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1:00 PM
is this an answer? if so, please could someone edit it to make it sound like an answer rather than a comment?
it is an answer
why are you digging 2012 stuff?
@Tunaki maybe he is an archeologist. :p
1:12 PM
@Tunaki saw it in the 'Related Questions' sidebar for a question, and I took a look as it was -7
Guys.. Tell how is this? output.jsbin.com/tabuyohazi
:D :D My very own chat-bot! :P
Huh what language is this
@PraveenKumar not working
What did you do @cybermonkey? You broke it! :P
@cybermonkey Define not working, else get your question closed! :P
plz fix asap
1:21 PM
@PraveenKumar space in the 'what is your name' messagebox
> Kyll: Plop!
> Mokkasha: Enna elava da solre?
Type your name?
Ha ha ha... :D
@Kyll Yeaaaah!!! :D
@PraveenKumar it's broken, flagging as NAA.
1:23 PM
"What is your good name?" Aww, I wanted to enter a incorrect name
@Kyll Changed the message now. :D Check.
@Cerbrus it's prevalidating your input. :p
Okay, valid commands hi, hello, die, time...
Shit.. See the source.
@PraveenKumar The bot won't die, it keeps saying "May my soul rest in peace..." but won't actually die :p
Yea yea... :D
It is omni present. :D
1:24 PM
Let's just say it requires some work...
@PraveenKumar holy gigantic switch case! :(
@PraveenKumar Urgh. Use a dictionary, not a switch case ><
@PraveenKumar HTML tags work in the 'name' field: i.imgur.com/1o6YbAE.png
Or try to follow OCP!
That's actually die! :P
@kayess Ha ha..
Did it just in 10 mins.
1:29 PM
@PraveenKumar you have another 10 to refactor! :p
@Kyll Yea, I would love to... "plz code for me", "guide me to the right place?" :P
And holy crap, that addMessage function does a completely different thing based on a boolean?!
@kayess Don't vote me down or vote to close! :P
@PraveenKumar :pp
@Kyll Ha ha ha! Mastermind!
Hey @Tushar Man, you there?
1:30 PM
Totes voting to delete this code
@Kyll SRP!
@kayess ikr?
I'm voting to rm-rf that code from @PraveenKumar's site.
@kayess Omg!!! All devs will die! :(
@PraveenKumar LOL, how so? Are you the superclass of all devs ?:(
1:31 PM
rm -rf / will delete jsbin.com, and all devs die.
@kayess Traditional inheritance joke -1
@Kyll I couldn't resist. :(
@kayess You could've said "prototype" instead...
@Kyll Hmm proto what? An abstract class? Or using IOC to resolve object instances on the fly? An injected factory? :\
1:33 PM
@kayess ... A prototype as in the Prototype Pattern
@PraveenKumar error: Read-only file system
Morning Gunr o/
1:35 PM
Hey o/
gunr gunr gunr gunr gunr gunr gunr gunr Batman!
@DavidG no no no, if you take my name and subtract 1, you get gunr2170, which is a number
Doesn't work: var name = "gunr2171"; name = name - 1;
1:38 PM
@DavidG Works perfectly with your previous sentence
I'm guessing you've seen "Wat?" ?
Nope, hence I have no idea what you're on about!
Hey gunr
so jenkin's almost back up
only thing that is not working right now is jenkins can't get updates, but I think that's a JDK problem
1:41 PM
Oh, ok
@gunr2171 Ok, that's brilliant
I laughed so hard the first time I watched it
so now my joke makes sense :)
@PraveenKumar I'm now
2:05 PM
@DavidG Never saw it before? Damn, you went for a ride then =D
I still watch WAT from time to time to have a laugh
Q: What is the explanation for these bizarre JavaScript behaviours mentioned in the 'Wat' talk for CodeMash 2012?

SLCThe 'Wat' talk for CodeMash 2012 basically points out a few bizarre quirks with Ruby and JavaScript. I have made a JSFiddle of the results at http://jsfiddle.net/fe479/9/. The behaviours specific to JavaScript (as I don't know Ruby) are listed below. I found in the JSFiddle that some of my res...

