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pro tip: do not do this to your body. there's a reason it works like it works
Implanon is awful though
Girls / Guys. Simple solution. Anal. You are welcome.
@mikedidthis you offering?
not even sure why you would do this after all. you're basically injecting poison in your body all three months
@rlemon throw in a meal and make me feel special.
@Sippy how long is she taking this now?
None of you actually know anything about female contraceptives do you
@mikedidthis I can stroke your hair and call you pretty
@rlemon <3
@Sippy I do, which is why I haven't said anything :P
erryone be cray cray
@Sippy Hey you're the expert in female contraceptives! :)
I do and I back you up.
@Eirinn I'm not, but you know nothing about them and are presuming to tell me things as fact that you don't know lol
That just not smart, yo
@Sippy You presume I know nothing which makes you a huge cunt m8 :)
I trust the crab in all things vag related
@mikedidthis @rlemon I literally almost said "Can I be the ring bearer?" then I thought .. context ...
@Eirinn @Sippy kiss and make up.
@rlemon If the lemon says so :(
I'm not mad, though he seems to be.
@Sippy <3
@Sippy making people mad is a nice side-ffect of being annoying
I've dated a number of girls who, as a side effect of taking female contraceptives, don't get a period. I've dated some who get fucked up on it.
^ same
^ same
cept the one who took the shot we didn't date long
she cray?
The one I dated who couldn't take any took them for years then stopped abruptly, I think that made her cray
but that wasn't the shot. I met her sister, it ran in the family
+ long pill use results in some dryness
She was totally insane.. like .. "Talk to other girls and I'll stab them" insane
oh well, why do I even care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@GNi33 sup?
@Sippy She's also filming you right now
@GNi33 I appreciate your concern :P it doesn't affect everyone the same way though
Sticking your dick in crazy is never a good idea
But it's def worth it :P
@Eirinn Man I would not be surprised ...
@BasementKeyboardHero just have an exit strategy
just check on it sometimes, all I'm saying
@rlemon bedroom window...
@GNi33 She has to go to the doctor every 3 months for it, and they check whether she can still take it every time
@mikedidthis "The Ladies man"
please tell me you've seen it
She might be coming off it soon cos she is possibly anemic which would fuck her up.
@rlemon nope
I know, get the opinion of another doctor
At which point her butt gonna get used a lot more. She can thank @mike for that.
@mikedidthis I recommend it
I will add it to the list.
after 3 years or so, the problems for my gf started, she eventually changed her doctor some time after and the new one went "are you out of your fucking mind taking this shit for so long?"
@GNi33 Hahaha
but I'm not bothering with this anymore, said what I wanted to say
Will keep that in mind :P
for a lot of girls, taking birth control of any kind is a waste of money. theres only a ~5 day window (average) where you can actually get pregnant.
I always forget some of the world has to pay for medication.
most developed countries have health care programs
USA is a late bloomer
its not just about the cost, though. taking hormones like that has side-effects
@TylerH I ended up answering that physics question myself :P
@cimmanon so does pregnancy ;)
#1 side effect is 18 years of no life.
I still don't get what the big deal about putting a rain coat over your little guy is, but that seems to be just me lately
@GNi33 because it feels different
@GNi33 It's horrible
(not that i would know)
but actually, looking back some years, who am I to even open my mouth :P
Completely takes the fun out of it for me
@GNi33 I use both.
And honestly, a lot of women don't like it much either.
er, we use both rather
Well, from my experience.
not sure, I tried a lot and found one that's perfectly acceptable
it doesn't feel as good as without, but it sure feel better than having an unwanted kid
I don't mind condoms at all
I don't feel anything to the point where there's no point having sex if I use a condom
Even the featherlight ones.
@ZachSaucier nice
hee hee rods touching
@StephanMuller yeah, but do you want to use them every time you have sex when youre married?
@Sippy this
@cimmanon naw probably not
@cimmanon snip snip :D
also the whole poison argument is bollocks
every single medicine you ever take is "putting poison in your body"
everything is poison in the right amount, and almost every medicine is something that "doesn't belong in your body"
kinda, yeah
@StephanMuller you can apply that to anything
!!wiki toxin
@ZachSaucier that is going to be my first winter project in the new house
A toxin (from Ancient Greek: τοξικόν toxikon) is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms; synthetic toxicants created by artificial processes are thus excluded. The term was first used by organic chemist Ludwig Brieger (1849–1919). Toxins can be small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macromolecules such as enzymes or cellular receptors. Toxins vary greatly in their severity, ranging from usually minor (such as a bee sting) to almost immediately deadly (such a...
@Eirinn ok, but lets say you want kids, just not for the first 5 years of your marriage
@cimmanon You can reverse a vasectomy
@rlemon I have a list of a few I'd like to make one day
@cimmanon It's reversible. But yeah 5 years is a bit short.
Also they're not 100% @Eirinn
I have a 15 year old brother because of that very reason rofl
my best friends mom was on the pill, father wore a condom. he's the 0.001%
@Sippy Don't they simply cut the pipes? You have a celibacy period of a few months to remove all traces.
she let that tid bit slip one day while drunk
we've never let him live it down
he's the youngest of 4 brothers. it makes sense they were stopping :D
@Eirinn Yep. It was a year after that my mom got pregnant lol
@Sippy ...you sure the father is who she says it is? :D
Our whole family look very alike..
Well, excluding mom.
