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12:02 AM
@SmokeDetector i knew that had to be a mysql question. did not disappoint
That's a very common phone number
12:24 AM
why not play around with a bigint column jammed in with Alter Table, flip on the 33rd bit, and see if that makes it happy. So copy say idInt32 to idBigInt. Bitwise-Or the 33rd bit to be on. — Drew 21 mins ago
^ lulz
High five....:) — Karoly Horvath 15 mins ago
12:41 AM
Side note two billion records in "a couple months". My math may be off, but lets say a couple months means 6 months, that works out to something like 130-140 new rows per second.
12:59 AM
its probably an exaggeration. also, if the guy was using transactions, failure should still cause the next value to be consumed. its entirely possible to have the auto incrementing value be much higher than the total number of rows in the table
good call. I really need to brush up on my db knowledge
@Kyll How is that still alive?
@theB No idea...
@Kyll Done.
Alright Closey let's try this again tonight.
@clo when should I go to bed?
@theB Within a month.
1:33 AM
getting there.
Goodnight all.
@Closey face of tired me right now
@Kyll ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
Heh, close enough. Bonne nuit!
2:07 AM
@approxiblue I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@approxiblue It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
@JAL I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@approxiblue It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [sql]"
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[sql]"
woot sql is toast
@Closey commands
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    who ... - A "toy command" for blaming a chat room user.
    commands - Shows this list.
    face - A "toy command" for posting a random text face.
    fox - A "toy command" for posting the meme fox gif.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    panic!!! - A "toy command" for posting an appropriate gif.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
@Closey current tags
@closey next 15 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@JAL The next 15 tags are: 164, 111, 103, 94, 91, 82, 75, 62, 55, 54, 49, 46, 37, 31, 30
@JAL It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
@Closey yes
2:18 AM
@JAL It looks like you've finished reviewing . Is that right?
@Closey yes
@approxiblue You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 11 minutes, averaging to a review every 16.1 seconds.
passed php audit
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 21 hours to continue reviewing.
@JAL You don't need to post this message anymore! When you finish reviewing I should notice it and record the end of the record.
@JAL Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey no
2:21 AM
@approxiblue Sorry, my mistake.
@JAL You've completed 40 CV review items today, thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 7 minutes, averaging to a review every 11.1 seconds.
JAL passed a audit!
5 hours later…
7:51 AM
@TinyGiant Got it.
8:20 AM
@TinyGiant @Mogsdad would it be possible for the editor script to detect tag dash at start of title
@clo completed tags
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name              | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | licensing             | 7     | 2015-06-22 18:32:21 UTC |
 | open-source           | 12    | 2015-06-18 19:17:37 UTC |
 | virus                 | 4     | 2015-06-08 06:33:56 UTC |
 | gpl                   | 4     | 2015-06-05 21:01:09 UTC |
 | lgpl                  | 4     | 2015-06-05 21:01:09 UTC |
 | gplv3                 | 3     | 2015-06-01 18:37:15 UTC |
 | commercial            | 3     | 2015-06-01 18:37:15 UTC |
old db ...
8:59 AM
@TinyGiant, although I think we should solve the roboreviewer problem, instead of not encouraging the potential editors.
9:20 AM
@Cerbrus dead
It was closed before it was deleted
@Sumurai8 That's how it usually works yea, not the other way around.
@Cerbrus the other way around would be err.... interesting :p
Could be, but then it'd have to be undeleted inbetween
9:29 AM
OP can delete their question whenever they please, right?
@Cerbrus yeah... I've done that before - deleted something, then done a d0h, forgot to close it first... undeleted, close, re-delete sigh
9:40 AM
spam, spam, chips and spam
9:55 AM
Request to take survey question: stackoverflow.com/questions/33474795/…
@AlexanderO'Mara Deleted
10:43 AM
this is a false positive
The current answers don't contain enough detail. Scroll down... no answers.
@JAL You have to reply to the message, not just ping Closey.
And morning all.
@theB there is one but it is deleted
@Sam I don't have the privilege to do that
@Clo track user 1743880
@Sam Ok, I added Tunaki (1743880) to the tracked users list.
