Reason why I ended. Will do it later at night
Rene passed a audit!
sd k and postgone. It was funny while it lasted
@BhargavRao Whats funny is without programmers he would not be able to do what he did.
7:07 PM
idk how as it only hit -2
ah I think the user deleted themselves.
Moderator maybe?
nope. deleted by comunity
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (1 of which was an audit), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 7 hours and 38 minutes, averaging to a review every 11 minutes and 28 seconds.
7:24 PM
Please tell me it's not dwarf fortress
Oh God
naa request? I thought we're not doing those?
Naa reqs aren't allowed That ^^^
"I'm going to ask a new question about it." They know what to do, and they still did this...
7:38 PM
@Braiam, I saw your post.... : )
@Petter, I saw your name... :)
1 message moved to Trash
done, no problem
who is gutsy enough to close this one (I'm not on it yet) stackoverflow.com/q/35184915
Since the room description has a link to our team page, maybe we could mention there that we only cover close votes and not also flag requests or up/down vote suggestions?
just a thought
7:41 PM
It's there
hum, going to disagree with the POB @Drew. I think there is an objective common reason for not doing that style
> Not an Answer (NaA) and Very Low Quality (VLQ) flag requests are not allowed here; a mod will see them anyway, and the amount of flags on a post has no bearing on the action they take.
(un emphasis mine)
@BhargavRao I don't see it anywhere
@PetterFriberg ?
@TylerH Go deeper
7:42 PM
That's as deep as it gets
Check out the link, Bhargav. I'm talking about the SO Team page
not the github page (which isn't linked in this room description)
But it's the official FAQ :(
Someone on SO isn't going to come across an external github page when looking on SO for info about SOCVR
@TylerH For our detailed room guidance/rules, please see our FAQ.
7:43 PM
they'll see meta posts and maybe the Team page
@NathanOliver considering the team page includes a near-exhaustive list of what the team does do, I figured mentioning one or two items of concern that it doesn't do would be OK
So the desc can be? Please visit our Team page: stackoverflow.com/teams/11/socvr which contains our FAQ.
@BhargavRao we can't use markup in descriptions
it's plain text
I don't think you can embed link sin the desc sniped by a gunner
@gunr2171 You guys know better :)
@Braiam In the end (of comments) it seems that you are switching strategy (down votes) automatic deletion ecc...
7:45 PM
which is why we switched to just the team page and said "it contains our FAQ", which really should be "contains a link to the faq", but oh well
Ah yeah, ^ better
@gunr2171 well, ROs can edit the room description at a whim...
@gunr2171 it's more the kind of Answers it will attract
Sure, I can edit it, got a suggest of what I should change it to?
ahhhhhhhhhhh. I hate being out of close votes. Its killing me
7:47 PM
@gunr2171 what you said, add "a link"
> contains a link to our FAQ
room topic changed to SO Close Vote Reviewers: This room is for the weekly close events, discussion(s) about reviewing, and coordination of site-wide cleanup efforts. Please visit our Team page: stackoverflow.com/teams/11/socvr which contains a link to our FAQ. [we-wait-for-shog9]
man, that tag
wonder when we're going to do something about that
I wanted to type some funny thing below that but I refrained. (I am learning \o/)
@PetterFriberg huh, no?
@gunr2171 didn't you/rene ping Shog in a comment in the relevant thread like, last week?
@gunr2171 rene was working on that. He was waiting for the SFF election to be over to pester shog
7:50 PM
@gunr2171 Maybe we can change to: ?
@Rizier123 lol
@TylerH rene did
he would probably get sassy about that if he saw it
@NathanOliver \o/ it's over now
unfortunately there were bad results
leaves to see
Do you have to be a member to see the elections page?
7:52 PM
I think so
Got a link any1?
certainly to see meta which requires rep
@NathanOliver For what election?
7:53 PM
that new mod is also currently suspended from Puzzles for a year...
I kinda feel like if you're currently enduring a suspension on one site, you shouldn't be eligible to run for moderator on another
> In real-life politics, some offenses carry a penalty of ineligibility to public office for a length of time, beyond any other punishment such as prison or fines. It is unfortunate that Stack Exchange lacks a similar policy.
@TylerH yes, which gives interesting MSE posts like: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/274114/…
(sorry, pasted too much)
I thought the notion of jail time for being offensive on Stack Exchange was a little steep to be honest
is that why is a thing?
