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12:10 AM
@rlemon XD
2 hours later…
2:02 AM
olà amigos
2:31 AM
@SecondRikudo good luck , :)
2 hours later…
4:02 AM
I honestly didn't think you could even USE emoji in variable names. Or that there were so many different crying ones.
4:40 AM
@BoltClock still looking for a job?
4:55 AM
@ZachSaucier no
what are you up to then?
Wasting time :P
rather not say. It's a long story
know I'm always available to talk more privately if you want to
posted on April 17, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

5:46 AM
A: Tag split or add request: opera-presto vs opera-blink

Amos M. CarpenterI've gone ahead and created the two tags, opera-presto, and opera-blink. I have also created/edited the descriptions of these two tags plus the generic opera tag so that it should hopefully be clear when to use which. Unless someone comes up with a better idea, I thought this would be the best w...

cc @cimmanon
6:07 AM
that's the most horrid and beautiful thing i have ever seen @easwee
@Worf kinda my reaction too :D
but he shoots and runs on a rotating flying car that was bounced in the air by a skateboard
@easwee also this is at the same time beautiful and horrid dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3041546/…
this world is so lame
7:35 AM
hello guys
I need help on web design
@Swap-IOS-Android just shoot
i am working on one project with html ,css , php
i am displaying one table with data..(that table is generated by for loop in php and each row having a href to javascript) so when user click on table row item i want to display another sub view below that row item...
so what i did is " i have added one more table below each row item of main table and then after each row i create another table lets say Table2 and i make it hide"
and when user click i display that table using javascript
and it works but now i want to assign different background colour and style so how can i do that
i tries to assign class id from css but it won't work
@Swap-IOS-Android wait wait wait you putting a table in a table when the user clicks on the first table?
Do you want to create a tool tip of sorts?
tool tip? sorry i don't understand
Why are you appending a table to the table?
7:43 AM
actually i am not web developer so i am not aware of web technic
in mobile dev we add sub view but i don't know in web
@Persijn i want to display one sub view which shows related data of that clicked row item
i found it
Then just add a <div></div> and add a class like: <div class="extraInfo"></div>-
Then in your CSS file add: `.extraInfo { background-color: pink; }`
@Persijn okay i will try that thank you so much
@Swap-IOS-Android wait i'll edit the fiddle with a bit of color
@Persijn i have one problem ..into fiddle example in javascript they are using $('#content1').hide();
7:52 AM
its static way to hide ..i mean you can use it when you have fix number of row
but in my case i have N number of row
so i used for loop to hide but it won't work unless i break loop
function showMissionDetails(key, count) {
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
$('#'+i).hide();break; // to hide previous open row i have to use break
so is there any other way to hide N number of rows
my eyes
your markup is broken in that fiddle
@Kitler dont spoil it for me
    <col width="40px">
   <col span="4" width="25%">
Is invalid
7:56 AM
@Persijn i used while loop instead of for and it worked
you don't need a loop for this
add a common class to all of them
Any way @Swap-IOS-Android here is my atempt for color: jsfiddle.net/JyfPg/20
okay i will try
fix the markup first
and let's get the js in order
7:57 AM
but i think you can use a lot eayer javascript / jquery for what you want to do.
@Kitler thats not helping
how is that not helping?
the markup is broken that's step 1
once that's done let's take a look at the js
easy guys
will go step by step
@Swap-IOS-Android see the elements highlighted in red in the fiddle?
that means there's something wrong with them, either a closing tag is missing or you're nesting things in a wrong way like that colgroup with 2 col in them that aren't being closed
    <col width="40px"></col>
   <col span="4" width="25%"></col>
8:03 AM
okay i wil mark it
@Kitler ssup bitch
haven't been up this early in a while, forgot there's traffic :P
brb breakfast
websummit.net/speakers <<< this is getting ridiculous :P
the hell does bono have to do with web :P
8:15 AM
urm Eva Longoria?
pixar :P
what, what? Rio Ferdinand?
That's one of the weirdest speakers list i v seen at a web conference
Tony fricking Hawk?
> Development through skating
Jemima Khan
European editor-at-large
Vanity Fair
man that list keeps on getting weirder the more i look at it
pez >
wait where's @BoltClock's diamond
posted on April 17, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Romeo Gresta */