10:51 AM
@clo status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 15 hours, 43 minutes and 57 seconds.
@TinyGiant Closey doesn't currently save your session to the db (except tags and audits).
Not sure why it didn't catch the audits though...
2 hours later…
@Sam I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Why is that LQ?
@TimCastelijns The bot's in alpha atm.
And the lack of formatting tricked it into thinking it's LQ.
Ah. Didn't know it was a bot
Ordinarily, it won't report any answer containing (formatted) code.
12:36 PM
@Tim it's easy to lose count sometimes :)
I don't visit this room often enough, so I lose count at the first :-)
Is there a option to add tags or something to peoples names in chat? Would be easy to mark bots to prevent mistakes :p
@Thaillie Userscripts.
There was an FR on meta about it though.
@Thaillie I think there was a meta request to be able to colour bot names different, but that was rejected - mostly because I believe it was focused on "official bots" - of which there aren't any
@Sam Yeah - that's the one - glad I wasn't just imagining it :)
@TimCastelijns And FYI, Yam's also bot. But he doesn't (directly) hunt for LQ posts, he just holds a 5 day log of every active post on SE.
12:43 PM
Thanks for the heads up
The only obvious bot is Jon
@JonClements, Well, I meant just something that stores the tag/color in a cookie. So you have to tag them yourself and others can't see it.
@Thaillie for the number that use chat - that'd never get implemented... be quicker and easier to write a userscript for it?
@TimCastelijns Well... I don't think I'm a bot... but what if I am a bot, but programmed to think I'm not... umm... dilemma!
12:46 PM
@clo who is really a bot?
@Sam It's cimmanon! Blame cimmanon! No, wait. It's David!
Decent piece of AI ;-)
@JonClements, The moment I find out how that works im gonna try it :p
What do you guys do? I know Jon from the python tag, but unfamiliar with the rest
Sam passed a audit!
12:48 PM
Good morning
What do we do? Mainly, we speak to Closey
@Closey what's my face right now?
@Tunaki o.o
I can be found anywhere ranging from Java,C, Networking,Network-Programming, Compiler-Construction, Computer-Architecture, Algorithm, NetBeans, etc. , and even to automata, if any new question arrives. @TimCastelijns
12:49 PM
@TimCastelijns Hopefully known in a good way from the Python tag? :p
@Tiny It caught my audit ^
Still no clue why it missed yours.
@Jon well, you know an awful lot more about it than I do, so I suppose that's a yes
@Am_I_Helpful boom
@Tim phew - that's good then... :)
12:51 PM
I voted for you during the election, but I haven't received the payment we agreed on..
/me hands envelope under the desk
ha ha ha ha...
Wasn't talking to you Jon, but thanks for the free cash >:D
@TimCastelijns it's fine... @Nathan hasn't noticed he's missing his wallet yet... :p
12:57 PM
@JonClements Dang ninja got me again. :P
Jon and Martijn teamed up?
On a more serious note: Good job helping out with the mediawiki stuff.... Nemo seems happier :)
Maybe conspired is a better word
@Tunaki I dare ya to suggest making a BallSack singleton to store his balls
1:02 PM
Got this one right
I thought we were not supposed to drop NAA requests here?
Pham is a bot.
Ah god
^ Plot thickens
@Pham commands
@Kyll Command not recognised (at your current access level).
1:05 PM
@Pham help
@Kyll Command not recognised (at your current access level).
Trying also counts
Any way to get Pham to spew some help?
Current access level requires elevation
I think only the RO's have Pham access.
1:08 PM
fuuuuuu fly in my coffee
RIP coffee
RIP fly
@Mogsdad something for you to check out: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/309293/…
@pham help
@JonClements Command not recognised.
1:15 PM
@pham commands
@JonClements Command not recognised.
Might be easier to look at the code on github :)
@Tunaki Bots are exempt from that rule.
@NathanOliver ... commands isn't a valid command.
@Sam intresting. Do you know what is?
@NathanOliver Command not recognised.
Pham only has 3 commands atm.
