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@SmokeDetector I like the comment on this question.
@SmokeDetector What would we ever have done if we didn't have metasmoke . . . So many enjoyable posts would've been lost.
Morning \o
@kayess o/
@BhargavRao \o
Last one to look at for off-topic-ness: OpenSSL version is not same
@jww can you tag it [tag:cv-pls] please? See also socvr.org/faq#how-and-why-do-i-need-to-format-my-cv-pls
ok ok Smokey!!
I get it!! cool down!
@Magisch It's jww's fault.
@SmokeDetector Post 2
Poor guy, He's trying to hack SO :D
And he doesn't know the spelling of hacked
That's a sd n for me
@BhargavRao asked for clarification
stackoverflow.com/a/40150451/4723795 isn't it a reputation fraud? Why would 1 repu OP accept that answer??
@kayess Jesus christ that website
1) it tried to hijack my browser (got kaspersky, try again), 2) It wanted to use adobe flash, 3) it tried to open multiple popups and 4) it took forever to load
@kayess I N'd.
@kayess the poster is digital marketing executive :D
@xenteros His listed website is also the one he linked
combined with how obnoxious the site is, imo thats spam
I went with NAA
@xenteros Ugh, 'wierd'
was quick :)
@xenteros It's an answer. I read the question and the answer and the other answers.
Not NAA.
Not Nearly An Answer?
it does attempt to solve the problem, it's just very low quality
Not NAA As Answer
What the heck
Oh, word play. Count me in
Never Nearly As This Much NAA
@tripleee Sorry, didn't see your message earlier (been busy) - looks like the link you mentioned has been SDK'ed away already.
@TigerhawkT3 it's in metasmoke if you are desperately curious but it was just because it mentioned you in the garbage text; could be just a spurious hit
Desperately curious? No, I'm just... fascinated, Jim. My interest in seeing a mention of my name is purely scientific.
not sure if you need to register in order to view that?
this one is possibly related metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/44119
@TigerhawkT3 ^
@tripleee You don't
@tripleee You actually get time to read these?
Dude, you must be a computer or something
I think, something
definitely something
@M.A.R. enough to judge that it's abusive -- the mention of @tiger just happened to catch my eye, I probably read less than 10%
@tripleee But that's paragraph 8 or what
@M.A.R. like I said, just happened to catch my eye
@tripleee But . . .
Hey! What is the generall opinion of people that ask a question and then answer it themselves (within seconds) and then accept their own answers. I know its rightly not a bad thing, but when it becomes a serial event, what then?
@RiggsFolly see yesterdays transcript, I asked about kinda same... resolution is that self QA is ok..
Judge it on its own merits. If the question is well-asked and the answer is useful, toss it an upvote. If the question is poorly asked, or there are many easily-located duplicates, downvote/flag appropriately.
@RiggsFolly Serially thinking they're right? I'm afraid that behavior is more widespread than you think
But self-answers are okay.
They're not hurting anything.
Accepting self-answers are okay too.
So if there are no other problems with the post, there's no reason to make any.
This person seems to have built most of their rep that way though. Seems dodgy to me, and the few answers have actually looked at are not great.
But whatever, I will ignore it
@RiggsFolly You don't get rep for accepting self-answers
@M.A.R. I'd say that self-answers aren't not okay. The "official" stance is "they're fine," which many people see as "self-answer implies fine" rather than "self-answer does not imply not fine."
@RiggsFolly if it can be improved, maybe improve it
for the stupid stuff, you can often find a duplicate
Good Morning :)
@TigerhawkT3 Well, that's SO stance. On smaller sites, self-answers are encouraged.
@JacobGray Mor Goodning
The problem with suggesting that someone's ISA (immediate self-answer) is less than a stroke of genius is that it often leads to... contention.
Ok, gotcha
@M.A.R. Yes, they're encouraged, as much as ordinary answers. The problem comes when people think that, because they're not an automatic cause for discipline, they're immune from criticism.
@JacobGray \o
I can only think of a couple ISAs, which I use as canonical duplicates.
@TigerhawkT3 self-answers are encouraged on meta
Meta is special though. :P
@TigerhawkT3 Of course they can be bad, and they're usually bad in an outsider view.