@StephanMuller o/
Hi every1. Im a help vampire, and i need your help
8:41 AM
vamp off!
anyone who starts a question like that can count on my help
and my axe
and my bow garlic
/me dies from the garlic
8:43 AM
@r3wt btw you forgot your question
@easwee i'm gonna make a fiddle real fast to better illustrate the problem i'm experiencing.
clear not a vamp
no vamp ever makes a fiddle
your mom did once
what my mom does in her free time, is her call.
i can't understand why the select box isn't disabled
8:48 AM
.prop() - is read only?
iirc, you want .attr()?
I always get confused with .prop().
screen shot of what happens irl puu.sh/hgUcO/cb9a32ce94.png
so try it with attr then? thanks for the tip.
i feel so dumb for even asking. this is why i have a question ban haha
I maybe completely wrong.
@r3wt what is !!state supposed to do?
@mikedidthis you are completely wrong :P
@Kitler yeah, I thought I maybe.
8:51 AM
just coalesce the value into a boolean in case someone passes an integer or string or object or whatever
you can set with prop
well, it didn't work with attr fwiw
isn't there a difference between the two?
one is for properties the other is for attributes :p
don't get me to lying
8:52 AM
And no one knows the difference :P
@r3wt select != input
@Kitler need more coffee!
but it is an :input
just to be sure i merge it into the object with .add( selector )
oh my god, i just saw my mistake too
someone hit me with the quadruple facepalm
its early and its friday
8:55 AM
@mikedidthis thanks for your help man, i owe ya one
no problem at all
need any help/advice?
9:25 AM
ooh shiny new profiles
@StephanMuller They been there a while lol
only just noticed
lol so I decided to start working on my jquery silver badge
jumped onto the first question I saw, 7 upvotes and counting in 1 minute
I should do this more
9:47 AM
I think I found a new way to scare my kids.
@StephanMuller the jQuery - tag makes me sad most of the times
flooded with shitty questions and even shittier answers
yeah, I already got depressed and gave up
okay, I can't find a question that I want to answer
Yesterday i found a simple jquery question, from a user with 10 rep and when i had written the answer 5 answers where delivered and all answers by user rep > 10k XD
it is a really hard tag
9:55 AM
@Persijn two days ago I watched a dude sculpt out his question, it was fun
it started off with a single sentence that made zero sense
he then proceeded to edit it for freaking 40 minutes
@mikedidthis Duck Vader
people like to do that I guess, it seems to be super important to have the answer with the first timestamp
all questions evolve on SO didn't you know?
I got one as a gift :D
whoops, I was talking about a guy answering
9:57 AM
@mikedidthis Lol
@mikedidthis you can stop now. The internet has had enough of you for one day.
@Persijn yes sir, I apologise.
@mikedidthis I'll never get enough of you <3
posted on April 17, 2015 by Mark Bowytz

"How new is this beer? They didn't even finish the packaging!" wrote Jérôme.   "Wow! Truly a one-stop-shop!," writes Diederik.   Alexandre A. wrote, "The Barracuda XT Desktop Hard Drive sure comes with a lot of features!"   "I've been saving for a while to buy a new Lenovo laptop," writes Brandon R., "Looks like I have a little bit longer to go to get the one I wan

10:09 AM
give up coffee for beautiful breasts ^ HAHAHA
@Worf wot
10:29 AM
Hello all
10:39 AM
@Worf Oh hahahaha
I just saw the lose weight bit at the top
I'm being stupid right now
can anyone tell me why the last console.log returns undefined?
return lowestDepth on line 7?
@Worf you beat me :|
with a giant dildo, like that summer night
oh god, thanks
yep, that was my answer for today. Let's see if I can keep this up :D
10:52 AM
upvote please: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27592524/using-modernizr-to-detect-vh-vw-with-calc/29697170#29697170

don't want to have spent half an hour solving this for 0 points
@StephanMuller maybe add: caniuse.com/#feat=viewport-units
known issues mentions about the calc() issues.
@StephanMuller also modernizr turned into bloatware right? we can't have nice things
@Worf As long as you can customize builds that's pretty much a moot argument if you ask me
base code is bloated imho
iirc it also includes an html5 shim now
ah. you can disable it
well nvm then
11:17 AM
Q: How To Scrape A Product ASIN Using VBA..?

