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@MLM what if you just do <a href="test.csv" download="test.csv">Download</a> and then give that file a Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.csv header?
@joshhunt I think that would work but the header stuff server side is a bit annoying
yeah I guess, not too bad for me though because the csv's are being generated by a php script so its easy to add them in
And only works if you are able to modify the http headers of the file you are trying to serve. Could always proxy the file anyway to add headers
couldn't you do it with .htacess or something?
@joshhunt I guess so: Header set Content-Disposition attachment - stackoverflow.com/a/14571526/796832
to me that seems to be a better way as all the other solutions seem to be very messy
Ye too bad there is just soo many cross browser inconsistencies. But a client-side solution would still be necessary for a file generated on the client (unless you upload that data just for the sake of adding the header :P)
Hello, I was wondering if somebody could help me. I have this site bootply.com/sMpC0gcw14, I need a way to get the value from the image selected with the radio button and put it in the disabled input that saids "Template selected", thanks.
@AndrésAvilaWille what have you tried?
I was thinking about using Javascript. I'm not very familiar with web programming languages, but I know that in a
you have to use JS
Java app you can do it, maybe with sets and gets. However, I'm not sure if there's something like that in javascript. I've googled, but haven't found anything that I could exactly use
Yeah, that was my guess..
!!tell AndrésAvilaWille google get selected radio value
!!tell AndrésAvilaWille google set input value js
there you have it
Thanks, I'll check those links right away
@joshhunt I was trying to debug google drive but I can't understand the minified code. Learned some cool tricks though.
using setTimeout(function(){debugger;}, 5000) to pop the debugger and pause the DOM so I could inspect the Event Listeners on the the "Download" button. It is in a menu that goes away after you click outside the window (in dev tools)
Trying to use the profiler to find what code is running in that certain amount of time
The profiler worked well but the to minified code even after "pretty print" was too hard to follow
@joshhunt The method you found along from this guy with the IE msSaveOrOpenBlob seem to cover everything: jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/dywbo5vx
yeah just be careful if you need to support IE8
Looks like the max URI length in IE8 is 32KB
@joshhunt IE8 would use msSaveOrOpenBlob though so as long as you can get the data into the blob object, then everything should be good
I feel like @TylerH would have an opinion because he always seems to
Hi, I've come up with a script, after looking at the links above. However, it doesn't work. Any ideas?
@rlemon humblebundle.com/weekly << multiplayer bundle, anything good we can all play?
@ZachSaucier looking for a phone?
@AndrésAvilaWille look in the dev tools console
@Kitler ja, mom wants me to have a smart phone before I go to Europe and NYC this summer
it says
"Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {"
and it points to $function(){
lots of errors to fix
have to include jQuery for 1
(or find code that works without it because it's not necessary)
oneplus.net <<< 300$ for a whole lot of specs
@ZachSaucier That's the "(jQuery)" you place at the end of the script?
no, it's the library that you're trying to use
it'd help to learn JS basics before jumping in :P
@Kitler want to use it with Verizon though
ah call em up and ask them if it does, it's an unlocked phone
doesn't show it on the site
only mentions AT&T and T-Mobile
@AndrésAvilaWille graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/a/46296/23061 may be helpful. Especially take a look at the free tutorial websites
> and the OnePlus One does not work on Verizon's network
@ZachSaucier Thanks a lot, I'll check it right away
but if you're travelling to europe why do you care about verizon ?
