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1:01 AM
that last one... wow
@MikelF nothing weird happened. eat waffles!
mmmmmm.... waffles
even moar code. Keep closed, I'd say
and made it less useful
should I be particularly concerned with disputed flags?
1:14 AM
Not really. Most of them come from review queues anyways
so it's not necessarily a good measure of the quality of my review choices
It doesn't contribute to flag ban warning either
I've had two today that have left me a bit bewildered
1:44 AM
@BradLarson what? WINTERBASH HATS?
No real need to migrate, I'd think
(will it roomba?)
@LearnHowToBeTransparent not closed
It needs to be closed for some reason.
@AlexanderO'Mara off-topic?
1:52 AM
Migrating to Meta might help them learn.
POB, perhaps
It's off-topic, it's a Meta question, just not a very good one.
@AlexanderO'Mara that kind of Q appear once a month
2:36 AM
Man, this would be handy for virus authors... — Jan Dvorak 13 secs ago
@JanDvorak quite a few should be tagged
here's one example
6 hours later…
@Yam there's still no question
can i do something against revenge downvote that are done per day
@ColdFire be sure you have a case and modflag
but don't expect too much when the serial voting script doesn't kick in, as a SE dev needs to look into the votes, as even mods can't see who voted
@Adriaan i am having revenge downvote each day on one different question
@ColdFire the same question? Then they aren't revenge votes, as someone would need lots of 115 rep accounts.
Otherwise the rest applies
8:37 AM
@Adriaan nope different question each day
@ColdFire then the rest of what I said applies
8:50 AM
@Adriaan well if mods cant see then how they are going to decide its revenge downvote or not
@ColdFire as I said: they need SE devs to look into that, as they can see votes
@Adriaan ohk great
problem is that SE devs have better things to do than looking into votes, hence it takes a very long time
Gotta love when AOC not only admits you have to cheat, but it even tells you how
8:55 AM
@Adriaan rekt :o
@Seth I know I'm not privileged, I don't want to be, but Smokey keeps nagging me about it for some reason
@Adriaan =D
@Adriaan perhaps if you stopped talking to her
@SmokeDetector I don't understand why a comment encouraging to adding thanks comments got so much upvoted when it would be actually too chatty comment and should be removed.
thanks is always too chatty
8:59 AM
@xenteros Caecus caeco dux
The blind leading the blind
@JanDvorak already edited.
@xenteros there's no need to heap flags. One will do.
is this username ok Stackoverflow is NAZI or better to flag..
I suspect the flag would be considered helpful.
9:08 AM
@JanDvorak "suspect"
The worst that can happen is one week's worth of a nasty warning
@bummi ...?
@bummi I don't think they meant that...
:34738382 The question was wether or not the user with the name "Stackoverflow is NAZI" should be flagged for moderator attention.
Sorry didn't see you where talking about a 3 parts name
9:13 AM
Np c:
Whose idea was it to use italics for emphasis anyways?
Not sure.
Maybe the creator of comic sans thought that'd be a good way of tormenting people even more?
@JanDvorak TIL?
Do you want to write the BR? :)
@Seth BR?
9:16 AM
Feel free to
@Tushar Burnination request
@Tushar Bhargav Rao ;)
Aaand my MSE rep is higher then my SO rep once again. Meh...
@bummi sorry did not see message, but I guess it's solved?
9:18 AM
@PetterFriberg Misunderstanding :D
He thought you were asking about a different name. The emphasis by using italics is rather easy to be overlooked :P
Yeah my english often is unclear : )
Today I learned Petter Friberg is who invented Comic Sans
@JanDvorak seemed bad to use bold... maybe just quote's next time...
> Why not all at once?
morning o/
9:21 AM
@Seth yeah, happens to me all the time ...
@PatsyIssa Hiya \o
@rene =D
@rene Opinions on the -tag?
@JanDvorak yeah flagged approved, post deleted and user named removed... however I think mostly because of also rude comments...
@Seth sure, looks fine to me. What is wrong with it?
They all seem to relate to sql stuff, looking at the related tags
except the 89 php ones but that is because askers in the php tag are lost by definition
They tag their question with whatever pops-up
Maybe we can change the php-wiki to suggest that they should also tag php with the c++ tag and then let the Lounge deal with it ...
Agreed >:-)
9:48 AM
> Broad , what the hell? don't have time to read your "How to Ask" you read it. I came here for answer of my question
@PetterFriberg link?
naa, you will kill that user, only @DalijaPrasnikar know where it is...
@PetterFriberg Found it :o
kill thz user
9:54 AM
yeah getting a bit rude...
> Stupid moderator's kept question on on hold. Idiot's .
Too many apostrophes
@Seth link it
That's enough
that ^
@ColdFire no, let's not do that ...