Usama Jafri {"5_35":"B00O1A9EUC","0_37":"B00V2NHD6S","2_31":"B00BBWAXHG","3_4":"B006Z8I3R8","0_36":"B005JF4MCS","3_5":"B001KUBJ4A","0_35":"B00O1ABPO0","3_6":"B0009G682O","0_34":"B00BBWB3RK","3_7":"B0009G9MCW","5_31":"B00BBWAYP2","2_35":"B00O1AB2DE","5_32":"B00I2Z9Y4I","2_34":"B00BBWB52I","3_9":"B0009G681K",...

jesus christ
> ~7 people reached
wow, the jquery - tag is a mess
all of those "try this code" one-liners with insta-upvotes
that actually makes me angry, not sure why
people are not even trying to explain stuff
I know that feel
on the other hand, I cashed in 25rep today, so I got that going for me. Better than most of my days of the last 2 years :D
@GNi33 lol
11:30 AM
@Persijn y u so mean with @mikedidthis
internet can't get enough of @mike
Oh internet always gets more @mike just not the scary duck pics :P
@Persijn got a problem with scary ducks?
yes @easwee GTO off here
11:34 AM
you silly anatidaephobic
> Anatidaephobic -"irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck "
Excuse me its not irrational at all just look at @easwee
@easwee fucking creepy
im not alone
that was the intention when I took that pic
11:37 AM
i would rather have a brony run the CSS tag then being watched by ducks ohh wait CSS is run by a brownie
a file requiring a file that requires 2 files
@StephanMuller use offsetHeight rather than getComputedStyle (better compatibility)
1:01 PM
@Worf Thanks, I'll edit it
also got necromancer and revival for it, nice
ooh and hit rep cap for the first time in ages
What's the best practice for making certain JS lines not run in IE? A function to detect IE and if statement?
the problem is @ZachSaucier which IE?
all and future?
you can't feature detect?
not necessarily future? I honestly don't know if they'll support it
can, I suppose
but it's just a couple lines
1:08 PM
what is it?
because also feature detection is a couple of lines most of times
Using SMIL animations (completely not supported by IE) and there's a couple JS lines that start/stop the animation that are erroring in IE
Q: Handle virtual keyboard on Windows 8 tablet

MystoganIn my webpage I have a text input field which gets covered by the keyboard in Windows 8.1 tablet. I want the tablet to 'push up' the web page content (as it works on the iPad). So: Is it possible to make the keyboard NOT covering my input field? And can I detect if a virtual keyboard is acti...

Hmm i find this a really good question and a problem that happens often :P
I hate it when SE declines my feature requests
@ZachSaucier modernizr has a "smil" test
there's no modernizr for clip-path :(
maybe css-mask is the same?
1:15 PM
@ZachSaucier code?
-webkit-clip-path: url(#circleClip);
clip-path: url(#circleClip);
-webkit-clip-path:circle(8.7% at center);
clip-path:circle(8.7% at center);
uses CSS' clip-path and falls back to SVG/SMIL
I suppose I don't need it
this is how you create a test with modernzr
sampleElement.style.clipPath = "url(#foo)";
if(window.getComputedStyle(sampleElement, null).clipPath == "url(#foo)"){
    // clip path supported
you don't even need modernizr
@Worf getComputedStyle is supported by all browsers that support calc and/or viewport units btw
Who knows how to convert javascript in to an @media query for swapping out a logo on resize of a website?
@StephanMuller it's ok then. i just noticed that was "calc" involved lol
you could add -moz-calc and -webkit-calc then #pedantic
@stephanmuller is that neccesary or can I just type up an @media query?
so using Moderizr I just check the HTML class name to see if the feature is supported, correct?
Q: Resize Replace logo Function clashing with navigation