bc the phone is for more than Europe :P
screw verizon :P
and parents are paying, they get what they want
true true
they're asking me for input on the specific type
Isn't each extra phone activation 40$ for horizon ?
as I could care less, my brother recommended the one linked above
@Kitler I have no idea
Get the contractless plan that's like really popular atm
I guess it's fine as a first smart phone
brb shower
I don't plan on using it extensively
just what I use my phone for now + a couple apps every once in a while
won't install social media apps or game or anything like that
I'm distracted enough already :P
man i had no idea conditioner would make my beard look even more awesome
Duplicate answers, here and here (from same person). One of the questions should probably be closed
1 hour later…
why anchor tags not working in mobile?
@winresh24 it should work
code ? and are you sure mobile touch is working fine
already solve bro
@NullPoiиteя Beware: a wild vamp has appeared
@ZachSaucier I don't really know anything about that phone
specs aren't listed
I mean, basic ones are
Definitely an upgrade either way for you though
If the phone is unlocked then $200 is a good price
It's got Android 5.0 so that's good
I'm still on 4.4.4
I found out there are some public stats available if we go to {site}/review/{review-type}/stats As such, I made a separate feature request to get it improved some
THIS --> youtube.com/user/CodeBabes LOL (kid of nsfw)
Just earned the Electorate badge
@NullPoiиteя lol
I'm surprised feminists aren't all over that
that will actually probably be really successful
@TylerH congratulations , gold badge feels good :D
LOL wow what a great reference
"HTML5 introduced new elements with semantic meaning. It's like, when a girl says something, and you don't really know what she means. That's what it used to be like with the div tag, but not any more!"
is this correct: class='search_output'
and this .search_output
k, now i'm confused a little
my code bug
@StephanMuller Not sure about the standards, but Jonathan Sampson's post about IE10 pseudo-elements (including lots of form control pseudos), -moz- pseudos and I'm sorry I have no freakin' clue about WebKit pseudos
@BoltClock StephanMuller is afk: sleep, thanks in advance boltclock!
(not that I was any helpful)
is this correct: <link type="text/css" href="search/search.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="search/search.css"/> <-- this is correct afaik
No, you need rel="stylesheet" for it to actually work
@phpPluginMaster make sure the href is correct as well
that was the bug :D
data:text/html,<!DOCTYPE html><link type=text/css href=data:text/css,body{color:red}><body>foo
@phpPluginMaster which ide do you use ? i mean most of ide should show error with your current syntax
Compare with
data:text/html,<!DOCTYPE html><link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=data:text/css,body{color:red}><body>foo
Even if you specify the mime type the browser doesn't realize it's meant to be the page stylesheet, so you need to specify that
and i don't need to wrap the css in anything special?
@phpPluginMaster no
If you're linking to a separate CSS file, it's just CSS
almost done with the simplest autocomplete possible to save people TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone has example of how to morph svg icon with angularjs?
imagine a file where you just need to:
transfer file
type the include
build the search output
to style an input field, what am I missing: width: 50%;
thx boltclock, they should make you mod for being so helpful
is this correct:
width: 50%;
then off to bed at 1AM
@StephanMuller bolt is already mod :P
stack overflow only does px, not %, how do i do it in %?
@StephanMuller I know. I'll run in the next election
@NullPoiиteя What are you talking about?
you will run in next election , where ?
1 hour later…
posted on April 24, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@TylerH You're right. Hmm. Reasons to use svg -1.
Q: Instafeed.js - Instagram script CSS Styling Not Applying To Elemements