9:57 AM
that ^
@rene yeah yeah i am just kidding
For the casual visitor of our transcript that isn't very clear ...
i see
@ColdFire Could maybe be seen as moderating users/starting a witch hunt/piling. Don't want that to happen.
@Seth ok ok i see
man its so confusing with all those hats
Where did the non-spam part of the answer come from?
10:11 AM
@PetterFriberg This is exactly why I stopped adding comments to questions... I tried to be nice according to the hat season, but... it is not working... I can only laugh and move on...
I can't even laugh
@MaňishYadav < and > are not required. You may want to install this Script
@Tushar how to install?
@JanDvorak Laughing keeps my sanity ;-)
@MaňishYadav Install greasemonkey or tampermonkey, then visit the raw URL
10:16 AM
@JanDvorak cool
Install TamperMonkey first and then open Raw code from above link and install
OP trying to parse XML with a JSON parser isn't a close reason, it's the answer. — Madara Uchiha ♦ 14 secs ago
@MadaraUchiha Doesn't that count as "typo"?
Not Repro.
@JanDvorak No, it's a logic problem
10:17 AM
@Tushar installed greasemonkey as u replied late ;)
Forgetting a ; or mistyping a function name is a typo
@MadaraUchiha not useful for others
@JanDvorak Not necessarily.
If he got to that error, I'm sure others will, however few.
the close reason named "typo" covers both literal and figurative typos
Just because the answer is so glaringly obvious (to us) that we think the question shouldn't have been asked, doesn't mean it is so.
10:19 AM
@MadaraUchiha same argument can be applied to literal typos - and for literal typos, googling the exact error message will reveal the typo
@JanDvorak Not really
Literal typos are on the first layer of complexity...^^
Whilst mistakes like this one are a few layers below.
Wouldn't close that as a typo.
It's a very simple question, a very simple answer, and that's that. :P
So, how many people do you think will find this answer and say, "oh, wait, my data's XML, so that's why I can't parse it with a JSON parser"?
10:21 AM
A lot.
I am currently doing an apprenticeship, and I visit school once a week.
Versus how many people find it, cast a downvote as "yet another stupid question masquerading as my problem" and return to google
And everyone there messes up a lot.
Stack Overflow cannot supplement a human brain
@JanDvorak Those people should potentially learn to utilize the search function better in that case =P
As I really don't see a way for "Value <?xml of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject" to be seen as something different than it is.
@Seth How do you tell Google "yeah, the title is the same as my search query, but I still don't want to see that"?
10:23 AM
@JanDvorak The amount of people who were given an API and a class and have no idea why it doesn't work.
@JanDvorak You don't google for it. =|
@MadaraUchiha Is a bad teacher to blame here?
@JanDvorak Of course
Or rather, a bad instructor, in the case of internship
If so, are we really supposed to clean up after bad teachers?
But we still strive to be a good resource for those people
@JanDvorak Of course
The goal is for people to find solutions to their problems
Regardless of who's fault it is that they have those problems to begin with
By that logic, we clean up after product and business people all the time and their pesky requirements
10:25 AM
If a math teacher says "2+2=5", does a wide swath of basic questions suddenly become good on math.se?
@JanDvorak No, because 2 + 2 = 5 violates a lot of very basic assumptions
But think of a person who doesn't really understand what XML is and what JSON is
So does parsing XML with a JSON parsers
He has an API, and he's looking for a parser
@JanDvorak I disagree.
And, for the record, in the case there is disagreement, I'd rather err on keeping it open.
We've all been here for a long while, and we see a lot of crap questions, that's true.
By the same token, can't we assume any typo might potentially be the result of a lecture gone wrong, and keep it?
But we must always remember that the goal is not to close as many questions as possible. The goal is to be a good resource. And if a few questions have to remain open and not be roomba'd because some of us think that there's a fair chance it might be useful to someone, I'd willingly take it.
10:28 AM
I'm aware of that goal, and I think keeping that question goes against the goal
@MaňishYadav Please do not c&p a full article of a different website, and post that as an answer, only adding a reference link to it.
@JanDvorak No, because a typo isn't a logical error, it's not that you tried to approach something and it didn't work because the approach was wrong
You just mispelled something or missed a character, and as a result your code won't run
What if the teacher missed a character? The students will want to know which one was missed.
Just playing devil's advocate here
10:29 AM
@JanDvorak Then they'll open any free code editor and the editor will tell them what's wrong
The idea is that we aren't compilers, we won't statically analyze your code for errors.
But logic errors are fine.
Even if they're so basic they look like typos.
He didn't accidentally use the JSON parser
He purposely did, and it was wrong.
The current score says not useful to keep
@JanDvorak We're all free to vote as we see fit.
I don't think it deserves -3, and I've upvoted it.
Can I get a third opinion in our discussion?
@JanDvorak Of course.
You're also free to vote to close as you wish, by the way.