2 are useless, and the other ("stop") can only be used by ROs/BOs/Mods.
1:22 PM
I don't know if it's up for discussion, but I don't agree with that last CV
@TimCastelijns You can discuss just try to avoid an extended discussion
@Clo stop bot
@Sam I'm shutting down...
Hey everyone! (SO Close Vote Chatbot started, linux branch test!)
@Clo commands
1:36 PM
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    who ... - A "toy command" for blaming a chat room user.
    commands - Shows this list.
    face - A "toy command" for posting a random text face.
    fox - A "toy command" for posting the meme fox gif.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    panic!!! - A "toy command" for posting an appropriate gif.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
this is the question I posted about earlier; sorry if you already visited and aren't interested
@tripleee one more
Why is it ontopic on SU, but not on SO?
@TimCastelijns I don't know SU rules, but as the question asks about a software behaviour (here, a website) and not about programming then the "General computing" close reason applies perfectly
@TimCastelijns I looks like it might be an issue with the OP computer or possibly the server. that would be an SU or SF question. to be on topic here it would need an MCVE. I am not voting to close it but any one of those reason should work
1:46 PM
If it was about how to solve this, then yes it would need an MCVE, but that doesn't seem to be OP intent. As @NathanOliver pointed both close reasons would fit I think
Can't you answer on the other link, if you have the answer, I asked this question because I wasn't getting any response on that one. — Chaudhry Mohsin Ali 1 min ago
Ah I see - it's not his site
@Kyll lol
run and hide
@NathanOliver Actually OP's behaviour is not completely off... In that he isolated his issue properly
But yeah help vampiring
As can be seen on the comments on the other question
@Kyll exactly what came to mind
@tripleee boom
1:53 PM
Nice! I totally missed it as it's in the middle of the Angular-Meteor tutorial steps. Also, is Angular-Meteor production-ready? — TheLima 2 hours ago
^ One more cv needed on the question by the way
@Kyll Boom
@Sam ty
@Kyll yw
Typo as per answer? Used .data on a jQuery object to get the ID which apparently didn't work but did with .attr. Can also be a dupe though, my jQuery-fu is low
I'm not sure if using the wrong 'attribute' qualifies as typo
2:00 PM
@TimCastelijns Well, it depends... If someone tried to use .count instead of .length on a JS array I wouldn't hesitate, for example
But here, since both methods exist, I'm not sure what the right course of action is
A dupe target would probably be the best solution
@rene See Issue #48.
@NathanOliver Obviously I agree with the request!
How is everybody today?
@Mogsdad Just wanted to make sure you saw it.
Deduplicator posted a duplicate. My whole life is a lie.
@Mogsdad Just the usual, thanks. Yourself?
"borderline link-only" you're too nice
@TimCastelijns Blame my auto-comments =p
Is that a copy/paste action or is it more sophisticated?
@TimCastelijns Let me fetch that script : github.com/Benjol/SE-AutoReviewComments
Hang on
Major epiphany
2:12 PM
Are you kidding! your given links is for client side and are JavaScript template engine! — Araz Jafaripur 2 mins ago
@Closey What's Kyll's face?
@Tunaki [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Lol, I wish
That link has a pic that says if you favorite a question you get notified when new answers are posted
is that a lie?
@TimCastelijns Yes and no
You are notified, but in your profile (not on the main page notifications)
Which is pretty awful
2:14 PM
Awful, useless, same thing
OP edited, now question is no more asking for a tutorial but is too broad
Worth reopening and closing again?
I forsaw this and VTC as too broad earlier
> I'm trying to find tutorials and resources about this
Just leave it I guess
He could do with removing the entire second paragraph imo.
2:17 PM
@Sam Yes, but when I pointed it I got this
Any combination of his paragraphs will result in a valid closure
I asked "How to do this?", which is exactly the intent of SO - lol
I would point that his question is still half tool rec half too broad in a comment, but I'm going to get shot at haha
> I'd like for someone more experienced with either or both frameworks to explain how to do this.
meaning, plzzz do it for me
I also told OP not to ask opinion-based follow-up questions in comments "Is [package] production ready"...