Tim SalabimSo I'm a graphic designer with next to no coding knowledge, and want to learn. My friend and partner who is a web developer is away. I am trying to replace a logo on our responsive site when the dimensions are under a certain amount of pixels or when a mobile view is displayed. Got half of i...

from within js you just use modernizr directly using test() @ZachSaucier classes should be used for css
1:25 PM
@TimSalabim Posting your question in here aswel ey?
I don't see why I need to retest if it already has a class :P
do you know why, @Worf?
@persijn Yes! Is that ok on here?
@ZachSaucier you need the check in javascript or you just want to enable / disable some css if the test passes/doesn't pass ?
@TimSalabim Wel its not against any rules, but usually people do help you if you post a ok question here or on SO so you dont really need both
@Worf I need to prevent a few JS lines from running if SMIL isn't supported
1:28 PM
so Modernizr.test()
but why not check html classname?
since it does it automatically?
because 1- class is added asynchronously while test is instant (so you could get a false positive) 2- not necessarily classes are added (you can prevent modernizr to add classes to html) 3- this is how modernizr is usually used
I see
why not use a vanilla js try catch?
I don't need to replace the lines with anything - just prevent the error from breaking the JS
you don't need modernizr for that test
sampleElement.style.clipPath = "url(#foo)";
if(window.getComputedStyle(sampleElement, null).clipPath == "url(#foo)"){
// clip path supported
1:32 PM
that's not what I'm testing :P
SMIL animations, not clip-path
so what
basically testing is. create a temporary element and try to set it a value, then you verify that value was actually added
I understand
what is smil animations? css animation: ?
and what is it, a tag?
some code would help :P
1:35 PM
literally just need to see if circleSVG.querySelector("animate").beginElement(); works or not
so I think I'll just use a try-catch
@ZachSaucier querySelector(".animate") ?
SVG <animate> elem
i see :)
Hey Dash
// supported
that throws an error in all browsers :P
1:40 PM
Q: Detecting support for beginElement()

daGUYI'm using beginElement() to start an SVG animation in my web app: document.getElementById("item").beginElement(); But this causes the following error in IE9 and up (which doesn't support it): Object doesn't support property or method 'beginElement' I don't mind the animation not working in ...

oh it's using modernizr ?
@ZachSaucier SVGAnimationElement should be your object
actually function
@ZachSaucier yeah, but can be used without.
@easwee ah. Thanks
basically you are checking if your functions prototype contains the method
while your instance object will only have proto object
1:44 PM
@easwee nope
what than?
SVGAnimationElement is an interface
is what you are saying :P
without prototype
sry - yes
it's different, requires an element to be created, while SVGAnimationElement.prototype doesnt
the other way round
1:45 PM
errything breaks is unsupported in IE, lol
!!> SVGAnimationElement.prototype.beginElement
@easwee "ReferenceError: SVGAnimationElement is not defined"
just wondered what it will eval
@ZachSaucier try Element.prototype.beginElement or HTMLElement.prototype.beginElement
in chrome it is there
to lazy to check IE since I would have to reboot on win
1:47 PM
@Worf nope xD
ok it's not supported in ie at all
@ZachSaucier then just do as in mike's answer
apparently ie doesn't even support the interface, that's why :D
A: is beginElement() broken in IE 11?

Jonathan SampsonInternet Explorer 11 does not support SMIL animation presently. If you would like us to consider it for a future release, please visit our UserVoice and vote for the request.

if he says so I'll believe
@Worf doesn't work either. I don't know how it's supposed to work, given it's an in for an element...
see the code?
1:50 PM
var item = document.getElementById("item");

if ( item.beginElement ) {
  console.log( 'supported' );
} else {
  console.log( 'not supported' );
fails on all fricking browsers.
in is for modernizer.
@ZachSaucier you need to give us some code if you want an answer.
try catch works just fine
mind sharing what you did, just for giggles?
try catch is not optimal :P
there @ZachSaucier jsfiddle.net/yxyf9o5n
1:58 PM

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