@TigerhawkT3 It was in reference to regular SE posts meta.stackexchange.com/a/17467/296204
Ah I see; thought you meant that meta self-answers are encouraged.
In fact, in one of the first SO blog posts, it says "(yes, it is OK and even encouraged to answer your own questions, if you find a good answer before anyone else.)"
But yes, it's that sort of thing that leads people to believe that their own ISA of a common topic is worthy of upvotes rather than dupehammering.
The key point is that the fact that an answer came from the same person who posted the question doesn't make the answer (or question) worse.
@TigerhawkT3 agreed :D
Some people see that as meaning that it automatically makes the question and answer good.
in The Periodic Table on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 13 secs ago, by Chemobot
(づಥਊಥ)づ︵Soɯǝ dǝodꞁǝ
@Kyll What's it for?
Hey NO
I would've liked NO, if it hadn't such an ugly color.
Nitrogen oxide, I mean.
I'm non-deliberately breaking a train
That's spam for me
Of my last 6 answers, 5 have a 0 score
I may be shit at this
Sorry but the latest one is a dupe. voted to close. looked nice otherwise
most of them are dupes
there is a very limited amount of stuff that can be asked about C that isn't a dupe anymore
and of that, none is simple enough that I could concievably answer it.
Did you ever wonder where PacMan was from? Turns out it's South Dakota!
Q: .[Android] + [Sqlite] = [Android-Sqlite]

Filip HaglundWe have 21k+ questions about Sqlite on Android. Most people seem to tag their questions with android and sqlite, but not android-sqlite, and most android-sqlite questions also have the other tag(s). Sure, the Android version of Sqlite differs a bit from other versions, but do we really need the...

No pun. Won't read.
But it is mathematically impossible unless they are both 0.
@M.A.R. Our very own trash room
@Kyll Go to the sanitarium, comment, you're drunk.
@Mogsdad Not bad
I didn't understand both the remark and the response. So I'm now assuming there is another universe where Kyll and Mogsdad are kings.
@Tunaki Always best assumption.
@Kyll Very interesting indeed. TIL
@Sam lol
Hey @Tuna
@Machavity Wow that is scary
@NathanOliver It's one of those old "Everyone is trustworthy in JS" holdovers. Harkens back to the dark ages of IE6, where you had infinite popups and ActiveX controls that could autoinstall
@Magisch Yep?
I'm trying to get into java
and I managed to already mess up my java installation
Woot. Come to C++, it is better
c++ isn't recognized as appropiate language at my school
so I couldnt do any school work in it
goto c#;
Its either java or c or swift
Welcome to the past \o
@Magisch lol how did you do that?
your KyllOS installation?
@Tunaki Installed Java 8 on windows 7 64 bit
somehow the java installer bungled the whole thing
You installed the JDK right, not JRE?
I just installed java 8 last night so I could run a JAR file
@Tunaki JDK 8 update 111
define bungled
If rainbows appear randomly on the screen, that's normal
bungled: bunged beyond all recognition
@Tunaki Netbeans claims the installation is corrupt
Impeach it, then.
@Magisch Try Eclipse :p.
@Tunaki I already have a custom version of eclipse for c for a specific embedded hardware I'm coding for
You can have dozens
It's a zip to unzip
When I tried to install another it told me I had to either overwrite the existing one or couldn't install it
Ah don't use the installer
Download the ZIP archive.
@Tunaki download server blocked by kaspersky web for known malware distributor
Let me turn off kaspersky for a second
It wants to protect you from Java.
@Magisch I just keep seeing reasons not to use java ;)
Did you guys see the Javacopalypse video?
Mo' architecture, mo' problems.
lel nathan
my answer on the dupe got accepted
@Tunaki does eclipse come with its own java distro or do I have to unfungle my current java install
unfungle, but I'm still not sure what that means or implies
Java SE Development Kit 8 Update 80
What is wrong with that
Uninstall everything and try again.
good idea
Do note that on Windows, it's the latest Java executable that you install on top of all the others that also ends up in C:\Windows\.... So in your PATH, you need to set the path to the JDK before any C:\Windows\... entry.
otherwise, you don't have control over which one is going to be used
I just killed all of them
Now I will just install JDK 8 anew, that should be enough, right?