@MadaraUchiha Apart from the upvote itself ... did you just vote based on the score?
10:33 AM
My vote may be binding, but my opinion is not.
A typo would be a syntax error. That is what we close as "Typo". This error is either semantic or pragmatic (not too sure), but it doesn't fit the typo scope at all.
@DalijaPrasnikar Yeah at certain point it really has no sense to help out anymore...
This simply doesnt fit the scope.
And that's why this discussion is pointless.
@JanDvorak Partially, I think it's useful enough to keep around, and I don't want it to drop below -4.
-4 is effectively deleted
Seriously, how does anyone think that parsing XML with a JSON parser is a good idea?
10:34 AM
@JanDvorak Again, people who don't know what XML or JSON is, and are just trying to do their jobs.
Basic questions != close worthy questions.
^ That.
If that's what their job is, should we really be helping them?
I mean, at this point we're trying to think for them, not know for them.
but hey, SO even codes for others, so why not legalize thinking for them?
I don't get your point of view.
The question does not fit any CV-reasons.
It doesn't fit the typo-scope either.
It's a mistake, and the answer to the problem caused by this mistake is "Don't do that".
10:37 AM
It looks like a brain fart to me, and I'd be surprised if a googler found it useful
How many people visit SO per day?
And how many people that are new to programming google for solutions to their problems?
Especially considering the abnormal growth of the IT industry?
Most of them come to ask, not search. Is that what we want?
I do think you're underestimating the value of single questions on SO.
If they ask that question again, hey, we have a dupe target.
But then they won't have come via google.
So, instead of a team of experts answering trivial questions ad nauseam, we have a team of experts searching dupes to trivial answers ad nauseam. I don't think "someone thought it was a good idea, so let's keep it open" is useful.
Fine then, I'll stop closing questions I think are bad and start answering them again. That's how I got rep in the first place after all.
Apparently I'm mistaken thinking they are bad.
13 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
Just playing devil's advocate here
In light of what you've just posted, I think you might have lied.
10:43 AM
I'm trying to find a balance. I thought I was strong in my opinion, but now that I know I'm the only one with that opinion, I'm willing to drop it.
The thing is just that this one question in particular does not fit the scope of the "typographical error" close reason.
Scopes were always topic of heated discussions on meta, and anywhere really, and I doubt that that'll change anytime soon.
Regardless, going "Uhh, I'ma just go & .. y'know, FGITW some known dupez" isn't the right approach.
I got that bit. I still don't get how I should consider that question a good one. Uncloseable is one thing, but good?
I don't consider it as good question.
I also don't consider it as bad question.
It's a newbie-question.
10:51 AM
Is the rationale "the asker had no idea what JSON and XML, and it's a good idea to keep a question telling them them it's not the same thing"?
Where do you draw the line then?
How did the question get to +3/-3, btw?
Downvotes because borderline question.
Upvotes because pity?
And also (as Madara stated) to prevent the score to go downhill
Basically removing the question
You shouldn't vote based on the current score
You shouldn't, but noone stops you for doing so.
Meta says it's not OK, not just you shouldn't but we won't forbid you
Meta says = Community says?
AFAIK it says "Please don't".
10:57 AM
The problem with community at large is that community at large says it's okay to FGITW trivial typo questions because it brings rep to community at large.
I'll try to find the meta post
@JanDvorak Well, in a long term view that won't gain rep if we close and delete such questions consequently.
@JanDvorak That's why I downvote every single answer to a typo question. =)
And by every single answer I do mean every single one.
except we aren't going to close and delete this one, because someone might find it useful
Look at it this way, please.
If someone declares a String like string testString = "", that's a typo.
That won't help anyone.
did you guys miss this spam: stackoverflow.com/a/41281331/578411 ?
11:00 AM
Knowing that XML cannot be parsed using a JSON parser is useful knowledge to me, atleast to some extent.
Enough to make it worthwhile keeping it instead of deleting it.
@πάνταῥεῖ OK then ...
@rene Just took a bit to aim.
Does it mean that no logical mistake is worth closing?
11:02 AM
Like I said, depends on the layer of complexity.
This looked like a very trivial one. Different formats, period.
Yes, but not trivial enough imo.
Using the wrong import, missspelling a word, all that stuff, that's what a Typo is for me.
It's basically introducing something to your code that you didn't actually mean to introduce to it.
But then again a wrong import question might be useful if that mistake was done by the compiler
In this case the author actively chose to use a JSON parser to parse XML
@JanDvorak Argh.
sorry. I'm listening now.
11:05 AM
I gotta go afk now anyways :P Lunch time.
Funny discussion, maybe we'll be able to get somewhere later :D
Until then o/
@Seth Bon appetit
Is this a good question? Or no-repro, perhaps?
@JanDvorak Too broad?