Not sure how that can happen. If they cut the tubes no sperm should be able to leave your nuts? In that case it should be absolutely 0%
the tubes reconnect themselves
It's rare but it happens
@rlemon arh that sucks
your body is, you know, a growing organism.
And then you get little miracles!
@rlemon Some things don't grow back
I remember my mom shouting "OH GOD FUCKING DAMN IT."
nope, but this is just a reconnection
life.. finds a way
But now they have a protegé hahaha
@Sippy you were just the practise kid.
now they know how to not fuck it up
I was gen 1
hey guys how are you
Today I find a wired issue with my site js that I wrote
that's a damn shame
Its working fine in chrome
and not even working in firerfox
Did you write it in Java?
@Sippy Lol dude it's called LiveScript
I have no idea what is happening with it
so, what is your question?
can anyone give me any idea why this is happening?
hrm... I'll try.
Because you did something wrong.
@Eirinn xD
then how it is working fine in chrome?
@Sippy nonono it's always someone else!
@iSaumya I've looked through the code. Took me most of last weekend... I am happy and sad to report this (funny how that works out eh? you can be both happy and sad at the same time. You wouldn't think it is possible but here I am! smiling and crying, smiling because I have a solution. but crying because of the pain and suffering involved to get there) anyway, the issues is down around line 472. FantasyException: Lack of Unicorns
without a single error
@Eirinn Ah shit yes ofc
@iSaumya SOMEONE ELSE broke it.
You have a ninja saboteur in your midst.
should I share my code
that would be wise
do you guys wanna take a look ?
unless you enjoy the mocking :P
Can you do it with a fiddle
And by that I mean jsfiddle, don't post your code whilst playing a fiddle that'd just be weird.
I should write a few more of those for pre-seeded responses when people don't include code
Script it
hold on
So you don't even need to do it manually
okay and what is the issue
and before you say it, "doesn't work in FF" isn't a technical issue we can solve.
its working fine in chrome
and not even working in firefox
i have no clue why
what is the expected behavior that is not happening in FF
please don't make me guess things
well in that file I've actually made a lot of calls
now is you visit this post for example
and scroll down
	// Flixislider
this doesn' t need to be wrapped FYI
if 'noob' says 'java'
    if 'roomsThatUseJavaScript.Users.Contains('noob')
you will see the arrordation which expand when you click it
@rlemon I was going to comment on how awesome you are at predicting people, but then I realized it's not that you're good, it's that they're just that predictable
@rlemon what did I do wrong there?
I tried to call just the $('.flexslider').flexslider();
but it was giving me anynomous func error
wrapping it in a IIFE is pointless here
that is all I'm saying
I didnt my firent
1st time I call it simply
but in chrome it start giving me the anynomous function error
so I did that and the error got away
!!urban firent
@BoltClock No definition found for firent
well that IIFE looks like a bandaid solution.
Disclaimer: I got no idea what you guys are talking about, just seemed like a proper answer to that question
Fire ent?
@BasementKeyboardHero <3
@BasementKeyboardHero It was
You +1internetted
so, should I write a script to correct people in the chat who call it java script
afk, writing script.
That project would be made for scope creep
guys any idea why the wired issue is happening?
working fine in chrome opera
Yeah you've said.
No one knows.
You haven't really narrowed it down.
@rlemon you should probably kick them while you are at it :p
well I wasnt been able to
I tried to check the firefox console
but it doesnt even showingany freaking error
So I have no clue why this is happening specifically to firefox
Did I wrote the code wrongly?
You guys are pro
thats why I showed you my code that if I written soimething wrong
Go figure out a more specific scope for your problem and come back. Then we can help you.
ok can you tell me how can I do that?
is there any extension for firefox
Yeah, debug.
that might show me the error
@iSaumya start by eliminating code until the problem goes away.
ok will do that
@Sippy help me
I played windows roulette and lost :(
38 mins ago, by rlemon
I trust the crab in all things vag related
this is disgusting ^
....... ctrl + q is entirely too close to ctrl + a
@KeyboardWarrior play the slots if you play casino games - on average you have the highest chance to win money without loosing more than 10%
@BasementKeyboardHero Throws an error for me. What was it?
hi I have installed firebog and
Twas a clip from sambo
on the console it is showing $(".element").typed is not a function
@KeyboardWarrior rekt
use repair disc noob
but on the homepage
its working fine
are you including it ?
wel its a single js file with all the calls
like flexislider, typed.js etc etc
and its loaded on all page
where can we see this problem ?
firebug lal
now the same files loads up on the front page and there the typed thing is working fine
are you also including jquery?
1 message moved to Trash can
:( it isn't replacing properly
@rlemon Replace it with LiveScript
on the home page you will get error for TypeError: $(...).flexslider is not a function
Line 58
@rlemon cause ur not usng Java
because I'vent used flexislider there
so it seems when it tring to call something which is not in use it stoiped the script
how can I fix this so that if a call doesnt happen there it wont block the script
it just ignore it
in Trash can, 31 secs ago, by rlemon
rlemon meant to say: JavaScript is the best
I'm editing the wrong message :D
Basement Keyboard Hero meant to say: JavaScript
does anyone know how to do that?
so that in a js file if there is 5 calls to 5 js functions and on a pirticular page if there is on 2 call is working it wont throw error for rest of them
beside just ignore them
I'm going to make jquery even easier
so managers can use it
nice thought
that should be called as mQuery
for managers

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