Tim SalabimAdded instafeed.js to my website and successfully styled it. It is a feed to show instagram photos on a website. This worked correctly. This is what I am trying to do: Now trying to add a roll over feature which highlights each icon... Added css, then changed script and it won't respond as it i...

@TimSalabim fiddle is missing jQuery. instafeed is removing this: <div class="likes">&hearts; {{likes}}</div>
@mikedidthis do I need to add a jquery script in?!
well, you wrote jQuery code.
@mikedidthis thanks Mike though it's not working....
I think my instagram token may have stuffed up too.. I'll have to check
@TimSalabim better: jsfiddle.net/ocnf0z8e ?
@mikedidthis Nope!
A: Instafeed.js - Instagram script CSS Styling Not Applying To Elemements

mikedidthisYou need to specify the template that instafeed.js should render. Currently it is removing your original markup: http://instafeedjs.com/ HTML <div id="instafeed"></div> Javascript var userFeed = new Instafeed({ get: 'user', userId: 1481598384, accessToken: '1481598384.467ede5.3870e3db...

Works fine.
Oh wow
I'll try again
Tim what browser?
Instagram uses tokens which change it may be that
Thank you for the help
I'll try again
Using your JS fiddle
@mikedidthis can you please check the jdfiddle?
@TimSalabim link?
yeah works fine
Don't know why but I can't see any images now
no idea, maybe an api issue, is the console showing any errors?
No it's not...
But if the code works for you then very much appreciated. I will clear caches, load and cross browser test :)
Which fiddle was your final link?
On my answer :)
Ok thank you :)
Hey @Worf o/
How's your mother?
taking lessons from your mom
@NullPoiиteя Heya \o
posted on April 24, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by SynxS */

@PeeHaa got woken up at 8 after not sleeping the entire night, thats the best i can do atm
@PeeHaa hiya , how you doing ?
@Worf Excuses excuses...
@NullPoiиteя One meeting to go and after that weekend \o/
Multiple Choice
Game developer or designer
"Full-stack developer and..."
Professor or teacher
I shoot lasers at stuffz
why this function always return undefined pastebin.com/e4yYvxDM ?
@NullPoiиteя because onkeyup is executed asynchronously
Q: Inspect HTML5 date picker shadow DOM

Stephan MullerI'm trying to inspect the shadow DOM for certain HTML5 controls, like the date picker for the input type="date" and the actual suggestion dropdown list for inputs bound to a datalist. Preferably in Chrome, but other browsers will do too. I've found that by enabling the Shadow DOM setting in Chro...

@StephanMuller good question let me try
finally a good question
10 to go for a badge :P
apparently it is not part of the DOM
as it is in a layer that is over everything else overflowing even the chrome's window
i don't think you can edit that at the moment
it's surely html, but in a different dom
yes but I want it :(
@Worf It may be part of the shadow dom
nope @Neil it's an entirely different document loaded in a different layer
like the dropdown of <select> for example
@Worf ewww, so like frames and stuff?
nope, just a different system layer, like a window but without the titlebar etc
@StephanMuller are you planning to answer yourself right?
nope, not this time
legit question
@Worf so what do you prefer to do this in this condition ? callback function ?
@NullPoiиteя yes
yes, or promises
And stop using on* handlers
yes, use addEventListener
thanks , got it :)
@Mr.Alien Morning o/
ssup bro..
@Mr.Alien morning o/
@Worf you should be an artist
stop working on comps
don't be racist, be artist
AHAH i suck
@StephanMuller that was too much is it
i really hope i didn't offend @Kitler <3
no I really liked it, he always makes cool sketches
its his
[nsfw] btw
@Mr.Alien lol
sure lol
eating watermelons in summer feels so good
i once ate an entire watermelon. it didn't feel good at all
ahahaha, I just had like 15 pieces.. feels good
once i did the same(ate an entire watermelon) and that was the first time i got admitted in hospital , though watermelon was quite awesome :/
ahahha yeah watermelon is hard to digest
also its hard to get an entire watemelon in body
puny bellies you guys have, actually wes doesn't have a puny belly, he can digest it quiet easily
i can digest even trinitrotoluene
and what is that
@Mr.Alien what is puny belly google.com/… i got thiswhen i googled it :P
@Mr.Alien TNT
@NullPoiиteя why you searching images, just search puny
belly you know already, puny = small
alright :D
@Worf just stick with the melon
melon is much tougher to digest than tnt
we also get small melons here, but they are no more original, all are hybrids
tnt is toxic but soluble in water , you can have it with water (tnt-milk-shake ) :P ( it requires Medical attention immediately) :d
and he will fart fire next day
our watermelons are min 15kg each no joking
at least the good ones
we have just a kg or kg and a half
that's way too small
but no more good ones, melons, mangoes etc all quality food are exported and we are left with hybrid or shitty quality ones
@Worf you are really brave man , hats off to you ( you ate 15kg watermelon ) :O :)
i actually did
it's mostly water tho
Oct 15 '14 at 19:22, by Mr. Alien
I was banned cuz I said wes is a pig
so now you know why did he had the entire melon
@Mr.Alien ohh man they export only hapus (alphonso ) mango , you can still have yellow(keshar/safeda) mango :)
@Mr.Alien hahhaha
they shouldn't be exporting much, we are left with bad quality and all foreign income is enjoyed by our ministers
posted on April 24, 2015 by Mark Bowytz