It's not 100% clear what is being asked
Or, should it even be closed? It only has one close vote - mine - and for an incorrect reason at that.
11:42 AM
I might have overstated about large, but the newest VLQ is posted minutes ago.
The worst part is that I'm not even good at sitting back and watching a show
@Adriaan "matlab or python function" doesn't look like an off-site resource to me
@JanDvorak too broad woulf fit as well imho
How does something like this become a hot question?
The original title read "Why does earth always face sun at noon?"
Are programming history questions on-topic here? stackoverflow.com/questions/104225/…
11:59 AM
@JanDvorak back then, probably yes. Nowadays: retrocomputing
@JanDvorak I would not close that one as a typo question. IMO, the issue here is a confusing syntax that is likely to trip people.
I think Jan is about to explode =P
Nope, too late
18 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
The worst part is that I'm not even good at sitting back and watching a show
But yes, I agree this one isn't a typo question even though the title suggests it might be.
How should we close the "retrocomputing" one?
(also, no-mvce)
What's the latest rule regarding reviews for edits that polish turds?
meeeh the tag did not have sens as well...
Yeah, not making sense is also a good reason to reject an edit
I'm trying very hard to forget Documentation, @rene. — Cody Gray 3 hours ago
12:19 PM
I'm helpful ...
I'm not complaining against you, I just like the response you got
@JanDvorak I was going to say pob, but it's been taken care of...
care take appreciated. Thanks!
@rene Don't worry, you're our best friend!
@MadaraUchiha well, he still hasn't gotten me that beer he promised...
12:26 PM
@Adriaan It was an Undertale reference, but I can see why that would be unforgivable.
Actually, now that I think about it, @rene hasn't gotten me a beer either!
@MadaraUchiha it can be forgiven, provided the beer is provided
I saw an Undertale LP recently and I still don't know what you're referencing
@JanDvorak Boo, you stink.
Undertale isn't a game you should be watching LPs of
Unfortunately I'm not too keen on the "buying games" stuff
Also, I'm referring to Flowey. Flowey the Flower.
12:29 PM
lol mad
... oh.
Yeah, that's quite accurate.
MOrning NO
12:30 PM
@NathanOliver Hi
> And, I think the questions is of the Lengendry Class.
Yeah, right...
@DalijaPrasnikar Ha! Some comments needed cleaning up there, and I see a mod has passed through.
12:45 PM
@Queen k
@DalijaPrasnikar what is legendary class?
> Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man.
@ColdFire It's a reference to the game Dwarf Fortress I think. It's that's how the 3 highest levels are named of skill are named there.
Does the question reference itself 72 times?
I've wasted my votes downvoting newbie questions
1:01 PM
@JanDvorak Monster o_o
@HovercraftFullOfEels let's not ask for down votes, we don't want to look like a voting mob ...
@Seth sorry
Oh, nice, Flowey deleting stuff from existence
Rene reminds me of Atlas. Always protecting the SOCVR, never willing to let the clash happen :)
1:03 PM
@JanDvorak We don't want to get the meta-treatment if not absolutely necessary. :)
Will this stop them? O_O
@JanDvorak No need to give a bunch of over-eager people an actual reason to act ...
> praveen kumar if u know the answer kindly help me ,i dont need your minus
1:07 PM
@Seth I didn't even minus, shall I minus
That isn't really rude. It's not constructive, but not rude.
@PraveenKumar Do as you please :)
Oh okay... Fine...
I know what I did.
"u" is rude per se
@JanDvorak Yes!
1:08 PM
unless you happen to be missing an arm
@JanDvorak LoL.
@FOX9000 crazy people approving that edit...
Question is getting changed...
@SmokeDetector I was mightily tempted to change the link that says "Funny GIF" to something like "Complete BS" but I guess the giggles are not worth it.
@PetterFriberg Flagged one of them for moderator attention.
Clear case of robo-reviewer.
1:27 PM
@PraveenKumar no, they are clueless. You better leave this as first comment and then move on.
@rene Thanks buddy...
That I can puke rainbows is new to me. Farting well, but ...
@πάνταῥεῖ Oh Jeez...
Those eyebrows :D
Why is nobody closing that exam question?
@Seth They're doubled when wearing that hat. That was one reason I decided to wear it ;-)
@JanDvorak probably because the op shows what (s)he has tried
1:51 PM
Is it programming related, though?
@Seth how does one flag a review for mod attention?
@dorukayhan flag / needs moderator attention
@dorukayhan Flag a question/answer/comment of the user.
@πάνταῥεῖ Double eyebrows....
I mean, it adds a lot of .. expression to your face?
@Seth Yes, I'm an extremely sceptic person :)
@πάνταῥεῖ `ò.ó´
Meh, that didnt turn out that well.
1:56 PM
Just paint it in with red freehand lines and post the image here

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