I just laughed out loud in office and now everyone's looking at me.
The thing is I watched that earlier. Can't stop my laugh everytime I see it.
@cybermonkey Ha ha ha.
@Tushar Did you see the link I shared?
@PraveenKumar saw now
Ha ha... :D
How is it? @Tushar?
@PraveenKumar Static Only getting a single response What are you blabbering?
2:16 PM
:D :D
Valid commands are see the source code! :P
Now I am trying to implement a dictionary.
hey all
Close Smokey's question as Offsite-recourse request?
I voted too broad
I tend to not use "asking for resource" unless it's really explicit
sd remove- edited
vb6, god help him
2:46 PM
How are my east coasters doing? @drew, @gunr2171
no snow
drew is east cost?
i think boston
oh, he's close to me
nice fluffy 32 inches
down near Philly now
ah cool
2:51 PM
@MsYvette sorry for the confusion earlier. The easiest way to test the database connection on the bots is to run a owner-only command, and "start event" is the easiest one to do.
I might see you in NYC soon if I end up there again
so you two got slammed it seems
not really. Last winter in Boston was slammed !
Boston was crazy last winter, the city stopped for like a month
yep, that was fun
2:52 PM
Amsterdam Avenue at 81st Street Saturday night: i.stack.imgur.com/xyaFi.jpg
I un-boxed
:28346902 facepalm, good joke
2:53 PM
+1 @kayess
It was pretty insane this weekend, now everything is just black slush
speaking of Amsterdam remember those 2 great restaurants Amsterdams and Ollie's right next to each other Upper West Side
aren't you glad you don't drive to work
@JAL So, technically, it's snowing in Amsterdam.
@Drew There's an Ollie's on 89th, I don't recall a restaurant named Amsterdams
We have snow in the Netherlands! Woo!
2:55 PM
@gunr2171 My condolences about the Patriots.
yes @gunr, yes I am
ah. Nice. There used to be one near Carmine's in Times Sq. Speaking of which, too bad that ESPN rest closed. Hell's Kitchen. My favorite
@NathanOliver : (
@Drew Oh yeah there's a Carmine's on 90th I think. And I remember that ESPN restaurant!
Also for those of your who know You've Got Mail, I live next to Louie's (where the breadkup scene was), which is now St James' Gate
also close to Cafe Lalo
@Cerbrus I thought you guys get some snow in the North
@JAL We're not that far to the north
3:00 PM
TIL rene is ashamed of us
I'm afraid it is ... — rene 21 hours ago
Deduplicator spelled our room name wrong :(
If people assume I live in here I must have no life...
Stack Overflow Close Vote Raging Reviewers
3:02 PM
He just duplicated the "R" :p
@Thaillie I see what you did there
I assumed he meant Room as the last R
also TIL people on wikipedia aren't exactly sure when Brendan Eich's birthday is... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Eich
But I can live with @Kyll's explanation ....
3:04 PM
@Cerbrus ah got it
@rene I think it's fairly accurate
@JAL to be honest it doesn't really make sense to talk about north and south here. I can grab a bike and be there within a day...
if only we had more close votes stackoverflow.com/q/34991298
That's pretty cool, I wish I could bike across the entire country
I am not suggesting you waste yours on the above
3:07 PM
I mean I could, it would just take a while
take a while to waste your CV? Huh :p
well with your background, a helmet camera ?
That would be cool, live stream an entire bike trip across the country
@rene btw I am on the east coast and am OK
3:09 PM
> Somebody hacked something on my server and is sending mails. It looks like that the password of some old accounts was guessed. So I am trying to find out what password I had there (just changed it). So I can see what password I should stop using.
This is saddening
note to self: use hashes
@TylerH Good.
Should answers only pointing at a typo be allowed?
not much you can do once the answer has been posted but the question should be closed as typo
Depends. Normally I leave them alone.
3:15 PM
I know, but we close typo questions because they're useless to future readers and to prevent generating answers... And I can't imagine a situation in which a typo answer would be useful. I feel that they should not be allowed and instead should be comments.
Yes but what can you do? Flag as NAA? It doesn't seem right
Plus, such answers are often upvoted on high-traffic tags and allow the question to stay around when it shouldn't
At best, you can downvote and comment to say that you shouldn't do that and flag as typo instead
@rene then again we only got a light dusting in Georgia
They should but the "rules" doesn't really have anyting in it to deal with them. You can down vote but that is an abuse of the down vote as it is an answer and it answers the question. You could delete vote but there is no reason to delete vote. Best you can do is close the question and hope that stops the up votes on the answer.
3:17 PM
Well, I feel that NAA would actually fit, since it also says "It should possibly be a [...] comment". It would need some Meta approval.
@Kyll Typo questions could be really helpful; if a lot of people make the same mistake
@TylerH Yeah, forecasters ... useless ...
@TylerH Do you have such an example?
@JAL rejected, deleted-voted and flagged
3:20 PM
@Kyll well, just look at all the people who sign their posts Tanks in advances
that's a mistake, they clearly mean thanks in advance
it means "I might care enough to return for answers in a week"
so no doubt there are lots of people who have mismatched quotes or something like that
(i'm not saying we actually need to keep such a question, just that it's possible for a typo question to be helpful to others)
@TylerH problem is that generally the error message can be just about anything for a mismatched quote
let's be frank: we don't need any of these questions
3:24 PM
Yep. Answer or not, vote to close and vote to delete if possible
I might make a "Make typo answers NAA" meta post and see how it goes. Probably won't end well.
@Kyll i'd upvote
@Kyll I'd flag
@Kyll It won't end well no
@JAL Thanks, that'll be +1/-12 =p
3:30 PM
10/10 would flag and upvote again
@Tuna Still waiting for your garbage MSO post btw
Obviously, the only answer to the FR would an answer pointing to a typo in the question
@Kyll how dare you expect his posts to be garbage! D-:
@TylerH I dare by the power of English language ambiguities!
Guilty until proven innocent - that should be our new mantra
3:31 PM
@Kyll I need to prepare psychologically to post something on Meta
9 mins ago, by TylerH
@Kyll well, just look at all the people who sign their posts Tanks in advances
Tanks in andvances.
for those terminally bored: quora.com/…
I like the logo for the TrumpScript one
Invited user to chat
Plop Mogsdad! \o/
3:36 PM
@Drew, it would be nice to re-compile our programs to Velato and listen to them while we sleep...
I just earned the discussion bronze badge on MSO
Hey o/
clicked "track the next one", and it's
3:37 PM
Have a lot of those?
A: I know this is an audit and it is bad. What should I do?