@Tunaki That was great
jdk8u111_windows_x64.exe from oracle.com
that must be it
@Kyll @NathanOliver I've reported it does that. Hopefully it's fixed soon
I swear to god installing java properly is like making a pact with the devil
Which other language runtime comes packaged with other malware?
@Magisch You mean installing Java is like making a pact with Ask.com
@NathanOliver There's more in the ministry ;)
@Machavity It is even worse then you reported. with the chat page open on a separate tab click the link on your question and then go back to the chat tab and see what happened
@Machavity nvm. looks like it only does it in a window that was already redirected once.
can someone star that
the link
sure Mag, no prob
Apparently the redirect only works when you click the link in the transcript or sidebar
I managed to do hello world in java
After what felt like a year
Sounds like Java.
@Magisch You finally included Tree.node.simple.test.hello and Tree.node.expression.test.world?
public class Main {
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World");
Why static ?
Needs to be static
How do you unit test/mock that ?
Only main
@kayess That's why you don't write too much code in main. :)
That's the composition root ?
@Tunaki same applies to getters/setters/ctors :)
@kayess it's the starting point
@Tunaki entry point to make it crisp clear :P
@kayess beginning point
point 1, starting block
watch out for teh snakes, meanwhile..
Did someone say snakes? waves hammer
It's false detection
@Machavity Yay, thanks!
sd meh
I'm willing to just "fix" the question
Let's go with f
Hmm stackoverflow.com/a/40155972/1743880 <-- beginning to be a bit spammy
Yeah, he has the link as his website
comment left
Hiya gunr
morning :D
Plop gunr
Hiya @Kyll
What is that new sanitarium room is about ?
Is it a place to lock down crazy RO's ?:p
5 hours ago, by Tunaki
Our new and shiny trash bin which will collect all the wonders not appropriate here.
@kayess Trash room that we have cont-- damnit.
@kayess I guess that works too :)
But hey, there are 10e+12397129872 trash rooms out there
@Tunaki :)
problem is, we need to trash at least one thing every 14 days
@ArtOfCode Thanks. It's a public vulnerability, tho. Honestly I'm in the middle of a security audit trying to make sure my sites don't have it. If it were of the CVE nature I'd definitely not disclose it
It's still a security vulnerability, and shouldn't have been posted on Meta.
Why not make the rest of the world aware? Sounds like if SO can fall victim then others will as well.
> Please do not post serious security issues publicly on a meta site or elsewhere.
Missed that on the first read through
We need a FR then. If you tag a Q with security a popup should tell them about this. Can't really fault Mac for this.
I'd agree with AOC: Disclose security vulnerabilities only once they're fixed
@NathanOliver Yeah, just blame the medic
So gunr?
A: Chat links expose a pretty serious JavaScript exploit

Marc GravellA change has been deployed that ensures the transcript (and other code that uses the particular code-path) adds the correct hints, and the hints have been extended to use all of them (although I am informed that noreferrer by itself would work)

meh, it's not that serious imo
@NathanOliver only when you're fat a heavy
@ArtOfCode I have to mod flag it (has answers). Will let them make the final call
@Machavity meh, if it's fixed now then it's not a big issue, just one to remember
@Machavity No need to, see above onebox
It's weird being a mere mortal on another site
@Machavity find another javascript vulnerability to let you have full permissions
@gunr2171 lol
@Kyll Me too :)
@ArtOfCode Will do
Still getting used to the retract-your-own-flag thing
You know that means you cannot continue right?
@NathanOliver Just shoot for 1234
@JarrodRoberson That has driven a lot of traffic and is closed so now new answers can be posted. Not sure if we need to delete it.
@QPaysTaxes You reinvented PHP? What?
@NathanOliver it is an negative example of what a good question is and the accepted answer has out of date incorrect information at best, even if it was updated, it is still a poor question, even when it was first posted.
@QPaysTaxes there are jQuery plugins for that, so don't worry too much about it
I'll take it as a compliment :)
@QPaysTaxes No, we use JQuery. Were the best just like it ;)
@NathanOliver the fact that it is drawning new comments arguing that it is a good question merits its deletion in my opinion, it adds nothing positive and is only a duplicate to 3 questions now, that are no better.
@Tunaki come on, I resisted making that joke
should i answer this?
or this is a bad question?