@Kyll Meh, I'd comment. But can't be bothered.
2:19 PM
@Sam I wonder if I would use a "Asks for complete tutorial" auto-comment
^ One more, also useless edit
Well, 32
I commented on that guy just now
That's still a pretty low number
anger shield activated
2:25 PM
@Sam After reopening rejection there will probably be a Meta post
@PaulRoub Weird, I can vote to keep closed?
Power abuse!!
We can vote in the Reopen queue when we have close-voted?
I just clicked only to test =p
2:30 PM
@Kyll Yes. and you cannot close because the review has been completed
you get to vote once each way...
@Sam I was about to make the exact same comment with the exact same quotes
Great minds think alike. ;)
@JonClements Oh, I thought we couldn't vote to reopen questions we had closed
2:31 PM
@Kyll Yup.
Morning all
beat you :)
2:35 PM
@Sam thanks for the info, I'll make sure to reply to Closey rather than ping
People who had their question closed are always so hostile
@TimCastelijns Yep.
posted and deleted in less than 10 seconds
@Tunaki Boom. Votes depleted.
@Sam Busy, apparently!
Ugh. Not sure if it's worth replying.
@Mogsdad Oh, stock up on coffee then. ;)
2:46 PM
We can expect a meta post about this...
@Clo When will this guy post on meta?
@Sam 2020/08/22
Don't think he knows about meta, or he would not have asked a question like this
Oh boy, it's deleted now
@DavidG boom
@Sam The rest of the world is wrong, as usual ^^
2:52 PM
My first use of the tag and question was destroyed in seconds. That's cause for celebration - off to make a cuppa...
@Kyll Tell me about it.
@Closey who's wrong?
Hey, can I just make close vote requests or do you guys have a process?
@Kyll It's Sam! Blame Sam! No, wait. It's Closey!
No process as far as I know
2:52 PM
oh cool
but check the github link
@SotiriosDelimanolis You may want to read dem guidelines
@DavidG @TimCastelijns Except I'm not asking "How to use Angular-Material?", nor "How to use Meteor?", nor "How to use Angular-Meteor?"...The intent of the "use" word is subject to the context of the question, in this case _"What are the differences between the implementation of (Angular + Meteor) VS implementing either separately?"...***Which is NOT too broad***.
2:53 PM
I see
And by all means, that IS lynch-mobbing
@SotiriosDelimanolis boom
@Sam Done! Coffee in hand, I head to my scrum...
(and hi!)
@TheLima I want to use Angular-Material .. explain how to do this
2:54 PM
thank you
@Mogsdad :D
Ooh, we expected a meta post, not joining chat, but welcome :)
@TheLima what do you think "too broad" means?
@TheLima As it stands, your question was still seeking off-site resources anyway.
2:55 PM
Hey gunr
@TheLima As already explained in the comments, your question first sounded like a tutorial request, which you have more or less corrected, but then asked "how do I use Angular with Meteor" which has a lot of possible answers; one of which was Urigo's (bless that man and his talks!) but could have been pretty much any other
Plop gunr!
Join the madness.
questions that ask to solve a specific problem can be considered "too broad" if the answer is quite lengthy (something that might require multiple pages worth of text)
give me the tl;dr?
2:56 PM
@gunr2171 Question closed, OP (TheLima) here
2 mins ago, by TheLima
And by all means, that IS lynch-mobbing
> Is there a solution to this problems, maybe with some magic ;-)
@TheLima gunr here is a Room Owner, he rules the mess
Requesting magic is off-topic
@TimCastelijns Unless it's TinyGiant, in which case it's awesome
Here's a screenshot.
2:57 PM
And immediately gets starred and upvoted
@Kyll I am not sure whether you're mocking or threathening...wrong either way
@Sam thanks
@TheLima I'm generally as threatening as my profile picture and rarely mocking, what do you mean?
Caching ftw.
2:59 PM
@Kyll Even a squirrel with a spear is dangerous...
@DavidG For your nuts?
@Kyll Leave my nuts alone!

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