8:00 PM
@TylerH The ones I've seen had really gone out of their way to earn it.
You get warnings before you get a suspension.
@S.L.Barth oh, I somehow misread his message the other day
I thought he was saying mainly prison rather than prison as an aside
But my line above was mainly a tongue-in-cheek comparison of real-world incarceration for an e-community misbehavior :-)
@TylerH Hm, maybe I reacted too quickly. It's about Shog's post on MSE?
do any of you webbies want to re-tag this thing (minification topic) stackoverflow.com/q/35192051
@S.L.Barth no I wasn't aware of that MSE post by Shog until rene linked it
My "notion of jailtime" message was in response to the post that gunr quoted directly above
@Drew no need since it's closed now
@TylerH Ok. Now I also see the joke.
Serendipity... just today I was thinking that some editors commit crimes against grammar :-D
On the serious side, very few things on SE carry a permanent punishment. SE strongly believes that people can learn. I like it that way.
8:11 PM
@S.L.Barth some do!
Like those who don't use the Oxford comma...
The Oxford comma, the failure to capitalize "I", and a few other grammatical atrocities :-D
@TylerH wat iz?
3 Close Votes left today. Now checking the tag.
Nooooo ....
RIP 3 votes
30 seconds later "out of close votes"
8:28 PM
Looks like @S.L.Barth died out after looking at [php]
@BhargavRao /me adds his name to the board
@BhargavRao No, I'm still alive.
/me crosses the name
Lol :D
Oh, there are special tombstones for that? "Here rests user .... . He died from PHP".
8:30 PM
@Kyll google oxford comma or serial comma
"Valiantly fought the onslaught of bad questions until the very end."
@Kyll Decipher, Tyler loves his parents, Lady Gaga and Humpty Dumpty
@BhargavRao Oooh
What's life without a little ambiguity? :-)
sd remove- edited
8:35 PM
(Valiantly so by S.L. Barth)
Responses there are a little harsh. They did include the code, and not a dump of an entire project.
@S.L.Barth Yes, but most of the code is useless
Also one of the sin of the SO community is that it treats very poorly posts like this
Yes, unfortunately. It's a beginner question, but at least this beginner is trying. This one really deserves better than a -9 score.
Meh. Even if it didn't have the faulty title (and thus the report), I don't think there's any value in it
8:42 PM
Why didn't SD catch that sooner?
!!/test علیه (No idea what it means, just testing)
@Kyll is there a link in the post?
@rene No, but the post is >90% non-English characters
Why is sd cc-ing Praveen?
Poor man's going to have tons of notifications when he comes back
8:45 PM
I wonder why علیه isn't caught for title at least. Isn't there a "Non-English character in title" rule?
Lol :D
is there any way, using SEDE or some other magic, to know how many people cast at least 10 close votes each day?
@Kyll I know there is one for links. Not sure about titles as that could generate a lot of FP's about people asking about foreign characters
Can I get Smokey to the testing facility?
8:57 PM
First time connecting from home, room looks weird on my laptop's screen since it's just 16''.
16"? I have never heard of a 16" monitor.
anyone willing to go 4 on this, I go 5 stackoverflow.com/q/34912367
9:00 PM
Anyone used this stackrating.com?
Anyway, going to sleep.
Bye all o/
@Drew Cast 4th vote.
yea saw danke
You're welcome.
@NathanOliverJust checked, it's 16''. Something close to this. amazon.com/dp/B001NPDKW6
9:04 PM
well would you look at that. I guess we have all sorts of sizes now. Sometimes I miss the old 4:3 everything was predictable days.
@NathanOliver I'm seeing a 15" monitor
@BhargavRao Never seen it before. Seems that 0-scoring answers can still lower one's rating.
My 0-score answer set me back because another answer was upvoted. So the other user got ahead... it does make sense.
Hm, another answer was +1, but gave me a delta of 0. Probably because there were no competing answers.
@S.L.Barth Yes it only scores when there are other answer. Check out the about page.
Define "extra data structures". What is not allowed? Can we use a StringBuilder? Can we use Java 8 Stream? Can we use an array? Can we use a laser beam shifting bits? — Tunaki 3 mins ago
VTC'd. That was my last Close Vote for the day.