Please do not ask for quality judgement here. Instead, focus on their scope
@QPaysTaxes Not a scope issue.
@QPaysTaxes so should i answer this? no?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Doesn't look MCVE
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Please know that by posting a question link here you are attracting a lot of attention to a specific post. If it looks like you are trying to attract negative attention to a post, it can shed a dire light on the whole room.
@QPaysTaxes Scope issue = The scope of the question is not suitable for Stack Overflow, or it would generate bad answers.
@QPaysTaxes Pinpoint why and vtc it then
@QPaysTaxes i just want to know when i answer it, i will be downvoted or not. ok, i know my answer will be poorly-received.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Ah, that yes
Answers to off-topic questions can be negatively received indeed
@QPaysTaxes Actually we would prefer politics not be discussed too much. tends to go on for way to long and cause issues.
Hey all
@NathanOliver i hate politics. hard to understand
@LearnHowToBeTransparent There's a simple way to know if you should answer or close(at your rep level): Can I answer this? The problem with that question is that he's not given enough data for you to answer. You'd have to write a lot of code to even try.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent This question has multiple scope issues, and has now been closed. It should be deleted soon via the Roomba. Do feel free to ask more questions like this! We enjoy helping each other moderation-wise, I tend to be jumpy on quality issues since they can attract downvotes and make us look evil.
mroning Plop ryan!
dang I missed this
Hiya ryan
@Kyll Strangly enough, I also missed this.
@QPaysTaxes RO's can change their minds ;)
Just like we swap out our human hands when they start to go bad.
RO's can have a variable number of minds.
@QPaysTaxes Yep. I welcome all scope questions.
@QPaysTaxes language
d word.
use pedant
use <insert pejorative here>
@NathanOliver You have a free pair of human hands? Can you lend it plzz?
@QPaysTaxes About whether or not questions should be answered. Which is a scope matter. Even poor quality posts can be perfectly on-topic.
@Tunaki Sure. I just swung by the morgue this morning.
I'll find a way to slap you with it :p
@QPaysTaxes Absolutely. Readers of the transcript could be thinking that we judge questions quality, thus upvoting / downvoting them and harass poor users and so on and so forth, as it's happened in the past. This makes me jumpy =p
perception == reality
@Kyll i am afraid of downvotes is bad.
Now imagine a spearrel jumping. You can start laughing now.
@QPaysTaxes yes.
@Tunaki Or start running away in fear. Why is a spear-wielding rodent jumping?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent The thing to keep in mind, is that if you spend a lot of time writing an answer to a poor question, there's a good chance the OP won't even appreciate it, no-one will read it, and it'll end up lost in the realm of all the others questions and answer. Find good questions. Not necessarily great awesome ones, but ones that are clear, show reseach and interest from the OP; and both of you will learn something
@Kyll what scope issues does it have?
@Tunaki There's a badge for that tho. Don't kill his dream for a gold!
This is all subjective of course.
@Machavity i am not stupid enough to get that badge.
also peer pressure
But you'll find that you can't help those that can't help themselves
Me too xD
@LearnHowToBeTransparent I also have that badge :(
@LearnHowToBeTransparent That badge is not related to stupidity. You can actually answer a lot of questions by new users that cannot upvote. And all of those questions can be good. Hit low traffic tag, you'll see.
@QPaysTaxes Stupid Lynx browser :P
@ZachSaucier Unclear mainly. That is, before the edit. Well done there!
I just fixed his English :P
@Kyll Looks like it's a dupe now.
@ZachSaucier Nah, the part you added actually made it clear
@Tunaki I don't think so
@Kyll i still shouldn't answer this?
because that's not op's edit
there potentially could be another answer, I think the questions are distinct
@LearnHowToBeTransparent If you have a nice answer to post, go ahead. It was unclear to me before, now looks like an answerable post.
in practice I think the answers are the same
@LearnHowToBeTransparent it doesn't matter if it's OP's edit. The question is the same
@Tunaki The other post uses jQuery though, not this one.
And theoretically there could be a property for <form> that could restrict tab inputs
which wouldn't be an answer to the other Q
I think that'd be how I'd implement it
that way you don't have to worry about a second attribute on each of the inputs, just slap it on the form (or any container)

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