TylerHThat depends on your alignment: If you are lawful good, pass the audit, then go to the question and vote-to-close. If you are neutral good, pass the audit and get on with your life. If you are chaotic good, skip/fail the audit, then go to the question and vote-to-close. I won't cover neutral...

gosh, don't you remember D-:
@TylerH Aaah yeah, the alignment post. Very good one.
Went to upvote, already did. Dangit.
3:38 PM
@BhargavRao - Thought you'd share a chuckle with me... Winter Bash is over, but I've finally had two of the (6? 8? I forget...) tumbleweed questions I answered get accepted!
the struggle
@Kyll Moi, aussi.
@Mogsdad Drop the comma and it's perfect =D
Yep was going to say that ^
It's already perfect Franglais...
3:41 PM
Waffle time! \o/
I could have gone Quebecois: "Moi too"
That was painful to read
hum hum
Learn your Alt codes properly.
Azerty/Bépo revenge lol
I was skiing in Quebec all weekend, so my head is scrambled. And I have an English keyboard, so der will be none de accents.
3:42 PM
I still cant get over the fact that that commenter has never heard of Dungeons and Dragons before
Maybe you should recant?
@NathanOliver yes
@NathanOliver Uh, yeah. A lot.
3:46 PM
@TylerH Yeah, if you cant get over it...
@Mogsdad what exactly would I be recanting?
my disbelief?
> To make a formal retraction or disavowal of a previously held statement or belief.
Yes I know what recant means
Ha, I didn't... lol
@TylerH Mental note: don't make puns re Tyler's spelling or grammar mistakes until he's had at least 2 coffees.
3:54 PM
2 would not be enough for me.
I don't drink coffee, but that pun was so so subtle :-P
I just now got it
"can't" happy? :-)
Oh, I was happy the whole time!
You have to drink coffee. Coffee is life, coffee powers the universe, coffee is the solution to all problems. You can't live without coffee, why would you want to live without coffee?
Oh a Java solution, there's usually not that much on CodeGolf...
4:10 PM
@Tunaki two Java solutions, even!
and an AutoIt answer, wow
...that feel when you flag an answer as NAA and it gets rejected because of the disparity between the NAA title vs the NAA description
@TylerH Feels like you could reject someone's face with a chair.
I have the urge
Which NAA?
A: Make deleted posts searchable for 30 days

SinatrThey will not be able to always delete question: You can’t delete answers that have been accepted. You can’t delete your own question when it: has an upvoted answer, or has an accepted answer, or has multiple answers (even if there are no upvotes) It will require some sk...