9:20 PM
No, it's just that the question is unclear. Define exactly what you want, our crystal ball is broken. — Tunaki 3 mins ago
Best comment to post under unclear questions ^^ xD
Later guys
Later o/
Yeah, got to leave as well. Later, everybody!
Later \o
Later \o
9:27 PM
I'd definitely like to see a laser beam shifting bits solution. That would be so awesome. :p
9:47 PM
I have to sleep(finally, can sleep). Good night.
Good night @Lafexlos o/
@Drew I'm all yours...
@Drew me too.
46 loaded bullets.
10:16 PM
@cimmanon Is that what a mixin does? Out of curiosity
@Tunaki @PetterFriberg the file is up there. Go do, that voodoo, that you do best.
wher where
up where
@Kyll it's there now
on it
10:23 PM
@Tunaki 3 already voted, I go front!
@TinyGiant Should you make an answer on the Node post suggesting to convert the whole thing to CW? Your comment got quite some votes and may be the solution
@PetterFriberg I'm doing bottom-up
@Kyll Linkurd?
@TylerH a mixin can be used to repeat styles, but i have no idea why theyre trying to do that
10:25 PM
@TinyGiant Y'know
@Kyll I'll write up something detailed and verbose.
@PetterFriberg rest of the page now at 4
@Tunaki lol how did heck did you do that...
Did you get 5
@TinyGiant Opinions have been gathered. The community seems enclined to do something about this question. Locking it is a bad idea maintainability-wise, closing it would be useless (better tools and strategies will arise), one monster-post would be meh for maintainability. As such, a clean-up and a complete wikification of the thing might be the solution I think
@Tunaki Where di you stop...?
10:30 PM
@PetterFriberg Voted on all I could vote on (some I had already voted on).
Ok I will check them...
@Kyll That will be about the gist of my answer.
@Drew both of us already voted on this stackoverflow.com/questions/35140624/…
I've updated the Userscripts Readme, if any would care to proof.
@Tunaki Still under 9000
10:33 PM
@Kyll Considering that I have 100 flags + a few (~20) comment flags per day, using them all each day, how long would it take until I reach 10k? You have 1 minute.
@Tunaki 8 days, 8 hours
@Kyll So come back next week. There will be an even bigger party for the 10k threshold!
@Tunaki Mh... In 8 days and 8 hours is Saturday morning in France. I'll expect croissants at that partie!
You got it.
10:37 PM
@Drew I'm not voting on this even if title bad stackoverflow.com/questions/34949725/validating-a-string-input
I voted too broad and just closed it. 900 ways to do it. We only saw 4 so far
@TinyGiant dont "list questions" usually fall under the "lets go shopping" umbrella? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/158809/…
@cimmanon Yeah, but apparently if the question isn't asking for a shopping list, then it isn't actually a list question.
@Drew only nr 5 is remaning (already voted)
@Drew I got 5CV left, to I spend them in review and then go to sleep or do you have something else...
thanks my friend. Enjoy those 5 elsewhere. Nite
10:51 PM
@Drew, thank's to you and your great work!
I will review some java to feed your excels... ; )
Does anyone here use a vertical mouse?
One guy at work has one
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
No idea how he manages with it
It looks so.. unnatural
I'm kinda starting to have wrist pain after work
10:56 PM
@PetterFriberg maybe one of you look at the non-red lower left i.imgur.com/nqu9NTQ.jpg
that is a serious dashboard
what does the red represent?
Night guys
The red was closed by those gents
@Drew Sorry I did not see 2 page... : )... out of CV did some request and maybe you can terminate your excel...
There should be some more communist's now....
@Drew I should create a nice jasper report for you super tool....
11:12 PM
get 3k and the fun begins
@Braiam i thought group projects taught you that there will always be someone else who will do all the work
11:28 PM
@cimmanon depends
@cimmanon I think you're the cause of all that red
Or alternatively, that the only way to get things done is to do it yourself
And off to bed, night =p
lol, night :P
Is which method could I use for "foobar" off-topic like this one? stackoverflow.com/questions/35213713/…
11:55 PM
@Kyll pfft. the high school i went to relied heavily on group projects. i am convinced to this day that we were graded more on the quality of the snacks we brought during our presentation than we were on how well we presented the information
@Drew It actually is a perfect duplicate :(
I have 3 min to spend these
Then he goes on to post a near-identical solution which was found in the apparantly 'not a duplicate' question

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