"For a site that is used to view pay stubs, you'd think that they'd come up with better security questions," Carter K. wrote.   Shelly writes, "I'm not sure exactly how much I'd be paying at checkout with the Disney Premium Visa, but just to be safe, I think I'll use my Discover Card instead."   "Once you make it past the front doors of the retirement home where my friend's

@Mr.Alien no one can stop it, people do politics for there own purpose = profit, its like fuck the country grab the money :D and it will never stop you can see the history of the world, so please dont get said :P
you cannot compare india's politics vs any other country politics
apart from italian politics
and north korean
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._Raja this dude made a mess of 28 billion USD, also that is disclosed so money can be much more than they have estimated
and how they calculate that debt
@Mr.Alien world bank and loan from other countries , like in embargo iran paying oil as emi to Itlay
I don't think countries will ever pay to each other that amount of debt and am not even sure why they need to take loans at first place
@Mr.Alien they pay ,but dont know what other country will do if they stop paying
war cost more then loan
and they will spend double of resources on that and wiill forget of what they have to cover in loan
none of the country is in position to afford war
we can...
and fight with ?
i would rather love to see space race between India and China instead of war :)
that will be boring, everyone knows we will win as Chinese products don't last long
@Mr.Alien check that ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/… EU is developed and have educated people but they are also facing economical challenges , GDP growth rate is -5 to + 3% only
but Chinese know how to do business , better than other countries including us :)
that is too much
@NullPoiиteя That message you flagged, is it offensive
Or are you just flagging for the sake of flagging
noop i flagged because they dont stop using Hindi , even after telling couple hundreds of times
OK so just the use of Hindi
Might delete the room. I am iffy about large-scale operations like this
@BoltClock: you free a sec?
@jbutler483 sup?
70k \o/
@jbutler483 It appears to be related to the query string
@BoltClock: Ok just thought it was strange, that was all.
1 hour later…
@MadaraUchiha back to old name, better than previous one
A: Order of font and line-height in a rule set

BoltClockDespite its name, line-height is actually part of the font shorthand. The shorthand declaration sets line-height to its initial value of normal, which overrides your previous line-height declaration. To this end, you can incorporate line-height into the shorthand as shown below with the addition...

I totally FGITW'd this. No shame
The original answer was "Despite its name, line-height is actually part of the font shorthand."
I don't normally do this but in this case I assumed the OP would understand just by this one sentence
Minimum answer and all
How is this possible??? 100% accepted answer rate stackoverflow.com/users/342740
Every single answer of him (390) got accepted, eventhose with 0 votes
@DarkAshelin why it can't be possible?
@DarkAshelin Because they deleted any answer that wasn't accepted regardless of how many votes it scored
@Mr.Alien it seems too unlikely to happen irl
They have well an excess of 800 answers
@BoltClock ... Why would they do that
think if I just joined SO, now I will answer, if user accepted fine else I'll delete my answer
no matter what votes I get and I'll keep just ones with accepted
@DarkAshelin Pettiness
Isnt that actively destroying (possibly good) content?
he is the owner of his own content
he will delete if he wants to
Doesnt seem in line with SO's motives
Yeah I will have to look at their upvoted answers
@BoltClock to do what?
@DarkAshelin See if there are any worth restoring or if this user is really just cleaning up duplicate answers
Ah right u can see their deleted answers
So he has 400+ deleted?
Thereabouts. I should probably not give much more away
Thanks for noticing though. It can be unusual
It depends on how much their answers are usually scoring, if at all
sup all
@Mr.Alien wat xD how?
@Kitler o/
how did they do that O.o
@BoltClock whats FGITW?
!!google FGITW
!!urban FGITW
ok so it is SO related
@Kitler No definition found for FGITW
@Kitler Hahahaha brilliant
Ah I see
alien just posted it @Kitler FGITE
I googled "FGITWD" first and 0 results xD
i don't know what the d stands for
but fgitw may be fastest gun in the west
@Worf lol
@Worf using it like a verb in the past tense. " I FGTWD that"
lol, could be

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