Question is asking for a search feature of deleted posts, answer is saying it's not needed because you often can't delete questions
qed -> answer in no real way provides a solution or response to what's being asked
@Kyll Like this?
4:14 PM
But is is proving an reason of why not to implement the feature.
@Sam Spot-on, also ending in my meme library
@Sam 160km/h is likely to kill someone.
@NathanOliver This is likely to be the goal.
@NathanOliver Isn't that the goal?
@NathanOliver I disagree
4:16 PM
I should keep my mouth shut :)
@Kyll @Sam If it is your goal OK. I just wasn't sure.
@TylerH You don't think he is providing a reason why this is not needed?
@NathanOliver @Kyll's goal, yeah. I just added the illustration.
@NathanOliver correct
His answer is essentially "do nothing because [it] is not a big problem", but the fundamental issue here is that the [it] in the answer is not the same [it] as the question
can Unclear include unclear why I am closing it?
@Drew lol
@TylerH OK I get that.
4:24 PM
@Sam I've seen that happen IRL, not fun!
at 160km/h ?
okay, it's nearly lunch time, I should get to work
leaving the room for now, o/
Not sure, I didn't have a measuring device when my friend took one to the face
4:29 PM
@Mogsdad Lol, Just a bit late :P
@WaiHaLee I voted as off topic should have been posted on super user.
@Tunaki, lets see if you beat Skeet..., maybe he is not posting on that question, just commenting...
4:44 PM
@NathanOliver - thanks. Definitely doesn't seem like it's on-topic for Stack Overflow in any case.
Voting to close as Typo. Wish I could vote to close the Answer as unclear. There is no benefit here for a future reader. — Drew 19 secs ago
thank you gunner.
@rene Thanks for that.
I slept yesterday after coming back from the party so couldn't respond earlier :)
@cybermonkey Yes and I added what I would think would happen if answers did no show up until some time limit is reached.
4:53 PM
@PetterFriberg lol
@Tunaki Was monitoring and cheering you, but Skeet never posted... he was beaten before he started ; )
@Tunaki Does it not pi** o** that this question got more rep then yours.... ; ) stackoverflow.com/questions/34997892/…
Meh, the usual.
@PetterFriberg Because people can "agree" more with simple answer like those (so they upvote more)
Yeah more people watching this simple debug questions.. all trying to be the first to post..... maah always fun to see what you do in the arena, back to oak....
5:14 PM
this guy handled his account getting deleted pretty well.
Ah yeah I read that also
Yeah, After that I searched for others with my name
That is an astounding coincidence that the only two users at your location were named "Tom L", both were voting for each other's posts, and both shared multiple items of personal identification. The two of you lead a remarkably similar life. I should note that had the two of you not coordinated votes for each other, none of this would have happened. — Brad Larson ♦ yesterday
^ pretty crazy still
Apparently there is a 3rd guy with the same name
And just for the funny fact, we currently are 3 "Thomas L" out of 6 engineers in my team :) — Tom 8 hours ago
10k users, what happened here?
Looks like a tornado went by
5:17 PM
@PetterFriberg edit to reject also
Take shelter, rene'll be spamming with new events soon.
Huuuah the hammer!
@Kyll a mod deleted 3 answers 1 hour ago
@Tunaki Okay, thanks
5:19 PM
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@Kyll An answer there just code, no explanation/description at all got 10 votes, what's so special about it
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@Tushar There were more answers before. Also yeah I think the whole thing should have been deleted...
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene is spamming this room's schedule.
5:22 PM
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@Kyll Besides that one highly upvoted code-only answer, there were two other link-only answers, one from 2010 and the other you commented on. I flagged and downvoted both, and it looks like both were deleted.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@JAL Thanks for the precisions
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
Looks like rene is scheduling events for next year
5:27 PM
and the year after...
@rene Why not automatically schedule them?
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@BhargavRao I don't think it lets us.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
5:29 PM
rene has added an event to this room's schedule.
@NathanOliver Regular events :/
I might write a script for this, once ...
Atleast that's what we do in the RepWars room
It automatically creates a new event everyweek
@BhargavRao I think we change what day of the week we do the events so that won't really work
@NathanOliver That's the issue then :/ We can schedule an event every n days, so you gotta do it manually itself
5:31 PM
Yeah, some crazy RO's decided that we had a schedule for every 6 days, excluding weekends
@rene Were the crazy RO's rene and Nathan?
I guess this pattern will repeat somewhere but I'm incapable of doing the math...
Hey don't pull me into that. I have my own bucket of crazy to deal with :-D
@BhargavRao no, it was decided by @AndrewCheong and I stick to that ...
Because I like the idea, really
It should enable enough people to join in an event eventually assuming their hobby, sport, meet-up thingies is most likely on a fixed schedule, ours isn't
5:37 PM
Ah, fine. Got it :)
it's one thing to show no research and dupe. Quite another to have a Title Failure stackoverflow.com/q/34998605
Remember Kyll these sites help noobs
Well that makes me feel better about this answer.
noobs are easily pleased
5:48 PM
Afk for a few mins
@Kyll admit that the behavior is pretty annoying ....

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