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@Dsafds Yeah it's essential since about 3000 yrs :P or even longer
@πάνταῥεῖ Can you stop trying to discourage @Dsafds please?
sigh Is there anything else I can say to this guy that hasn't already been said?
OkOkOk.. guys
@πάνταῥεῖ , i am talking with #osdev over now.. I will change my 30000 makefiles to become like 2 or 3
@NobodyNada I'm telling them truth. No more no less.
@πάνταῥεῖ I dont see the truth in reinventing the wheel
so far i dont see any evidence on that
Unless your gonna tell me why arent you using linux?
@πάνταῥεῖ He's developing an operating system for fun. That's not easy, and he'll learn a LOT about computers by doing that. Sure, other operating systems exist now...but other operating systems existed when Linus Torvalds started.
@Dsafds It may be OK for educational purposes, but not for having big plans as you advertised them.
@QPaysTaxes I did actually ;)
@QPaysTaxes I'm a realist punk :P
night humans
Night @Tuna!
@Tunaki Night Fish (Q ninja'd me)
Night @Tunaki
@QPaysTaxes Misclicked
@πάνταῥεῖ Sure
@QPaysTaxes Only with sauce.
bring more h8 plz
@PraveenKumar or do I have to involve jquery?
Looks same question...
@Dsafds I'm not high just a bit stoned may be :P
@πάνταῥεῖ Isn't that the same?
3 java questions needing 1 more cv chat link
@Rizier123 Well, depends on the dosis :P
@Rizier123 Smoking a sorted out male plant. It's seriously different from getting high.
@QPaysTaxes LOL
@HovercraftFullOfEels What a pity I'm out :P
this is "Java"
@QPaysTaxes LOL
@πάνταῥεῖ: dang right. Now he's spamming programming language tags!
Wow, you're right
Waffle-Java sounds like a great breakfast
@πάνταῥεῖ Well its gonna be having another major rewrites
Its gonna rewrite some times to get the perfect fix.
No one gets a perfect fit the first time
@AndrewLi YES
you try over and over and over.
@QPaysTaxes Word: the bane of programmers everywhere. It's even got a secret copy of Frontpage 98 somewhere (it mangles HTML just as badly)
Grr, how does this wind up as a review audit?

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